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How to fix Arsenal spec BH's

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After the great DPS nerf alot of the community has felt Arsenal spec BH's are broken and have been for a while. I have a sub 50 Arsenal Spec BH and I agree in Warzones they are at a disadvantage. Their mediocre DPS comes primarily from hard casts (damage that requires you to be standing still) is making us fodder for pretty much most DPS, especially melee. I am no stranger to this type of frustration I have played for around 4 years an Elemental Shaman in World of Warcraft which suffered from similar disadvantages.I have done alot of Arena/BG's in this time (sorry for the wow comparison lol). It took a huge amount of time for Blizzard to agree there was a problem and implement some kind of a solution which simply was to allow Elemental Shamans to cast there primary attack while moving and have a cool down which allowed other abilities to be cast while moving which meant we were not sitting ducks. I propose you do the same with Arsenal spec BH's allow Tracer Missle to be cast while moving. This will give us more survivability. Edited by Thepainfairy
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I propose you do the same with Arsenal spec BH's allow Tracer Missle to be cast while moving. This will not make us overpowered but give us more survivability.


I totally agree!! Great post...this is similar to what was done with the marksman rogue in Rift a couple patches ago. Made that class much better, and such a simple fix! Give us mobility Bioware.

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  • 8 months later...

That would fix some of the mobility issues (unload is our hardest hitter and is 3sec +/- cast)


IMHO class still needs following:


new set bonus should stay for small boost the 8% will give to arsenal/pyro and commando equiv.


Also Raise the minimum on tracer missile back to around 1.7 settings, while leaving the new 2.0 high for a dps boost. (To raise dmg a little and help with erratic dps due to rng)


Increase Hired muscle to 6% will help all 3 specs, plus it's a 3 point talent with just 3%??


And heat issues be address:


Improve Terminal Velocity to 10 heat vented every 6 secs.


lower cool-down of improved vents and thermal sensor




Net really needs it cool down lowered drastically 45/60 secs.

tech override/power surge cool down lowered (if tracer cannot be cast on move)


Still might not enough to get us into Ranked, suggestions are simple to implement and would least be a start.

Edited by DarkForster
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