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Your experience with the group finder?


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It needs to allow you to invite/get invited manually.

I stopped using it cause sometimes a group manually forms and needs 1 more and then i can't apply

quickly cause i need to leave the LFG queue first and off course you may get beat to that last spot

in which case it's a major inconvenience that you left your queue.

So IMHO it's a major issue not being able to manually join a group or invite someone else while using the group

finder, it should automatically drop your queue if you accept an invite or someone accepts yours.


This is just another example similar to the GTN where i think the developper responsible never ever saw an MMO


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I used it last night and it seems nice, though I was new and luckily i got matched up with people who had run the instance before.


However, because the group finder lets you queue for mulitple roles, one guy didn't realize this, and he had queued for tank/dps since that was the auto choice for me too. I had noticed it and unchecked dps, but he hadn't, so we ended up with two tanks, dps and healer.


We were fine till the final enemy, we just couldn't do enough damage.


I'm just worried that I'm gonna get matched up with a reckless dps who's gonna run ahead of us.

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To answer all the people whining that they can't queue for low level flashpoints, think about it for a minute. Would you be happy if some level 50 appaeared in your Black Talon run while you were trying to level, effectively robbing you of any potential XP you'd have made on the run?



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After the first and last time of using GF on my alt I decided to give it a go on my main - Scoundrel healer. I have done no end-game hard mode flashpoints before, all I do is PvP but i'm in War Hero so they shouldnt be a problem.


At 1am Sunday I queued and instantly got a pop, 3 people selected ready and then it timed out after one person didnt. Another instant pop after that. Someone pressed decline and was placed back in the queue. Popped about 5 seconds after and everyone accepted. Entered HM Esseles and everything went smoothly.


Then after that I queued again, another instant pop, but then it timed out and another pop took its place. Joined and was thrown into Kaon Under Siege HM. I was a bit worried, it being my first time, but I had read up on all of the flashpoints in preparation. But again, flawless run.


The people were nice and the tanks were actually geared and specced as tanks.


Perhaps the sour experience I had on my alt was because it was Empire ;)


KUS was actually a lot of fun, not enough to keep me in HMs indefinitely, but i'll jump into the GF every once in a while definitely.

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To answer all the people whining that they can't queue for low level flashpoints, think about it for a minute. Would you be happy if some level 50 appaeared in your Black Talon run while you were trying to level, effectively robbing you of any potential XP you'd have made on the run?




Actually i would rather run esseles with 3 50s, it be fast, i'm likely to win loot, good social points.

I hit 50 with 3 planets left to go, plenty XP to be had outside of flashpoints.

There could be an option to check to allow higher levels in your group...

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Actually i would rather run esseles with 3 50s, it be fast, i'm likely to win loot, good social points..


And all social points should not count once a level 50 is in the instance. You want social points, run it with players of your level.

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If you want to run low level stuff for anything but a standard XP run, make your group the old fashioned way. The vast majority of people using it will be using it as a tool to help level them up. Stop whining about not being able to queue for low level stuff. No other MMO out there does it, and TOR won't either.
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Had a gunslinger ninja a piece of loot from me. I was the only sentinel, medium armor, and he ninjas it. I asked him why but he ninja logged. I just ignored him, but it pissed me off cause it was a very nice upgrade.


I've never had a bad time with groups til group finder. I guess all the rejects know they can get away with it for a little now so they ninja stuff. Hopefully because its not cross-server he'll ninja some more stuff and get ignored more :)

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Had a gunslinger ninja a piece of loot from me. I was the only sentinel, medium armor, and he ninjas it. I asked him why but he ninja logged. I just ignored him, but it pissed me off cause it was a very nice upgrade.


I've never had a bad time with groups til group finder. I guess all the rejects know they can get away with it for a little now so they ninja stuff. Hopefully because its not cross-server he'll ninja some more stuff and get ignored more :)


Man, take advantage of this being same-server and call him out any way you can.

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Man, take advantage of this being same-server and call him out any way you can.


There is no advantage, no one cares. There is no community, there never was. This is why it is so frustrating dealing with the anti-x server crowd. This theory that there is a community circa MMOs from 8-10 years ago, that age has come and passed. It was cool in Dark Age of Camelot having a server community but those times are over.


Ignore is the only valid way to deal with a bad group mate in terms of the current group finder and it would work just as well x-server.


As far as the group finder over all. Completely useless for those of us playing non-50s. General chat is as busy as ever with LFG spam. It takes just as long to find a group as before.

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There is no advantage, no one cares. There is no community, there never was. This is why it is so frustrating dealing with the anti-x server crowd. This theory that there is a community circa MMOs from 8-10 years ago, that age has come and passed. It was cool in Dark Age of Camelot having a server community but those times are over.


Ignore is the only valid way to deal with a bad group mate in terms of the current group finder and it would work just as well x-server.


As far as the group finder over all. Completely useless for those of us playing non-50s. General chat is as busy as ever with LFG spam. It takes just as long to find a group as before.


Maybe it's just your server that sucks, or maybe just that nobody listens to you. My server certainly has a community and we're already openly policing it to fend against ne'erdowells in the LFG tool. Please try not to blanket doomsay by screeching how the game has no community. <3

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So how is everyone getting along with this new feature so far?


Are you enjoying it? Are you hating it?


So far I can't form my opinion on it, I have been in the queue for Taral V as a healer now for about twenty minutes of ToFN (EU) with no luck yet. Was this feature aimed more towards grouping for endgame flashpoint running?


I love it but the only thing I don't like is that after I am done I spawn in fleet instead of where I came from but to me its a small frustration.


I think BioWARE is doing a fantastic job in implimenting what there player base wants and its nice to see some of my old friends return and stay =)

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I had a couple of great experiences yesterday. Its been a while since I have done flashpoints, because I hated waiting around at the fleet. I played two flashpoints yesterday (in addition to a lot of warzones, I am terrible at PVP, but I am learning). I ha great PUGs for both flashpoints. I love this game even more.
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[. There is no community, there never was. This is why it is so frustrating dealing with the anti-x server crowd.]


really? my server seems to have a thriving community of liked minded nice people who never act like little spoilt kids and help each other, as we have leveled up together on the same planets and ended up doing the heroics/fp with each other.

not sure abuot your server but mine is great. We report ignorant play between the bigger guilds so that these sort of people dont get in and cause havok.

one chap on our server would get invited to a guild, take all he could from the bank and then sell it on gtn and then get kicked.

within 10 minutes of him doing that to a small guild ... every single guildmaster on our server knew about it and he hasnt been seen online since.

you can say "well, youre noobs for giving him access rights" or "maybe he got hacked and you shouldnt judge" etc etc etc.

we like to foster decency and a presumption of honesty on our server and yes, there most definitely is a friendly atmosphere and community there.

a very warming and nice one

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Think I ain't aware of that? How hard can it be to use a Knight as a tank, Smuggler as a DPS and a Trooper as a healer? There you go perfect balance for everyone. I don't like waiting in a cue for 30 minutes only to be saddled with 2 other consulars then wasting an hour plus only to have that token drop and all 3 of us rolling on it.


The group finder needs a proper balance if they can't manage that then screw dungeon finder.


I am sure you already realized this, but if they did limit a group to 1 or 2 of any specific class then your queue times would greatly increase.


So it comes down to what you would prefer, shorter queue times, or a chance at having more than 1 of the same class.


You did pick one of the most common classes (at least on my server) so it is not surprizing at all that you are seeing many of the same class. I had a buddy in WoW that played a Hunter and he use to complain all the time when the dungeon finder came out over there that he would be grouped with multiple hunters and never got loot ... though I think blizzard changed that when x-server was released.

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My experience so far is good. The only thing I don't like is not being ported back to where I was before I went in, but I guess that could always be worked out later. I know, I know, but to be honest one of the biggest turn-offs for me with this game is having to go through so many loading screens to get from fleet to planet, I've been hangin tough with it, but anything that could dissolve that gauntlet of loading screens a little more would only help.


Anyway, the main point is the groups... I've been running groups while leveling a smuggler as damage and the wait times are minimal and the groups have been friendly and efficient. A couple ppl just stayed in group and continue doing whatever they were doing in the world, that made it a little unbearable simply because we would have to kick and wait again in the que. This happens everywhere tho, so nothing that wasn't expected.

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It's been pretty bad thus far


First night, it set me up with an LI HM group and gave me a 15k HP tank and took at least 40mins to do so with 500 folks on the fleet in various instances.


Second night i waited for 50mins with no groups popping, so I put together my own group for Kaon HM and queued us up only to find I got no BH comms on finishing the FP because I queued with a full group.


Queued again the same night to try and get my BH comms and it set me up with a 12k hp Shadow dps as a tank because the role check is not automated.


I loved the server consolidation and had been playing much more since it happened, but 1.3 has been a huge let down with a lacklustre LFG system and introduction of massive credit sinks (they even made one of them mandatory with Augment kits)


Why do people keep blaming bad groups on the LFG tool? There is no gear checking system currently in place, if there was than people would be waiting hours for groups instead of 20-30 minutes. For the vast majority of the playerbase this is some of their first Multiplayer experiences with SWTOR due to the soloplay mechanics. Of course there is going to be a learning curve, people need to be taught that queueing up for a HM FP as a tank with 12k HP is not acceptable.

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It may not be the person's fault if they are queued as a tank in DPS spec. The role indicator does tend to have a mind of its own and chooses random selection for you.


I have queued up about a dozen times as a tank, my wife has done about 15-16 runs as a healer, and a buddy of mine that nearly always runs with us as DPS and never once has the tool randomly selected a role for us. I am not saying it doesent happen, but I think the majority of the time people just forget to change it.

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Wait, ninja'd?! but...but...that doesn't happen when its NOT CROSS SERVER!


Buncha morons (not you Ashania, just all those that argued against cross server lfg tool)


It takes time to develope a community. After a few weeks, or even months people will learn their are consequencies to their actions when 90% of the server has them on ignore and it becomes implssible for them to get into a group.


I never argued aginst a x-server LFG tool, just saying these types of things generally work themselves out over time.

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I've been queuing for group finder every day since 1.3 came out with most of my level 50's. A bit of background: I have an assassin tank, an operative healer, and a dps powertech, all on Jedi Covenant. We regularly get over 200 people on fleet at all times.


A few things I learned:

1. Queuing as a tank is AWESOME! My tank waits an average of 10 seconds (btw this is NOT an exaggeration) for a queue to pop.

2. Queuing as a dps or healer is a freakin' nightmare, the average is about 45 minutes for a queue; the longest I waited was like 2 hours! Thank god my healer and dps are not my main.

3. There are pros and cons to queuing up for storymode Ops. EV is fine, since I tank and know what I'm doing, everybody follows me and we're fine. KP is not so fine, especially when only half the pug group has vent. The G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator is pretty tough to clear when u have to type in Ops chat "tank switch"!

4. People need to understand that in a HM FP the tank ALWAYS goes in first. Don't complain about your repair bill if you don't understand that simple concept.

5. GF is still kinda buggy, sometimes if someone accidentally disconnects and comes back in, it'll queue us for a different flashpoint, and we dont get the BH comms at the end of the current FP.


In conclusion, so far so good with the group finder, loving the new addition Bioware, keep up the good work and I'll continue to fork 15 bucks a month over!

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Biggest issue, still, seems to be that people are not using it at all.

I will routinely pop in and see hardly anyone using the LFG tool at all. Our general chats are still flooded with various LFG and people will cite a plethora of reasons why they wont use the tool.(though most of it seems to be its new and they dont want to be bothered)


I have had no real issues with it. Ive joined new FP and in progress with no problem.

I really really do hate being able to shuttle to the FP, but then not being able to go back to where i was.

Ive shuttled back and forth to my storyline planet numerous times, as ive popped into a FP and then had to hoof it back from the Fleet to where i was before.


A lot of the other things i could complain about or hear people complain about, is group related. You cant play with so many people and not expect such things. (Like a smuggler needing on str gear because he saw medium armor and this being his first game just takes anything his armor class...)


The tool works adequately at the moment. With some work, it will work greatly instead.

Honestly i feel the big drawbacks to the tool at the moment is the way it was rushed and implemented. They still did a great job putting it out so quickly for us to use, but as a result it needs some more functionality work.

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Unfortunatley, not very good =(


It all started well. Took about 15 minutes to get my healer into a random T1 HM and it was a pretty well balanaced group. We battled through False Emporer and was about to get to malgus at the end.


Unfortunately, one of the members of the group had to leave for r/l reason.


We got a rather helpful pop up that said we could add a member to fill up our group and instructions on what to do. So i followed the instructions and then lo and behold, we all got kicked back to the start of the instance, it reset completely.


It was too late for people to run it again so we closed down the group very dissapointed that we couldnt get our 5 dailies. More concerning for me is if this happens again in the future.


Is it suppose to reset like this? Otherwise I can see even more frustration around the corner, particularly for operations which can take a while and people may come and go.


I sent a ticket in about this so I would hope that a fix gets put in place. Or perhaps we did something very wrong in what we clicked when asked if we wanted to add another member, if so, perhaps it needs much clearer instructions.


So mixed feelings. Happy to get a group in 15 mins but not so happy that after an hour or so gaming we got to end boss and then it totally reset the instance.


Was great until today, took guildies today and we teleported to HM foundry. All went well till a guildy got disconnected. When that happened, we got the same "helpful" popup box which i cancelled as i knew she would be back. She came back, we finished the instance, but its didnt complete as it had queued us for HM D7. Also didnt complete the daily HM quest either. Wouldve been a complete loss but for the tank getting a couple of nice gear upgrades. HK47 was bugged again as well. I have been very very patient with bugs in this game since launch, but they are starting to wear me down now, they really are. Also sent a ticket.

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So far I'm enjoying it. the queues are pretty typical for most MMO's....DPS has long wait, healers medium to short, and tanks usually 5-10 seconds.


Course i recently moved to a high population server, so that helps a ton. But most the groups i get are pretty decent. have yet to get a serious troll or jerk. Worst is they just don't say anything. Biggest issue I have atm is i get false emperor ALLOT. and he has a tendency to bug on that last fight....every time...at least once a run. but at least it's not a long instance

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So how is everyone getting along with this new feature so far?


Are you enjoying it? Are you hating it?


So far I can't form my opinion on it, I have been in the queue for Taral V as a healer now for about twenty minutes of ToFN (EU) with no luck yet. Was this feature aimed more towards grouping for endgame flashpoint running?


Mixed feelings.


Currently it's too limited in its functionality and seems to be only useful for Flashpoints and Ops...in your level range. Get 1 level (up or down) outside that range....and you're out of luck and instantly back to "LFG for [name instance here]"

  • Pick and choose missions and flashpoints. This works well enough for Flashpoints (so far), but for planetary missions I've had no luck. I only get to choose ALL Taris, Tattooine, etc. I need individual missions. For instance: Go into Planetary tab, click on Tattooine, choose the Tattooine Heroic 4 Man missions that I currently have. Dependent on my character, I don't need a group for 2-man ops and would rather avoid getting jammed into one when all I want is to queue up for 4-man heroics. Now...if there's a way to do this that I'm not seeing...I stand corrected and I'll go back into my hole to figure it out.
  • No level limitations. Please...don't limit me on what missions and flashpoints I can do based on my level. 90% of the time, I've already out leveled the next planet I need to proceed to in my story arch. I do Space Missions, Warzones, all planetary missions and Flashpoints...in addition to my normal story. So...I'm usually 4+ levels ahead of the "planetary curve". This also means, I cannot queue up for ANY Heroic 4's on the planet I'm on. I have to do it LFG style. Also, I may have already outleveled the Mandalorian Raiders FP, but there was some gear that I liked in it so I'd like to do it a few more times to get my look that I want (for example) and don't mind grouping up with some lower level people to a) help them and b) help me. Win win. Unless people are that worried about XP in this game.
  • Shuttle back to port location. If I get pulled from Alderaan...I would like to go back to Alderaan just as instantly as I left. Just like warzones.


Now, I was thinking I might add Custom Group Configurations to this list (as in the server end process of grouping people), but realistically...I think that's something that should be left to pre-mades and friends grouping up. For something as generic as the Group Finder, I get why it only puts together a "perfect scenario" type of team


All in all, it's not bad. It just needs more work. While I do like the ability to wander planets doing my own missions and still being recognized as being queued up for FPs...I get a feel of disconnect from the game as well. All for the sake of laziness and "efficiency".

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