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Unfair Transfer Reward


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Cause the Australian people got free server transfers back a little while ago to move onto a server with little lag; and now suddenly all the people in Europe and North America can do it and you all get a pet and black hole commendations :<.


It's a little unfair on us Australians, cause I am not going to move one of my characters that are already on an Australian server to a North American/European server without being able to move them back either >.>.


A little bit of discrimination.


At least take the transfer reward away, or give to to everyone who's transferred :<.

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Hello Everybody!


We appreciate your interest in talking about the transfer rewards but in the interest of consolidating conversations and providing us with a central place to review your feedback we are going to close this thread as there is already an active thread about it here. We suggest continuing your discussion there.


Thank you!

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