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Survivor or Stalker gear for TankAssasin


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I finally reached 50 and have max reg WZ Comms and Ranked Comms. I really like the idea of tanking in WZ's, but all I see in comments and youtube are TankAssasins in Stalker gear. Is tanking in WZ's not viable or helpful to the group or is it that you can put up much bigger numbers with stalker gear?
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Defense, shield, and absorb are useless in PVP. So your stalker gear has a bunch of useful stats on it and your survivor gear has accuracy and a bunch of useless stats. There is no reason to use survivor, don't gimp yourself. You'll tank just as well in stalker (as they have the same armor rating, the only number that means anything in PVP) and do much more damage.
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I finally reached 50 and have max reg WZ Comms and Ranked Comms. I really like the idea of tanking in WZ's, but all I see in comments and youtube are TankAssasins in Stalker gear. Is tanking in WZ's not viable or helpful to the group or is it that you can put up much bigger numbers with stalker gear?


Tankasins are the worst PvP "pure" tanks with 1.3.


IMO you are better off going mostly stalker gear. Get the 2 piece set bonus from Survivor gear then the rest stalker. Whether you use a shield generator is personal preference/situational.


Once you get full BM gear you want to mod it a bit as there is far too much accuracy on it. The eliminator cannon (if republic) has perfect enhancements for tankasin gear.


The damage is moderate and surviabilty is good combined with your utility you will be a benefit to your team.

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