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PvP at 50: Question on advanced classes at 50


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Was hoping to get some feedback on a few advanced classes and how they do in 50 WZ brackets.

I am a very competitive PvP player. I dont like to lose at all. I usually do well in WZ.

Before I start, let me preface my saying I am fully aware it all depends on who is sitting behind the monitor, controlling the keyboard and mouse. That being said, lets just say the when discussing this topic, the player is very capable.


I am having a blast right now, running different alts in PvP right now. Currently, I have:


Level 44 - Assassin

Level 31 - Power Tech

Level 30 - Operative

Level 35 - Juggernaut

Level 26 - Marauder


I do have a touch of alt-aholism, but I enjoy the different classes and how they play. That being said, each of the classes plays differently, which I like. As I try to project what things will be like at 50, was hoping to get suggestions here (and I do know there will be a gear grind to get to BM) on what to expect on the above classes.


Of the above, which will have the most immediate impact upon hitting 50 (assuming that making a impact at 50 is possible)?

Which will have the roughest road for gearing?


Just curious really. I can tell you my thoughts though on my AC classes.


Powertech - Fun, crazy DPS. Only class I have broken 300k damage on so far. Its a mix of range/melee, but its fun, a tad squishy (pyro spec'd).


Marauders - Pretty nasty damage here. I have yet to fully hit all their utility and survivability tools yet. Tried anni and carnage and its a fun class to play.


Juggernauts - Feels rugged. Not sure how survivability and DPS is at the 50 level. I would imagine a hybrid tank build my work well at 50.


Operatives - Love the stealth aspect of this class. Bonus that you can heal as well. However, I feel sometimes I am stabbing people with a wet noodle because the damage is so screwy. i wonder what it would be like at 50. My guess is, super squishy and weak DPS.


Anyway, just thought i'd ask. I enjoy all of the above classes. They are unique in their own ways.





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1) First and foremost. In recruit gear you will fell like wet tissue no matter the class. That will go away once you get BM. Don't expect to do a great impact unless you are very good strategist and is able to pull some unexpected stunts with your class.


2) I have only tried Sent/Mara in the 50. It was hell while going for the BM but once I got that and learned the tricks of the trade and maps a little better, it feels pretty rewarding. You will get focused a lot though.

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1) First and foremost. In recruit gear you will fell like wet tissue no matter the class. That will go away once you get BM. Don't expect to do a great impact unless you are very good strategist and is able to pull some unexpected stunts with your class.


2) I have only tried Sent/Mara in the 50. It was hell while going for the BM but once I got that and learned the tricks of the trade and maps a little better, it feels pretty rewarding. You will get focused a lot though.


Appreciate the input. I know its going to be rough initially when I hit 50. Just trying to see if any of the above classes has it less rough than the others. hehe


I plan to be maxed out on WZ and Ranked WZ when I hit 50 and get a few pieces of BM from the get go. Should help out a bit.

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Operative at 40+ specced for Concealment is unstoppable in the 10-49 WZ bracket. As a fresh 50 you're not likely to make much impact as concealment and you will only really benefit from switching to the healing spec. Even though, in full recruit gear you will get focused as a healer and go down fairly quickly.
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A tank spec assassin (in DPS gear) will have the easiest time as a fresh 50. The combination of surviability tools and general utility will make you somewhat effective.


All the classes you listed can be really strong at 50 once geared. Though the OP would need to go heals.


As far as ranking them once geared I would go:



OP Heals

PT (Pyro) / Assassin



The difference between 2 and 5 is slight. Mara in skilled hands can be a monster and very strong for an average skilled gamer. PT is probably the easiest to play and generally are all about the same. The other 3 take some skill to really make them shine.


Edit to add: Make sure you save up 3500 Ranked Comms and 2000 Regular Comms before hitting 50. You can go a couple routes with these but whichever way you go it will make the transition that much easier.

Edited by Kawiki
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