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1.3: Didn't fix the graphical issues! (Hood Clipping, Big Butt Robes, etc...)


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I was hoping they would have fixed the following bugs with the 1.3 patch. Sadly, they weren't a priority this time. With that in mind I decided to make this thread and try to explain these bugs in the best possible way, before making a thread on the bug forums. Sending a ticket in-game isn't as productive since english isn't my first language and sometimes I have difficulties explaining the bugs. Let's show them that we care about these minor bugs and maybe fixing them will be a priority on the next big patch.


Please note that these bugs have happened several times. I will list them here so you guys can know what's going on. I ask that when watching the videos for the specific bugs on youtube, please do so in fullscreen since I couldn't manage to make them in a higher quality.



-> Hood Clipping


There are tons of robes that clipp through the inquisitor's head, at least with body type 2. I made a thread discussing the topic and a video which depicts it extremely well. Please note how the problem is specially serious when making turns with the speeder. They didn't clip when using the "stand up" speeders.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFZio3FvhFA&feature=youtu.be


-> Inner Hood Hole


Apparently when they changed the hoods in 1.2, they forgot to remake the insides. There is nothing preventing us to see through the hood at the height of our necks.This screenshot depicts it pretty well.



-> Big Butt Robe


All of the "cloaks" are showing a big butt. As if there was a wire frame holding it in place. Just like the old dresses women used to wear. Again, I experienced this with body type 2.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ6UuHalRRs&feature=youtu.be


-> Companions holding weapons even out of combat


I have experienced this with the Inquisitor companion, Ashara Zavros. I have seen Jaessa Wilsam with her lightsaber turned on at all times as well. I'm not sure if blaster-wielding companions also have this problem. Why would someone have their lightsabers on in the Imperial Fleet?

My Agent's gf Kaliyo also have her blaster out all the time. What is more irritating is it's not she's really holding it but the blaster is like stickied to her hand in really awkward fashion. I think it's started at some point after patch 1.2. I was really hoping they fixing it in the new patch :( Also can't stand the view of Khem Val's sword piersing his meaty back!
The companion bug thing is pretty annoying, but I found a semi-workaround. If you disable their weapon ability (I.E. Exanguination for Jaesa/Kira) their weapon activates/deactivates normally. I usually turn these off so my companion's weapon functions like normal, as the weapon abilities really aren't that necessary, and if really needed for a fight, can be activated/deactivated at the click of a button. Hopefully the devs will be able to fix this issue without us having to do this, but for now, it's a workable fix for me. :)


-> Lightsaber "blades" showing during conversations


If Ashara Zavros has her lightsabers on, as she always has, or if I had my lightsaber on, and triggered a conversation, the blades would appear floating inside the cutscene with no hilt or character holding them. This bug appears to not happen only in conversations though. It has something to do with not getting rid of the lightsaber blades correclty sometimes.




When I find better screenshots I'll make sure to post them here.


-> Stealth Walking


If I trigger my stealth and hit the "toggle walk" button, the running animation will still be used and only my speed will be reduced. This makes it look like an awful "moonwalk" going forward. Why can't they add the walking animations for stealth as well? I don't have an operative or a scoundrel to test this with them, though.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fReuxqtpnI&feature=youtu.be


-> Assassin not holding lightsaber well if walking w/ sprint


As you can see, I like triggering my walking animation. Correct lightsaber holding works fine if I don't have my "passive sprint" ability on. If I have it on though, and have my lightsaber turned on while walking, the character's left hand will hover above the lightsaber instead of grab it. If I turn my sprint off though, the lightsaber will automatically move upwards as to fit inside the "hand cavity".

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg3HUYwjQ3Y&feature=youtu.be


-> Taxi's Propeler Bug


After 1.2, the taxis began to display a straight "chain" of the propeler's exhaust fire leading back to the taxi pad. This "chain" can cut through buldings and depending on the taxi's position it can even go through the taxi back to the taxi pad. I couldn't find a more detailed screenshot about this. I will update this post when I do.






-> Guard's Weapons


There are several guards scattered through the different planets who are not holding their weapons correctly, or appear to be holding them but they are actually not there. I've seen this happen in Korriban, Hutta and Dromund Kass. Apparently sending a ticket helped them with fixing the Korriban Guards and the Hutta ones, but I didn't check the Dromund Kaas ones yet.



-> Out of place NPCs, as if they weren't "tagged" properly


I've found this problem to happen more often at higher level quests. There are some NPC's placed as if they were "objects" in the world. When I hover my mouse above them, they are highlighted, but no information is shown and they don't display any name tags. They are always immobile and placed at a weird spot. They are also always inside of an instance.


-> Imperial trooper standing in the middle of a republic trooper group. Nothing happens with him as I kill the republic troopers. It is in a hoth instance, when you face the little elephant and discuss about the power generation problem for the imperial outpost. I though there would be some reason to place an imperial trooper there, but as I finished the quest I realized I met no other imperial troopers inside. Maybe it's from the republic instance?


-> I was about level 45 and was called back to Nar Shadaa. I had killed Darth Paladius back when I was level 25 in my first trip to the planet. When I arrive at my Cult's house after so long I see a standing Sith Pureblood in the middle of the room, with no tags, no info, no name. Although If I hover my mouse above him, he is highlighted. I'm am almost sure it's the Darth Paladius model.



-> I was in belsavis just outside of an Inquisitor Instance as I saw a droid walking (as in moving) inside of the instance. The strange thing is that we can't see any enemies or NPCs inside an instance before we go in. When I went in prepared for combat, the droid freezed (as in stopped moving) and I realized he had no info, names or tags of any sort. Again, the only interaction I could have with it was hovering my mouse on him as make it highlighted.


ps.: It is importante to note that my cursor changes accordingly to the NPCs nature. It was the standard orange arrow when I hovered above the Imperial Trooper and Darth Paladius. When I hovered above the droid, the cursor changed to the red "target" reticule. I couldn't attack it though.


-> Various Graphical Oversights


I'll post in this section some random graphical oversights:


Two Hoods on the same character: He is wearing one and the other one is lowered down.




As you can see, there are plenty of bugs that are easy to fix, yet they have done nothing to adress them with 1.3. Do you have any other graphical bug I could add to the list?


ps: There is no use to send them a ticket. They will always say the issue is under investigation or is working as intended. They are certainly not working as intended. =P

Edited by Dubaco
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They never said they were gunna fix those yet.


Also, I swear the only reason you are posting this is because you need *something* to complain about.:D


Yes I don't like the big butt, but people wanted the LFG tool more than "does this make my butt look big?" fixed


Oh and I never get the stealth problem, what is it exactly?

Edited by Twaggy
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The graphical issues are the only thing I have to complain about this game. And the big butt is the least one of them. :D


And they don't need to tell us if they will or will not fix any bugs in a big patch. It is expected of them.


Try toggling "walk" while in stealth mode. You will still be using the "running" animation and "leg movement speed", but you will move slower, and will end up kind of sliding. I'll try to download some video recording software and post it on youtube.


ps: Did you check the hood clipping screenshots? It is "class breaking". I realised this when I bought the supreme inquisitor robes, wich didn't clipp. I enjoyed my inquisitor so much more since then.

Edited by Dubaco
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where did the performance gain go, i know the game did something but i have no clue what? no new setting or anything. i was really hoping for something that reduces particle effect but nope.
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atleast you get hoods. all warriors get is two semi-robe things with hoods, a cape, and then absurdly high collars and cyborg shoulderpads.


also, i use body type three, so i have yet to encounter any of the issues.

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For crying out loud, I was looking through the notes already for those fixes and I hate that BioWare thinks some random other crap is more important...


Stuff like the companion lightsaber bugs annoy me to hell and eventually made me stop play this game for a while, I reactivated again in the hopes they would fix these massively annoying bugs which completely break immersion for me..


Those bugs weren't there to start with in the beginning ( at least not for me), how does BioWare manage to break something else if they 'fix' another thing.


"What, a leg of a table broke? We'll just saw off one of the others and put it there instead!"

What am I paying 12 bucks a month for? The LFG tool I couldn't care less about? Get this game out of beta!

Edited by chefd
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Bioware has broken a lot of things in their supposed fixes. The lightsaber one bugs the crap out of me too. Also the having to reboot because of the sound bug. That's ridiculous when you're in a class quest and half the time the voice does not work. Bioware, we need to hear what is being said in a story driven mmo. I also don't care about the LFG. It's called making friends and then having them be your group or it's called joining a guild and having your guild mates be in your group. Edited by sevalaricgirl
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-> Companions holding weapons even out of combat

I have experienced this with the Inquisitor companion, Ashara Zavros. I have seen Jaessa Wilsam with her lightsaber turned on at all times as well. I'm not sure if blaster-wielding companions also have this problem. Why would someone have their lightsabers on in the Imperial Fleet?


My Agent's gf Kaliyo also have her blaster out all the time. What is more irritating is it's not she's really holding it but the blaster is like stickied to her hand in really awkward fashion. I think it's started at some point after patch 1.2. I was really hoping they fixing it in the new patch :( Also can't stand the view of Khem Val's sword piersing his meaty back!

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Who said they would?


Why do you kids make assumptions non stop?


As I said, it is expected of them. I'm in the middle of my university and I'm beggining to see how things work in real life. If you make any mistakes, you are crushed. Why should it be ok not to fix these lousy bugs? If you'd let me make one more assumption, I'd assume these are easy fixes. It could take a little time to fix, but the fixes would still be straight forward.


Anyway, I just made a video showing how these bugs come to life. I'll post it soon.

Edited by Dubaco
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Those bugs weren't there to start with in the beginning ( at least not for me), how does BioWare manage to break something else if they 'fix' another thing.



I'm guessing that the sounds will still cut out too.

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They never said they were gunna fix those yet.


Also, I swear the only reason you are posting this is because you need *something* to complain about.:D


Yes I don't like the big butt, but people wanted the LFG tool more than "does this make my butt look big?" fixed


Oh and I never get the stealth problem, what is it exactly?


I agree with some of the others you just hear to complain. Although you have valid reasons to complain. Bioware and Blizzard and other companies cannot fix everything all at once in a patch. So I suggest you report this in the bug forum and also I wouldn't be surprise if they already planning to fix this in a future minor patch.

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The companion bug thing is pretty annoying, but I found a semi-workaround. If you disable their weapon ability (I.E. Exanguination for Jaesa/Kira) their weapon activates/deactivates normally. I usually turn these off so my companion's weapon functions like normal, as the weapon abilities really aren't that necessary, and if really needed for a fight, can be activated/deactivated at the click of a button. Hopefully the devs will be able to fix this issue without us having to do this, but for now, it's a workable fix for me. :)
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Bioware has broken a lot of things in their supposed fixes. The lightsaber one bugs the crap out of me too. Also the having to reboot because of the sound bug. That's ridiculous when you're in a class quest and half the time the voice does not work. Bioware, we need to hear what is being said in a story driven mmo. I also don't care about the LFG. It's called making friends and then having them be your group or it's called joining a guild and having your guild mates be in your group.


You said it. LFG doesn't add a new feature or improve anything in my opinion. If you weren't able to find a group in the 6 months before this LFG isn't gonna help you. You clearly don't want a group, it's not hard to just shout in general and get a whisper. Why did it take 6 months to get a basic feature like LFG anyway? This is nothing special.


Also these graphical errors make you want to quit the game after playing it only for 2 weeks. They are there in abundance and even worse for Jedi Knights with those stupid robes.

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The companion bug thing is pretty annoying, but I found a semi-workaround. If you disable their weapon ability (I.E. Exanguination for Jaesa/Kira) their weapon activates/deactivates normally. I usually turn these off so my companion's weapon functions like normal, as the weapon abilities really aren't that necessary, and if really needed for a fight, can be activated/deactivated at the click of a button. Hopefully the devs will be able to fix this issue without us having to do this, but for now, it's a workable fix for me. :)

Thanks, that really is a good work-around for the problem. I will update the original post with this info. Thanks again! =P


I agree with some of the others you just hear to complain. Although you have valid reasons to complain. Bioware and Blizzard and other companies cannot fix everything all at once in a patch. So I suggest you report this in the bug forum and also I wouldn't be surprise if they already planning to fix this in a future minor patch.

I am here to complain. I wish the devs take notice how the community cares about these simple things. I am planning to make a thread in the bug forums, but I wanted to know how other people felt these bugs.

Edited by Dubaco
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You said it. LFG doesn't add a new feature or improve anything in my opinion. If you weren't able to find a group in the 6 months before this LFG isn't gonna help you. You clearly don't want a group, it's not hard to just shout in general and get a whisper. Why did it take 6 months to get a basic feature like LFG anyway? This is nothing special.


Also these graphical errors make you want to quit the game after playing it only for 2 weeks. They are there in abundance and even worse for Jedi Knights with those stupid robes.


I think the problem lay mostly in that even when asking in General if anyone wanted to group up for FP's/Ops/PvP/Heroics, very few would ever respond. I've spent many hours on the Fleet and on various planets posting in General every few minutes that I was LFG or LFM for something or other, and usually get between 1-2 responses, if any at all. The server transfers helped a lot, and I was able to form more groups in the past two weeks than I have in four months, so I'm really not that miffed about any of this. I think the LFG tool (once most of the bugs have been worked out) will be incredibly useful for people who don't want to spend an hour on the Fleet trying to group up. Also, not everyone is part of a Guild, or wants to join one. There are many reasons for this, but should they be barred from participating in content that requires them to have a group? I don't think so. :)

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As I said, it is expected of them. I'm in the middle of my university and I'm beggining to see how things work in real life.


Oh, dear god.


When you're in the middle of an actual job at a large software company, then get back to me.

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Oh, dear god.


When you're in the middle of an actual job at a large software company, then get back to me.


As I said, things become more important as we grow up. Simple bugs like these shouldn't be in a game from a large software company. I hope we can stay on topic.

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There are graphical issues and clipping issues in ALL 3D video games.


Name one where half your body doesn't disappear into a wall when you got close to it

Name one where your weapons don't poke through your armor

Name one where you ride a mount and your cape doesn't go through it

Name one where your two handed weapon doesn't go through your *** and leg on occassion.


The list of bugs is endless, it's not just TOR.

Edited by Abrasion
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For crying out loud, I was looking through the notes already for those fixes and I hate that BioWare thinks some random other crap is more important...


Clearly you have no idea how software is made or maintained.


Does that mean you can't complain about their process? No. You're free to complain.


Does that mean your complaints are worthless? Eh... sorta.

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As I said, things become more important as we grow up. Simple bugs like these shouldn't be in a game from a large software company. I hope we can stay on topic.


That's actually ridiculously funny. You're not at university for Computer Science or some other software-related field, are you? You don't have even have any experience at all with professional coding, right?

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