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Nightmare Denova

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While waiting have your hardcore players that do more than just raid recruit some people and teach them to raid and get them some gear. You might get some diamonds in the rough and have some raid ready people when the inevitable happens and more people start to leave the game.
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I appreciate that some of you have come to this thread to offer "help" with suggestions. If you feel you've been met with anything other than appreciation, it's because I think a lot of players in these guilds have had a similar story to mine and are really just frustrated.


We cleared content quickly. We expect to wait for more content. It is COMPLETELY NORMAL to wait for content if you're in the first group of people to clear it. I don't think anybody here is complaining that we're waiting.


After we cleared NM KP quickly back in January/February? Many of us did alts. I am currently sitting on 4 full-rakata-or-better 50s. We genuinely looked for things to keep us occupied and engaged in the game. Right now, I personally have no other alts I'm particularly interested in leveling, but I'm leveling 2 slowly just because.


We got EC, cleared it quickly, and began the wait again. Some of us hit PVP. Some of us did random crazy things. Some play D3 on non-raid nights now.


We are TRYING to stay involved in the game. I go use the group finder to level up my social points. It's not FUN, but I do it because it's there. 1.3 combined with server transfers added at least a sense of excitement that there's "stuff happening."


However, with all of that being said, it is a little ridiculous to not only be expected to wait, but to be left completely in the dark about when our waiting is over. I don't think anybody in this thread is stomping their feet saying they want content RIGHT NOW. We simply want communication from Bioware regarding a general idea of how much longer we'll be waiting and what we can expect when the wait is over. No specifics, because we know that's unreasonable and not going to happen.

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An answer from Bioware would be greatly appreciated, WHEN IS NIGHTMARE EC BEING RELEASED? This month, next month, next year? I don't think it's too much to ask for a rough idea of when you plan to release it. My guild has had HM EC on farm for months and would like to cut our teeth on new content. So please answer the question.
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Like I said in another post, Nightmare has been released. The same day the servers merged because of the way they create instance servers and capacities. 3-5 sec lockups at critical points every main fight is enough to cause multiple wipes and halt farm progression.


Joking aside, communication is all we are asking for. What is expected Nightmare release. End of summer, end of year, never? Just something so we can keep people interested in the game we all really enjoy because the legacy system is a huge failure in most people's eyes. Credit sink for no real benefit of having high legacy. Perks for legacy should at least have the costs reduced the higher legacy you are or something. 200k credits at the min level to purchase something, and substantial decreases each 5 legacy levels, etc.


I digress...

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I just dont get what could be taking so long. I mean sure they had to scrap their old nightmare design and work up something more interesting for Nightmare but it cant take that long can it?


Which then makes me wonder what gear might from in Nightmare. We know it'll be a new tier of gear. But I wonder if the next ops, Terror from Beyond will work the same way as EC did.


Will Story Terror drop Campaign Loot

HM Terror drop the same loot as Nightmare EC?


If so I suppose it would maybe make sense to release them at the same time.


Or will they instead make it so that Story Terror will drop the same loot as Nightmare EC and HM Terror has an even newer tier? :S


I do hope they release it before 1.4 in a 1.3.X patch. They definitely shouldn't be holding it back to pack out 1.4 >.<


I think Nightmare EC will have same loot as HM TFB, Then when next patch comes TFB nightmare will drop same loot as 1.5 oepration HM.


But I'm just praying to the BW god that they get creative and at least add new set bonuses. Makes no sense that Tionese & Campaign gear should have the same set bonus. There is really no point in raiding for gear anymore since you can just farm BH gear, Put it in a tionese shell and and augments with certain augs to get the ideal stat s.


EDIT: Are BW trolling us btw?.. What's with the invis post? :confused::confused:

Edited by _Zorth_
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Nightmare Denova is coming. It has taken longer than we'd like, because we've been reworking NM to be a full-fledged difficulty mode with its own loot and its own mechanics. Trust me, we want to put it in your hands as soon as we can.


Apparently some people are unable to see this post for whatever reason. I just quoted this from the 1st page, 5th post on the page.

Edited by ZeroPlus
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Apparently some people are unable to see this post for whatever reason. I just quoted this from the 1st page, 5th post on the page.


I only just now was able to see it after your quote of the post.


Very weird.


In any case, the response was nice I suppose. I guess asking for a time frame is too much? :p

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People couldn't see it for a while because it was soft deleted shortly after posting (soft delete means the post still exists in database but the thread is invisible to non-moderators). Most likely they posted but then thought they should double check/verify the information before restoring it.
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It's easy to say that BW is not producing content fast enough, etc. But to be honest, I feel they are doing a really good job with their development. If you look back to when the game was launched, to where its at now, they have been adding a ton of new functionality to the game. Yes, new content would be nice for raiding, but I do believe that the first year of any game is adding more functionality to the stuff we take for granted (lfg finder and ui customization). I feel once these things are all ironed out, they will be able to put more of their development hours into new content, rather than game play features.


Things will be slower until they stabilize other issues, but I am positive that in time, they are going to do a fantastic job of designing end game content to push hardcore guilds.

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It would be great if they could add a random element to the Nightmare boss mechanics. Personally, I don't think we should be able to memorize any boss fight, regardless of how "complex" it is. An easy solution would be to have a set of mechanics occur in random order (as opposed to the formulaic approach used now) so people actually had to pay attention and think on their feet. Not only would this help us get rid of the bad players (people who fail to press buttons in the right order) but would also help us weed out the idiots.
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While new mechanics would be wonderful, I think the majority of us still serious raiding guilds just want the content sooner rather than later. You can shock us with awesome mechanics in the next operation, but we just want something to do in the mean time.


Its getting very sad watching your friends slowly leave the game out of boredom.

Edited by pureeffinmetal
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While new mechanics would be wonderful, I think the majority of us still serious raiding guilds just want the content sooner rather than later. You can shock us with awesome mechanics in the next operation, but we just want something to do in the mean time.


Its getting very sad watching your friends slowly leave the game out of boredom.


This. Grinding EC all over again with maybe 1 new mechanic per boss would be very boring. I just want a new OP that is drastically harder than EC HM where it might take the top raiding guilds in the entire game a few weeks to clear.

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This. Grinding EC all over again with maybe 1 new mechanic per boss would be very boring. I just want a new OP that is drastically harder than EC HM where it might take the top raiding guilds in the entire game a few weeks to clear.


Cannot stress this enough. Last week, I was in our raid and cleared Nightmare Pilgrim, 16HM EC in the same night under 4 hours. This week, I sat for a trial tank, and of course same thing happened. I guess I could try and pug a HM denova 8 or something, but that will be painful with the people on my server doing pugs. It isn't pretty and I would rather save myself the headache.


So I have literally zero reason to log in to this game for 13 days (time of last kill I was in to next week reset). I already have multiple 50 alts, and frankly I do not feel like leveling anymore. I am afraid to say, that if we do not get any word on when content will be released whether Nightmare or the new Op, myself and many others will be canceling and going back to WoW, or GW2. We aren't the only ones analyzing these options either. Other high level guilds are going through the same motions.

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Nightmare Denova is already here.


They added a whole new mechanic: lag boss.

haha.. funny, and sadly true.


the first time we encountered the raid boss, our mumble was deathly silent. no one wanted to speak up, i guess because they feared it was their own fault or something they did. it wasn't until after, that we started asking "did you guys get a giant lag spike there?", that we all started piping in.


now, it's so common that the second it happens, we're calling it out - pushing cool down buttons hoping we survive the lag.

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haha.. funny, and sadly true.


the first time we encountered the raid boss, our mumble was deathly silent. no one wanted to speak up, i guess because they feared it was their own fault or something they did. it wasn't until after, that we started asking "did you guys get a giant lag spike there?", that we all started piping in.


now, it's so common that the second it happens, we're calling it out - pushing cool down buttons hoping we survive the lag.


I feel so bad for my girlfriend watching her raid. She really enjoys this game, she wanted me to play but I'm more into PvP so I rolled on Pot5. She's on the Shadowlands and they had to call their raid last night because they were getting hit with 5-6 second lag spikes. They barely got past T&Z and then on FB&SC I guess they hit the lag boss enrage timer because everyone in the ops started lagging to the point they lost connection.


If I was in her position, I'd outright punt a puppy off a bridge Anchorman style.


At the least Bioware could actually show some respect towards the serious raiders and give them a real update on Nightmare Denova and also a real update on what they are doing to "nerf" lag boss.

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Cannot stress this enough. Last week, I was in our raid and cleared Nightmare Pilgrim, 16HM EC in the same night under 4 hours. This week, I sat for a trial tank, and of course same thing happened. I guess I could try and pug a HM denova 8 or something, but that will be painful with the people on my server doing pugs. It isn't pretty and I would rather save myself the headache.


So I have literally zero reason to log in to this game for 13 days (time of last kill I was in to next week reset). I already have multiple 50 alts, and frankly I do not feel like leveling anymore. I am afraid to say, that if we do not get any word on when content will be released whether Nightmare or the new Op, myself and many others will be canceling and going back to WoW, or GW2. We aren't the only ones analyzing these options either. Other high level guilds are going through the same motions.


Unfortunately, raiding in GW2 is going to be a joke so it looks like people will have to go back to WoW unless they primarily care about pvp. I really think it is just a problem with MMOs, though, as playing tic-tac-toe against a skilled opponent is more difficult than formulaic operations. NM pilgrim and 16HM EC are simple after the first time you've done them, the other operations can be done nearly naked, and fresh 50s can do NM KP.

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This is exactly what is happening, even in our guild some people start to talk about going back to WoW because they have more raiding content to offer (some even argue it's better). At least all of us want to stay together as a guild, but aside from raidnight (yes, singular, which takes about 1-2 hours), it's hard to get yourself to log in if there is absolutely nothing to do.


By the way it seems that we can expect new PTS soon, maybe the patchnotes will tell what is coming...

Edited by Shinaa
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Unfortunately, raiding in GW2 is going to be a joke so it looks like people will have to go back to WoW unless they primarily care about pvp. I really think it is just a problem with MMOs, though, as playing tic-tac-toe against a skilled opponent is more difficult than formulaic operations. NM pilgrim and 16HM EC are simple after the first time you've done them, the other operations can be done nearly naked, and fresh 50s can do NM KP.


Or wait until Planetside 2. At least I got into the beta...:D

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This is exactly what is happening, even in our guild some people start to talk about going back to WoW because they have more raiding content to offer (some even argue it's better). At least all of us want to stay together as a guild, but aside from raidnight (yes, singular, which takes about 1-2 hours), it's hard to get yourself to log in if there is absolutely nothing to do.


By the way it seems that we can expect new PTS soon, maybe the patchnotes will tell what is coming...


Implying WoW has more raiding content ... Dragon Soul Heroic, 8 bosses since November 2011, repeatedly nerfed to a degree of being totally ridiculous (30% ICC buff all over again trololol) ... good luck with that, let me know how WoW keeps your guildies more occupied than SWTOR.


Gotta love people who wish to replace SWTOR raiding with the upcoming GW2 ... you people do realize GW2 isn't even designed to have raids, right? Good luck trying to convince yourself zerging public bosses which require zero coordination is a great substitute for raiding.


Yes, SWTOR raiding isn't exactly a shining beacon for the genre, but the competition does not fare better. Even though WoW brings in more difficult bosses (at least at first, until they nerf them to oblivion), Blizzard's development cycle is simply too slow to be considered serious or worthy anymore. I mean, come on, they're doing another one-year-of-ICC routine again, there hasn't been any new raiding content since November 2011, on top of that Dragon Soul has rehashed locations and only 8 bosses in total. And just look at their Cataclysm development in total - minimum of 6 months between each content update, only three raiding tiers and most of it just rehash upon rehash ... how anyone can still hold any hope for the future of WoW is beyond me.


Yeah, it sucks, still no NiM Denova and still no Terror from Beyond, but at least the PvP and levelling alts is very interesting in this game. Idk, WoW and AoC never convinced me to invest a lot of time into PvP and levelling other classes.


There's no doubt about it that if you play modern MMOs (not just SWTOR) solely for raiding, you might as well quit the genre entirely, TBC era is long gone, deal with it. If you went into this game with a hardcore raiding mentality, then you've simply let yourself be mislead.


In all seriousness, we can surely expect at least NiM EC, if not 1.4, before the end of August. If not, then we'll just have to pleasure ourselves with public event zergfests in GW2 *sigh

Edited by Krewel
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