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Your experience with the group finder?


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As a healer, I did five flashpoints with the tool, and 4 ended successfully and I bailed on one.


One was a near failure as the 'tank' person was (a) not tank specced (b) had bad gear © was clueless, but luckily one of the dps was a dps vanguard who took over tanking and we succeeded, even carrying the useless tank role person.


The one group I left was again due to a 'tank' showing up in bad gear, in a dps spec, and not knowing how to tank. He even left us hanging after the first wipe while he respecced as a tank (didn't have field respec) without even telling us why we were waiting. On arrival he then proceeded to 'stink up the joint' and the dps and heals (me) ended up still tanking until we wiped twice more and I left.


People have to learn to not queue for a role they are not fully PREPARED to fill, in terms of spec, gear and hopefully at least a little experience in that role.


Luckily no ninja looting problems yet, but I think people have read the fine print and see that they will never be grouped with anyone on their ignore list or vice versa, and have seen there are actual consequences to being a total jerk.


I do agree that cross-server queuing would not help with the queue times unless you are on a badly managed transfer server (west coast rp comes to mind where they only merged 3 servers). All it would do was promote ******tery, ninjaing and anonymous abuse of other players. The only reason it worked in warcraft was you could ignore the person's whole account. You cannot do that in swtor so the abuse would be rampant.

Edited by Hangtooth
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As a healer, I did five flashpoints with the tool, and 4 ended successfully and I bailed on one.


One was a near failure as the 'tank' person was (a) not tank specced (b) had bad gear © was clueless, but luckily one of the dps was a dps vanguard who took over tanking and we succeeded, even carrying the useless tank role person.


The one group I left was again due to a 'tank' showing up in bad gear, in a dps spec, and not knowing how to tank. He even left us hanging after the first wipe while he respecced as a tank (didn't have field respec) without even telling us why we were waiting. On arrival he then proceeded to 'stink up the joint' and the dps and heals (me) ended up still tanking until we wiped twice more and I left.


People have to learn to not queue for a role they are not fully PREPARED to fill, in terms of spec, gear and hopefully at least a little experience in that role.


Luckily no ninja looting problems yet, but I think people have read the fine print and see that they will never be grouped with anyone on their ignore list or vice versa, and have seen there are actual consequences to being a total jerk.


I do agree that cross-server queuing would not help with the queue times unless you are on a badly managed transfer server (west coast rp comes to mind where they only merged 3 servers). All it would do was promote ******tery, ninjaing and anonymous abuse of other players. The only reason it worked in warcraft was you could ignore the person's whole account. You cannot do that in swtor so the abuse would be rampant.


It may not be the person's fault if they are queued as a tank in DPS spec. The role indicator does tend to have a mind of its own and chooses random selection for you.

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You're entirely correct, it may simply be either a user error or a glitch and they didn't realize they were queued as tanks. if that was the case they could admit it and we'd wait while they respecced, or bow out and let us replace them with another tank.


I hadn't thought of that and thank you for pointing it out, i will try to be more patient in future when the tank seems to be unaware he's supposed to be tanking. Maybe you're right and he went with default settings expecting to dps and isn't really aware he's tank.

Edited by Hangtooth
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Overall, I love it. Out of the 6 times I found HM FP groups as a Jedi Shadow DPS, only one was bad (the "tank" was actually a DPS spec and had no clue on how to tank, so we bailed before we started the HM FP) Everyone I played with was extremely helpful with describing bosses, and were good at their assigned jobs, only wiping once or twice due to bad pulls.


If there is one criticism to the LFG finder, is that is should bring you back to where you were before you clicked the button to travel to the instance, similar to exiting out of WZs. I had to travel to Alderaan multiple times because as soon as I get out of the spaceport, the group would pop, and I would have to travel all the way back. Implement this, and I think it would be awesome.

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It was quick and easy, gave me the quest for the flash point which I was worried about because it popped up faster than I expected. So generally it was really good.


But, there were 3 smugglers in my group, and I was one. That was kind of annoying. Might be too much to ask to try and look for different classes so one isn't over stocked.

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Tried it once last night, group formed up, one person hit decline, re-entered queue.


Stayed in queue for about 45 minutes, saw one more group form, one person hit decline, re-entered queue.


Haven't bothered since, can't see myself using it very much, but hey, it's a single server LFG, most of us knew it wasn't going to have much of an impact.

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I've only had 2 experiences with the group finder so far:

1. Guild run operation in SM KP, we only had 7 available so we left it up to the group finder to fill in the last spot, went through 2 people who were afk queued or didn't have the common sense to click "Decline" when the popup happened. The 3rd person took most of the countdown to accept, and we almost wish he didn't. Not going to disclose his name because I'm already complaining about him here, but as a dps he didn't listen to instructions, initiated fights before the tank was ready to move, died on bonethrasher and immediately released, then spent the rest of the fight telling us not to loot the corpse until he came back. Broke CC's on the techicians, easily racked up 30k or more in repair costs for himself, then when we were making sure he had the puzzle down for fabricator, he blames his parents and logs out on the raid.


- Just to qualify here, 6 of the 7 guild members present for this raid have the NM title, so SM is a cakewalk and we've completed NM in under an hour. It took us 90 minutes to get to fabricator because of this twit. Luckily an 8th guildmate logged in and we were able to get him into the raid as a replacement with the finder and we still got our coms.


2. Guild group for random HM, wound up in foundry and it was a smooth run, no issues at all.

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Queued for Cademimu on my alt, we ended up with 2 healers, as one obviously didnt uncheck 'damage' from their role if they were full heal spec. Unsurprisingly it is the same person that then ninja'd the tanks gear on the last boss.


I expected it though, funny how you can tell people are going to be trouble. Especially with him typing 'kill' over and over at each trash pull.

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I've only managed to get into one instance and that was a flashpoint.

Have spent two evenings in the queue awaiting a quest on Taris to no avail.

I've only managed to get into a group by answering the General LFG calls.

I do sometimes wonder if I'm being specifically excluded as that particular character is a couple of levels above that recommended for Taris.

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I just recently hit 50 with my SS Vanguard and I have maybe 4 or 5 Daily armorings/enhancements (plus the daily comms barrel). My HP is around 1600. I'm not sure if I'm ready to tank hardmodes, so I'll stick to regulars for now. With that said, I tanked my first FP yesterday and it went very well. We had a Scoundrel healer, Sentinel and Gunslinger. The FP was Directive 7 and none of us had ever done it before. We breezed through until the end (I watched every cutscene as it was my first time there.. it being their first time too, I'd imagine they were doing the same). When we got to the last boss, we wiped the first time, mainly due to not knowing the mechanics. Once we realized someone needed to destroy the cores while I tanked the big droid, we beat it without any issues at all.


As far as the extra threat making tanking easy mode, as some was worried about, I still had to use my taunts and such and even then the Sentinel was able to pull off of me a few times. So, tanking is still very fun and engaging. You still have to keep an eye out and make sure you've got aggro.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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My only real complaint about the LFG tool is that it does not drop you off where you were when you got your random. Instead it either drops you off in the fleet or on Ilum, depending on what flashpoint you got. Really inconvieniant for players who may of been questing or doing their dailies.


Hope this gets addressed soon.


On the other hand, did have an issue last night, Queued up with some guildies to do a random on my main. We queued up, got Black Talon Hard Mode. Cleared it and it did not give us our BH comms. So wonder if that is another bug. :confused:

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I've only managed to get into one instance and that was a flashpoint.

Have spent two evenings in the queue awaiting a quest on Taris to no avail.

I've only managed to get into a group by answering the General LFG calls.

I do sometimes wonder if I'm being specifically excluded as that particular character is a couple of levels above that recommended for Taris.


I think this is simply because hardly anyone is using the Group Finder Tool for planet content right now, since it is lacking the ability to choose the specific heroics you want to do.

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Queued for Cademimu on my alt, we ended up with 2 healers, as one obviously didnt uncheck 'damage' from their role if they were full heal spec. Unsurprisingly it is the same person that then ninja'd the tanks gear on the last boss.


I expected it though, funny how you can tell people are going to be trouble. Especially with him typing 'kill' over and over at each trash pull.


Wait, ninja'd?! but...but...that doesn't happen when its NOT CROSS SERVER!


Buncha morons (not you Ashania, just all those that argued against cross server lfg tool)

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It's been pretty bad thus far


Second night i waited for 50mins with no groups popping, so I put together my own group for Kaon HM and queued us up only to find I got no BH comms on finishing the FP because I queued with a full group.



You can do it full group and get the BH comms, you have to select the random hm fp though. you can unselect tier 2 but in order the get the comms you have to random which hm tier 1 fp you get. if you choose a specific fp then its not random.

Edited by Burtlebe
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Did two group finder flashpoints on the day of the release. The first one, I wanted to run something simple since my guildmate's alt wasn't properly geared, so I only selected BT/BP/foundry at first. We ended up getting the Foundry and when I completed it, I realized I didn't get a reward because I had filtered out some flashpoints.


So me and my guildmate did it again, this time checking off all the different FP's so nothing was filtered out, and this time we got BP. Finished that with no problems, and still no black hole reward :(


Have a ticket out to CS but no reply so far...

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It's been pretty bad thus far


First night, it set me up with an LI HM group and gave me a 15k HP tank and took at least 40mins to do so with 500 folks on the fleet in various instances.


Second night i waited for 50mins with no groups popping, so I put together my own group for Kaon HM and queued us up only to find I got no BH comms on finishing the FP because I queued with a full group.


Queued again the same night to try and get my BH comms and it set me up with a 12k hp Shadow dps as a tank because the role check is not automated.


I loved the server consolidation and had been playing much more since it happened, but 1.3 has been a huge let down with a lacklustre LFG system and introduction of massive credit sinks (they even made one of them mandatory with Augment kits)


thats not the tools fault, that is the players using it. if you are a shadow tank and only have 12k hp, then dont que for a tier 2 hm!! and if you select to do a kus flashpoint, then that is not a random and you do not get bh comms for that. it has to be a random to get the comms dude.

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Just did EV using the group finder, only took about half an hour to get one.

Five of them were in the same guild though so that helped speed things up a bit.

Got my 5 BH comms after so I'm good with that.

With my lower level alts it was a lot harder to find a group, I tried for a few hours to get one for hammer station but never got one. I don't think many players are using it yet, hopefully more people will start to use it.

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The tool is amazing -- the people on the other hand.....not so much.


Without exception, I queue up, then after about 20 minutes of waiting the queue pops but only 3 out of 4 people click "ready". If it was a DPS that didn't ready-up, then we're ok -- queue pops again almost instantly. If it was the tank or a healer, then the wait gets much much longer.


Then, we get into the FP and somebody disconnects ... and we have to wait again. After their spot is finally filled, at least one of the people in the group will refuse to skip through the dialogue... happens every time.... expect it.


Moral of the story: I'm glad I joined a guild. PUGs are for thugs.

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I really enjoy it.

Did 4 groups HM so far.

All friendly people. All sucessful runs.

No, it wont insta pop for DPS. Medium waiting time was about 15-20 minutes. It's not that bad, gives you time to do a few dailies.

Stop listening to the complainers.

Thanks bioware!

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It works well if you play tank or healer. It is worse for dps, extremely long queue time. But it's the case in every MMO especially if you queue not for end game, but leveling content.

Double spec and queuing for two roles might help.

Edited by Burana
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Longest I've waited is maybe three minutes which is good enough for me. The people are really quiet, though I can sympathize. I'm just there for black hole comms too. Lastly, I wish we were dropped off where we were before going to the instance instead of outside the instance. It's a minor annoyance though. Overall I think it was a success.


Edit: I'm a healer, just in case that's helpful.

Edited by Hermanlee
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Ran 3 HM's today, one tank, dps and healer, took maybe 10-15 minutes for a que to pop. And I have had zero problems with the groups themselves which is even hard for me to believe after playing so many MMO's and having the no pug policy I might actually change my mind on this stuff. If its taking longer for the que to pop it might not be the population but people that just aren't using it to run HM's is all.
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Wait, ninja'd?! but...but...that doesn't happen when its NOT CROSS SERVER!


Buncha morons (not you Ashania, just all those that argued against cross server lfg tool)


Actually I think what happens is that there can actually be CONSEQUENCES for ninja'ing when the tool is only per server, not that it never happens. The guy will get a reputation for ninja-looting, get vote-kicked, and have to live with it.

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