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8 man non ranked not working?


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So i may be under the wrong impression but I thought u could Queue for 8 man non ranked? Guess I was misinformed. doesnt seem to be working. Would be nice to get practice instead of just queuing up for Rateds.
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Working as intended. You can queue 8 people together, but it has to be for ranked or you can do either/or. No queue'ing of 8-man premades just for regular WZ's. I agree with this approach as I believe an 8-man premade using vent/ts would roll against pugs. If you can only queue 4, then at least there's a chance that you'll get 4 bads to help level the field in regular WZ's.
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if we had cross server it would work then more premades would be able to play a bigger pool. But yea on even these huge servers seperating the queues more wont work. I just wanted clarification thats all
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