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So Alderaan on PVE servers are now PVP?


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They rolled on a PVE server - why would that amaze you in the least?


exactly. I actually don't mind getting ganked since even on PvP servers it happens so infrequently but it is only fair that folks on a PvE server expect not to stumble into a surprise PvP situation.


If I could go back in time I would have rolled PvP for my first toon. I was afraid it would be gank city as I was learning (new to MMOs) so I rolled PvE.


I too got attacked PvP on Alderaan. Not a big deal but I thought "aren't I playing on a PvE server today"?

Edited by funkiestj
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Have to disagree. That second or two of time that ~theoretically~ could happen is completely worth the trade-off of a player knowing that they won't be flagged for PVP unless they want to. Remember, this is for a PVE server. :) And your hypothetical system... isn't that just what the PVP flag being off is supposed to do?
Except that some do want to jump in at that opportune moment. A toggle would allow those interested in doing this to do so, and allow those who do not want to inadvertently flag to ensure it never happens.


And there's nothing theoretical about the 1-2 second window. I can change the tide of a PvP fight.

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They rolled on a PVE server - why would that amaze you in the least?


Why would this amaze you? If PvE players wanted to get flagged for PvP, they would have rolled on a PvP server, or joined a Warzone.


I see a significant difference between not wanting to be flagged for PvP and absolutely losing your sh*t when being flagged. Before they "fixed" the buff PvP flag thing, I used to get screamed at by people for buffing them. I was legitimately just trying to be helpful and buff them, but I ended up getting yelled at for flagging someone. I've had guildmates that Quick Travel to a cantina and then log out because they got flagged.


Is it really that serious? From what I've noticed, being flagged means so little. My new Vanguard has been flagged since her day of creation and just finally ran into one Imperial on Hoth at level 47 that I had a little scuffle with. I project that it'll take several more weeks for that to happen again.


I can understand not wanting to PvP out in the open. It can be frustrating and ruin some places, but it's not the end of the world. It can add some fun and spice up the levelling process. Worst case scenario, you can go hang out in a cantina and craft for a while until the flag goes away.

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I see a significant difference between not wanting to be flagged for PvP and absolutely losing your sh*t when being flagged. Before they "fixed" the buff PvP flag thing, I used to get screamed at by people for buffing them. I was legitimately just trying to be helpful and buff them, but I ended up getting yelled at for flagging someone. I've had guildmates that Quick Travel to a cantina and then log out because they got flagged.


Is it really that serious? From what I've noticed, being flagged means so little. My new Vanguard has been flagged since her day of creation and just finally ran into one Imperial on Hoth at level 47 that I had a little scuffle with. I project that it'll take several more weeks for that to happen again.


I can understand not wanting to PvP out in the open. It can be frustrating and ruin some places, but it's not the end of the world. It can add some fun and spice up the levelling process. Worst case scenario, you can go hang out in a cantina and craft for a while until the flag goes away.


I feel the same way about the Juggernaut/Guardian adjustment. Some people are straight flipping a lid over it, and it's just not that big of a deal. Adjust and move on.

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Sorry, there's PVP rule-set and PVE rule-set. Some folks don't mind being flagged for PVP on a PVE server - good on them. But this is a concern for players who do not want to be flagged for open world PVP on a PVE server. Try a little empathy.
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I agree. Works well in Rift.


It works reasonably well, it has been somewhat glitchy ever since release.. there are NPCs that will flag you regardless, and being flagged while doing invasions aren't unheard of either.

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That bug that allows you to be flagged for pvp when you attack a healed/buffed mob is annoying. Was trying to do a daily today and a pair of sith shadows exploited that bug and caused me to get flagged. They both then proceded to pull me into near by elite mobs which of coarse caused a quick release back to the med center. They did this to alot of players causeing delays up to a hour for some players just trying to do a daily.


The good news is they got so greedy for kills they chased a few players who managed to run out of the quest area and on one of those attempts I was able to return the favor and grapple the shadow into a group of friendly elite npcs and poped his restealth with a stealth scan. But the simple fact that on a PVE server you can be forced into a flagged state needs to be fixed asap. While revenge was sweet it still didnt get me back the time I waisted on getting rid of these griefers so I could finish a simple quest.

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Alderaan is one of the few plants where Empire and Republic can wander into each other's question area. Doing this gets you a warning then your auto flagged for PVP..you must of wandered into their territory.
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I feel the same way about the Juggernaut/Guardian adjustment. Some people are straight flipping a lid over it, and it's just not that big of a deal. Adjust and move on.


I admit that that's a more upsetting topic than this one. My least favourite thing about MMOs since joining the MMO genre in December has been that BioWare can change the way my character works at any time, during any weekly patch, and give me very little notice about it. It's quite upsetting to be doing something for so long and then have that changed by the powers that be without my input or knowledge.

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Alderaan is one of the few plants where Empire and Republic can wander into each other's question area. Doing this gets you a warning then your auto flagged for PVP..you must of wandered into their territory.


No, I was on an Empire toon in Empire territory (as I mentioned in my original post). The griefer (who I and numerous others reported) was using an AOE exploit to force flag players for PVP. I have, in the past, wandered into the wrong area on Alderaan and found myself flagged for PVP (and promptly exited), but that was not the case here. BW really needs to fix this rather glaring flaw in their code.

Edited by Scotwest
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About getting pvp flagged. When you, as a healer, heals a pvp flagged player, you get flagged for pvp too. Thought they fixed that?


I never use AOE on planets, where there is a chance I will run into the opposing faction. Also I always keep a lookout on people from the opposing faction, running around with green nameplates, that means he is pvp flagged.

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There is nothing to fix. Healing a flagged ally is supposed to flag you.


Actually, you shouldn't be able to heal a flagged ally at all if you're not. This subject has been covered too many times in several MMOs to debate this, and the best way that made the most people happy is to not be able to do it at all unless you voluntarily go PvP flagged, too.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Actually, you shouldn't be able to heal a flagged ally at all if you're not. This subject has been covered too many times in several MMOs to debate this, and the best way that made the most people happy is to not be able to do it at all unless you voluntarily go PvP flagged, too.


I agree with this. Just plain silly for MMO's to have a player accidently flag themselves PVP. There should not be anyway you can. And if it is a bug, they need to address it right away, as it can ruin a player's playing experence and that should be a top issues for them to fix. And those exploiting such a bug on purpose, should be banned playing the game for 30 days.

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Actually, you shouldn't be able to heal a flagged ally at all if you're not. This subject has been covered too many times in several MMOs to debate this, and the best way that made the most people happy is to not be able to do it at all unless you voluntarily go PvP flagged, too.
I agree. That's why I advocate a general setting toggle.
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I agree with this. Just plain silly for MMO's to have a player accidently flag themselves PVP. There should not be anyway you can. And if it is a bug, they need to address it right away, as it can ruin a player's playing experence and that should be a top issues for them to fix. And those exploiting such a bug on purpose, should be banned playing the game for 30 days.


While I agree with that implementation, I still find it a bit funny how you word your answer.


Someone choose to heal or buff another player, don't check if he's flagged and it's an accident ? not really.


But yes, the impossibilty to do it would fix the problem for the people not paying attention.

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I myself have never played an MMO on a PvE Server and had no idea that you could flag yourself for World PvP. I really do not understand why they would make it that way. I thought that if you like World PvP then you just roll on a PvP Server.

After reading the thread I am still a bit unclear as to it being an exploit abused or just a case of Buffing or healing a flagged player.

If it is an exploit that is being used then I think that anyone that is lame enough to exploit PvP on a PvE server has to be a real moron who could not cut it on a PvP Server. After they are found to be exploiting they need to be transferred to a PvP server with a special tag so that the real PvPers can treat him/her like they do a Pedophile in Prison! :p

If it is a case of buffing or healing a player flagged for PvP then shame on you! Any buff or heal that would potentially change the outcome of World PvP makes you an active participant in the PvP and you SHOULD get flagged. How bad would it suck to be fighting someone in World PvP and have them buffed and being healed by a player that was un-killable? I think that would be MORE of an exploit!

Just my opinion but if your on a PvE server I think there should be no PvP except in WZs that you join.

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I myself have never played an MMO on a PvE Server and had no idea that you could flag yourself for World PvP. I really do not understand why they would make it that way. I thought that if you like World PvP then you just roll on a PvP Server.

After reading the thread I am still a bit unclear as to it being an exploit abused or just a case of Buffing or healing a flagged player.

If it is an exploit that is being used then I think that anyone that is lame enough to exploit PvP on a PvE server has to be a real moron who could not cut it on a PvP Server. After they are found to be exploiting they need to be transferred to a PvP server with a special tag so that the real PvPers can treat him/her like they do a Pedophile in Prison! :p

If it is a case of buffing or healing a player flagged for PvP then shame on you! Any buff or heal that would potentially change the outcome of World PvP makes you an active participant in the PvP and you SHOULD get flagged. How bad would it suck to be fighting someone in World PvP and have them buffed and being healed by a player that was un-killable? I think that would be MORE of an exploit!

Just my opinion but if your on a PvE server I think there should be no PvP except in WZs that you join.


I fully support this post. Well said! :)

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