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[The Meal Ticket] - Has this spec been tried and tested?! - Directed at PVP

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Fire off, i see alot of threads where people get offended by certain builds - please don't. This is genuinely just a idea and i would love feedback.


So been messing about on my jug since 1.3, switching up specs and trying something new. This spec interests me, was wondering if anyone has seen or tried this?!




Without going into too much detail; with this spec you gain:


Free Smash - (Biggest dmg dealer for Rage tree - plus without subbing out dmg talents to get this)

Free Force Scream - (Very good to have once leaped in, hey, its free right?)


You also gain:


Immunity to interupts and knockbacks - (Shockwave ticks off straight away without fail using Force Choke)

Buff to Damage when impaired - (Slowed? Ping Enrage and Smash with ALOT of dmg giving off)




In pvp those 4 things make a great arsenal, especially when you rely on a big talent (Smash) and enough rage to get it off without being left helpless after. This spec allows you to do MAX damage and still end up with MAX rage -enabling you to get a rotation off like this:


Saber Throw - Leap - Scream For Free - Force Choke (MAX RAGE BUILT) - Smash For Free - Obliterate - Force Push - Leap (MAX RAGE BUILT) - Ravage (without being knockback thanks to our Talent) - Scream For Free - Enrage (Just because we need the buff Lol) - Smash For Free - DUMP ALL RAGE


Not claiming this is a good build, tbh ive not tested enough to make a strong argument. Only posting to see IF people have discovered/tested and any results?! I do however find Rage tree to be anything but, i struggle at times to keep my rage built up to get my big hitters off - whereas with this particular build, i got rage coming out of my Ears!


Let me know what your thoughts, im eager to see what you think/have discovered and it's flaws and perks!!




P.S - The Reason i take the Vicious Slash Talent's is because you end up having a S**T load of rage ready to dump on a target most of the time (as you can see via my rotation thoughts). - You can even put the 2 points from PAYBACK into OVERPOWER for a bigger dump of rage, or into STRANGULATE for the stronger Force Choke.

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I've tried a simular one, I really liked it, I'd like to think I came up with it, but I'm sure someone tried it before me:




this way, you can pop enrage, charge and smash without fear of getting pushed away before it lands. I put points in draining scream and stragulate instead of full imp sundering assault and gravity. Gravity is kinda useless if you are not full rage, since its mostly used for force crush.

Edited by Fallerup
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Here is my 2 cents. While your logic is right in choice of tools for Pvp but unfortunately Smash does crap for damage unless buffed by Shockwave and with that build there wil be way too much down time in between your buffed Smash. As Rage Force Crush is essential to have, it does great damage too! Force Choke and Enrage have way too long of cooldowns to be waiting around for in pvp.

Also to me Vicious Slash is garbage and a waste to be feating UNLESS you are playing Rage for PvE purposes where you will have steady controlled fights to use it more in a rotation. Vicious Slash is a rage dump and will rarely be used in a Pvp fight.

I always try to feat for the free Force Scream and feats for the extra rage build and sunder armor from Sundering Assult from the Vengence and Immortal trees.

My typical rotation looks like varying of course on situations,

Saber Throw - Force Leap - Force Crush - Force Scream - Sunder Assult - SMASH! - Sunder Assult - Force Choke - Obliterate - Force Scream - Sunder Assult - SMASH! - Force Crush - Force Push - Force Leap - SMASH! - Vicious Throw - Force Scream to finish them off.

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what happens if you get jumped on and cant use that first force jump?


That's where i think my spec is decent, as if you get jumped and the gap is too close; you have the option of doing it the hard way:


Force Push, Leap, Smash etc..


However, with my spec u can pop Enrage for the Shockwave buff and hit Smash Straight away without Rage - then Force Push/Leap/Choke/Scream For Free then Smash again.


I do see your point BladedWarrior - and can definately see there being a problem with Force Choke off CD - but with Enrage only taken 1 minute, and the OODLES of rage you will have, i think you have the utility to keep players at bay until you can buff your Piledriver!! :D

Edited by Xyberclown
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I do see your point BladedWarrior - and can definately see there being a problem with Force Choke off CD - but with Enrage only taken 1 minute, and the OODLES of rage you will have, i think you have the utility to keep players at bay until you can buff your Piledriver!! :D


I know it all comes down to play styles but in my opinion keeping someone at bay doesn't apply enough pressure to healers to catch them in a slip and turn the fights. Healers are insanely good at healing these days and easily shake off incoming damage if not pressured hard enough.

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The issue with your spec is that you don't have enough abilities to use.


Most spec's will give you 2 different abilities. Rage (Force Crush and Obliterate) and Vengeance (Impale and Shatter). As your spec gives only Obliterate, you will find yourself having to use Vicious Slash because everything else is on CD and you have a huge excess of rage.


Also, as Smash is your only hard hitting ability (and not that hard without Dark Resonance), you will find it very hard to out DPS anything, whether it be a healer, tank or other DPS.



If you are thinking of a rage/vengeance hybrid with free force scream I would probably opt for the following spec.


(2/25/12) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101MMZGr0zkZfMrorhdzM.2


Now you have both Impale and Obliterate and whilst your Smash's wont hit so hard, you have free guaranteed crit Force Screams and Vicious Throws. It will put a lot more pressure on your targets and you still have the benefit of excellent battlefield mobility and rage control.


Mind you, a full Vengeance or full Rage spec will still be better in terms of PvP and PvE burst and sustained DPS than either of these hybrid specs but it doesn't make them any less fun to play.


My 2c.

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I have seen many versions of these hybrids since launch, and all can be very fun...Unstoppable seems to always be the core hangup for Juggs, everyone wants it!


Its really annoying to be thrown and pulled around the map all day long as soon as people figure out your Rage....Its like they keep all thier displacement moves on CD just for you from then on.


Problem being that without Force crush the Rage spec is simply crippled...Force choke is usually kept for instances where you are interupting, or controlling someone and as a bonus adding SW stacks for the next kaboom. TO have to use it on CD for DPS alone is a problem...if you cant get 2 and more then likely 3 Buffed smashes off in a fight keeping smash on CD then the spec isnt working not to mention in WZ'S you need to keep Buffed smashes going indefinatley to apply pressure on the other team...With the hybrid you have a lot of time and Rage being wasted...IMO.

Edited by Soljin
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