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Your experience with the group finder?


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On my lvl 41, i have yellow quests for 3 different flashpoints, BUT the lfg tool only has 1 of these listed as available to queue for. So I can queue for only 1 single FP at this lvl...... Bug?



You have to abandon any flashpoint related quests before it'll let you queue up for those flashpoints. You'll automatically get the quests again once the queue pops.

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Only gripe I have is when queueing for the daily Group quests like the Black Hole and Belsavis, when it finds you a group it doesn't teleport you to that area. Even though it pops up with the prompt asking you if you would like to be shuttled to the area.
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The fact that the tool doesn't put you back on the planet you were questing will make this tool useless for people leveling up. They'll either have to run back to the planet over and over again or sit on fleet. There's no way people will just stay queued up while questing. Until Bioware fixes this issue, I don't see this tool being useful for sub 50s at all.
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Both times I queued yesterday on Jung Ma were very quick, with great groups. (Level 37 flashpoints)


Of course, I'm a healer, so that might have something to do with it.


I love the group finder! Can actually do flashpoint dailies without begging.

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Low level group finder isn't the best. Tried it on my juggernaut for Black Talon and nothing. Everything else was pretty much instant queue on my higher levels. This is on Jung Ma which finally ad a second instances fleet, woohoo. Edited by Skidrowbro
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If I understand this right, The LFG tools purpose is to find you a group, offer a teleport to the destination.

I'm just wondering where the expectation came that it would conveniently put you back on the planet where you were questing came from?

I mean c'mon Its intent is to find you a group,Its convenient the tool offers a TP to the destination , but isnt the expectation of plopping you back from where you came a bit much?


I suspect the new tool will be a bit buggy on release and there will be a few patches to fine tune things....seems normal with any big changes or patches or updates in mmo's and single player games.

Its a mixed bag of reponses.

Some complaints might be due to some bugs.

Some have a perfect experience useing the tool.

Some expect the tool to fix the people that end up in the group....complaining about who and what type of person ends up in your group is an unrealistic complaint.

Are they suppose to add a psychological screening button to the LFG tool?

Edited by CygnusMX
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If I understand this right, The LFG tools purpose is to find you a group, offer a teleport to the destination.

I'm just wondering where the expectation came that it would conveniently put you back on the planet where you were questing came from?

I mean c'mon Its intent is to find you a group,Its convenient the tool offers a TP to the destination , but isnt the expectation of plopping you back from where you came a bit much?




Absolutely not. It's what WOW's tool did and also what Warzone's do. The challenge of a tool like this is that you have to give players incentive to use it often. If you're questing on Hoth and you want to run flashpoints while questing, it'd be a huge chore.


Queue pops, you finish flashpoint, turn in quest, re-queue, go to your ship, fly back to Hoth, quick travel to the nearest bind spot that you were at before, go back to questing. If the queue pops again right as you get back to questing, you just wasted 10 minutes that you could have used to actually complete some quests while waiting for the second queue to pop. And then if you want to run a third, you'd have to start that process all over again.


Right now, it's either quest and forget about the queue or sit on fleet twiddling your thumbs while you wait for it to pop. Personally, I'd like to keep going with my class quest/dailies while waiting. Doing both at the same time is way better than getting stuck doing one or the other.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Absolutely not. It's what WOW's tool did and also what Warzone's do. The challenge of a tool like this is that you have to give players incentive to use it often. If you're questing on Hoth and you want to run flashpoints while questing, it'd be a huge chore.


Queue pops, you finish flashpoint, run in quest, re-queue, go to your ship, fly back to hoth, quick travel to the nearest bind spot that you were at before, go back to questing. If the queue pops again right as you get back to questing, you just wasted 10 minutes that you could have used to actually complete some quests while waiting for the second queue to pop. And then if you want to run a third, you'd have to start that process all over again.


Right now, it's either quest and forget about the queue or sit on fleet twiddling your thumbs while you wait for it to pop. Personally, I'd like to keep going with my class quest/dailies while waiting. Doing both at the same time is way better than getting stuck doing one or the other.


Well unless you're running a 50 or a tank, you definitely won't have to worry about the queue popping constantly. You could walk from one side of Hoth to the other at nighttime with a broken leg, dragging a sack of potatos and get back with plenty of time to spare :)

Edited by jgelling
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Well unless you're running a 50 or a tank, you definitely won't have to worry about the queue popping constantly. You could walk from one side of Hoth to the other at nighttime with a broken leg, dragging a sack of potatos and get back with plenty of time to spare :)



LOL, this is true. And until they do change the tool to where it will port you back to where you were, it'll probably remain true. No one is going to queue while questing when it's so inconvenient to go back to what you were doing previously.

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The only thing this is useful for is FPs and Ops. If I'm out running dailies or leveling an alt, I'll just ask to group up with people. Thing is, with all these transfers...I can never NOT get help with a heroic. So many people on now...waaaaay better than my old server. Some might be slow in the group to pickup things but haven't had a terrible experience PUGing through a ton of stuff.
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LOL, this is true. And until they do change the tool to where it will port you back to where you were, it'll probably remain true. No one is going to queue while questing when it's so inconvenient to go back to what you were doing previously.


Fair point: I also think they should bribe tanks and healers. I think they'll get there eventually, along with cross-server.

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I have this long thread describing my reaction to LFG but it was moved to the FP forum. So I will summarize this one by saying the new content has been watered down so much it is a total faceroll. Once people have farmed the FPs for BH gear I suspect interest will dissipate and many more will unsubscribe(I am sticking around). Unless, the new content is truly epic in scope and presents some real challenges(without being frustrating) I don't see much hope.


This makes me a sad little Ewok as I can't stomach fantasy/Tolkienesque MMOs.

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I have this long thread describing my reaction to LFG but it was moved to the FP forum. So I will summarize this one by saying the new content has been watered down so much it is a total faceroll. Once people have farmed the FPs for BH gear I suspect interest will dissipate and many more will unsubscribe(I am sticking around). Unless, the new content is truly epic in scope and presents some real challenges(without being frustrating) I don't see much hope.


This makes me a sad little Ewok as I can't stomach fantasy/Tolkienesque MMOs.


Sci-fi is waning, and fantasy is on the upswing, my friend: vampires, werewolves, and enchanted lands like Game of Thrones seem to be dominating pop culture at the moment. I suppose fantasy is always more popular, but it's been way more popular lately - maybe because of the bad economy? But we all want a sci-fi MMO to succeed, it's why we're still here for now.

Edited by jgelling
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The fact that the tool doesn't put you back on the planet you were questing will make this tool useless for people leveling up. They'll either have to run back to the planet over and over again or sit on fleet. There's no way people will just stay queued up while questing. Until Bioware fixes this issue, I don't see this tool being useful for sub 50s at all.


Oh my what's this little white circle on my ability bar do?


What?!?! Return to my last bind point?!?!


You have got to be kidding me?!?!?


You mean this returns me right to the quest hub I was questing at to begin with?!?!


WHAT?!?!Been here the whole time?!?!



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Oh my what's this little white circle on my ability bar do?


What?!?! Return to my last bind point?!?!


You have got to be kidding me?!?!?


You mean this returns me right to the quest hub I was questing at to begin with?!?!


WHAT?!?!Been here the whole time?!?!





So, while on fleet, I can click that and it'll take me to a bind point near where I was last questing? Who knew!! OR, would I need to go to my ship, *loading*, go to the galaxy map, click the planet, travel to the planet, *loading*, run through the spaceport/orbital station and THEN use the "little white circle"? And then if I want to quest while waiting for another queue to pop, I have to do all of that again! And then again, and again! I think I'll just stick to questing until they fix it.

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Only problem I had with it is thats its a bit hard to find. A tiny inconspicuous icon at the corner of the map? We're trying to get this thing used by as many people as possible Bioware ... at the very least have a pop up when the player first logs, that they have to manually disable, telling them about it with a giant arrow pointing at it. You know like thay annoying "HEY! We updated our graphics settings!" thing that we all got which didnt really do anything other than reenable all the crap I disabled before.


Other than that it works great. Queuing as tank in under 5 minutes, DPS in under 20 ... no idea why/how some are having long queues. Off peak hours (like 4am!)? Havent tranferred? /shrug

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Oh my what's this little white circle on my ability bar do?


What?!?! Return to my last bind point?!?!


You have got to be kidding me?!?!?


You mean this returns me right to the quest hub I was questing at to begin with?!?!


WHAT?!?!Been here the whole time?!?!




Was that really the nicest way to put that?


Anyhow, I'm not sure I understand your point - you can't quick travel from the fleet to a bind point on the planet you were previously questing on?

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I logged in as soon as the servers went live yesterday and qued for random HMs as a DPS. After 3 declines (no idea why) I found a group within 20-30 minutes. Not bad for a DPS. The group was good and we finished D7 in good time.

It was refreshing to finally experience some content I've yet to see. And it was great to be out completing my dailies as I'm qued up. This game has finally taken a step into the modern world.


Now, I've been advocating X-server since day 1 and I still think the jury is out with this current tool (especially in regards to lower level players). I can't really expect a 20-30 minute wait for DPS to continue after the Patch Day frenzy wears off. Would I like for this Tool to be successful? Of Course, it just means the problem is solved sooner than later. I'm more than capable of eating my own words. Time will tell.

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So, while on fleet, I can click that and it'll take me to a bind point near where I was last questing? Who knew!! OR, would I need to go to my ship, *loading*, go to the galaxy map, click the planet, travel to the planet, *loading*, run through the spaceport/orbital station and THEN use the "little white circle"? And then if I want to quest while waiting for another queue to pop, I have to do all of that again! And then again, and again! I think I'll just stick to questing until they fix it.


Yup, you're right. You do actually have to fly back to the planet you were originally on. That is pretty lame. I seem to recall them saying they were working on having it drop you back where you were when you qued back in the first days of testing.

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Only problem I had with it is thats its a bit hard to find. A tiny inconspicuous icon at the corner of the map? We're trying to get this thing used by as many people as possible Bioware ... at the very least have a pop up when the player first logs, that they have to manually disable, telling them about it with a giant arrow pointing at it. You know like thay annoying "HEY! We updated our graphics settings!" thing that we all got which didnt really do anything other than reenable all the crap I disabled before.


Other than that it works great. Queuing as tank in under 5 minutes, DPS in under 20 ... no idea why/how some are having long queues. Off peak hours (like 4am!)? Havent tranferred? /shrug


Read the patch notes and look at the tutorials.

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Queued for all Hardmodes as DPS in hopes of getting BH comms. Queue popped after a couple of minutes, I accepted, but the tank declined. Got a message saying we were now at the "top of the queue." But it keeps happening. Queue pops, we all accept, but the tank declines.


I asked in General what was going on and someone said people are queuing as tanks to get the queue to pop for their friends. I'm not sure how this works, but OK.


Finally (not much total time wasted, to be honest, just a lot of queue pops) I get a group, but now the tank is DCed. We vote kick him and I "Find Replacement". Then I ask, since it's only Esseles, if the group is OK with me queuing as a tank - I was focus Guardian at the time, but with new threat mechanics and my tank set, thought I'd have a good shot of tanking it. They were cool with it, so I tried to adjust the queue, but it wouldn't let me. We dropped group and got a 2 minute lockout (lol). After that I went back to PVP!



I think tanks are going to be very rare on PVP servers like mine with the nerfs from 1.3, making queues for nontanks very long (some rateds are running 3 healers, so they're fine!). This makes it that much more important to get dual spec asap. Field respec is nice, but depending on how often you respec, the costs will mount quickly.


Finally, a note on gear check. Players need to be encouraged/informed about completing the dailies on Belsavis, Ilum and Corellia to get their 126-rating mods. In orange armor modded out with this stuff, you are fine for hard modes (except LI, obviously).


Edit: Noticed I could queue for LFG and Warzone at the same time. How does this work? Will I get a PvE queue pop during a warzone? Will it wait until I am out like with ranked matches?

Edited by LarryRow
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I believe they may need to adjust the level which people can join instances in the mid-level range. I did 3 runs yesterday, the first 2 went great, both times I ended up running Mandalorian Raiders, went from level 23 to 24, then queued up again and got into Cadimimu which was several levels too high for me to tank. All the mobs inside were orange to me and a few were red level 29s.


Threat was a bit of an issue, but with the increased threat gain from the tank "stances" it was somewhat managable. Other than that I felt pretty much useless as around 30-70% of my attacks were resisted.

Edited by Dademoor
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I find the lfg tool to be extremely buggy. One glaring issue is that when I que my lvl 50 commando as a dps, more times then not, the que pops and I see that I have been assigned as a healer. This healer issue seems prevalent, based on the comments I read in general chat on our server.
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Popped in quick last night and qued my sage healer up just to see how it would go. 2 seconds later, BAM, Taral V hardmode run! Got stuck with a tank that had never run it before and two melee sentinel dps'ers. Tank was a bit slow in setting a pace and the sentinels were massive aggro hogs the whole instance. Other than the obvious hicups on the final boss since the tank didn't really know what to do it went fine.


Then I went to que up my main (sentinel) and right as my que popped 15 minutes later I pulled bad wife aggro and had to drop group and kill the game. :( Is it some universal constant that on patch day wife threat seems to increase exponentially based on how much time you want to spend on the games new features or something? I hope my force fade is off cooldown when the next patch/expansion comes around... :mad:

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Sad to say that Im not digging the group finder so far. Spent over an hour in a queue for Maelstrom last night on Fatman as a GS. Just ran the last of my class quests on Hoth as I was queued and it never popped. Its possible I wasnt using it correctly but I was unimpressed by the interface. I really dont like the hands off auto queue approach. I said time and time again they needed a lightweight application type process (like DDO) where leaders can build their groups selectively.


I cant see what other groups are forming. Maybe if I saw that a Red Reaper was filling up quick I would bail on this sad attempt to form a MP and run Reaper instead, but no, I cant do that can I? Maybe if the group was having trouble getting a healer or tank, then one of us could relog and change the group composition. The system as it is cant adapt and its really sad. Just a bit disappointed, maybe I'll have better luck with it tonight.

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