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What do you fear more, Smash or Rail shot?


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PT's bread and butter is burst. Theirs are better than warriors burst. That being said, burst is all VG/PT have. Marauders/juggs have much better survivability and utility. So the real question is do we fear RS or Burst + Utility + survivability of sw's.
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Hmm...One can be used, virtually at will, every six seconds and can't be avoided (Pyro apply DoT automatically with cheap, instant attack, that costs less than Cleanse, which has a longer CD, and does its first tick of DoT damage instantly)...the other is easily predicted, avoided and shut down.


Pyrotech rail shot is vastly more dangerous than jug smash. Even before jug smash was nerfed.


Also. Pyrotechs have better survivability than DPS juggs.

Edited by clearsighted
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Also. Pyrotechs have better survivability than DPS juggs.


You have to love how forum users just state untrue statements as fact. How in the hell do we have better survivability than Maras?


Becoming convinced forum users don't play the game. Pretty sure the good players aren't whining about maras/sents and pyros/vanguards.


Do you know what I hear groans about on a regular basis in WZ's? Teams with 4 healers.

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You have to love how forum users just state untrue statements as fact. How in the hell do we have better survivability than Maras?


Becoming convinced forum users don't play the game. Pretty sure the good players aren't whining about maras/sents and pyros/vanguards.


Do you know what I hear groans about on a regular basis in WZ's? Teams with 4 healers.


I'm pretty sure he said DPS Juggs.

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Post your rating and ratio, Discuss:


What do you feel is becoming more devastating/useful/appealing in ranked games. Powertech burst, or Smash burst (Jug/Mara)


Rating: 1540

Ratio: 16 wins, 2 losses


I find them to be a sameness really. Different circumstances, Railshot hits you from range, Smash is a set up burst and needs a "killzone".


Our 2 ranked losses is against the same team, 3 Guardians, 2 Sentinels, Assassin and 2 healers (Commando and Scoundrel). We just couldnt counter them, and was completely dominated in Huttball due to leaps, roots and smashes with guard on just about everything.


I actually think PT's do drop a lot quicker though. A quick bit of focus fire and you smoke them, the Guard/Jugg's just seem to last a bit longer, tank and DPS ones aswell. The CC immunity from the middle tree is a big kicker IMO, provides a really good uptime for the Jugg/Guard.

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PT's bread and butter is burst. Theirs are better than warriors burst. That being said, burst is all VG/PT have. Marauders/juggs have much better survivability and utility. So the real question is do we fear RS or Burst + Utility + survivability of sw's.


What? A class in SWTOR has burst?!?! NERF THEM!

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I can see someones buffs and time out when to move out of smashing range and I can go whole wz's fighting rage specced juggs and not letting them hit me once with it. Rail shot you are just dead instantly..so...


Rail shot.

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I can see someones buffs and time out when to move out of smashing range and I can go whole wz's fighting rage specced juggs and not letting them hit me once with it. Rail shot you are just dead instantly..so...


Rail shot.


You can avoid smash, yeah.

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I can see someones buffs and time out when to move out of smashing range and I can go whole wz's fighting rage specced juggs and not letting them hit me once with it. Rail shot you are just dead instantly..so...


Rail shot.


Or you listen to the laughter that means he did reset his CD. Or you look out for the TD thats usually thrown infront of a full rotation. Or the IM, when you are burning is a good warning as well.


Sure, sometimes you get no warning- but sometimes you get charged by someone who has already setup the preparation for smash as well.

Also a sentinel complaining about PTs? Learn to use your defensive CDs please.

Edited by Twor
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Or you listen to the laughter that means he did reset his CD. Or you look out for the TD thats usually thrown infront of a full rotation. Or the IM, when you are burning is a good warning as well.


Sure, sometimes you get no warning- but sometimes you get charged by someone who has already setup the preparation for smash as well.

Also a sentinel complaining about PTs? Learn to use your defensive CDs please.


Lolol, I've played every class and I do know how to use my CD's kthx :) Let me explains some things to you k?


Obscure - Blinds them for 6 seconds, but not before being set on fire. It protects me from their bullets..thats it. Their tech damage still hits me and the dots.


Saber ward - 12 seconds, but again only parries. Force/Tech still goes right through it.. Rocket punch/TD still always hit you through it, not to mention the dots. You MIGHT be saved from rail shot.


Guarded by the force - By this time we are already down to being dead, if not dead already form insane burst. They most likely have their shield sitll up at this time, your damage is drastically reduced, and you are on fire. Instant it wears out or they kite you, or cc you with their many ccc's, and with their Always-Snared pyro cylinders the dots kill you instantly or they will just time you out.


Even through all of these they can constantly have you snared or just CC you through most of them, and those they don't need to cc you through they can still do massive bursts right through our CD's. We have nothing that can actually save us from their damage throughout a full length fight and they can out live through all of our CD's. A good one can anyways, if you even can call a powertech player skilled based off their class.


I even left out rail shot, which if they land you most likely probably went from 40% to dead and had no time to even use GBTF. It doesnt really matter what you do something if the powertech is stacked no amount of CD's will save you. Ya, i kill them all the time. But if i don't see them they will kill me in under 5 seconds. In a one on one situation I can kill them, but like you said thats me playing on a sentinel. Other classes don't have nearly close to those cooldowns. What the hell are they supposed to do? Bubble? Lolol... People always highly overrate Marauder/Sentinel survibility and dont actually know how they work, its great. Coming from someone who also plays a Sentinel, aka one of the "OP" classes as people are constantly ignorantly qqing about. Powertechs are the true OP class and kings of it. No other class, not even hybird specced tankasssins, give me the trouble they do.


Again, i've played as every class now, and I know that if a sentinel has trouble even surviing or out lasting a powertech what do other classes have? Commandos their shield, sages bubbles, guardians cant tank them with their 90% arp, DPS Shadows have "Parry" and a 3 second dot immunity (OH MY!) :) I refuse to make a vanguard/powertech now and deleted mine for a class that's actually somewhat balanced, which any class is more balanced than a OPowertech.


As for the smash If you don't see the Smash counter going up to 4 its not really a big "Surprise" and if they get shockkwave off thats just a nerfed version of it..nothing hard to dodge at all and even if it does hit you if they dont have their 4/4 stack it only tickles.


Also yes i am aware i just ranted an anti powertech qq post in here. oh well. I dislike ignorance <.< had to rant.


Edit: for those who complain about sentinels and me leaving out force camo / Rebuke


!: if you dont have rebuke up before you face any powertech..then wow..


2: Force camo may get you out of the fight, but you will still be dotted up and they can just go right back into their rotation. It won't save you unless you actually hide, in which case, the powertech has won if you need to. You dont need to kill someone to win a fight,t putting them out of business works as well.

Edited by Kayse
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Rail Shot is far more dangerous imo.

30m range

90% ArPen

And most powerful nature of it is actually because how frequent it can be used.

It needs some kinda of debuff dot/incapitated and the abilities that works to "trigger" the useability of railshot is NOT limited to the PT himself, other class can dot / cc / stun and you will still see your railshot light up. The first 2 railshots are also happening back to back most likely, and the 3rd one can come in as little as 10s which with little attention you can wait for a few extra seconds by not refreshing it with Flame burst or rocket punch and let railshot's CD to come out on its own so you can do 2 more back to back. Actually with my own experience an easy combo of Thermal Detonator, Incen Round, Railshot, Flame Burst/Rocket Punch, Railshot will EASILY being the victim down to 30% (if most hits crit its GG u dead). At 30% my combustion cylinder + incendiary round dot will be ticking for 30% more damage (due to talent) while having extra crit chance AND 30% extra surge bonus (105% bonus crit damage).


Smash? long set up, melee, none spammable, heck you can even physically dodge it by moving your toon away. Only time smash would be relatively useful is probably voidstar lol aoe fest which doesnt even happen in rated because most teams are not stupid.


In the end, rail shot is far superior burst wise and ignore 90% of the armor which has better single target burst which is all rated team care about due to instant focusing healer/sorc is PvP 101 stuff.


And in rated you probably want to put other DPS PTs/Vanguards as your top priority focus kill target... they simply burst too much, too quick, and they can even pull your healers right into their zerg killzone... your healers definitely wont like it.

Edited by warultima
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Lolol, I've played every class and I do know how to use my CD's kthx :) Let me explains some things to you k?





Maybe take a look at the CDs you have forgotten. Force camo comes to mind, whoops no burst on you and he switches to another target in 99% of the cases.

Or rebukes equivalent maybe? Or if you are that afraid you just charge to someone who is out of the 30m range for the pyro?


Also right, you play sentinel and marauder as you do not play the op classes.


You also didn't understand what I pointed out in regarding smash preparation either.


Sorry but someone who plays marauder and sentinel calling a pyro op should really reconsider a lot of things...


All in all just another nerf pyro whinethread filled with people who amaze with half knowledge. Not worth arguing with those.

Edited by Twor
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Maybe take a look at the CDs you have forgotten. Force camo comes to mind, whoops no burst on you and he switches to another target in 99% of the cases.

Or rebukes equivalent maybe? Or if you are that afraid you just charge to someone who is out of the 30m range for the pyro?


Also right, you play sentinel and marauder as you do not play the op classes.


You also didn't understand what I pointed out in regarding smash preparation either.


Sorry but someone who plays marauder and sentinel calling a pyro op should really reconsider a lot of things...


All in all just another nerf pyro whinethread filled with people who amaze with half knowledge. Not worth arguing with those.


Force camo - Still have dots on you/possible snares. That's only for a few seconds, instant your out its right back to being nuked.


For Rebuke thats 20% damage reduction and if i actually have to say to have Rebuke up before any powertech fight..Then woah..My apologies.. Also reread my post please? I have mentioned other classes, and i have played others plenty to know.


And ya, a Jugg can be full 4/4 and leap to you for shockwave and smash you, even then its very easy to move out of the killbox, its so small of an aoe, and if you are seriously having trouble with that then..Sigh.. Tip, if they leap at you and you fear they are going to, and youd ont have force crush on you snare/root them and move.. Or what i do on Sents/Guards is leap to someone else quickly and go back after them.


again for someone claiming me to be "half knowledged" go back and reread my post? Instead of ignorantly posting and trying to insult others? Perhaps? Sorry i wasnt thorough enough for you. If you prefer i can go through every other classes disadvantage versus powertechs. Only class i can think of that can stand toe to toe to htem at all, which is completely up to the situation is marauders/tankassins..possibly snipers, but thats more "who is more outgeared" and can get the bigger bursts. But Snipers actually have some weaknesses unlike Powertechs.


End of the day powertechs are the kings, Rail Shot wins by a long shot.

Edited by Kayse
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All in all just another nerf pyro whinethread filled with people who amaze with half knowledge. Not worth arguing with those.


Well, he does have a point there. I play sentinel/mara, and if a good pyro gets the jump me, there's not much I can do other than hope my cds are up and that obfuscate manages to make the pyro miss one or two railshots. Even then, its a straight-up dps race - often times it goes down to who gets the lucky crits or if my gbtf is up.

Edited by -Yui-
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