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Space..Infinite universe, yet stuck on rails.


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Bioware please make space more like SWG. I would like to explore a sandbox space area instead of being stuck on rails and playing predefined objectives. Space in SWG was really good. You could explore anywhere in space and do anything. They also had POB (player on board) ships. It was immensely cool to be able to walk around a friend's ship with furniture in it, while your friend pilots. It was also nice to be able to hop in a turret and help with the battle. In the Return trailer I saw Satele Shan on a turret fighting off enemies. Why can't we do that? Please improve space combat.
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I agree with the OP, if you didn't play SWG or didn't do space in SWG then you don't know what you missed out on. Space is awesome, Star Fox is not space and I would have preffered to have no space then to have Str Fox style space. It's just not Star Wars like. SWG was Star Wars X-Wing series style space, but better.
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I agree with the OP, if you didn't play SWG or didn't do space in SWG then you don't know what you missed out on. Space is awesome, Star Fox is not space and I would have preffered to have no space then to have Str Fox style space. It's just not Star Wars like. SWG was Star Wars X-Wing series style space, but better.


Space is an empty black void of death waiting to strike. Any kind of navigation from one system to the next requires Hyperspace, which is a rigidly navigated and carefully calculated route. Space is not a place you visit in awe and wonderement of its splendor: it's something that you move through in order to get to your next objective, and this is especially true in Star Wars. There is no exploration any of the major stories, the novelty of being in space is completly gone, but all of the dangers are still there.

Jump to Lightspeed in particular was an absolute borefest. Sure, you got to go "anywhere", but there wasn't anything to do once you were out there. I for one have always though "it's not the destination, but the journey" is an absolute lie.

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SWG is gone. quit whining about it.


i never played it, myself, but i like the star fox type space combat.





He's not whinning. He's simply asking for something many, many players would like to see happen.


As you can see, he's not alone in this. I also would like to see open free roaming space ala SWG.

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