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Fleet Hubs


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As I've noticed, after the server transfers, the number of people in the fleet always reaches it's peak. Now this has been a problem for people with low-end PCs like me since it's become a long wait of graphics rendering just to go to PvP terminals, GTN and other fleet-only features in the game.


What I would like to suggest is include the important fleet features (GTN, PvP, Flashpoint terminals) on the other parts of the fleet to make them useful. For Republic, it would be Telos and Gav Daragon. This would greatly help spread out the people who are stationed in the fleet, providing better loading time for people like me. I hope I would see this implemented soon.



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Alternatiively, you could switch to a lower populated instance of the fleet which should feature less lag. Simply when on the Fleet, open your map, select the bar which says Imperial Fleet with a number in brackets, and select either Imperial Fleet (1), Imperial Fleet (2) or Imperial Fleet (3), depending on how many are online only 1 or 2 are up. If it's orange, it means that fleet is midly full, if red it means it's completely full and grey means hardly many players. This wont affect accessing the GTN or LFG tool as all instances are connected to them on that server.
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