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Fight with Allies in Game Update 1.3


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I thought you can transfer anywhere and go play with your friends.

Its not a real transfer period, is a clean up of servers, so they see wich ones will be closed and how many will stay open to be used, so in my opinion this is only the 1st wave of transfers, after the servers will explode of ppl and queue´s they will already have made their calculations, closed the unnesessary servers and open transfers again to balance things...

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Take a look at this thread. Pre-existing augment slotted gear is broken at this moment. Essentially big bug that should have been caught in PTS.




Wow. They never fixed that? It was caught and reported by many players. Unfortunately, like all other suggestions made by testers and the community, it was ignored. Their PTS section of the forums is and was a complete sham. They set it up for people to waste their time. I for one, will never waste my time again with the PTS or its forum so Bioware can continue with their B.S. illusion that they want feedback. Truth is they don't.

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Game Update 1.3: Allies[/url] is now live for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!

Unfortunately, Customer Service is still going to be sub-par at best, zones will still be bugged, and the "voluntary" (read: forced) server swap means I am on a server so crowded, I have to fight through a queue just to log in.


Too little, too late. These should have been in the last content patch - which should have been released with the game when it went live to begin with.:confused:

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wow. They never fixed that? It was caught and reported by many players. Unfortunately, like all other suggestions made by testers and the community, it was ignored. Their pts section of the forums is and was a complete sham. They set it up for people to waste their time. I for one, will never waste my time again with the pts or its forum so bioware can continue with their b.s. Illusion that they want feedback. Truth is they don't.




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They are making the game soo bad now :mad:

Now i have to wait so i can login because all those transfers etc ?

Sorry i can not laugh with it i pay to play a game not to sit and wait whole the time :mad:

When my days are over i'm out of the game

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They are making the game soo bad now :mad:

Now i have to wait so i can login because all those transfers etc ?

Sorry i can not laugh with it i pay to play a game not to sit and wait whole the time :mad:

When my days are over i'm out of the game


ummm, welcome to last month

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they are making the game soo bad now :mad:

Now i have to wait so i can login because all those transfers etc ?

Sorry i can not laugh with it i pay to play a game not to sit and wait whole the time :mad:

When my days are over i'm out of the game





also can i have your stuff?

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At this point those who hate it don't outweigh those who are enjoying it. Many people have resubscribed and the majority are very happy, thus making your point moot.


"The majority are very happy", that was funny, thanks for speaking for me and everybody else.

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"The majority are very happy", that was funny, thanks for speaking for me and everybody else.


lol agree where is this many resubbed? I see a lot unsubbing for the same reasons, lack of communication from BW and not being able to play their characters. Some of us needed to have the transfer service as we are stuck on Ajunta Pall or have to move to an East Coast data center. No thanks, we choose a West Coast server for a reason so let us move to a populated one. It isnt that hard for other companies but BW offering more then one transfer destination golly .


First it was "only to same server types" then they let Lord Caylpho move from RP-PvP to PvP but wont allow Ajunta Pall to do the same it appears they would rather have us unsub then give us the ability to transfer to a PST server, which is what most are doing. BW made such a big deal (and I quote from BW response) "WE HAD TO LET THOSE THAT WANTED TO REMAIN IN THE SAME COMMUNITY TYPE DO SO FIRST". Yet look at the Europe RP-PvP they are not given that option nor an option to move to RP-PvE, its all a bunch of lip service and BS.


Yes we are the minority but no we are not sheep like the rest of them and the Shepard thinks by ignoring us we will move. More like we will leave BW with their sheep to do what they please...

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seems kool but kinda of a patch to me. add in a group finder ant it is a update. POOF! idk but i think they could have done better as 1.2 was a big improvmet w/ the revamped UI,(custom i add) and the guild banks. Lagacy was the them but still needs work. the adaptive seems kool but pretty much just orange modabal gear, same as the rest. :mon_trap:
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I'm a little disappointed in not having transfers, but I'm happy for that group finder. To be honest I think Bioware has a few months to fix what they broke because other games are still a arms away from releasing. If they abuse this it will end very bad. Also I really want them to drop legacy perk prices. It's hard to pick between Speeder Training 2 or making my companion 10% happier when I say something he likes. Or just penny pinch my way to 2 million credits to get a cool boost... Eh. In my opinion Legacy is only meant for hardcore players. I'm really also having a tough time to slow down and actually play some FP's for Rakata gear or I could start a new alt with the same side quests as before. I'm trying to be more constructive then critical, but hopefully got a 5k on Bioware employee just now.
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(which do not negatively affect those who don't care - as usual)

(again, which has no impact on those who don't care about it)

(that, for the third time has no real effect on those who do not care)

(that for the fourth time will not affect those who don't care)



^ More of this ^


I just get so sick of people who feel a need to insult every single person who has an opinion that differs from their own. It's as if someone not liking the same things they do somehow invalidates them. It's bizarre. If you did that in real life people would stop talking to you, but we have to put up with it in the online world.

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Well, I cannot speak for anyone other than myself with these changes, and the updates. I can only say making a game great is a process and I think BioWare is well on their way to making a great game greater. This is the face of a happy gamer :jawa_biggrin:
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Wow. They never fixed that? It was caught and reported by many players. Unfortunately, like all other suggestions made by testers and the community, it was ignored. Their PTS section of the forums is and was a complete sham. They set it up for people to waste their time. I for one, will never waste my time again with the PTS or its forum so Bioware can continue with their B.S. illusion that they want feedback. Truth is they don't.



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At this point those who hate it don't outweigh those who are enjoying it. Many people have resubscribed and the majority are very happy, thus making your point moot.


LOL!!! Are you blind?


At launch almost every server that was up had a status of full. Before 1.2 hit they were all low...


Trying to say that people are happy is a poor take on things at best. The Vast majority have shown they are not happy with the direction Bioware is going by ending their subscriptions. There is only enough total active population to fill 8-10 servers out of the 217 SERVERS they have running. This was not a Hey lets get server transfers in because we are nice guys, it was a desperation play to keep from losing even more subs because people were sick of logging into a server that had less than 70 players during peak hours.


So lets do the math shall we? Bioware's current "Vision" for the game has cost them $780,000 a month in lost subscriptions. This is reflected in the nasty drop in EA stock value. Now Fanboi's can argue till they are blue in the face how awesome Bioware is, but that same group of people would argue that everything is fine while the earth was flying head long into the sun if Bioware said its working as intended.


So before you sit and bash on people that are fed up with the BS Bioware is spewing out as "Content" stop and thing about the 400 THOUSAND+ players that have left because they were not happy. Its awesome you found something that you like, but the honest truth is for every 1 player that loves what they have done 10 or more have left the game because they did not like what has been done, and these in many many cases were people that had been waiting for this game for years.

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LOL!!! Are you blind?


At launch almost every server that was up had a status of full. Before 1.2 hit they were all low...


Trying to say that people are happy is a poor take on things at best. The Vast majority have shown they are not happy with the direction Bioware is going by ending their subscriptions. There is only enough total active population to fill 8-10 servers out of the 217 SERVERS they have running. This was not a Hey lets get server transfers in because we are nice guys, it was a desperation play to keep from losing even more subs because people were sick of logging into a server that had less than 70 players during peak hours.


So lets do the math shall we? Bioware's current "Vision" for the game has cost them $780,000 a month in lost subscriptions. This is reflected in the nasty drop in EA stock value. Now Fanboi's can argue till they are blue in the face how awesome Bioware is, but that same group of people would argue that everything is fine while the earth was flying head long into the sun if Bioware said its working as intended.


So before you sit and bash on people that are fed up with the BS Bioware is spewing out as "Content" stop and thing about the 400 THOUSAND+ players that have left because they were not happy. Its awesome you found something that you like, but the honest truth is for every 1 player that loves what they have done 10 or more have left the game because they did not like what has been done, and these in many many cases were people that had been waiting for this game for years.




Also, the lack of communication is disgusting. the last post by a community relations person was at 11am pacific time today.... 11 am! and no mention STILL about pushing back transfers, for how long, what the deadline is now etc.

Edited by Tarn_Sirun
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Its not a real transfer period, is a clean up of servers, so they see wich ones will be closed and how many will stay open to be used, so in my opinion this is only the 1st wave of transfers, after the servers will explode of ppl and queue´s they will already have made their calculations, closed the unnesessary servers and open transfers again to balance things...


Of course they clearly said its a clean up of servers in the video of coming soon to the old republic. They also said the free transfers had extreme restrictions in the video.

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Server transfers are not a service. They tell you when, they tell you where and you will end up on a server with a waiting queue of an hour.


1.3 is not such a big update. Okay, we got the legacy perks, which is nice and I like the augment tables and such, but I was mostly excited about 1.3 because of the server transfers. I had a friend on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP server) and I was hoping to play with him when the transfers came, but he quit his sub because there was no new ops in this update.

Anyway, I still transferred to Freedon Nadd and I still enjoy the game, but the server has had a waiting queue of ca. 1 hour every evening, so now I'm rerolling again on another server.


Bioware made a great game with SWTOR, but this... this is just not working for me. I would imagine an MMO made in the Soviet Union to function like this, not a game made by one of the major firms in the modern gaming industry.

Edited by Erikusz
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I have no complaints other than don't queue in Group Finder when you plan to fall out and wax wussy. "Oh, this isn't a puggable FP." Pff... you just pugged it, genius. Howabout we crank the penalty up about 5 hrs. and let the problem take care of itself?
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