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You get to fix/tweak one thing that affects PvP, what would that be?


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For me it would be Undying Rage. As a sorc/sage there are several things I'd like to change, foremost my own class and mercs, but I would give up on every possible buff out there if they just nerfed Undying Rage, preferably to the ground. I've come to tolerate other classes' bursts but to grant someone 5 seconds of immunity is just beyond me.


This is usually how it goes. Mara sees me and obviously thinks "mmm free kill", I base this assumption on the fact that maras will jump us regardless of where we currently are or what we're doing. I don't have much burst so I will use what I can and then try to kite him around. Let me just add here that we're not talking about 1 vs 1 kiting on Ilum, it's a completely different story to kite in an enviroment where seven other enemies consider you to be a free kill too. But believe it or not I'm usually pretty succesful in my kiting. That's when it happens, he pops undying rage. Now I have to try to avoid him for an additional 5 seconds, which ironically is the average TTK in this game if you're playing a sage/sorc. To make things worse I usually have everything on CD, including slow and probably dionization on bubble, by the time I've taken him down to the point that he pops UR. Now what? Based on the outcome of 1 vs 1'es (again, the maras are instigating them. I have no interest in 1 vs 1'ing in wz'es) where the maras have their UR on CD I'd say that I would win the vast majority of encounters if it hadnt been for this one ability.


So yeah, that's what I would "fix". A 30 % damage reduction to the cost of less HP would have been much more reasonable. Or even better, decrease their damage output while UR is active and increase their speed so they can use it to get out of a tricky situation. Other classes have camo and sorcs have sprint to get away from the heat but maras have a defensive ability that actually works as an offensive one. But no, we're talking about 99 % damage reduction for 50 % HP at a point where he's pretty much down to zero. That's immunity.


What would you tweak/fix/nerf/buff if you could only change one thing?

Edited by MidichIorian
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I had an idea, and didn't really think it through, but I'll post it.


If your cc-break is on cooldown, then every death will knock 10 seconds off of the cooldown. This won't be abused because you must be in combat to /stuck, and using /stuck would waste about 10 seconds with respawn doors and all.

To even things out, you should always respawn with no resolve.


Don't think it's game-breaking at all. Just a thought.

Edited by GemG
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I would probably say move the talented skill to let you change the minimum range on force charge. Move It to the second or third tier of Rage so Juggernauts can access it too. It used to be in tier 2 or 3 of the Carnage Marauder tree, and now It's in a higher tier in Annihilation. I don't care If it was In the second to highest tier of Rage, I would love to see Juggs access it too. It would be a night and day difference as well because of some of our talents: to make Force scream free after a charge, or our 20% damage reduction/Ignore cc after a charge in the Vengance tree.


This would make Juggernauts a little more useful in Warzones like Civil war or Novare Coast, and not just loved for Huttball purposes. They're viable now, but you don't see them as often as Marauders/Powertechs.

Edited by Igniteeee
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I'd change the 31 point final tier skill of Defense/Immortal into something called "Defense mastery"


- You may now defend against Force/Tech attacks, albeit with a 25% reduction in current defense chance

(ie. if 30% base, 22.5%)

- You may now shield crit attacks, 70% efficiency, albeit with a 25% reduction in current shield chance

- Your base internal/elemental resistance provided by Soresu Form is increased by additional 10% (16% total)

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It would be people who cry on the forums for nerfs because their favored class isn't in god mode anymore.


Flavor of the Month Sentinel with a useless post. /golfclap



My fix would to make every class have a spec that is viable for PvP instead of the big-3 that we have now.

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i would make resolve the cc breaker and the cc breaker skill points work like this:


the system will work based on two components


1.Resolve bar counts up based on the time you spent cc'ed (we get a bar filling every moment you stay stunned or mezzed or any other form of denies-control-of character effect) at 6 seconds the bar turns from white to red and starts counting down for 12 seconds, during this time you are immune to all cc. When u use your cc braker you instanly remove all cc(and roots) from you and 2 seconds (2.5/3.0 with the 2 point skill instead of 10% health regain) worth of stun are added to the bar.


2.Physics bubbles or bar or whatever they want to call it, under your (and other players) resolve bar there are 4 empty circles, every time a physics or root effect is applied to a player one of them becomes white for 6 seconds if no other roots/physics happen the circles 'empty' again, if additional roots/physics happen additional cicles fill up and the 6 second countdown resets when the 4th root/kb happens all roots are dispelled from you and for 12 seconds no further roots or physics can affect you.

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get rid of stealth.

Its a cruch in sooo many mmo's and needs to be done away with.


ow wouldnt that world be glorius? i mean swtor took care of pet classes why cant they take care of stealth classes also? if need be give a shadowmeld ability to every1 outside of warzones and flashpoints/operations.

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It would be give us something more than kill the guy with the thing and or guard the node/door...


sith, jedi..


troopers, bounty hunters...


the best we can come up with is Huttball?



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get rid of stealth.

Its a cruch in sooo many mmo's and needs to be done away with.


I wouldn't get rid of stealth altogether, but I like the way that GW2 are handling stealth, making it a cooldown with a limited duration, so similar to the sentinel/marauder skill. I like the fact that there are pure glass cannon classes that need an escape mechanic on a cooldown.


I'd add in arena with spectator mode, or cross server queueing for warzones.

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In game voice chat so PUGs might actually have a chance against premades.
That would have been a sweet feature. It's in every FPS so I don't see why it can't be standard in MMO's where it's atleast equally important to coordinate.


Inb4-someone has to point out that this isnt a FPS despite that it's totally irrelevant to the discussion.

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