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Your experience with the group finder?


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So how is everyone getting along with this new feature so far?


Are you enjoying it? Are you hating it?


So far I can't form my opinion on it, I have been in the queue for Taral V as a healer now for about twenty minutes of ToFN (EU) with no luck yet. Was this feature aimed more towards grouping for endgame flashpoint running?

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So how is everyone getting along with this new feature so far?


Are you enjoying it? Are you hating it?


So far I can't form my opinion on it, I have been in the queue for Taral V as a healer now for about twenty minutes of ToFN (EU) with no luck yet. Was this feature aimed more towards grouping for endgame flashpoint running?


I've also been in the queue for Taral V and Maelstrom for over half the day and had only a single group form, only to be reentered into the queue when one of the DPS hit "decline invite."


So far, I like the concept and the idea of the Group Finder, but I think it's still riddled with bugs right now and there aren't enough people using it through different level ranges to make it worthwhile just yet.

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Queued for a HM FP on my own, got my BH commendations, all good. Queued for a story ops with guild, got my comms, happy days. Only problem ran into, was that you can't queue a group for ops without the 'proper' composition. i.e. the finder wants you to have 2 tanks, even though story EV only requires one. Not a big issue though.


I've got to say I'm very happy with the finder so far. Look forward to seeing if I can get FPs to pop whilst levelling an alt.


Working fine for me, i wish there were an option to lfg world boss's but meh im sure that can be tacked on later.


Guess the problem with this is that world boss may or may not be alive when you queue, you'd be annoyed if you transported there to find no world boss and have to fly back to wherever you were.

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Quick travel didn't work for me on Heroics but worked fine in FPs. People I was grouping with had the same issue. I love it though. I got more done tonight than I have over the space of three days. Even pulled a Tionese chest and Columi boots from HM Foundry.
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First attempt, as a Tank, got into a HM Battle of Ilum, 2 seconds queuing! New to most of us, but we prevailed.


Second attempt, hadn't got anywhere in a few minutes, but saw someone asking for a tank in Fleet for a HM, so dropped out and did that.


Was very straightforward and got me into my first Hard Modes!

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it takes WAY TOOOOOOOO LONG to find a group!!!!!doesnt work properly! you can sit in the que for hours. and im on the busiest EU server ''The Red Eclipse''

please sort it out!its useless at the moment!!!!!


I wouldn't go that far... though I do wonder why it's taken so long for me to get any sort of FP pop. And, mind you, I don't just stand there staring at the pretty glowing icon. Been doing work on Balmorra and saving the Republic!

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Queued for about 15mins as a DPS smuggler earlier this afternoon (5pm gmt give or take an hour) got the teleport which worked nicely, got a nice group consisting of one from each class (JK, JC, Smuggler and Trooper) which i was quite happy to see, cleared Taral V in about, 30mins or so.


Overall a good tool, will be using it almost constantly on my BH merc healer im now leveling (side note, mount at level 10 is just too good)

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Queued for a random HM for my Assassin Tank (Turned out to be HM BP); The queue lasted for 14 seconds. Went in there, cleared the flashpoint in under 45 minutes, got my Black Hole comms, I'm a happy camper :D Gonna try queuing for storymode Ops this weekend to see how that goes!
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If it's taking too long for queues to pop, it would likely be because people aren't using it enough to make it viable. It needs to have the correct composition, yes, but as it has been said many times before in other threads, the tool is only great if people actually use it.
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Just wondering how many people are saying q's arnt popping that have the mission for the flashpoints in there logs. And im not talking about the dailys and weeklys.


Does having the quest already prevent you from finding groups? If so, that seems like an oversight by the devs. *shrugs* I'll try queuing without the quest and see what happens. :)

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I like the idea of the group finder but when it comes to the heroic quests on the different planets, it totally sucks. These are typically the type of quests that I most commonly do, and it doesn't work.


You should be able to mark the specific heroics that you want to be LFG for. Then the groupfinder should try and match those selected with others.


I was LFG on Nar Shadaa, for I don't even know how long.(hours) Didn't get a group even a single time.


They have a lot of work to do on this tool.



Edited by Xarox
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I like the idea of the group finder but when it comes to the heroic quests on the different planets, it totally sucks. These are typically the type of quests that I most commonly do, and it doesn't work.


You should be able to mark the specific heroics that you want to be LFG for. Then the groupfinder should try and match those selected with others.


I was LFG on Nar Shadaa, for I don't even know how long.(hours) Didn't get a group even a single time.


They have a lot of work to do on this tool.




I don't see how can they work on this. You waitng for hours only means that players are not using LFG tool. and BW can't just force people to use it. However I agree that they should implement option where you can chose which planetary hc you want.

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Unfortunatley, not very good =(


It all started well. Took about 15 minutes to get my healer into a random T1 HM and it was a pretty well balanaced group. We battled through False Emporer and was about to get to malgus at the end.


Unfortunately, one of the members of the group had to leave for r/l reason.


We got a rather helpful pop up that said we could add a member to fill up our group and instructions on what to do. So i followed the instructions and then lo and behold, we all got kicked back to the start of the instance, it reset completely.


It was too late for people to run it again so we closed down the group very dissapointed that we couldnt get our 5 dailies. More concerning for me is if this happens again in the future.


Is it suppose to reset like this? Otherwise I can see even more frustration around the corner, particularly for operations which can take a while and people may come and go.


I sent a ticket in about this so I would hope that a fix gets put in place. Or perhaps we did something very wrong in what we clicked when asked if we wanted to add another member, if so, perhaps it needs much clearer instructions.


So mixed feelings. Happy to get a group in 15 mins but not so happy that after an hour or so gaming we got to end boss and then it totally reset the instance.

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I believe it's working as intended.


Im not sure if you were expecting some holy, magical tool that automatically puts you in the instance with 4 players, but it does its job. It's not cross-server, so you can expect it to be longer than a cross-server tool. It's meant to group people easily, to avoid confusion, and it also shortens queues.


And if you are experiancing long queues, try queuing with a friend. That usually speeds up the process.

Edited by Jadenfango
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Havent tried it, seeing as I have to work all day.


Looking at the posts in this thread it seems like people will never be satisified. Seeing comments of it takes too long seems silly seeing as before you needed to spam in chat on the fleet to get a group. Now it sounds like you can play along with your story and let a group pop. For 50s they may not have any content left to level through but they can still craft or explore or pvp and let the tool do the finding.


I sense the entitlement that WoW introduced with such conveniences is only just beginning to show its ugly face.

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The thing with queues not popping are people are not using it. On the several servers I'm on, I still see LFG and LFM spam all over the place like it was before the patch, so I guess it'll take some time before people realize its there.


As for me, I ran 3 FPs across 3 chars and haven't had a single issue, so I'm happy :cool:

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For the record, I'd like to just say that I don't mind the long queues, I was just curious as to why they were taking awhile. I agree with what most have said so far in regards to a lot of people either not knowing how to use this new feature, or aren't using it at all. I'm actually very pleased that BioWare has decided to add in this feature, as I think once this gains some momentum, it'll be truly useful. :)
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