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June 28 Maintenance


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i have to be in certain moods for certain games, and swtor is never there for me


You should buy SWTOR more flowers, take SWTOR out for a nice dinner and show. Maybe you never listen to SWTOR and her needs, hopes and dreams. Ever think about that?! Gosh Rocknerd, you can be so selfish lately.

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Hehe you guys kill me. Perhaps you didn't play WoW, but 99% of the time I wouldn't even try and play on a patch day like they had on this one. WoW's post-patch server performance and issues were epic. I'm really pissed off because I went to bed early and now I'm awake and wanting to play, OH WAIT, I can't, gawd da****! So yeah, I'm really ticked off right now, but those of you saying why can't BW do anything right, why can't I play when I want wha wha... Quit crying, its still better than Blizz's post major content patch deployment.


Lol! Exactly. Anytime there is a major update you can expect additional down time as well. It's part of the drill and not SWTOR exclusive. You, of the long list of MMOs played, know exactly what I'm talking about.


As for BWs waffling, to shutdown or not shutdown the servers, big freaking deal. The only ones who have a valid complaint at all are the ones facing down time during their Primetime. The rest of you.... you should have gotten some sleep. But I guess it is much more productive to come here and err... what... dogpile on BW for trying to improve the game?

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So, I log on last night to play after reading the maintenance would be postponed. To be met with a patch prior to logging in. (About 1:30am CDT)


Playing along, doing my thing, when the Server Admin Warning popped up for maintenance in 15 minutes. I checked my clock, and it was 20 to 2am CDT. Almost missed it, because of the "warnings" I keep getting about the free server transfers that I won't do until I can change the Legacy Name I already have locked in on the destination server from prior to the Transfers. Thinking I misread the forum post, I alt-tabbed out to check again. Forum said it was postponed.


Okay, must be glitch due to the postponement the same day, no biggie. Keep on playing. I kept on getting the countdown messages. Hrrmm... I finish up what I was doing and head back to a Cantina just after the 2 minute warning. Just to be safe. I alt-tab out to double check the forums and they still say the maintenance is postponed.


I head to the restroom while my character hangs out in the Cantina. Get back at about 2:46ish am CDT. Servers are still up, it is over a minute since the 15 minute warning would have counted down. I double check the forums again, and the maintenance thread still, still, says maintenance is postponed.


Not being sure which way this thing is going, I chill in the Cantina for another five minutes. 2:01am CDT rolls around, and the servers are still up. I double check the forums one more time, and the thread is still saying that maintenance is postponed.


Alright, by now I am sure maintenance is postponed. Head out of the Cantina, hop on a taxi, and mid flight servers kick me out - all servers are down. String of obscenities flow from my mouth. At 2:03.37am CDT, I check the forums thread and now -now- it says that maintenance is still on. Okay, log into the forums to post this anecdote and read through this thread. Go to post this post, and the forums are down.


Real great experience there. This is the stuff brand loyalty are built on. Or destroyed on.


Maybe my ISP is caching web pages. I don't know. But my browser doesn't (I set my browser to delete all files/cookies on closing for privacy/security reasons). I don't know why it sometimes takes up to half an hour (or more) for official posts to show up for me, but reading that the maintenance will go on as scheduled 3 minutes after the servers are supposed to be shut down doesn't do me any good. To be fair, it might not be limited to official posts. Other forum posters however, have not posted time sensitive information that I have noticed, so I can't compare.


Since reading this thread in real time last night at 2:03am CDT pointed out there are other people who don't get the updates in a timely fashion, I think it is time to start a policy where time sensitive stuff can not be posted within an hour of needing to be readable. This isn't the first time the official post on a schedule chance didn't show up until after the change happened (usually when the servers go down "unexpectedly") for me.


Oh, and I logged in today to not needing a patch.


So, summary:



  • Patch pushed early, at least half an hour early.
  • Forum thread not updating soon enough to do some players any good - not limited to local caching issues.
  • Forum shut down while servers are down - leaving some players clueless. I guess this puts them on par with some at EA/Bioware...


Edited by Blattan
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So, I log on last night to play after reading the maintenance would be postponed. To be met with a patch prior to logging in. (About 1:30am CDT)


Playing along, doing my thing, when the Server Admin Warning popped up for maintenance in 15 minutes. I checked my clock, and it was 20 to 2am CDT. Almost missed it, because of the "warnings" I keep getting about the free server transfers that I won't do until I can change the Legacy Name I already have locked in on the destination server from prior to the Transfers. Thinking I misread the forum post, I alt-tabbed out to check again. Forum said it was postponed.


Okay, must be glitch due to the postponement the same day, no biggie. Keep on playing. I kept on getting the countdown messages. Hrrmm... I finish up what I was doing and head back to a Cantina just after the 2 minute warning. Just to be safe. I alt-tab out to double check the forums and they still say the maintenance is postponed.


I head to the restroom while my character hangs out in the Cantina. Get back at about 2:46ish am CDT. Servers are still up, it is over a minute since the 15 minute warning would have counted down. I double check the forums again, and the maintenance thread still, still, says maintenance is postponed.


Not being sure which way this thing is going, I chill in the Cantina for another five minutes. 2:01am CDT rolls around, and the servers are still up. I double check the forums one more time, and the thread is still saying that maintenance is postponed.


Alright, by now I am sure maintenance is postponed. Head out of the Cantina, hop on a taxi, and mid flight servers kick me out - all servers are down. String of obscenities flow from my mouth. At 2:03.37am CDT, I check the forums thread and now -now- it says that maintenance is still on. Okay, log into the forums to post this anecdote and read through this thread. Go to post this post, and the forums are down.


Real great experience there. This is the stuff brand loyalty are built on. Or destroyed on.


Maybe my ISP is caching web pages. I don't know. But my browser doesn't (I set my browser to delete all files/cookies on closing for privacy/security reasons). I don't know why it sometimes takes up to half an hour (or more) for official posts to show up for me, but reading that the maintenance will go on as scheduled 3 minutes after the servers are supposed to be shut down doesn't do me any good. To be fair, it might not be limited to official posts. Other forum posters however, have not posted time sensitive information that I have noticed, so I can't compare.


Since reading this thread in real time last night at 2:03am CDT pointed out there are other people who don't get the updates in a timely fashion, I think it is time to start a policy where time sensitive stuff can not be posted within an hour of needing to be readable. This isn't the first time the official post on a schedule chance didn't show up until after the change happened (usually when the servers go down "unexpectedly") for me.


Oh, and I logged in today to not needing a patch.


So, summary:


  • Patch pushed early, at least half an hour early.
  • Forum thread not updating soon enough to do some players any good - not limited to local caching issues.
  • Forum shut down while servers are down - leaving some players clueless. I guess this puts them on par with some at EA/Bioware...




Seriously, you need to chill out. Take this as a learning experience. That life can be unpredictable and often is. And you can't have it all your own way.


And to add BW no problem I guess amongst all the work you've been Doing for 1.3 someones made a hash of the patch today. No sweat . Forget about it.

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I don´t mind patches aslong they keep on fixing bugs and improving the game :rak_03:


Well, more the fool you then. I definitely mind patches when they impact my game time and they don't fix anything that couldn't wait until the next scheduled maintenance.


Only thing worth bringing the servers down to fix like that would arguably be the augment slot issue with pre1.3 augment slots, and at least according to the notes, that wasn't even fixed.

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I don´t mind patches aslong they keep on fixing bugs and improving the game :rak_03:


Most of the complaints are not about the patches. The complaints are about the lack of communication between departments at BW. Server messages saying maintenance still on, forum saying it's postponed. Only after the server began to go offline, did the forum thread change. Then, poof, the forum goes down with the maintenance, leaving many in the dark.


BW/EA already has a serious problem communicating with their user base in an effective manner and this just highlights it.

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Well, more the fool you then. I definitely mind patches when they impact my game time and they don't fix anything that couldn't wait until the next scheduled maintenance.


Only thing worth bringing the servers down to fix like that would arguably be the augment slot issue with pre1.3 augment slots, and at least according to the notes, that wasn't even fixed.


Yes, it is all in the eye of the beholder. For me it is easy, when the game is down I simply do other stuff :rak_03:

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Yes, it is all in the eye of the beholder. For me it is easy, when the game is down I simply do other stuff :rak_03:


Wait.... you mean there are other things to do in my free time? I am not required to devote every free moment in my life to a video game?


.... Blasphemy

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Most of the complaints are not about the patches. The complaints are about the lack of communication between departments at BW. Server messages saying maintenance still on, forum saying it's postponed. Only after the server began to go offline, did the forum thread change. Then, poof, the forum goes down with the maintenance, leaving many in the dark.


BW/EA already has a serious problem communicating with their user base in an effective manner and this just highlights it.




Soooooooo much this!.

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Most of the complaints are not about the patches. The complaints are about the lack of communication between departments at BW. Server messages saying maintenance still on, forum saying it's postponed. Only after the server began to go offline, did the forum thread change. Then, poof, the forum goes down with the maintenance, leaving many in the dark.


BW/EA already has a serious problem communicating with their user base in an effective manner and this just highlights it.


I'd say it has more to do in this instance with mis-communication more than anything else for me. Who in bloody blazes is in charge over there? Whoever they are they sure don't have my confidence in their ability to manage simple things.


Simple things add up. They are an indicator that big things are beyond their capability.


Their inability to do simple communication to customers is staggering.



Last nights go - stop - go - stop was absurd. The fact that aside from the initial erroneous mesage that they were shutting down and one of the in-game notices all communication with us happened after the fact shows you where they place us in the order of importance.


Let us know. Get it right. Get in done in a timely manner. How much is that to ask of a service provider?

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Seriously, you need to chill out. Take this as a learning experience. That life can be unpredictable and often is. And you can't have it all your own way.


Seriously, you need to get over yourself.


What in the world made you think I wasn't "chill?"


Oh yeah, you are a superior life form that is above all others. I guess that means your opinion is too far above everyone else for them to care about it.

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I hope your enjoying the new Bioware business model.


It looks a little something like this.


1. Log on -->

2. (please select one) --> wait in queue / Play in ghost town -->

3. (please select one) --> error during queue, crash to the desktop / wait in pvp queue with no pop, wait in group finder without a pop -->

4. (please select one) --> return to step 2, return to step 1 / Log off for maintenance

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Seriously, you need to get over yourself.


What in the world made you think I wasn't "chill?"


Oh yeah, you are a superior life form that is above all others. I guess that means your opinion is too far above everyone else for them to care about it.


But he is an internet ******.

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Wait.... you mean there are other things to do in my free time? I am not required to devote every free moment in my life to a video game?


.... Blasphemy


People tend to schedule activities around, you know, scheduled events. I like to regularly play with my Dad once a week. Since we know servers will be down Monday nights, we don't schedule monday nights to get together and play. SInce servers are (supposed) to be up Wednesday nights, it's quite possible we may schedule are weekly get togethers for Wednesday night. Since we live on opposite sides of the country, with time zones and personal events and stuff, we do actually have to schedule our get-togethers.


(Note: insert guild raid night, or other *scheduled* activities)


Now sure, we *can* do other things... and miss out on our scheduled get together. But there's really no good reason for Bioware to do an emergency maintenance like this over trivial things that couldn't simply wait. Some people aren't simply playing 4 hours a day 7 days a week, and thus don't care if an hour or two of their normal play time gets interrupted and they have to go do something else for those two hours. For some people those 2 hours (or w/e) may be the only time they have scheduled to play that week.. (Or, most likely, some people don't care at all because the patches happen when they wouldn't be playing anyways, so to heck with those people who actually ARE inconvienced by the unscheduled downtime. Doesn't affect me, so go ahead and do it.)


edit: Considering the only important issue (IMO) (and certainly the only "time critical" one) apparently wasn't even addressed in this emergency maintenance (the pre 1.3 augment slot issue) I sort of expect they discovered the augment slot fix either didn't work or wasn't going to be ready in time, so decided to postpone the maintenance. Then they realized so many people had already logged off/stopped playing in expectation of said maintenance, that they decided they may as well go ahead and put in what fixes they had anyways.

Edited by GnatB
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