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How are tanks in PvP?


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A little background info: I haven't played Swtor in a while. I stopped playing a week after 1.2 came out, so there are probably many changes I'm unaware of. I plan to start a new character, a tank this time. And I'm wondering how Tanks are in PvP, not for damage, but for overall survivability (misspell?) and how much support they can bring to the table nowadays if anyone still plays one. Oh, I plan to make a Jugg tank, by the way.
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Comparing to other games tank can be bothersome. In general, they have high survivability but low damage, but here they have medium survivabilty and low-medium damage.


My guess is they don't resist enough to damage to be called tanks. They have weaknesses and they are all focused one thing : tech/force attacks. You can't raise your avoidance rate against them. You can't block them. Attacks that bypass armor are of this type. The way to kill them is so obvious so it makes them way too easy to kill.

Edited by Altheran
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Im aware of our inability to avoid force/ Tech attacks, why BW decided it should be this way I'll never know. I also understand how dumb some healers can be and that you can't guard stupid, but hey when has tanking ever NOT been a thankless job? I appreciate the feedback you guys have given me. :)
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Well tanks are very useful or not at all I'm afraid. Its double or nothing really.


Tanks are very valuable taking damage, protecting healer and interrupting/slowing down/drawing attention or resources frorm enemy.


However its situational and passive role. If you got low dps group tank can only hope to protect players but he may not bring oppsite down easily. Healers can be out of reach or too slow to bring down. Tanks need dps around them to do dps. Tanks can support but they cant easily turn tables for a bad group.


On positive side classes like pyrotechs can be handled with some ease. No you wont kill them fast but they will keep shooting you and you wont die anynear fast as some other AC or class. You can walk over them as tank with stamina and durability most of time. Its quite fun actually to see them running with some discomfort while you just wont die!:)


So basically tanks work. May not cause your socks dance for exicitment but they do work. Good tank in right situation can hold doors for those valuable seconds in Voidstar but on other game he may just be useless if he cant bring dps on table and he is rolled over because hs side is weak.


So there you have it. They are needed and very valuable, But not most exciting way to play pvp.

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As others have said tank + heals combo is a great anchor on defense. Just realize your level of effectiveness will depend on the pug healer you are guarding. Another thing to consider is when healers are nerfed the tanks who guard them also get nerfed by association and vice versa.


If you have any questions about Bioware's vision for PvP just mouse over your expertise stat.

Edited by Kapro
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I have a 62 valor, 1200+ expertise, 100% ion shield specced Vanguard.


I can't turn the tables in a DPS situation, but I do have enough AOE to stop activations of door bombs, bridge extensions, cannon activations, etc.


I have single handidly stopped an objective from switching hands long enough for the calvary to come over the hill on many occasions. The problem is that the calvary needs to come over the hill.


Here is a hint.....load up on combat medic tech/eliminator tech secondary gear (ie belts, implants, relics, etc.)


I do all right and I think it is fun to play. Know what you can and can't do. Inquisitors give me trouble.

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The only downside is for shield users since the damage calculations are not to their advantage. Crit pushes shield off the table and what not. Tanks are generally in a fair place, with minor tweaks needed at best. But those minor tweaks would are still important ones.
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After 1.3 on my Shield Spec Vang.


Well it just makes you want to cry.


They really and totally and utterly messed up a class that had absolutely nothing wrong with it in the first place.


They were tough enough they could perform their role in PVP wihout being uber.


Worse thing is the changes also have had a knock on effect in PVE too.


At the moment Shield spec tanks in PVP I think are basically useless, its like being dropped in a flood disaster zone with a packet of handy wipes.


Probably the most annoying thing is they do it to one class every patch, make massive sweeping changes that utterely change the feel of peoples characters, and all with very little testing.


I wouldn't mind if it was actually warranted but the changes simply weren't.


1.2 I'd say they were about right, 1.3 was a complete disaster they fold like tissue paper.


Sadly its one class I used to enjoy playing now I doubt I'll use him much.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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Tanking is a lot of fun if you're playing teams with a lot coordinated DPS. You switch guard around constantly based on who your opponents are focusing, and you CC or taunt when your healers need help. I wouldn't call it a "passive" role.


Unfortunately, your team needs some healing and their team needs to actually focus fire different targets for PvP tanking to be meaningful and fun. Outside of rated games, you don't typically get games that meet both of those pre-reqs.

Edited by Lymain
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Probably the most annoying thing is they do it to one class every patch, make massive sweeping changes that utterely change the feel of peoples characters, and all with very little testing.


Dude, I couldn't have said it better. They have completely ruined my experience more than once already with NERFs. The game has completely changed from what it used to be already. I love my Scoundrel DPS, Guardian and my Sage but I've had to completely change the way I play to the point of not wanting to play them anymore. My Scoundrel was shelved after the first set of Nerfs a while ago and I just can't play him anymore... It's getting that way on my Guardian as they have been the second most nerfed class in the game both for DPS and Tanking.

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A tank in this game is probably better at controlling an enemy than mitigating damage, though guard does function well when paired with competent teammates. The tools are there, basically.
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