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Why is there a penalty for leaving RWZ, as if losing isnt bad enough?


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4 seconds b4 the end of a RWZ I clicked revive, and rather than send me to the spawn it sent me to fleet. I didnt get any coms, and due to leaving early i lost 40 Elo.


1st that is a rather large penalty especially for something that is clearly Biowares fault.


2nd Why cant dc'd players get an option to rejoin, it can't be any harder than storing their RWZ instance id temporarily so in the common event that you dc or get booted from a bug you can simply rejoin. Why are we penalized for terrible programming?


3rd DO you really need to take away rating for leaving early? How many people are going to purposely leave their teams RWZ? Isnt the fact that you will likely lose and piss of your friends enough?


If your going to have rated can you at least have stable first?


oh I almost forgot about the error when joining a rated game, we have had 2 matches where the player got an error message and couldn't join the game.......

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If there was no penalty, teams would just leave to avoid a point loss.


That wasn't the issue they were trying to get out, they are complaining about the poor coding involved with many aspects of the game, flashpoints and warzone alike.


I'd not be too happy if I died 5 sec before the end, period. Winning or losing. But then to find I would lose more points than if I had left by my own account... isn't fair, at all.


I agree, if the game is still in function - your instance ID should remain and be able to rejoin... you can't even relog in a flashpoint LFG group if something gets stuck or you simply just need a quick relog. Very annoying.

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Actually the point of losing ELO rating is so that matchmaking would be meaningful because you want to know who is actually good and who is not so you can match the good teams against each other. I mean you could just make the winning team get double the points for winning while the loser loses nothing, and the system would mostly work (not as well, but still will) but then people will just be complaining how come the winning team gets so much points for winning.


However it seems like there's no real matchmaking going on, or that there are insufifcient teams to support meaningful matchmaking so in light of that, losing points is indeed pretty pointless if you're not going to try to get in meaningful matchmaking.

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I'm not sure exactly why you lost so many points. I've been bugged with the knockdown bug, forced to leave early via afk debuff and I lost 14 points, the amount that I would have with a loss.


The kicker, I was not afk, our team had no chance of gaining another player, and we won the huttball 7v8 and the rest of my team gained 14 points. 28 point swing because they kick people for staying in the spawn too long in rateds... Because being stuck in the spawn isn't bad enough? Why the game would kick a player when no other can possibly join is beyond me.

Edited by SLRPSJ
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