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Your experience with the group finder?


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The mayor problem with FP 10-49 lvl is that the XP for doing them is a joke.

Sadly bioware dont understand these basic things. Reason the dungeon finder is great in wow is that in wow one can actually lvl doing dungeons.I mean players say the same thing, when you leave a fp and see th reward is 2.4000 credits and you dident even gain 1/6 of a lvl doing the FP players dont care about them. I guess bioweare still think players do them for the story ^^

Swtor is about the RP Content, if you remove the RP content from swtor, this game is no better than WoW, sad but true, personally i don't like the spacebar.

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The LFD is what brought me back to Swtor after a break from release, Glad it is here but it will need fine tuning and fixing up


Also, they should not delay adding Cross server to the LFD as that will shorten que times immensely, but then again you can end up with the Problem wow has with Cross server LFD, Morons, lots and lots and lots of them.

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I'm in full rakata/Black hole gear I know how to play my character. I can DO LI HM in 31 min. I have done every variation of Operations, SM, HM, NM. And working on HM Denova I have 5 characters in rakata/ BH gear i know how to play them all.


So i thought i would give this thing a shot to earn a few extra BH coms. I Que up for LI HM and we get paired with 2 other greatly geared players and players that know their class, then we get the Black sheep. This guy is wearing level 46 mods in orange armor he has never done a daily. LEVEL 46 MODS on a level 50 how does somebody like this get to level 50 let alone get put into a group for one of THEE hardest Flashpoints there is? WTH bioware. your group finder needs to weed out people like this for Tier 2 Flash points plain and simple.


Never again will i use your group finder! Period thee END.

Edited by Snakeyees
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Did my first ever EV as an Imp earlier and used Group Finder to find a party, ended up getting kicked half way between the droid and Gharj because I was starting fights rather than the tanks. It was me and at least one other person who seemed to have a clue what was going on and any time we came to a new set of mobs, everyone just stopped and waited for someone to start. People would stand around for minutes at a time just waiting for a tank to start something and they never did.
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WTH bioware. your group finder needs to weed out people like this for Tier 2 Flash points plain and simple.


Never again will i use your group finder! Period thee END.


Try vote kick if someone is clearly under geared as you describe for Lost Island T2.


Or better yet, try telling the person they cannot do it with the gear they are wearing and ask them politly to leave.

Coming here crying about something you can easily solve in-game is silly to say the least.

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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For the love of God, please use your spacebar if you enter a FP HM with more than 20K HP.


I would be prefectly fine with watching the cutscenes and convos if it was apparent that my co-players were new but this is not the case with people in BH/Campaign gear. Andif you havent played an FP until now then find a private party to do so with.


Also, the group finder has shown me that even the most clueless people in the universe can gear up.


It would also be swell if mdps'es could have their own Q for LI.

Did my first ever EV as an Imp earlier and used Group Finder to find a party, ended up getting kicked half way between the droid and Gharj because I was starting fights rather than the tanks. It was me and at least one other person who seemed to have a clue what was going on and any time we came to a new set of mobs, everyone just stopped and waited for someone to start. People would stand around for minutes at a time just waiting for a tank to start something and they never did.
I've started to tank on my Sorc in HM FP'es. It's the only way of speeding things up. People just stand there...and that's after they've first forced me to spend an extra 15 minutes in convos. I've done Denova in less time than some people do one of the longer FP'es. Edited by MidichIorian
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This is why this game will fail in the end


Not everyone enjoys the game the same way. Everyone pays to play and they have the right to enjoy features like conversations even if they've heard them before.

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Try vote kick if someone is clearly under geared as you describe for Lost Island T2.


Or better yet, try telling the person they cannot do it with the gear they are wearing and ask them politly to leave.

Coming here crying about something you can easily solve in-game is silly to say the least.


The thread title was my experience with group finder. I stated my experience if you don't like my opinion then ignore it. it does not give you the right to insult me.

Edited by Snakeyees
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Another wonderful experience today. Yesterday I got into a PUG raid and it was not bad: made it 3 deep into KP SM with zero vent. Not a huge accomplishment I know, but pure PUGGing it I would say not too shabby. No ninjaed loot, no disgruntled players, and patience galore exuded by everyone. I would say the LFG tool has been a resounding success. Edited by Evironrage
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The LFD is what brought me back to Swtor after a break from release, Glad it is here but it will need fine tuning and fixing up


Also, they should not delay adding Cross server to the LFD as that will shorten que times immensely, but then again you can end up with the Problem wow has with Cross server LFD, Morons, lots and lots and lots of them.


If you feel that the wait time for ques are bad with a single server LFG, that can give some element of "policing" the behaviors of bad people, then what makes you think the lack of tanks and healers is not going to lengthen those same que times as even more people wait to que in a cross server, free for all bad behavioral experiment gone bad, with even less tanks and healers in the total population?

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Overall I am enjoying the group finder. The biggest issues I have seen so far are role choices resetting when queuing or at seemingly random times. My friend and I have noticed that when I queue us on my Smuggler it tends to reset his Guardian to tank even though he has marked only DPS as he is not tank spec.


The other big bug that I have noticed is that the bug where flash points are grayed out if you have the mission in your log is still present. I see a lot of people complaining about not being able to queue for flashpoints especially if say Hammer Station is the only thing they are high enough level for. Every time I notice people talking about that on the fleet or on a planet I let them know about the work around to drop the mission and then log out and back in to fix it. I suspect that some of the issues with finding low level groups is due to people not having the option to queue and not knowing about this work around.

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So how is everyone getting along with this new feature so far?


Are you enjoying it? Are you hating it?


So far I can't form my opinion on it, I have been in the queue for Taral V as a healer now for about twenty minutes of ToFN (EU) with no luck yet. Was this feature aimed more towards grouping for endgame flashpoint running?


I play on The Bastion (transferred from Black Vulkars) and I'm absolutely loving the Group Finder. I have multiple 50's including 4 DPS and 2 tanks. When I queue up on my DPS for a random Flashpoint or Operation I can get in a group in less than 10 minutes every time. If I queue as a tank I get insta-queued.


I'm able to get all my Black Hole comms on all my toons very easily everyday. LFG is a godsend. :)

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Tried it three times for Ops and experienced bad results 2 times.


There was a long wait, then the transport failed and we had to travel there manually.

Then both EV and KP failed because too many people on the teams were horribly undergeared.


The third time, we queued our ops team just to pug in a dps.

He was undergeared too, but we were still able to do it and got the BH's coms.


But I'm calling it Noob Finder now ! :D


Since the technology is available, perhaps this could be used to find pvp premades (WITH a valor filter).

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1) It does not show queue time, so I don't know if i should bother waiting for group, or try later


2) It does not transfer me back, after done flashpoint to the place I joined pug. So, if I am questing on Nar Shaddaa, I suddenly have to travel from fleet to the place I left Nar Shaddaa, with all the mobs respawned. It's a big nuisance, that will prevent me from doing flashpoints till 50, I can't be bothered with travelling back. This should be immediately fixed


3) No cross-server... so if too little people wait for FP it gets way too long to make a group. After 20 minutes of waiting for mandalorian raiders as tank, I gave up, and went back to questing.


Generally that tool is useless, and getting a flashpoint belowe 50 is kinda hard and impossible. Kinda regret resubbing to check the LFG tool.

Edited by MorgothPl
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I have done all flashpoints from Hammer Station to Taral V so far via the group finder tool. The longest wait was for Taral V but then after giving up and relogging it popped instantly for me on the next try. It's all luck of the draw, perhaps folks on your server simply don't use it for whatever reason, or that was just an unlucky time to try your luck. Fingers crossed that they avoid the cross-server problems, at least until the newly packed destination servers start to die off in population.


If you're not having any luck with the group finder tool, try again another time, or remember that anyone on your ignore lists/that has you on ignore won't be matched up with you. Maybe remove some of the folks from ignore and see if it makes a difference. If somehow you have wound up on the ignore list of many people for whatever reason, the group finder will indeed be a pretty useless thing.\


PS I left a level 29 legacy to play on a level 10 legacy simply because i knew once the group finder tool came into play, there was no point staying on my original destination server as the population was still too small to support it. They only transferred 3 servers into one, so the numbers are better than the wasteland that the server was, but nowhere near what we all see on the servers that have queues and constantly 400+ people in fleet at prime.

Edited by Hangtooth
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So how is everyone getting along with this new feature so far?


Are you enjoying it? Are you hating it?


So far I can't form my opinion on it, I have been in the queue for Taral V as a healer now for about twenty minutes of ToFN (EU) with no luck yet. Was this feature aimed more towards grouping for endgame flashpoint running?

I'm liking the group finder feature simply because I can actually get groups to run things now. So yay. Beyond that, I'm now experiencing the joy of encountering so many frickin' noobs who have no clue what they are doing. But that's okay, and to be expected in a game focused not on group content, but solo stories.

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This is why this game will fail in the end
I like how you took that out of context and totally ignored "people with more than 20K Hp", "in BH/Campaign gear" and "perfectly fine with watching convos if it's apparent that I'm playing with new players". There's however no reason for someone who has already played through the FP several times to watch the convos yet another time and have three people waiting for him/her. I mean, I've had to sit through the convos on HM BT with people in Campaign gear. I doubt that they've never played that HM before and jumped straight to Denova HM. What's extra annoying is when you have to sit there and watch the option meter fill up because someone decided to do something els.


If it was up to me we'd have a Q for people who just want to play, in contrast to spending 20 minutes watching a convo and 10 playing. I don't care about the alignment points I'd miss out on if they offered us HM'es without conversations.

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It's fine, however I've noticed something that's HIGHLY annoying. When I'm on my DPS Operative and my friend that I'm grouped with hits the queue on his DPS BH I'm set as a healer and it puts us with a group that has no healer. And it makes him a Tank if I queue us up
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Overall it's been a good experience. At level 50 I wait maybe 5 minutes when queuing my healer and less than 1 minutes when queuing my tank.


Of course there are plenty of times people join then drop in 5 minutes. That's annoying. Then there are fresh 50's who shouldn't be in some of these instances.


Don't get me started on Lost Islamd story mode being grouped with other story mode flashpoints. Some that qualifies for Red Reaper also qualifies for Lost Island? I don't think so.

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Terrible!! You can't pick fp's that are lower than your level?? So stupid! I can't help my friend go through a lower level fp?? MISSED THE MARK! That is common with any MMO. Takes way too long. Not to mention you guys dropped the ball not having a group finder when the game came out. I can't tell you how disappointed i am with 1.3! Use your head Bioware!!:mad:
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I am playing on the Aussie PVE server and so far (touch wood) have had nothing but suprisingly good experiences. Until the LFG came out, I had never done a Flash Point, but have managed to get into good, efficient groups on all of my toons so far. Even after explaining that I had not done the individual FP's before, everyone was extremely helpful and polite. No ninja behaviour, a lot of laughs and good fun. This is not just the experience of a few runs, but of over a dozen to date. I hope this continues.......
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Really good so far. My only complaint is about the UI for role; when people queue as group, the role UI should popup for all in group before proceeding to the queue. Way too many people queuing in and getting a mismatched role because the UI is not at all intuitive in this regard.
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