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If anyone is wondering how the 2200 rating mount looks like.


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the designers on stawrwars are very very very very very lazy they just do the same model and like 20 new colors for everything and dont ever try to change anything in the slightest way just like all the armors and just like all the weapons and mounts everything the same just different colors nothing different its the only thing i hate about this game is everything is so similar its not funny.. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr get new designers
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the designers on stawrwars are very very very very very lazy they just do the same model and like 20 new colors for everything and dont ever try to change anything in the slightest way just like all the armors and just like all the weapons and mounts everything the same just different colors nothing different its the only thing i hate about this game is everything is so similar its not funny.. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr get new designers


Agreed. And then when all they need to do is add mod slots to a bunch of blue/green drops gear to create some freaking gear diversity they won't take that short cut. :rolleyes:

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What is a 2200 rating mount? What is so special about it? May sound like a noob question.. but I honestly don't know, so have to ask :)


Its not all that to look at, thats for sure.


That's the thing it's nothing special. For getting a 2200 rating it's pretty crappy.

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What is a 2200 rating mount? What is so special about it? May sound like a noob question.. but I honestly don't know, so have to ask :)


Its not all that to look at, thats for sure.


Rating is what you get from doing Ranked PVP.. when you do well, your rating goes up... when you do badly, rating goes down......

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Reskining is the BW way. In ME3 they photoshoped a lot, and took ideas from various game and movies (Deus Ex + matrix comes to mind for the endings). On SWTOR, they reskin speeders. Not the first reskinned speeder (Lost Island, Kaon, achievement speeder...), and probably not the last.

There is only a few skins for armor or weapons to. How many time did you loot an orange item and though "oh that's the same I looted a while back, but with a different color"?

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the designers on stawrwars are very very very very very lazy they just do the same model and like 20 new colors for everything and dont ever try to change anything in the slightest way just like all the armors and just like all the weapons and mounts everything the same just different colors nothing different its the only thing i hate about this game is everything is so similar its not funny.. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr get new designers


Punctuation and grammar are your friends.

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And you this is one of those areas I don't get. Someone like Bioware or Turbine will be looking for a way to create a credit sink to balance the economy. They'll come up with all kinds of crazy crap that will hinder and annoy the player community, and then something like some cool horses/speeders that would sell like hot cakes and they can't come up with a few good designs to throw in every 2-3 months to sucker some credits outta the rich collectors?


I mean give me a break. Don't start assigning a cost to certain services, don't start coming up with credit sinks that involve no reward for the player. Instead give the people with disposable income something that has no resale like mounts, etc and let them buy that for Pete sake.


It's like when they look at things to do to the game they turn away ideas because "no no can't do that, I don't think anyone would get pissed about it" and then they find some way to alienate 40% of the community.


Hopefully the development staff for these games aren't so untalented that they can't conceptualize and implement a new speeder style here and there in a reasonably short amount of time.

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I'm a big fan of this game, but the lack of innovation and variety from the people who design objects and map layouts is just shocking.


And their concepts of what makes a good looking speeder, or hat, or set of gear blows my mind over and over again. And not in a good way. Do none of these people have any background in design or aesthetics?


Le sigh.

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I'm a big fan of this game, but the lack of innovation and variety from the people who design objects and map layouts is just shocking.


And their concepts of what makes a good looking speeder, or hat, or set of gear blows my mind over and over again. And not in a good way. Do none of these people have any background in design or aesthetics?


Le sigh.


I think they stole their Inquisitor PvP Gear from Age of Conan. Looks so much like a Necromancer. I see alot of gear in game that is NOT Star Wars. I hate how companies that build games based off existing movie/book lore and just do whatever they want with it rather than holding true to canon.

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