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PotF server chat action required.


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How about just having a Bioware employee monitor chat on occasion?! Random check in's would do wonders.

Oh you mean like the Fun Police?

Let's not let people use general chat to generally chat about anything.... :rolleyes:

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If you believe that someone is violating the Terms of Service, you are definitely encouraged to report that player by submitting a ticket in-game. Customer Service will take any necessary actions based on your report. I would never discourage anyone from doing this, but also wanted to offer some other solutions that may mitigate it immediately if it is having a negative effect on anyone's experience.


I'm honestly not surprised by this generic response. I have been reporting folks since server xfers have gone up and nothing has been done about them at all. Still see them cussing away or trolling away or simply talking disgusting in general chat. I put one on ignore 5 more pop up. And this movie title spam is getting out of hand. Even when we are reporting folks or using ignore it is continuing the kids have taken over general chat and bioware isn't willing to do anything what a surprise. Im starting to get tired of doing the job that a bioware employee should be doing. Why isn't there a CSR or bioware employee policing general chat in the highest population zones? Honestly this is getting out of control and I'm thinking of just quitting the game. Just not worth the money I pay each month to put up with kids like this.

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You do know why the BW employees responded in this thread the way they did right?


I mean what the others are doing in general chat is by all means totally legit. They encourage the use of the ignore button, because it's there. That is to say no disruptive behaviour could come from not using it.


The employees have to step lightly on these things at times, I mean like 1 month ago, an employee probably got in trouble for disrupting some players griefing some other players. Sure they were griefing and they were on a PVP server, but BW admitted what the employee did wrong.


It'd probably be crazy if all of a sudden a CSR came into the GC and started banning people for making Jawa movie jokes.


The ignore button isn't something difficult to understand or use... Even if there are countless of people that you think need it.

Edited by MasterFeign
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Oh you mean like the Fun Police?

Let's not let people use general chat to generally chat about anything.... :rolleyes:


It's General Chat - you can chat generally in it. But you don't have some pretend right to spam it with random dumb **edit** just because you want to. When your spam prevents me from using chat, you're violating the TOS.

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It's General Chat - you can chat generally in it. But you don't have some pretend right to spam it with random dumb **edit** just because you want to. When your spam prevents me from using chat, you're violating the TOS.


Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If there are no rules being violated, why would they ban a bunch of people having fun just for you?

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I'm honestly not surprised by this generic response. I have been reporting folks since server xfers have gone up and nothing has been done about them at all. Still see them cussing away or trolling away or simply talking disgusting in general chat. I put one on ignore 5 more pop up. And this movie title spam is getting out of hand. Even when we are reporting folks or using ignore it is continuing the kids have taken over general chat and bioware isn't willing to do anything what a surprise. Im starting to get tired of doing the job that a bioware employee should be doing. Why isn't there a CSR or bioware employee policing general chat in the highest population zones? Honestly this is getting out of control and I'm thinking of just quitting the game. Just not worth the money I pay each month to put up with kids like this.
A big reason I left WoW was because of how prevalent pubescent nerd rage is in the game. TOR has its moments but nothing the community won't stand up to fix on the spot, and nowhere near as bad as WoW. Faceless communications mediums somehow translate to inconsequential behavior for some. It's unfortunate but I think this is a societal issue that won't go away. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If there are no rules being violated, why would they ban a bunch of people having fun just for you?


What?! LOL! Read what I typed again there Spock. I've never suggested they ban anyone. However, if several people are spamming general chat, they could be preventing me from using it. Just because the activity is fun, doesn't mean it's not abusing it.

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The Jawa General Chat ordeal doesn't bother me. I have thicker skin than that. Besides, I doubt I'm going to get all worked up and threaten to quit the game because of the thousands of others having a discussion with each other.


I'm guessing that these same people would leave the Carnival because every ride they rode on had almost everyone talking about Jawas, etc.






Thicker skin ... get some.

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I mean in all honesty... it is called general chat. This means by definition that you can chat about anything in "general", and that it is not restricted to subject but rather there for people to talk/post/discuss or other wise interact.


You are upset that you can not use this chat channel to find groups or buy/sell, but really those are not the purposes of the general chat channel.


Group Finder and GTN are really the primary way that you should be fulfilling these actions as well as the trade channel if there is one, I am not sure whether there is or not haha


Im sorry this is interfering with your enjoyment of the game though. But try to be as adaptive as you can be.

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Can something please be done about Prophecy of the Five's server general chat. This is the second day that people have been spamming <movie titles> Jawa. It has almost been 24hours since they started, my ignore list is full on all my toons, and they clog up the chat making it impossible to find groups or sell items.


I'm not sure I get what you're saying here. Can you provide some examples???

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I've left general on all my toons, it's that bad.


What I do love is that I received a warning for violating the TOS when I was reported for using profanity by some teenie spamming Jawa Does Dallas and Two Jawas, One Cup but the constant disruption of general still rumbles on with no end in sight and zero action by a CSR to alleviate said disruption. That's the last time I respond to "Your mother" by telling the guy he can "go ahead and **** her, just stop all this jawa ****, please."


Why does the game even have a profanity filter if you can be actioned for "offending" someone who made the choice to turn it off?

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Can something please be done about Prophecy of the Five's server general chat. This is the second day that people have been spamming <movie titles> Jawa. It has almost been 24hours since they started, my ignore list is full on all my toons, and they clog up the chat making it impossible to find groups or sell items.


Isn't that what "trade" chat is for?

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I've left general on all my toons, it's that bad.


What I do love is that I received a warning for violating the TOS when I was reported for using profanity by some teenie spamming Jawa Does Dallas and Two Jawas, One Cup but the constant disruption of general still rumbles on with no end in sight and zero action by a CSR to alleviate said disruption. That's the last time I respond to "Your mother" by telling the guy he can "go ahead and **** her, just stop all this jawa ****, please."


Why does the game even have a profanity filter if you can be actioned for "offending" someone who made the choice to turn it off?

Because filterable language by itself may not be offensive to most, though how it is wielded can be. If it's wielded in an offensive manner then it's a reportable offense. Some clown spamming how he had butseks with everyone's mom last night (there's an IQ having problems exceeding single digits ftw) is endlessly more offensive than someone dropping an f-bomb because they're back at the stims vendor - again. Defamatory, derogatory or otherwise malicious chat, regardless of whether or not a language filter picks it up, is a romper room no-no. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Because filterable language by itself may not be offensive to most, though how it is wielded can be. If it's wielded in an offensive manner then it's a reportable offense. Some clown spamming how he had butseks with everyone's mom last night (there's an IQ having problems exceeding single digits ftw) is endlessly more offensive than someone dropping an f-bomb because they're back at the stims vendor - again. Defamatory, derogatory or otherwise malicious chat, regardless of whether or not a language filter picks it up, is a romper room no-no.

I was referring to my own mother by giving someone permission to go ahead and do whatever to her. I guess he's seen her before.:p

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So you are admitting that either in game GMs won't police the abuse of general chat or are not allowed to police and that we have to either opt out of general chat or put up with all the goings on. Why have general chat then?


General chat is for chatting about whatever. They aren't going to police it as long as someone isn't spamming advertisements, racial slurs,


If someone doesn't like gen chat they can simply leave it. This is not bioware's problem.

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It's General Chat - you can chat generally in it. But you don't have some pretend right to spam it with random dumb **edit** just because you want to. When your spam prevents me from using chat, you're violating the TOS.


Wrong. Chat is not spam. If I post a 7 line recruitment every 15 seconds, I'd call that spam. People having conversations is not spam. Use another chat channel if you can't handle it. :rolleyes:

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Can something please be done about Prophecy of the Five's server general chat. This is the second day that people have been spamming <movie titles> Jawa. It has almost been 24hours since they started, my ignore list is full on all my toons, and they clog up the chat making it impossible to find groups or sell items.


You want something done to people that are chatting about Jawas so you can spam LFG and WTB/WTS????


Just.....wow.... special little snowflake, are ya?

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If you believe that someone is violating the Terms of Service, you are definitely encouraged to report that player by submitting a ticket in-game. Customer Service will take any necessary actions based on your report. I would never discourage anyone from doing this, but also wanted to offer some other solutions that may mitigate it immediately if it is having a negative effect on anyone's experience.


What about for hackers? Been putting in a lot of tickets. Not seeing much in the way of action/bans.

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What about for hackers? Been putting in a lot of tickets. Not seeing much in the way of action/bans.


They might have told you, but when you report someone they generally tell you they'll look into it and that you won't get any further updates into the matter.

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So you are admitting that either in game GMs won't police the abuse of general chat or are not allowed to police and that we have to either opt out of general chat or put up with all the goings on. Why have general chat then?


If it's just an annoying conversation, there isn't anything actionable. It's just annoying.

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Can something please be done about Prophecy of the Five's server general chat. This is the second day that people have been spamming <movie titles> Jawa. It has almost been 24hours since they started, my ignore list is full on all my toons, and they clog up the chat making it impossible to find groups or sell items.



"I want General chat catered to my particular interests, I don't care if other people are entertaining themselves and each other with good natured sillyness I WANT WHAT I WANT and I want BW to force other players to only speak about things I deem acceptable."


General Chat (last time I checked) was for....General Chat. It's not "reserved" for selling things( /trade channel is a thing, you know) and it's not reserved for group making.


Maybe you should just make your own custom passworded VIP channel where you can dictate the content to your little heart's desire.

Edited by DizzD
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