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Why are groups worse now??


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The people playing this game are an odd mix of very experienced level 50 PvE'rs (not so many), PvPers with their own culture, and a LOT of (mostly) noobish alt-aholics that don't know or care much about how to play an MMO. Pretty standard except I feel like the new-to-MMO crowd is dominant.


If you're using LFG with other 50s, you probably didn't really need this tool, but it's slightly convenient. If you're running an alt it's often the most aggravating thing in the game, with its insistence that under-geared, under-leveled players that don't know what they're doing can run these dungeons with you.


/rant on


You forgot Know-it-all-WOW players who think they know everything when the only thing they are a veteran of is WOW. People that swear they are hardcore when the only game they can play hardcore in is raids in WOW. Can't be hardcore in a shooter, fighter or get really high scores on arcade games. Probably have not even completed that many games in their life, oh but they know WOW so that makes them hardcore... not really to those guys.


Don't forget the people that only want to play the most popular game on the market, multiple games come out per year but they only care for jumping on the bandwagon. You know the people that played street fighter then switched to mortal kombat because that was new. The halo fans that jumped on COD, and all these so called WOW fans that are on here now. The trend with that is the games they are leaving are very similar to the ones they left, but they think the experience will be completely new. If you want a new experience in gaming, how about leaving the genre.


/rant off

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I've had good and bad groups. The "good" ones have been w/ those who have played and had the patience to tell me what they wanted me to do in terms of strategy etc.. and the bad ones are always the one's where there seems to be no leadership and everyone trying to go off in different directions. I guess what I would say is that if you create/form a group, it's helpful to know the mission, and if you are experienced at MMO's...patience w/ those of us that are not.


lol that is life and social interaction in general and not just for mmo games. Didn't anyone in this thread get placed in groups in school? Know it all... check. Shy person.... check. Obnoxious outspoken person.... check. Slacker....check. Person that can't concentrate because they are high... check. Person with children already and can't help becausse their kids got their attention... check. Talkative person who is not saying anything relevent to the task at hand.... check. etc,etc,etc...

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Newbies? No problem. My english isn't perfect but i have no problem explain everything to them. Never happens to me that somebody didn't understand at all. But what worries me - ppl who goes do FPs with PvP armor. And no battlemaster or war hero or whatever, but in recruit ... green stuff. Long story short - not well geared at all. And i(m not talking about BT, but FPs like Foundry, Boarding Party. Yes i know that's all 50s FPs, not hard at all, but if they don't know tactics and goin into it with crap gear ... it's worthless even to try.


Actually untrue. Recruit gear is almost equivalent to fresh level 50 gear - you know when you get mods from doing dailies and fill out your orange gear once you hit 50? See http://dulfy.net/2012/04/13/dailies-and-pve-gearing-in-1-2/


So a) it's not crap gear and b) for tier 1 hardmodes anything more is unnecessary. People may not know the tactics but it's easily fixed by explaining if they need explanation. Kinda how someone explained to you when you hit the flashpoint for the first time. I had one guy the other day who said it's my first time but it's OK don't bother with explanations - I'm good at following and he was.

Everyone was new at some point or the other.

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... but worse are that almost always there are atleast 1 who dont understand english.


after that i had a group with one that said "i know is know god inglsh guys" and when i asked why he played on a english server i got "Me iz onli 11 an me no liv in inglsh land" ....


I dunno Wezzlan - I get the feeling you were being trolled lol

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Ok, can someone please explain this to me. How come I've had some of the worse groups in the past two days than I've had in the last year. I don't get it....we had server transfers and I've had some great groups, then we got LFG tool and all of a sudden we've got loot ninjas, people who don't know how to play, don't know the instance...anything you can think of...I dont get it because its the same group of people that have been on since the server transfers. What is it about LFG tools that make people loose their minds???


/rant off



Nobody is perfect. :)

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