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So why do we have to get special gear to PvP but get a huge advantage from PvE Stims?


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So the newest trend is using Rakata stims to boost power and key abilities. I feel that since we are forced to grind PvP gear for the supposed reason so that PvEr's can't dominate PvP then these items and items like these should not be useable in warzones.


That is definitely not the newest trend, been there since biochem was there.

Also exotech stims have better stats than rakata stims. And here's some news: you can buy exotech stims and use them even if you're not biochem

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The new passive power on the PvP relics is far preferrable to an on use relic. Why would you complain about that?


that would be based on the situation more than anything else, making it less than "far preferrable," at least in some cases.

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I think that is besides the point. My PvP relic can't even be used anymore but stims from PvE only content can?


People can use grenades as well ... Pro tip : grenades - not biochem ...

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People can use grenades as well ... Pro tip : grenades - not biochem ...


I will allow you to take away my Grenades if I can see everyone's stims taken away. I play multiple characters PvP and don't want all of them Biochem. Let's even the fight. PvP should be based on skill and strategy not on gear or stims.

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I will allow you to take away my Grenades if I can see everyone's stims taken away. I play multiple characters PvP and don't want all of them Biochem. Let's even the fight. PvP should be based on skill and strategy not on gear or stims.


Yeah, I really hate the fact I still feel like every character I create has to either be a healer, or a biochem.


Make Rakata heals accessible to everyone. Let Biochem folks use it a bit more often, as a new benefit (maybe 90 seconds for normal users, 75 seconds for biochem 'experts')


Or just take them out completely.

Edited by islander
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I will allow you to take away my Grenades if I can see everyone's stims taken away. I play multiple characters PvP and don't want all of them Biochem. Let's even the fight. PvP should be based on skill and strategy not on gear or stims.


I'm not Biochem on any of my characters, and I have zero problem w/ their stims. I'm not rich, either, but I buy the Exotechs from the GTN or get a guildie to craft me the slightly more affordable version for free.


Stims have always been a part of the KotOR universe; it's silly to remove them because you're too cheap to pick some up from the local kiosk.

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I will allow you to take away my Grenades if I can see everyone's stims taken away. I play multiple characters PvP and don't want all of them Biochem. Let's even the fight. PvP should be based on skill and strategy not on gear or stims.


If you knew anything about MMO players you'd know that all the people with skill are going to min max to get the best of the best out of their stats and everyone else will follow suit, this just adds an additional time sync and once everyone is up to par on gear it does become about skill.


You probably shouldn't be doing rateds in recruit gear with some BM then complaining you're not good enough or calling for nerfs to things.

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Stims, grenades, and a heal pack off the heal stim cool down all need to go for PvP. Or the other professions need to have something that makes them equally different. But hey, BW still needs to get the bulk of the game working properly before actually taking a chance at unscrewing the crafting skills.
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Yeah, I really hate the fact I still feel like every character I create has to either be a healer, or a biochem.


Make Rakata heals accessible to everyone. Let Biochem folks use it a bit more often, as a new benefit (maybe 90 seconds for normal users, 75 seconds for biochem 'experts')


Or just take them out completely.


Having faster CD would probably be worse because right now in theory you could have a stack of ultimate medpacks to counter the Rakata (unlikely given cost). Now you'll be strictly inferior.


I think thes 'reusable' stuff should be usable by everyone and comes with 100 charges. You refill them by repairing. If you got enough biochem skill you pay 50% for recharging or whatever #s is needed to make things work. Trainers teach BoP Rakata implants recipes to Biochem guys to keep the parity in BOP advantage. I assume Biochem gets reusables beacuse they don't get any trainer BOP recipes but reusables are far more powerful than having Rakata in 2 slots for relatively cheap.

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I'm not Biochem on any of my characters, and I have zero problem w/ their stims. I'm not rich, either, but I buy the Exotechs from the GTN or get a guildie to craft me the slightly more affordable version for free.


Stims have always been a part of the KotOR universe; it's silly to remove them because you're too cheap to pick some up from the local kiosk.


First don't call me cheap. Think before you speak it is not real money. Second I thought we were playing SWTOR not KotOR. Again, if you think you are that good, then base the game more on skill and strategy.

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First don't call me cheap. Think before you speak it is not real money. Second I thought we were playing SWTOR not KotOR. Again, if you think you are that good, then base the game more on skill and strategy.


First, I think you are cheap. Sorry if that hurts, sister, but you're definitely not helping to change my opinion w/ what you've written here.


Second, we are playing a game set in the same universe, and is the spiritual successor to the KotOR games; maybe you didn't notice Revan running around, or that the Jedi Grandmaster is a direct descendant from the KotOR games, or any of the other host of similarities between franchises.


Again, pony up some credits for some Stims if you think you aren't cheap. It's not even real money.


You want an even playing field? Then be prepared.


PS) Preparation is a part of "strategy".

Edited by Varicite
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If you knew anything about MMO players you'd know that all the people with skill are going to min max to get the best of the best out of their stats and everyone else will follow suit, this just adds an additional time sync and once everyone is up to par on gear it does become about skill..


I agree with you, it is my first MMO, I am a MMO noob. Sometimes ideas from outside sources can help improve processes. I think it gets absurd with all the extra stuff you need to get up to par. Augments, different level gear, stims, buffs, and my mother's kitchen sink. Yeah I am a XBOX gamer, but at least i know for the most part like COD I can pick up a game and be pretty on par with everyone else as far as advantages. I think we sit here and waste hours of time just getting to that level. I want to pick up and fight a fair fight. Am I the only one that wants that? And maybe I want to play another character on PvP cause I want to be healer, DPS, or tank. I don't want to go through hours of pain and getting my tail kicked because someone was picked on in high school and wants to take it out on me with their stacked gear.

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First, I think you are cheap. Sorry if that hurts, sister, but you're definitely not helping to change my opinion w/ what you've written here.


Second, we are playing a game set in the same universe, and is the spiritual successor to the KotOR games; maybe you didn't notice Revan running around, or that the Jedi Grandmaster is a direct descendant from the KotOR games, or any of the other host of similarities between franchises.


Again, pony up some credits for some Stims if you think you aren't cheap. It's not even real money.


You want an even playing field? Then be prepared.


PS) Preparation is a part of "strategy".



Again just making a statement and people take it to the extreme and get butt hurt. Was hoping for constructive criticism and not just criticism.

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So the newest trend is using Rakata stims to boost power and key abilities. I feel that since we are forced to grind PvP gear for the supposed reason so that PvEr's can't dominate PvP then these items and items like these should not be useable in warzones.


Not sure how using stims in PVP is new.

Edited by JayPres
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