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3 Things That Could Improve Star Wars: The Old Republic


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Please watch and tell me what you think:



Do you agree or disagree, please let me know either way. Other improvements might push additions like this back but the Pazaak game would probably be the easiest to add first. :)

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I think those would be great additions and I welcome anything that breaks up the daily quest grind or leveling grind. Space Missions and PVP are great distractions and more the merrier.
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I disagree on all 3 ideas.


1: No we did not all like the old pod raceing, it was a joke compared to wipeout.

2: It might be a fun little thing to be able to do, but it do not in anyway improve the game.

3: This is an mmorpg and you wanna give buff/debuffs from a singleplayer game style, plz no this game is allrdy too much of a multiplayergame than an mmorpg, that this idea will only make the game worse.

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It might be a fun little thing to be able to do, but it do not in anyway improve the game.


I respect your opinion but I personally think any or all of them would improve the social aspect to some extent, if not add more depth to PvP

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Its a good video... however, why present gambling so negatively as an addiction.


The way I see it as is that people naturally are not addicted to hurting themselves... and therefore naturally in a simulated reality it is best to have a simulated environment of gambling to remove the addictivess of gambling since if it hurts them that they lose, they will stop or only play every once in a while - or play for smaller stakes.


So imo, it actually exposes the harshness of gambling pvp, and how it is dificult to turn gambling into a profitable job.


The addiction would be video gaming, which are MMOs are already known for. So the genre itself is already not for the ones with addictive personalities. And as mentioned earlier simulated gambling makes the addiction to gambling less likely since it becomes a harsh reality of losing or winning randomly.


The good thing about gambling is that it gives people more purpose to make money in the game.


I believe the problem with introducing these feauturs is that it might attract gold farmers by making money more valuable.


However, before they introduce gambling as a big money sink... I believe BW devs should introduce big money sinks into the game other than gear for example - space ships/player housing/guild ships/castles... this way when people lose a lot of money they know what they will be giving up on the chance to get those extra items easier - which might still be worth it for them.


In my own personal tastes for quality of life, it would greatly increase the games entertainment and RnR from fighting - which makes the game seem more of a simulated reality in a sci-fi fantasy instead of a very safe story being narrated quite well despite its disdvatnages of being themepark with not much of a danger in terms of pvp while questing or any other mechanics for that really.


So swtor has great story, fun combat, customization with gear, nice crafting and getting better, space missions which need to be pvp, FP/raids, WZ, and needs large WZs similar to BGs... but also something that makes the world feel like a simulated reality and to create a social atmosphere at the same time. Thats the point of a MMO, its not just offering alternative content, but also creating a simulated reality of its own. They set up the context for the story to be narrated but it needs more to be on that epic scale for MMOs.

Edited by VegaPhone
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The problem with introducing pazzak or betting games of any variety into The Old Republic or other MMO's is that you automatically become susceptible to state or federal anti-gambling laws, many of which completly outlaw any form of online gambling.


I disagree with the overall mindset in these proposals. Players don't play (and pay for) MMO's to watch things. They play to DO things, and I think the idea that people will spectate other people's events is unrealistic, particularly if it's always on.


People watch sporting events, poker competititions, and the like because it's only on a certain time. If you want to watch the Cubs, you HAVE to be at the park or near a tv or radio when the game is going. While that works well for sports and true spectator events, it works very poorly for an MMO game which is supposed to be "always on", that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.

Edited by Darth_Halford
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Well if the gambling restrictions became a problem for Bioware/EA then they could just be added for fun. And the tournaments could be a weekly or monthly event, where bigger price pots are available. To be fair though, even without all this, I could see all of them just working on a social level alone :jawa_smile:
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What this game need is a real good world pvp maps and planets:

Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet)

World Pvp My Ilum Map


Better use of spaceships:

Space Instance/Operation


Better Use of guilds:

Patch 1.x Guilds

Guild HQs

Guild's Quests/Story


and make your choices change the future of your char, like different paths from quests, so my sage can have a different story than your sage, with different paths and endings:

Missions with different paths and endings

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The problem with introducing pazzak or betting games of any variety into The Old Republic or other MMO's is that you automatically become susceptible to state or federal anti-gambling laws, many of which completly outlaw any form of online gambling.


I disagree with the overall mindset in these proposals. Players don't play (and pay for) MMO's to watch things. They play to DO things, and I think the idea that people will spectate other people's events is unrealistic, particularly if it's always on.


People watch sporting events, poker competititions, and the like because it's only on a certain time. If you want to watch the Cubs, you HAVE to be at the park or near a tv or radio when the game is going. While that works well for sports and true spectator events, it works very poorly for an MMO game which is supposed to be "always on", that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.


Laws are based on reason and for the benefit of the society. Now before this becomes an ethical discussion, and what is good for soceity... let me say that...


Gambling is going to happen no matter what. People make monetary gambles or other decisions that is a gamble in their life. So whatever kind of gamble we are talking about... its going to happen. Its something everyone is confronted with, and should learn how to evaluate what is a good or bad gamble. This is a valuable lesson in life that can save people some pain in suffering. And simulated harsh realities expose how gambling should be avoided as a means to make a living. It becomes a life lesson learned in something that is going to happen in either money or without money.


Also, they can have mini games without gambling. However, they can introduce the mini games without gambling for the US since it is rated teen for 13 and up, but in Europe they can easily add gambling where it is not a concern, and it is 16 and up. In games people make special regional releases, and that is how they succeed at delivering thier product. While swtor is a great franchise it should live up to its art style, lore, and demographics and thus it should have more mature content and... it already does considering its a SW sci-fi game with many mature themed topics with fighting.


Then lets talk about laws for the betterment of society. Why would online video game with fake money, which is still rated by ESRB to be teen, be bad when there are so many other things which are bad. Why draw the line there?


If simulated games encourage the behavior that people practice then isnt a game with violence already bad? So if it is already a bad game, and makes society worse for it, then why dress it up as something nicer and pretend its good.


You know why? Because people argue that video games dont make people violent. Since violence is something people learn to be bad. They feel pain, and learn to avoid it from a young age.


Gambling on the other hand can become an addiction to those who have convinced themselves they are willing to hit rock bottom and hurt themselves - which they are fine doing, at a chance to support their gambling habit. This is also because they are part of a culture that encourages all the glitz and glamour and the positive character of a gambler to exist as an idea and manifests into something bad without any exposure that it is futile to win and make a living off of in a simulated reality. Similar to feeling pain, losing big in a simulated reality creates that life lesson learned skill. However, put a gambler who starts small and has good ups and downs will like their hobby and the risk involved, until they lose big when they go higher stakes and become addicted to win their money back or they are addicted to the risk of it.


And... it exists everywhere already. The idea of gambling exists, and people will run into it eventually, so why not prepare them for it?


It similar to alcohol as well. And the famous expression: Everything in moderation. Which means when kids are around responsible parents who teach their kids to treat alcohol as a social drink rather than a drug, then in moderation alcohol is not a bad thing... but it is potentially very bad. Yet, it is legal... because it is everywhere, and people are also exposed to a culture of partying until dawn mentality and forgetting most of what went on. I think partially the reason some of these people get very drunk is because they get nervous and becoming drunk makes them more comfortable so its more medicine than social


Anyways, to conclude, its just nit picking on what is good or bad for a game which already has things people can argue about not being good anyways.


So where do people draw the line? On whos behalf are they drawing that line for?

Edited by VegaPhone
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Personally I don't want to see any new feature or expansion at this point.


What I do want to see is a Major overhaul of what's already here and improving that.


I love posts like these.. Ok.. Here it comes!!




Please don't make comments about a total overhaul and not qualify with any suggestions or ideas.. Thanks..,

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Some feedback from YouTube that Bioware/EA might like to see:


If they added this to the game i would be opening my account again =)


- TheSeekan

In my opinion, Pod racing would be great, but too similiar to Space combat (which is awesome when you just want to relax), racing in some sort of corridor and being able to slightly move left or right (basically what the KOTOR minigame was)

Dueling is already in game (right-click -> duel) just not with rewards. So making that should be easy, just place some zone on Nar Shaddaa (it seems like the best place for this sort of thing)


- Ariescz

I want Pazaak! >:(


- merra87

preety damn good ideas


- XhaouSin

Swoop Racing would be very Entertaining, having them on Tatooine would be the logical Choice, maybe Motta the Hutts decendants could keep up with the "Family Business" from KOTOR?, maybe we could have it on hutta aswell? to give us reasons to come back there at higher levels, The Duels could be arranged on Nar Shaadda, and maybe on Tython too, in kind of a Jedi Duel type of way, The Pazaak games should be available in every cantina in order to keep them interesting


- TheRevan1337

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Laws are based on reason and for the benefit of the society. Now before this becomes an ethical discussion, and what is good for soceity... let me say that...


Gambling is going to happen no matter what. People make monetary gambles or other decisions that is a gamble in their life. So whatever kind of gamble we are talking about... its going to happen. Its something everyone is confronted with, and should learn how to evaluate what is a good or bad gamble. This is a valuable lesson in life that can save people some pain in suffering. And simulated harsh realities expose how gambling should be avoided as a means to make a living. It becomes a life lesson learned in something that is going to happen in either money or without money.


Also, they can have mini games without gambling. However, they can introduce the mini games without gambling for the US since it is rated teen for 13 and up, but in Europe they can easily add gambling where it is not a concern, and it is 16 and up. In games people make special regional releases, and that is how they succeed at delivering thier product. While swtor is a great franchise it should live up to its art style, lore, and demographics and thus it should have more mature content and... it already does considering its a SW sci-fi game with many mature themed topics with fighting.


Then lets talk about laws for the betterment of society. Why would online video game with fake money, which is still rated by ESRB to be teen, be bad when there are so many other things which are bad. Why draw the line there?


If simulated games encourage the behavior that people practice then isnt a game with violence already bad? So if it is already a bad game, and makes society worse for it, then why dress it up as something nicer and pretend its good.


You know why? Because people argue that video games dont make people violent. Since violence is something people learn to be bad. They feel pain, and learn to avoid it from a young age.


Gambling on the other hand can become an addiction to those who have convinced themselves they are willing to hit rock bottom and hurt themselves - which they are fine doing, at a chance to support their gambling habit. This is also because they are part of a culture that encourages all the glitz and glamour and the positive character of a gambler to exist as an idea and manifests into something bad without any exposure that it is futile to win and make a living off of in a simulated reality. Similar to feeling pain, losing big in a simulated reality creates that life lesson learned skill. However, put a gambler who starts small and has good ups and downs will like their hobby and the risk involved, until they lose big when they go higher stakes and become addicted to win their money back or they are addicted to the risk of it.


And... it exists everywhere already. The idea of gambling exists, and people will run into it eventually, so why not prepare them for it?


It similar to alcohol as well. And the famous expression: Everything in moderation. Which means when kids are around responsible parents who teach their kids to treat alcohol as a social drink rather than a drug, then in moderation alcohol is not a bad thing... but it is potentially very bad. Yet, it is legal... because it is everywhere, and people are also exposed to a culture of partying until dawn mentality and forgetting most of what went on. I think partially the reason some of these people get very drunk is because they get nervous and becoming drunk makes them more comfortable so its more medicine than social


Anyways, to conclude, its just nit picking on what is good or bad for a game which already has things people can argue about not being good anyways.


So where do people draw the line? On whos behalf are they drawing that line for?


That's alot of words that say absolutly nothing. Same old blah blah blah nonsense, waxing borderline philsophical thoughts about what is or is not ethical behavior that always comes up when somebody mentions the law, while completly missing the actual point.


Regardless of your own personal views of morality and judgement, online gambling is considred illegal in many of the areas that The Old Republic is sold and played, and thus cannot be added into the game. What's more, because the US players can access the EU servers, the same US laws apply, and as such they can't add to one set of servers but not another.

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Been receiving a lot of positive feedback on SWTOR's Facebook pages.


Many are saying they and their friends would re-sub in a heartbeat if they added content like this. Others like the ideas but say they're NOT renewing their subscriptions when they run out, but would stay if these were in. It's had mixed reactions from the Hardcore vs. Casual players. Most hardcore players say they'd rather have this and that while all casual players have liked this and wanted it in.


It's a personal preference. And Pazaak could just be a mini game without gambling, just gear maybe. Hell, I used to play Pocket Pazaak on my old phone until I upgraded to WP7 and cant get it, it was just fun.


I think the bottom line for Bioware is this: If people are saying they'd re-sub or not cancel their accounts if you included content like this I think that's a big thing. I would have thought it would keep people playing the game longer, or just be more socially interactive, I'd never though it would be a Sub or No Sub issue to some which says a lot :)

Edited by Preykousis
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I disagree on all 3 ideas.


1: No we did not all like the old pod raceing, it was a joke compared to wipeout..

That was a low blow!


Wipeout was indeed so much better than the pod racing.

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