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EXTREMELY inappropriate children models.


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the only children i recall (empire) are the ones who are using that busted water main for water (balmorra? i think), and the girl on nar shadaa who's brother got "enscripted" into that gain. none of them we're exhibiting any secondary sexual characteristics.


Not saying what you saw didn't happen, it just seems to be the exception to the norm. It is a bit screwey though.

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Haha, I thought that was funny, too! I was like - wow, these old ladies are pretty hot. LOL


My friend was playing as a Trooper, and honestly, General Garza had way more badonkadonk than is legal for a grandmother! That makes it sort of hilarious.. Bioware almost has it as a staple, in some ways, after Dragon Age Origins... with Wynne.

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Um...no. You can miss it or not even notice it. They're kid NPCs - stop looking at their chest and rear to begin with...also...It's a video game.


What is creepy is how many of you are "excited" by them. Honest to God - 3 beta builds, now this and this is the FIRST time I've thought back to the quest. I LIKE the quest - not because of how she looks but I like the story and think they did a good job making her sound like a kid looking for help. I wanted to help her...not because of her bewbs, because I liked the character she was and I thought the story was good.


Absolutely no one said to have helped because of the *****, stop putting words in people's mouths


I am a videogame artist, these kind of things are easier to spot, but even my grandma would have realized if she was looking at the character speaking.


Honestly, do you play your game only by reading text, or do you pay attention to body language and facial expression?


Guess you could play text based games, and it would be just as good for you?

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Please devs, for the love of this game, delete this thread! There are way too many things that are much more important to add/change/remove/repair for this game then the kids in it that I my self and many others never even noticed.


What the heck OP? Seriously?

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It is a proven fact that males and females living in dense urban environments do seem to go into puberty sooner then those living in rural environments. This is likely due to the increased consumption of nutrients. (Urban poor, while in general 'more' poor then rural poor, usually have access to more social programs and almost always have access to food, where as rural poor may not be so fortunate, and that is just in the US. It becomes more pronounced in other parts of the world.)


It is not hard to believe that in a mega urban environment like Coruscant that puberty could in effect set in at a younger age. Of course, that being said, you could also claim the undercity is the rural of Coruscant, and that those children, which are scavenging for water to trade are likely missing most meals, and should in fact be maturing later. I'd argue that they are trading up to heavily processed foods which accelerate a bodies progression into and through puberty due to chemicals and hormones found in those foods.


This is seen in the McDonalds generation. Prior to the 90's, it would not be unusual for a Freshmen girl to have no breasts, now a days 6th graders have breasts, even some fifth graders. Sex ed is being moved down to 4th grade, because issues that used to not starting showing until 6th are present at the 4th grade age group.


And finally, to throw a big monkey wrench into this developmental issue, you have genetics. Some individuals go into puberty early because that is how they are genetically coded. The youngest mother in the world was 9, and she was from a rural area.


In short, I did not notice, and did not care that what came across as 10-14 girls have breasts, as current human development indicates that is the new normal. It is a fact of life today, and I believe that many of the people who are offended or surprised by this do not spend much time around late elementary/middle school children much.

Edited by NemoSD
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List me under the 'who cares' list. While i noticed the figure and thought the model didn't fit the age, it just wasn't something I spent any time thinking or caring about. Still don't. It's a video game. The NPC was fully clothed. Nothing to worry about.
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My friend was playing as a Trooper, and honestly, General Garza had way more badonkadonk than is legal for a grandmother! That makes it sort of hilarious.. Bioware almost has it as a staple, in some ways, after Dragon Age Origins... with Wynne.


+1 for badonkadonk.

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Absolutely no one said to have helped because of the *****, stop putting words in people's mouths


I am a videogame artist, these kind of things are easier to spot, but even my grandma would have realized if she was looking at the character speaking.


Honestly, do you play your game only by reading text, or do you pay attention to body language and facial expression?


Guess you could play text based games, and it would be just as good for you?


Because I didn't find anything funny, curvy or inappropriate about the NPC, you think I'd enjoy text based games? How on earth do you come to that conclusion?


I can understand you looking for more in them if you're an artist - but 99% of us aren't. Maybe it's the first thing your grandma notices too - I won't pass judgement.


I find it really odd that so many of you take note of the child characters "curves" and look deeper than the fact that it's simply an NPC. Agent Dorne is a curvy NPC - but also obviously 100% imaginary - kinda like my massive hulk of a man who has a chest the size of a Chevy Volt. I just accepted that ALL characters are a form of stylized art and never gave it a second thought, but a heckuva lotta you seem to have.

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They were too lazy to make anything other than different colored humans all sharing the same body types as playable characters, as well as 99% of NPC's, and you think they'd go through the trouble of making new body models for kids? LOL


Should be glad they even bothered to shrink them.

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They were too lazy to make anything other than different colored humans all sharing the same body types as playable characters, as well as 99% of NPC's, and you think they'd go through the trouble of making new body models for kids? LOL


Should be glad they even bothered to shrink them.


Yeah, I guess they were too busy with the 1,000+ voice actors.


Seriously, people will ***** about anything....

Edited by Robndahood
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