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Free level 50 character.


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Please tell me why you would want to miss the entire leveling process? Is it too difficult, too long, not exciting? I personally wished my Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent stories and questing had gone on longer. I can't think of one reason why you would want to miss the entire leveling experience.

After playing through the stories once, some folks might not want to play through again. Let's say you level up an Operative to 50, then decide you want to try a Sniper in end-level raids. To do so, you'd have to play through the exact same content all over again, or grind flashpoints or PvP. Some people like that; some don't. *shrugs*


There are a few games that have fast leveling options - not quite what the OP is talking about, but stuff that zips people up to max level quickly. The options are fairly popular among people who have "done it all" but want to play around with a new class or build or whatever.

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This game is a horrible choice for anyone who doesn't want to roll alts.


XD, once i agree that,

but now, i agree with OP,

cause i find a good guild ( but not good enough, cause we r at diff time zone)

but still, i enjoy the endgame,

and i really need to lv other role to 50 ASAP,

cause sometimes we need some raid spot for some role,

but restart lvling is too slow and side quest r almost all the same,

just some minor change of conversation,

we , the customers continue pay the fee, maybe BW can do a legacy to lv a char to 50 in one hour,

and transfer char to what time zone he wants,

or even better to merge all servers into a cloud computing mega galaxy(server).

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the first 50 was okay... but the side quests are terrible and the warzone xp is even worse now.


I resubbed and wanted to level my marauder up to 50, have an assasin at 50. I just unsubbed yet again, cause i just don't have it in me to level at that pace. it's just mind numbingly boring , everything outside the main quest. If pvp would giv eyou better xp i wouldn't care, but the side quests are just bad.

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Sorry all I read was blah blah I'm to lazy to play a video game blah blah.


People can talk about how it worked for GW 1 but have you ever been around those people? I lost some I.Q. points the first ten minutes in that game. I think it's kinda silly to pay a sub for game you don't really want to play. :)


Earn your gear and levels like everyone else! Sheesh each generation gets lazier and dumber....

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You are paying for a leveling game. You don't like to level and want to instantly power-level to end-game. Well, you picked the wrong game then. I guess they should just change the game because you wanted a different type of game from what they made. I suppose by the same logic, you'd go into a McDonald's and ask for Chinese food and complain that they don't serve Chinese food and tell them that they should make you some Chinese food because that's what you really want and you'll pay for it, lol.
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I'm still a little confused by the notion that you want to play an mmo but you don't want to level up your characters. But none the less.


It only takes THREE DAYS per character to level to 50 if you do it right. I'm really surprised that more people have not figured this out.


There is a bit of a trick to it:

-You need to level 3 (or more) jobs at once.

-You cannot play the same job two nights in a row.

-You cannot play the same job until the 4th night.

-You only have to put in about 3 hours a night.

-You only have to do the story and world quests.

-You DO NOT have to do any additional quests or flashpoints.

-You MUST log out in a rest area.


The way this works is that you gain max bonus xp by logging out in a rest area over about a 72 hour period. So the rotation would work something like this if you were leveling 3 classes.


1st Night: Level Jedi Knight for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

2nd Night: Level Jedi Consular for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

3rd Night: Level Smuggler for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

4th Night: Level Jedi Knight for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

5th Night: Level Jedi Consular for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

6th Night: Level Smuggler for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

7th Night: Level Jedi Knight for 3 hours, should hit 50.

8th Night: Level Jedi Consular for 3 hours, should hit 50.

9th Night: Level Smuggler for 3 hours, should hit 50.


If you do this, you should now have 3 jobs at 50 or very close to closing into 50 by the end of what is the 3rd night of play on each job and 7th-9th night of play over all. Depending on the number of hours you can put in, this will vary slightly. But the key is not playing the same job in a 72 hour period, and logging out in a rest zone. Theorectically you could do this with just two jobs as well. Say if you already had a 50, you could play your fresh job on night 1, and then just PvP or PvE for nights 2 and 3 on your 50 and return to your new job on night 4 and rinse and repeat in that fashion.


This is how people surprisingly had multiple jobs to 50 in two weeks after release. Just for whatever reason it's taken some of us longer to figure out how they were doing it. Keep your head up, and give this strategy a try and if you stick to it, see how far you are in a week and a half and maybe you won't feel like it's taking so long.


Nice post. Im going to give this a try. One question though, how do I know witch ones are the world missions?

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Who would want to do end game stuff with someone who didn't even level their char. The whole point in leveling is to learn your characters tool set. Dumbest idea i have seen on the forums.


I would imagine on some jobs it's not quite as bad. But I agree with you. It took me till 50 to learn Sent well. And it took past that to learn how to manage my rotations and situational offensive and defensive maneuvering in PvP to become experienced with the job in various situations.

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Hold on! I think my brain just lost some I.Q. points tring to apply logic to this idea. So you want BW to make an option to bypass 90% of the game, because you do not want to do it. Sure, I think they will get right on that.




Seriously OP, only way they'd do this is as a HUGE credit sink or cash sink, and then people would be all "No fair it took me a week to level to 50! I want my week back!."

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I can't believe this topic. And I'm sure it's not even a joke.

I think the better question is, why does the OP think leveling is so bad? I find it refreshing and fun—to be honest the leveling itself, not talking about other systems in the game for now, is the most fun I've had in any MMO to date.

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I can't believe this topic. And I'm sure it's not even a joke.

I think the better question is, why does the OP think leveling is so bad? I find it refreshing and fun—to be honest the leveling itself, not talking about other systems in the game for now, is the most fun I've had in any MMO to date.


i think op is not part of the singler player rpg gamer box, he dislike lvling, and loves endgame like the rest of us old school mmorpg gamers, it does not matter how much movies or lore they add to lvling, it is only a parth to the real game that starts a 50, so lvling will allway be boring.

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I absolutely hate leveling up characters.. it takes so long and is increadibly dreadful. At least, to me. I currently have a level 50 and increadibly love the whole end game things. What are he odds that Bioware would even give me a free level 50 character? I mean what's the harm in it.. I've already paid $60 for the game and $60 additional dollars in two 60 day time cards. And also does anyone else wish upon a free level 50? I mean heck I'd be happy for a completely gearless level 50 and if we was put back at the beginning of the main story so I still had to do my class quests. I do not mind grinding those. Just the painful trip of making it to level 50.


Would you like some sugar with that?

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No.. not someone else get to level 50 for me. Just for BioWare to give me a character that is automatically level 50 in the game.


some of the crazy requests people make and the fact that they believe they are "entitled" to it is hilarious.

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Irony is that in my opinion, there is nothing to do at 50, other than reroll.


I'm finding that is the case. I already have two level 50s in my stable and I'm working on three more...


42 Sith Juggernaut (Canderous Ordo)

42 Sith Sorcerer (Canderous Ordo)

37 Sith Assassin (Canderous Ordo)


It seems like the end game is...doing dailies, FPs/Ops, crafting...and rolling alts!

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I'm still a little confused by the notion that you want to play an mmo but you don't want to level up your characters. But none the less.


It only takes THREE DAYS per character to level to 50 if you do it right. I'm really surprised that more people have not figured this out.


There is a bit of a trick to it:

-You need to level 3 (or more) jobs at once.

-You cannot play the same job two nights in a row.

-You cannot play the same job until the 4th night.

-You only have to put in about 3 hours a night.

-You only have to do the story and world quests.

-You DO NOT have to do any additional quests or flashpoints.

-You MUST log out in a rest area.


The way this works is that you gain max bonus xp by logging out in a rest area over about a 72 hour period. So the rotation would work something like this if you were leveling 3 classes.


1st Night: Level Jedi Knight for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

2nd Night: Level Jedi Consular for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

3rd Night: Level Smuggler for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

4th Night: Level Jedi Knight for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

5th Night: Level Jedi Consular for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

6th Night: Level Smuggler for 3 hours, log out in rest zone.

7th Night: Level Jedi Knight for 3 hours, should hit 50.

8th Night: Level Jedi Consular for 3 hours, should hit 50.

9th Night: Level Smuggler for 3 hours, should hit 50.


If you do this, you should now have 3 jobs at 50 or very close to closing into 50 by the end of what is the 3rd night of play on each job and 7th-9th night of play over all. Depending on the number of hours you can put in, this will vary slightly. But the key is not playing the same job in a 72 hour period, and logging out in a rest zone. Theorectically you could do this with just two jobs as well. Say if you already had a 50, you could play your fresh job on night 1, and then just PvP or PvE for nights 2 and 3 on your 50 and return to your new job on night 4 and rinse and repeat in that fashion.


This is how people surprisingly had multiple jobs to 50 in two weeks after release. Just for whatever reason it's taken some of us longer to figure out how they were doing it. Keep your head up, and give this strategy a try and if you stick to it, see how far you are in a week and a half and maybe you won't feel like it's taking so long.


How do you know witch missions are the world missions?

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