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Seriously? Maintenance and Asia/Pacific


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Big discussion in chat last night about Tuesday maintenance stealing a night from us Aussies, we all decided it was fair enough, Bioware has to look after their bread and butter (US players).


But again in the same week? And this isn't the first time its been twice in a week either. Aussies are pretty easy going, we understand the times are designed to keep the majority player base happy, but how about a little acknowledgement. An apology aimed directly at Aussies instead of the general 'apologise for the inconvenience ' would be a start. And a better way would be to stagger the times of any unscheduled maintenance so no single time zone gets singled out to lose service during prime time more than once a week.


We appreciate your guys work and love the game and are certainly not going to rage quit because of this issue, but we would like a little TLC, after all we are paying customers the same as the Americans.

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Moved from customer service to general discussion? O_o I wanted an answer from customer service, not discuss it with my fellow players, we discussed it in-game last night. Guess it was faster than actually typing out a short reply..
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Everyone is missing the point. Tonights hotfix might be to take away my new teleport skill I gained in Huttball.


I am loving this new skill where random players warp about the map and rubber band back to you!


Please please do not fix the games where we get a peaceful resolution due to being unable to target enemies!


ps I am an aussie, i dislike downtimes in my prime playing hours but such is life, good luck with the fixes BW.

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Everyone is missing the point. Tonights hotfix might be to take away my new teleport skill I gained in Huttball.


I am loving this new skill where random players warp about the map and rubber band back to you!


Please please do not fix the games where we get a peaceful resolution due to being unable to target enemies!


ps I am an aussie, i dislike downtimes in my prime playing hours but such is life, good luck with the fixes BW.


It would be an act of courtesy if they did maintenance in another time, every once in a while.


You guys should demand it.

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i agree with as a fellow aussie that we do lose prime time nights as most of us that do play work through the day and only get to play at night, now i am not saying that we should get special treatment or anything and Encima its not an american game if this was the case there wouldn't be any release in europe or asain pacific region either.


NOw if the maintanece was done during the america's prime time the forums would be going off with complaints as to "why the servers were down and they couldn't play during prime time" till the times were changed or a convienence was made. (i am not starting a forum war here either please keep that in mind)


as in the main body of the thread states we aussies are pretty laid back about things and rarely complain about stuff just a little extra notice of maintanence or even if our servers get done and opened earlier as there is only three would be greatly appreciated by all players in the pacific region .

Edited by gizgizmo
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To those people who write things like 'u mad' or ' OMG you miss out on 4 hours n game play' here is where i coming from.. Im an Aussie and prime time for me is 6pm - 10pm(reset time for us). in that time i need to get my PVP and PVE D/Weekies done or i miss out on the rewards, it might be a small thing to miss out 1 or 2 but with family and social commitments i get 2 -3 nights a week to play as it is, giving up another 1 pisses me off more..


But what makes matters worse is in testing on the PTS the public shouted out these problems and as normal BW/EA did not listen.

Edited by Henu
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To those people who right things like 'u mad' or ' OMG you miss out on 4 hours n game play' here is where i coming from.. Im an Aussie and prime time for me is 6pm - 10pm(reset time for us). in that time i need to get my PVP and PVE D/Weekies done or i miss out on the rewards, it might be a small thing to miss out 1 or 2 but with family and social commitments i get 2 -3 nights a week to play as it is, giving up another 1 pisses me off more..


But what makes matters worse is in testing on the PTS the public shouted out these problems and as normal BW/EA did not listen.


Those kinda people cant even grasp that Thursday night prime time is when most Aussie guilds run their weekly Op's.


Another patch rushed to live, another case of testers from the PTS ignored, another case of Bioware being unable to wait til next Tuesday to implement a fix, and yet another instance where the non-american swtor community is crapped on.


Thanks for nothing.


Just because your track record told us it was coming, doesn't make it acceptable.

Edited by Ignicity
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I’m glad to see that I am not the only one that is frustrated by these ‘emergency’ patches that seem to appear after every update.


The impact to Australian subscribers during our primetime yet again is ignored by Bioware. Furthermore, our playable time decreases without any apology or compensation from Bioware.


Don’t get me wrong I understand Bioware is incapable of deploying a patch without the need to take the servers down to apply an urgent patch constantly after an update.


All I am saying is I prefer this was done during non-Australian primetime or at the very least with compensation provided for lost game time.

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That being said, we ask that you please keep your posts civil, on topic and respectful otherwise we will have to close this thread.


Thank you.


A bit jumpy there, aren't you?


Since it seems that some of the posts you removed violated none of these......are you in the right thread? ;)

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When I logged in this morning to send some companions on missions there was no maintenance message. Guess I will see if this EC patch for ME3 is any good then. Lucky I decided to get it last night instead of closer to the weekend.


Oh, I also agree getting shafted every time sucks. If it is such an emergency it absolutely need to be done, take the servers down straight away and fix it. If it isn't important enough for that, it can wait until the usual Tuesday maintenance.

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The largest problem with setting the Oceanic server maintenance time to a different time to the North American servers would be that our small 3 would be flooded by refugees.


Queues would become unimaginable.

Edited by Bhaers
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We have removed a significant number of posts from this thread, and we would like to remind everyone of the rules of conduct in the forums.


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That being said, we ask that you please keep your posts civil, on topic and respectful otherwise we will have to close this thread.


Thank you.


As a community representative, it would be nice if you took the thoughts and ideas of your Australian swtor community to the dev's to see if your company can implement a compromise for your global customers.

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As a community representative, it would be nice if you took the thoughts and ideas of your Australian swtor community to the dev's to see if your company can implement a compromise for your global customers.


Well let's be fair.


Since this topic comes up every time they take the servers down, it would be a bit naive to think they don't all ready know.

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As a community representative, it would be nice if you took the thoughts and ideas of your Australian swtor community to the dev's to see if your company can implement a compromise for your global customers.


What's your solution? What solution is there?


If you do Oceanic maintenance in the wee hours in Sydney where the servers live then we will be flooded by refugees whose servers were being maintained.


If you provide compensation to only Oceanic players then you will see jealousy and entitlement of people who are not Oceanic players as they too say "but we also get interrupted"


If you say game-breaking bugs should be an immediate down with all others waiting until a Tuesday at 5pm then how do you decide that line? Are PvP bugs game-breaking for example?


There is no solution I can see, maybe you have a silver bullet to share?

Edited by Bhaers
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Oh, I also agree getting shafted every time sucks. If it is such an emergency it absolutely need to be done, take the servers down straight away and fix it. If it isn't important enough for that, it can wait until the usual Tuesday maintenance.


I second that. If it's a game-breaking problem, then it should be fixed immediately, and if it's not, then a week of mild irritation with some small aspect of the game is no big deal. Being in the other hemisphere means that the game is basically unplayable most Tuesdays already, but adding a second unplayable day seems unfair. We are paying subscribers of the game, and only being able to play in the morning or middle of the night is not what we want to pay for.

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What's your solution? What solution is there?


If you do Oceanic maintenance in the wee hours in Sydney where the servers live then we will be flooded by refugees whose servers were being maintained.


If you provide compensation to only Oceanic players then you will see jealousy and entitlement of people who are not Oceanic players as they too say "but we also get interrupted"


There is no solution I can see, maybe you have a silver bullet to share?




Test thoroughly on the PTS

Listen and respond to the PTS forums

Implement fixes on the PTS forum

Don't rush crappy, unpolished updates.

Only bring down the servers for an emergency, IF ITS AN EMERGENCY


As for the problem of the world being round, I am fine with rotating scheduled maintenance time.


However, this isn't a scheduled maintance, but I also doubt it's for an emergency either.




What's that lil jimmy? You can't wear your augmented bikini? Well, I cant raid this week.

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Test thoroughly on the PTS

Listen and respond to the PTS forums

Implement fixes on the PTS forum

Don't rush crappy, unpolished updates.

Only bring down the servers for an emergency, IF ITS AN EMERGENCY


As for the problem of the world being round, I am fine with rotating scheduled maintenance time.


However, this isn't a scheduled maintance, but I also doubt it's for an emergency either.


What's that lil jimmy? You can't wear your augmented bikini? Well, I cant raid this week.


I am curious if you would be so fine with rolling maintenance if when you got home from work at 6pm tonight you were to find the login queue was 4 hours long?


As far as BW listening to the PTS community - as a professional software QA tester for a rather large international airline based in Mascot the lack of an issue tracker for this game and to be honest every MMO outside of SecondLife is a sad thing. What I have clearly seen with my PTS time on 1.3 is that unlike a business the PTS is not for UAT, it's for base level testing. Fine you say, use the forum bugs.... Yuo can't. One easily sees that the quality of report back to the developers on the forums is rather immature/demanding and also rather a flood, to the stage where petty complaints over the aesthetics of the project animation completely drown out real bugs.


The schedule is set, the date for release is firm. Triage draws a bar and user input won't change that triage.


Now if this game were to follow SecondLife's lead in terms of a public-facing bug tracking system that was used as a feed to the internal bug system then there is a bar of entry of being able to fill out a ticket properly which would mean the dev team could listen to the real testers with the community closing the stupid tickets such as "I don't like project".

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I am curious if you would be so fine with rolling maintenance if when you got home from work at 6pm tonight you were to find the login queue was 4 hours long?


As far as BW listening to the PTS community - as a professional software QA tester for a rather large international airline based in Mascot the lack of an issue tracker for this game and to be honest every MMO outside of SecondLife is a sad thing. What I have clearly seen with my PTS time on 1.3 is that unlike a business the PTS is not for UAT, it's for base level testing. Fine you say, use the forum bugs.... Yuo can't. One easily sees that the quality of report back to the developers on the forums is rather immature/demanding and also rather a flood, to the stage where complaints over the aesthetics of the projection animation completely drown out real bugs.


The schedule is set, the date for release is firm. Triage draws a bar and user input won't change that triage.


Now if this game were to follow SecondLife's lead in terms of a public-facing bug tracking system that was used as a feed to the internal bug system then there is a bar of entry of being able to fill out a ticket properly which would mean the dev team could listen to the real testers with the community closing the stupid tickets such as "I don't like project".


I only see one question there, far as I could tell you pretty much agree with my sentiments.


However, let me answer your question: You don't seem to understand what I meant by rotating scheduled maintenance. What I meant was to have it during Australian peek period one week, European peek period the next week and finally (get ready for incoming "it's my country's game" complaints) American peek period the third week. And simply rotate it week to week on that basis. No server would get an influx of overseas players as all servers would be down at the same time. All players, no matter where they reside, would receive the same amount of inconvenience.



... and here come the sepo's to complain.

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Those kinda people cant even grasp that Thursday night prime time is when most Aussie guilds run their weekly Op's.


Another patch rushed to live, another case of testers from the PTS ignored, another case of Bioware being unable to wait til next Tuesday to implement a fix, and yet another instance where the non-american swtor community is crapped on.


Thanks for nothing.


Just because your track record told us it was coming, doesn't make it acceptable.


I must agree.

My guild members had planned to do operation runs tonight and they are not very happy with the unscheduled maintenance today.

Those guild members are all full time workers. They only have time to play 1 or 2 ops a week and they are not free every night. They need to spend time with their kids, family, or work in the evening.

It was good to see that they have time tonight to do ops together.

But I guess it's not going to happen >< because most of them need to get up early the next day for work and can't afford to stay up late...

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