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New "main hub" been discussed?


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Hey folks, just sifted through 4 pages of threads to no avail and figured I would throw this up.


I have seen a lot of unfortunately negative feedback about the Imperial Fleet design and size issues (feeling cramped all the time). I would have to agree and would love to see Kaas City/Coruscant become the main faction hubs once again. To my knowledge, the cities have everything the fleet does minus the operation/flashpoint terminals.


Would you guys like to see this change?

Has it been mentioned/discussed by BioWare?

Would this be a difficult task to change it? I can see them adding a shuttle to the Imperial/Republic fleet from the city to run operations, etc. and that would simply solve that issue.


Let's hear some thoughts!

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I know I have seen this question before and one of the more salient answers I saw was:


These planets also happen to be the quest zones for level 10-18 , the datacron assembly planets and the location of the legacy vendors. Making it the hub would increase the lag and make it more difficult for those there to quest do what they need to do.


Now I love the idea from a story perspective so here is a suggestion, why not make a hub destination on the Prime planets (Cor and Kaas) that is in a different instance that also connects to the Fleet and make the Fleet the primary Flash Point, Ops and Warzone launch points this would break the spaces into smaller chunks that would remain lag free.

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Just imagine a ingame poll by bioware.


Do you like standing areound in fleet YES/NO


Or do you want to be on a world/planet social hub that feels alive and makes you

feel like your in the star wars universe YES/NO


Of course they would not ask it like this but i'm pretty surre atleast 95% would say NO to beeing in fleet.

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I agree on the capital cities. Only if there was something to bring people there. Hmm, the ability to set up a stall and a PVP arena would go down nicely and to have all the NPC's that are on the fleet in the city, but the cities would have to be instanced for PVPers loading times. That's the main reason why people will sit in the fleet.
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I like the instances city suggestion a lot and could definitely see that working. Now I'm not too familiar with Coruscant but I know in Kaas City, huge sets of stairs lead down to an open area right in the middle of the city. This would be a great PvP area for people that want to duel and the same set of stairs leads right up to where the GTN/Crafting vendors and everything else is. The design is perfect and I would definitely love the feeling much more than the fleet. Or just make a cross faction main hub city on Correlia or another high level planet where imps and pubs can just hang out together. Somewhat similar to the main city in the Burning Crusade expansion for WoW (can't remember the name).
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