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Kotor 3


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It's a bit late for that, for starters.


Second, the first games followed a set story line, slowly moving through the timeline, viewing different conflicts through the eyes of different characters and also varying perspectives. What we have now doesn't have that same flow at all, which is 8 completly seperate stories at the same time, in mostly the same places.


The comparison to Final Fantasy is also kind of bunk because the huge majority of games in that franchise are complely autonomous of one another. The only time that they are connected to one another is when they have two numerical series (such as X 2). The connectivity and canon of Star Wars however can't be understated however. It covers tens of thousands of years in the galaxy and so many different characters and stories that have been written throughout the various decades, that even though there are stories (like Knights of the Old Republic) that are completly seperate from the storyline in the movies, it fits snuggly in the much larger picture and feels like a small part in this huge epic.


I think what's most important though is that there's more to the KOTOR stories that TOR is solely lacking, which is moral themes and dilema's. The First Knights of The Old Republic, ultimatly, dealt with redemption. Can people be reedemed against their will? At all? If given the choice of going back to the old ways, would you? The Second game touches on some of those same things but mostly touches on atonement and consequences. Can you anticipate the consequences of your actions? If you knew what would happen, would you still have done it? The Old Republic doesn't have that: It has cut-and-dry Light Side and Dark Side morality (which to be fair so did KOTOR) and no real justification or consequences for your actions. There's nothing to "think" about with The Old Republic, and that's what you need so desperatly in a single player game.

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