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OK, so we all love the game already, but something I thought of that would be just freakin' AWESOME is faction defections. Now I say that in a loose sense. When I say defections, I mean like Jedi turning evil and either becoming fallen jedi or sith(I'll get to that in a minute). Troopers can become elite soldiers for the empire. Now smugglers and bounty hunters I don't believe should even start out with a faction. If they absolutely MUST start out with a faction, make it the neutral Hutt cartell and they can make their decision. And even when a character "defects", they can still help out the other side. This would mainly be for smugglers and BH's though



. The neccesary factors for a defection for a jedi/sith and troopers/imperial agents would be light/dark side points opposite of their faction. The republic is mainly light side points and the empire is mainly dark side points. Now before you contardict me for that, I realiza the republic is not all good people and the empire is not all bad people though in general: republic=good; empire=bad. Now when I say a jedi would be a fallen jedi first and a sith later, jedi's cant just become a sith. The sith would obviously be suspicious. The "fallen jedi" would have to go through several "trial" missions first to prove himself to the sith. They would kind of be like jedi training. The main point of the missions/trials is to see if he will pick the dark side option. Once the "fallen jedi" has collected, say, 500 dark points, he can go through one final big trial, he will be accepted as sith and officialy a member of the empire. Until he reaches this status, He will be unable to visit certain imperial worlds, unable to access certain vendors, etc. Until he becomes sith, he will have a certain "fallen jedi" trainer. This trainer will remove certain jedi specific skills and add certain sith skills.Once he becomes sith, He will be able to use the sith trainer. The fallen jedi trainer, however, will still be available. once a sith power has been trained and the jedi reaches a certain level, he can train an advanced version of the abillity for a higher price. This does not apply for all abillities. The idea is that the sith/jedi combines dark/light force to improve the abillity. The same is true for a sith who becomes a jedi. This will be true for all classes, although the defection process will be class specific, excluding smugglers and bounty hunters.



To make up for the fact that BH's, smugglers, and non-defected characters will be at a disadvantage against defected players, they will have a special buff in accordance with their primary buff. This buff will increase weapon damage and armor by 10% or so. That number is just an example. The buff will ONLY WORK against defected players ONLY! Against other players, the buff will take no effect. The buff will not be available through the legacy system. Once and if the character(excluding BH's and smugglers) defects, the buff will no longer be available.



Along with the improved abillities, defected players will have the chance to convince their companions to join them in the opposite faction. Fore persuade and orders may POSSIBLY have an influence, but no guarntees. If you are in a romance with the companion, the chances of them joining you are better. The farther you are in the romance, the better the chance. If they are droids, you can apply edited programming to make them join you. If they do not join you, You will kill them. If they defeat you, they will escape the ship and you must find them later(More on that in a moment). When you are asking them to join you, they will have a fixed HP and damage. Even if you remove all the armor and weapons from them, it will not make a difference. Once you are done talking to your companions, you will travel to an assigned planet to begin your defection. Before you go there, You will have the option of killing your superior who gives you your orders. Again, if you fail, you will return later. Once you have finished your "trials", you will be assigned to kill your superior and any companions that did not join you. Any companions will be replaced by companions of the same role.



Once defected, you can decide whether or not to share republic/imperial secrets you might have learned. You will earn massive ammounts of credits and XP for doing this. Again, BH's and smugglers will not really have a "faction". They will be calssified as "Hutt Cartell Employee" and can decide when to help either faction at any time. The more you help one faction, the more access you will gain. The missions that determine the faction you favor will be spread throughout 5 class missions. In each mission, you can decide whether to help the republic or empire. Once you have pivcked to help a faction 3 times, that will be your secondary faction, get full access to their fleet and planets, and the opposing faction will be your enemy. Until you make your decision, you will be allowed on all planets and fleets, but not regarded as an actual player of that faction. As always though, you can still help the opposing faction. If you help them enough,



You will be allowed access to a planet, maximum of two. Allowed access mean, say, if the planet was completely under imperial control, you be allowed access and would not be attacked by imperial forces or players. This immunity does NOT, however, apply to wild creatures. If the planet is under shared control, you will not be attacked by enemy forces. The ability to become immune on the planet Belsavis, lets say, will not be available until the class missions, the planet series, and the bonus series are completed. Depending on the number of missions that do not pertain to any series's or class missions, 75% of them must be completed. This immunity abillity will be available to all classes. The abillity to become immune on the enemy fleet or the enemy capitol planet will take both planet immunities. Datacrons that are faction specific (Ex. imperial willpower and republic willpower), the player will only be able to get one. They will give the same history, and once one is collected, the othe will not be available for access.


As you can see, I have put alot of work into this. I would love to here your opinions. Thank you.



Edited by CorrinTech
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I love this idea. Maybe they could do it like CoX does. You have to perform a series of quests in order to slowly defect. For instance, in CoX, you go from Hero>Vigilante>Villain. A Jedi could go from Jedi>Fallen Jedi>Sith.


(If I'm breaking any rules for mentioning the "competition," I'll gladly edit it out.)

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The idea of defections is interesting, but implementing such a system would require, essentially, double the work the devs would have to do on class stories (including companions and their stories), missions and voice-overs - for all current as well as future content. Edited by MadBlue
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There's not a class story in this game that actually leaves room for you to think "this character could reasonably be believed to defect to the other faction"


Every person who is in their perspective faction is in it to win it.


The Trooper class gets particularly iffy because you have a former LT who got demoted because the original Havoc Squad defected, a former Imperial soldier who defected to the Republic because of gross ignorance of protocol and regulation, a combat droid hard-wired to promote and believe in the fighting spirit of the Republic and Democracy, and a Voss seargeant whose entire team was killed by Imperials.


At no point would any of these individuals be okay with defection, nor would it make sense for an individual who spends the entire first act hunting down republic traitors to later become one himself.

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There's not a class story in this game that actually leaves room for you to think "this character could reasonably be believed to defect to the other faction"


Every person who is in their perspective faction is in it to win it.


The Trooper class gets particularly iffy because you have a former LT who got demoted because the original Havoc Squad defected, a former Imperial soldier who defected to the Republic because of gross ignorance of protocol and regulation, a combat droid hard-wired to promote and believe in the fighting spirit of the Republic and Democracy, and a Voss seargeant whose entire team was killed by Imperials.


At no point would any of these individuals be okay with defection, nor would it make sense for an individual who spends the entire first act hunting down republic traitors to later become one himself.


not true,look at how anakin skywalker became darth vader...he killed lots of sith (or imperial forces,i think sith and imperial are quite similar really..and count dooku did count as sith),but sidious manipulated him until he became a fallen jedi,than the apprentice of sidious

Edited by Baphomet_x
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Id be cool with defection, but no special perks should come with it beyond having a class that is rare on the new side. If anything, the fallen character should use the corresponding trainer on the new side to retrain/rename their skills to the new archetype. But yea, keep the pets and the old faction look on gear, be unique.
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The idea of defections is interesting, but implementing such a system would require, essentially, double the work the devs would have to do on class stories (including companions and their stories), missions and voice-overs - for all current as well as future content.


Fair point, remedied by requiring maxlevel and complete class story to defect.

Then inherit mirror class' story in expacs.

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What is all this chatter about a "wall" of text? Just read and reply to the content not your own limitations. Come on people what is all this silly stuff? You could have just read it through instead of complaining about that!


EA does enough of avoiding the real issues for us all we do not need to attack each other. If you have a criticism make it in an adult courteous manner not like children at play.

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What is all this chatter about a "wall" of text? Just read and reply to the content not your own limitations. Come on people what is all this silly stuff? You could have just read it through instead of complaining about that!


EA does enough of avoiding the real issues for us all we do not need to attack each other. If you have a criticism make it in an adult courteous manner not like children at play.


The OP has since gone through and separated paragraphs. It was unreadble before.

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not true,look at how anakin skywalker became darth vader...he killed lots of sith (or imperial forces,i think sith and imperial are quite similar really..and count dooku did count as sith),but sidious manipulated him until he became a fallen jedi,than the apprentice of sidious


While true, there is no Sidious type character in any of the Republic Stories, nor is there a Luke Skywalker trying to save you.

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I like a lot of these ideas. I agree with the Bounty Hunter/Smuggler situation.


Now as to the class quests and so forth. In order to defect, you must complete all your class quests and be level 50 as this would solve a lot of the problems. If you are a force user, you must be 10,000/10,000 dark/light depending on what faction you wanted to go to.


As far as ability training goes, I think you should be able to mix and match the abilities you want, that way you have a remnant of your past with you. You would not be able to have 2 of the same ability, it would just overwrite the first.

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I would too like this, however I see two main problems:


Development: This would be far too difficult to implement, with class stories and abilities etc. It would take at least a year (maybe more depending on the dev's skills) to analyze, design and implement a system to achieve this.


Players going mad: It would completely ruin the whole concept of this game if players were on both factions five times a day. Defection would need to be a one time event to stop the game getting out of control.

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