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You Need To Reward Open World PvP - ASAP!


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you can put whatever rewards you want for world pvp, the only result will be people flocking to centric areas where those rewards are prevalent, if they are good enough to waste time in that is, and stick there.


thats not world pvp, world pvp in this game inst good, and thats just the way it is, I was pretty sad and dissapointed too, but I honestly dont see how to turn that around...

world pvp doesnt come from rewards, it comes from situation, from player driven events, the best world pvp I ever seen had no rewards at all in fact.


building a living breathing world where people want and need to travel about and be in areas for different stuff, will inevitebly bring oposing faction players together, thats how you build world pvp, the third pillar (exploration), crafting/gathering, world events, world bosses etc.

all that is poor on non existant for ToR :/

players dont travel much, when they do is only briefly to complete a few quick missions, the areas to wich they travel to are mostly huge and vacant and most areas are isolated between factions, its rare to meet oposing faction at all.

Edited by Ganan
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Congratulations, you just sealed me trying Aion if world PvP is actually encouraged there.


If you are thinking about playing Aion think again. What that gentalman failed to tell you was that that game is not balanced at all. There is open world PvP but its either zerg vs. zerg or you getting zerged 90% of the time. It takes about 1 year to get a full end game PvP set which obsolete by the time you get it due to new content. The socketing and enchanting (methods to improve the stats on your gear) has a high rate of failure which reduces the stats you paid money to get. Also unless you are an Elyos on any but one of the servers you will be out numbered 3:1.

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Yeah, i have been questing from 1-32, and notice that there is NO WORLD PVP at all.


Firstly, Don't compare to wow this wow that.


But wow has done many things right


For instance,


Alliance and Horde Share the same quests, So if i was a horde and needed to head over to this camp for a kill quest and see a Alliance ****** all the mobs i need, i will have to fight him over it! creating World pvp and many other fun battles.



Seems like in Swtor the map is spilt in half. bad idea.

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I browsed through about 10 pages of these forum posts. Alot of people seem to want rewards but arent clear about the rewards that they wish to get. Why is this important? Because people tend to have unrealistic demands when it comes to rewards. What sort of rewards are you hoping to get and how will said reward clash with completing objectives in Ilum? If rewards are finally gained, and as I mentioned before people are unrealistic about said rewards, many people will complain about them.


Let's say you gain 3 warzone commendations for a world pvp kill. Or probably much more likely a commendation in which you can trade in for warzone commendations. If this happens it needs to be balanced with the commendations gained in warzones or it will destroy the balance.


Theres alot to consider with rewards commendations. The problem with rewarding gear is that you have to continually update gear that can be earned through open world pvp. In addition, gear earned this way cannot be better than gear obtained through the PvP gear grind.


TLDR: Dont expect rewards anytime soon.

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World PvP is flawed in nearly every way.

If you reward players for doing world PvP, it will result in death-trading and unfair ganks.


Past MMOs have proved this.



EDIT: As the above post says, unless you come up with a real suggestion on how to improve it, I can't see an improvement coming anytime soon.

Simply saying "+1" doesn't help the developers figure out a new way to 'fix' world PvP and it only floods the thread with spam, covering up the useful and interesting posts that are actually helpful to the developers.



Stop posting "+1" and come up with ideas on HOW to fix the thing you want to be fixed.

Edited by Revwood
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1) mercenary marks, valor and xp for world PvP kills;


2) commendations for defending and assaulting points on Ilum.


Because right now I don't see any points to log in to the game as level50 assassin - besides 10-15 minutes of daily "PvP" points switching on Ilum without actual PvP.

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DAOC solved it 10 years ago, sir... diminishing returns for same person dying repeatedly over certain timespans, and no rewards for awhile if you kill the same guy a bunch of times. Combine that with drop rates being reasonable, and you make it pointless to try "farming" a friend. Plus it would likely be bannable if caught, anyway.


Especially seeing as EA merged Mythic into Bioware, you'd assume there would be a couple of people that would've thought of integrating some of the better aspects of DAoC into this game. Then again, Mythic did not even seem to integrate many of their best ideas into their own game (Warhammer Online).

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Especially seeing as EA merged Mythic into Bioware, you'd assume there would be a couple of people that would've thought of integrating some of the better aspects of DAoC into this game. Then again, Mythic did not even seem to integrate many of their best ideas into their own game (Warhammer Online).


that's because mythic split....the dummies stayed at mythic and merged with BW, the smart ones went and formed PitchBlackGames and are working on a killer-looking game called DOMINUS, where all of our PvP woes will be answered.

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I browsed through about 10 pages of these forum posts. Alot of people seem to want rewards but arent clear about the rewards that they wish to get.


Theres alot to consider with rewards commendations. The problem with rewarding gear is that you have to continually update gear that can be earned through open world pvp. In addition, gear earned this way cannot be better than gear obtained through the PvP gear grind.


TLDR: Dont expect rewards anytime soon.


What you should have gleaned from the 10 pages is that people are not happy with what is there and want something better, THAT is the point, it's BWs job to figure it out and provide it. It's not really that hard to at least give equal rewarding in OWPvP to WZs, but really with all the complexity in the game and other games, good PvP is the easiest to figure out because the players will do it themselves if you simply give them the tools. It's not even about 'REWARDS' necessarily, but about having some recognition of fighting and killing and dying for their faction; some 'point' to it, the reward can be as simple as owning an outpost that gives you closer access to questing areas, that's rewarding but not a 'reward'. How about for every 10 kills/assisted kills you get 1 valor point, use valor points for _____, _______, and ____. I could easily come up with a dozen things that would work better than what is there now, and I'm not even putting 5 years of my life into developing it.


I was pretty sure I had read/seen interviews with BW developers saying that the end game for PvP would not be a gear grind, however, it is. It doesn't matter if it is coming from commendations or gear ladders of another sort. This is the most disgusting thing in my opinion and I'd rather 0 rewards opposed to gear rewards, did they learn nothing from other games? (apparently not.)

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This is why world PvP rewards should NOT be individual rewards (or atleast only marginally so). Make it something like...a 10% damage buff for the ENTIRE faction that controls a PvP world, for as long as they can hold it. Ad a second PvP world with a 10% healing buff for the faction that holds it. A third with a 10% XP gain buff, etc. When I say 'for the faction that holds it' I mean faction wide, everywhere. If Republic holds all 3, that level 1 alt that you just rolled is doing 10% more damage, 10% more healing, and gaining 10% more XP.


Watch people drop everything to defend their worlds. Watch masive battles take place. World PvP should be meaningful and have consequences...not just 'what shiny gear can *I* get out of it".


This. Marvelous.

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Bump. Why does doing the objectives even give us a buff that gives us an increased % of valour gained from killing people on Ilum. You get what...300% extra valour gained per kill. But 300% of 0 valour is still 0.


Just wondering why we gain a buff that increases our open world pvp valour gain when we dont actually gain valour from those kills.


They need to give incentive for open world pvp but at the same time, make sure its not exploitable by idiots making opposite faction chars and farming themselves/friends for reward.

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Bump. Why does doing the objectives even give us a buff that gives us an increased % of valour gained from killing people on Ilum. You get what...300% extra valour gained per kill. But 300% of 0 valour is still 0.


Just wondering why we gain a buff that increases our open world pvp valour gain when we dont actually gain valour from those kills.


They need to give incentive for open world pvp but at the same time, make sure its not exploitable by idiots making opposite faction chars and farming themselves/friends for reward.


Very true.


There isn't any reward for even Staying on Ilum after you've gotten what you needed...so it's basically worthless to even want to stay around.

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Not just reward...we need encouragement.


BW's planet design for PvP is horrid, they actually have exhaustion zones on Tatt blocking you off from certain Republic questing areas.


Are there no PvP'ers in BW? No one spoke up when they saw how they were designing this catastrophe?

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