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Bioware you cant be serious!? How can this be a loss? REMOVE the RNG on Voidstar ties


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I'm tired of losing these RNG ties on voidstar to team with 3-5 healers on them, this is not how it should be. Change voidstar ties to go off of kills/damage/heals whatever it takes to remove this RNG to the game. Turtleing the game for a high hopes coin toss should not be in this game. If there is any means for competition in the game, voidstar should be changed.

Our 2,814,418dmg to there 2,233,597dmg

Our 1,507,236(2Healers) to there 1,676,525(3Healers)

Our 34deaths to there 55deaths

How are we suppose to get past 5 stealthers in a voidstar when they just run and hide until the last second of plant?

Picture of game : http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/8545/screenshot002nk.png

Video of the game

Skip to 14:30


Edited by Siphorus
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I'm tired of losing these RNG ties on voidstar to team with 4-5 healers on them, this is not how it should be. Change voidstar ties to go off of kills/damage/heals whatever it takes to remove this RNG to the game. Turtleing the game for a high hopes coin toss should not be in this game. If there is any means for competition in the game, voidstar should be changed.


in 1.2 they changed it to where it goes off who is fastest. so if you both go to the second door and you were faster.. YOU WIN. in 1.3 they just end it now.

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in 1.2 they changed it to where it goes off who is fastest. so if you both go to the second door and you were faster.. YOU WIN. in 1.3 they just end it now.


i believe the OP is referring to when neither team plants on the first door

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Are you that disillusioned, playing this game for the PvP? You really think BW cares about what the community says in any way or form?


This is a BW game like it and pay or leave!

Edited by Cempa
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Are you that disillusioned, playing this game for the PvP?

This is a BW game like it and pay or leave!

This is an EA game, not bioware. There is no PvE in this game the content is minimal. PvP is the only sense of competition in this game.

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The game is about objectives, not damage, not healing, not kills, not medals, not even objective points. You win by completing objectives. Having a win decided by any of those things is a bad idea.


However, in the event of a 0-0 tie in Voidstar, I am of the opinion that it should be marked as a tie and not count for or against either team. At least for ranked warzones. Regular warzones, the coin toss is fine.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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However, in the event of a 0-0 tie in Voidstar, I am of the opinion that it should be marked as a tie and not count for or against either team. At least for ranked warzones. Regular warzones, the coin toss is fine.

The coin toss is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. You are a fool for thinking like this. It should go off of combined total to see who did better or nobody should get any rating loss/won

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It should be a tie. It shouldn't go off any stats. It's smarter for a Scoundrel/Shadow to stealth away and then interrupt a cap at the last second than it is to just go balls out DPS trying to pad the numbers so you win on stats. Same deal with Hutball. A tie is a tie.


As someone mentioned in a different thread: based on ELO the lower ranked team should gain points in a tie and the higher ranked should lose them. But it should be fewer than a win/loss because the higher ranked team should have won.

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As someone mentioned in a different thread: based on ELO the lower ranked team should gain points in a tie and the higher ranked should lose them. But it should be fewer than a win/loss because the higher ranked team should have won.

That explains why we lost, it seems to always go to the lower ranked team. That should not be in the game at all, rating shouldnt factor in a tie.

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That explains why we lost, it seems to always go to the lower ranked team. That should not be in the game at all, rating shouldnt factor in a tie.


It sort of makes sense, how could you lose to a team that's supposed to be worst than you?

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The coin toss is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. You are a fool for thinking like this. It should go off of combined total to see who did better or nobody should get any rating loss/won


Actually in every other game that I've ever known to have an "Assault" style map in PvP settings, if there is a stalemate (i.e. no objectives taken by either team during their Attacking phase) then the map winner is determined by who defended first. The reason behind this is that 1st Defender set the precedent of defending all objectives without any being taken and this merely has to be broken by the attacking team at any point.

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Actually in every other game that I've ever known to have an "Assault" style map in PvP settings, if there is a stalemate (i.e. no objectives taken by either team during their Attacking phase) then the map winner is determined by who defended first. The reason behind this is that 1st Defender set the precedent of defending all objectives without any being taken and this merely has to be broken by the attacking team at any point.

Well that is wrong, because we were defending the first round. I have been on both sides of the turtles and have lost. The best sort of reasoning I can point out is the rating difference. Turtleing > outplaying the turtles in every way.

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Well that is wrong, because we were defending the first round. I have been on both sides of the turtles and have lost. The best sort of reasoning I can point out is the rating difference. Turtleing > outplaying the turtles in every way.


I think you misunderstood my statement, I said "Other games" (As in NOT SWTOR). So I don't really see how "that is wrong".


Thank you.

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Well that is wrong, because we were defending the first round. I have been on both sides of the turtles and have lost. The best sort of reasoning I can point out is the rating difference. Turtleing > outplaying the turtles in every way.


Thing is we are only seeing this from your perspective coz you're the one complaining about it...


What makes you think the game was not also a loss for your opposition?


Would be cool to get some clarification but it's common sense that it would be a loss for both because neither team could break the defences of the opposition. Huttball is an entirely different kettle of fish as you know, because if teams are tied 5-5 and timer runs out the win goes to who ever holds the ball OR who scored last.

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It sort of makes sense, how could you lose to a team that's supposed to be worst than you?


You didn't read what he posted? People can just sit in stealth and pop out when you're planting, and just keep doing that. This is how you lose to someone like that.

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What makes you think the game was not also a loss for your opposition?


Would be cool to get some clarification but it's common sense that it would be a loss for both because neither team could break the defences of the opposition.


I don't think you understand the concept of winning vs losing. You can't both lose. Far from "common sense," that doesn't make any damn sense at all. Either one team won, or it was a draw. You can't lose if no one beat you.


Anyway I had this happen to me in a ranked match last night and after talking to a few of the guys from the other team I can confirm that they got the win, while we got the loss. Even they admitted that they didn't deserve the win, and it should have been recorded as a tie with no change in the ranking of either team.


EDIT: I've been saying for weeks that a lot of ranked VS matches are going to be ending in stalemates due to the quality of the teams involved and the relative ease of defensive coordination. It's only been a few days and this already seems to be the case. Apparently the wall EA/BW added doesn't do enough to ensure at least 1 team gets past the first door. (I know you're probably all shocked that they didn't adequately test a feature before rolling it out.)

Edited by matslarson
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It should be a tie. It shouldn't go off any stats. It's smarter for a Scoundrel/Shadow to stealth away and then interrupt a cap at the last second than it is to just go balls out DPS trying to pad the numbers so you win on stats. Same deal with Hutball. A tie is a tie.


As someone mentioned in a different thread: based on ELO the lower ranked team should gain points in a tie and the higher ranked should lose them. But it should be fewer than a win/loss because the higher ranked team should have won.




It sort of makes sense, how could you lose to a team that's supposed to be worst than you?


And this.


It's a system that's prevalent in many competitions that retain a ranking system. It's a system that is recognised internationally and seems to work fine.


There's even a sense of it in non-ranked competition. For example (albeit an extremely unlikely one and completely exaggerated discrepancy) if the Patriots were to lose to some no-name team from some 3rd world country what do you think people would think? That the game was a tie and both teams played equally well? "Bravo Patriots, you drew, we don't think any less of you for it!" Could you honestly expect such a reaction? I'm sure most people would be like "wow that team that drew with the Patriots were awesome" or (and more likely) "omg the Patriots suck, I can't believe they lost" (putting it mildly, I'm sure Patriot fans would rage whilst everyone else laughed their socks off), either way, the reputation of the better team would worsen whilst the weaker team would be considered to be better than before.

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It seems to me you missed the memo where deaths, kills and damage don't make any difference in voidstar, and there is no reason they should make you the default winner. Maybe next time ignore how much damage you do, how many times you die and focus more on the actual objectives. I know objective based PvP is annoying but it is all we have.
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