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So Georg Zoeller left BW?


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Well, it's always sad to see people who's been here for a long time leave, but maybe the next class balance designer will fix my sorc for PvP healing.


Edit: It's almost funny how happy the folks over at Reddit are about this.

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Any way you try to spin this, it's bad news. He was the 'vision' behind this game, and for him to leave speaks volumes.


The few strands this game is hanging by are about to snap.


I don't know if I would call it his vision, more like he traced over Blizzards Vision and called it his own.... That said he did seem like a nice guy.... and was active in the forums unlike some Devs...

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Zoeller was more or less responsible for what we play today.


He was in charge of combat. His decisions dictated what the other teams did, not the other way around. The only thing he didn't have much input on was the artwork and story.


So to those of you saying 'he was only in charge of combat', get a clue. Combat is the core of this game, and when the devs themselves are jumping ship, you start to wonder.

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What does this mean for the game?


With no official annoucement it seems that this was not planned, does it mean that it will be 3 months while his replacement learns the ropes and then tries to implament some changes before the first year of the game goes by with very little additional content and mostly just pets and speeder rewards if you buy a second account?


1.3 was the group finder app and reducing PvP into an Xbox style MW style game play with same faction ranked warzones. What is the future of the game now we have seen the number of servers slashed by approximately 2 thirds. Seems very drastic locking of servers to see so many shut down has TOR really lost that many players?

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Zoeller was more or less responsible for what we play today.


He was in charge of combat. His decisions dictated what the other teams did, not the other way around. The only thing he didn't have much input on was the artwork and story.


So to those of you saying 'he was only in charge of combat', get a clue. Combat is the core of this game, and when the devs themselves are jumping ship, you start to wonder.


I mean no disrespect to Zoeller, but the combat in SW:TOR is the most derivative aspect of the game, as well as the aspect that was most often critically panned. It did nothing to differentiate itself from the status quo of the genre, and as a result, those who have already burned out on this decade-old routine found SW:TOR extremely lacking, no matter what else it brings to the genre. As you say, combat is the core of the game, and it did nothing to differentiate itself - nothing new or innovative.


I wish him well in future endeavours.

Edited by CelCawdro
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I mean no disrespect to Zoeller, but the combat in SW:TOR is the most derivative aspect of the game, as well as the aspect that was most often critically panned. It did nothing to differentiate itself from the status quo of the genre, and as a result, those who have already burned out on this decade-old routine found SW:TOR extremely lacking, no matter what else it brings to the genre. As you say, combat is the core of the game, and it did nothing to differentiate itself - nothing new or innovative.


I wish him well in future endeavours.


Which means it was on par with or better than the rest of the game.


This game has done nothing new or innovative - period - the combat being no exception.


Also, you're not looking at this from the right perspective, it's not like his work was viewed as being of low quality within the company and he was fired or laid off. Despite all of the negative tone that you have for the work that he has done, it was his *decision* to leave Bioware and not the other way around. He was obviously tired of being a part of the project and was more interested in other things, it says something about the game when the developers begin to lose their passion.


You can critique him all you want, but he made the decision to walk away, and that says more about the game than anything you have said about his combat development.

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It did nothing to differentiate itself from the status quo of the genre, and as a result, those who have already burned out on this decade-old routine found SW:TOR extremely lacking,


Not everyone burned themselves out playing wow for 7 years. I got my main to lvl 50 in 2 weeks, the only thing that kept me playing after that was PVP, I would say the combat is pretty fun. The most universal complain against this game was the lack of content at level 50, not the combat. Sure you can find someone to nitpick at the comabat mechanics, but overall they were pretty well done.

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Zoeller was more or less responsible for what we play today.


He was in charge of combat. His decisions dictated what the other teams did, not the other way around. The only thing he didn't have much input on was the artwork and story.


So to those of you saying 'he was only in charge of combat', get a clue. Combat is the core of this game, and when the devs themselves are jumping ship, you start to wonder.


Zoeller isn't "jumping ship." It was a decision that he and his wife came to together after living for a quarter of their lives in North America. I don't have to "start to wonder," as he came right out and said why he was leaving Bioware.

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Zoeller isn't "jumping ship." It was a decision that he and his wife came to together after living for a quarter of their lives in North America. I don't have to "start to wonder," as he came right out and said why he was leaving Bioware.


The lack of any communication from him after the round of lay-offs says that he was all but gone by then. Why did Austin Peckenpaugh suddenly take up any and all combat design communication after that event?


This can only be good news, anyone who came out with "that" infamous line about Scoundrels and Operatives should have been fired instantly.

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Not everyone burned themselves out playing wow for 7 years. I got my main to lvl 50 in 2 weeks, the only thing that kept me playing after that was PVP, I would say the combat is pretty fun. The most universal complain against this game was the lack of content at level 50, not the combat. Sure you can find someone to nitpick at the comabat mechanics, but overall they were pretty well done.


You are implying that this style of combat started and ended with WoW. :rolleyes:

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I figured he was already gone back when Reid was booted.. people move on nothing earth shaking here, I wish him the best of luck in Singapore, I did enjoy his posts, when he was calling out posts that were competely false..


But some people move on because they see a vision of a failing company that will possibly be broken up and merged completely into EA and he probably didn't want to work for EA directly.


Or he might of just found a better job :)

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The lack of any communication from him after the round of lay-offs says that he was all but gone by then. Why did Austin Peckenpaugh suddenly take up any and all combat design communication after that event?


This can only be good news, anyone who came out with "that" infamous line about Scoundrels and Operatives should have been fired instantly.


Oh, I'm not making any kind of judgement or offering any opinion on whether or not his leaving is a good or bad thing. All I'm saying is that it wasn't a "forced out the door" type of situation, since both he and his wife made the decision to leave. For the poster I quoted to say "it makes you wonder" is more than heading into tin foil hat territory, since he comes right out and says that it was a decision the both of them came to, and part of the reason for the decision was the fact that they'd spent a quarter of their lives in one part of the world.


That being said, I agree with you that his silence recently is a pretty good indicator that he had obviously been considering this for a while.

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You are implying that this style of combat started and ended with WoW. :rolleyes:


The impact of this decision has a lot less to do with the combat in the game than it has to do with the fact that design leads are beginning to lose their enthusiasm and passion for the game.


Chances are pretty good you are not going to see an overhaul of the combat system as a result of this. They will simply take the template that Georg left them and continue with it, whether you personally like the system in place or not, this is what the game is built around, and without a floor to ceiling overhaul you're not going to see it changed.


The people behind the game are simply beginning to care less, and who can blame them? Even developers aren't immune to hype, and it's fair to say that this game has not lived up to their personal expectations, and they've been forced to hear all about. It's hard to stay positive when you get to read all about how your game is struggling despite your best efforts everytime you so much as glance at an article about it. Can't really blame them.

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That being said, I agree with you that his silence recently is a pretty good indicator that he had obviously been considering this for a while.


Of course he has, if you are a professional you don't just stand up a and leave like that. He probably had "pass the torch" to his successor and facilitate everything so they could fill the stop left by him.

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But some people move on because they see a vision of a failing company that will possibly be broken up and merged completely into EA and he probably didn't want to work for EA directly.


Or he might of just found a better job :)


SWTOR has seen a massive drop in subs, but I don't think you can claim it's "failing" yet...let alone EA 'failing'. I'm sure his departure will be good for the game, as well as for himself. This game will certainly benefit from a new "vision" on some preexisting problems.

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And he was right, Operatives were making people leaving the game.


Anyways he is going to Singapore,i think lucasarts have a building there.And they just said today

they are working on a star wars fps game. Maybe thats were GZ is going. Anyways good luck Georg.

Edited by Parali
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