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When is bioware going to fix tank assassins in dps gear?


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Exact same premise.


Not even close, sorry. A hybrid healing/dps class is not even close to a sin tank wearing dps gear, who puts out damage close to a deception assassin, yet has the survivability of a tank(due to sin tanks relying on shields/talents rather than heavy armor to mitigate damage) and the cc of a tank.

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I love how every time someone comes crying to the forums that this class is OP.... That they are always experienced and play the class as well and im valor rank x with full this gear... This doesnt make you a good player just you spent alot of time on the class...


So the op wants sin tanking dps to be nerfed for pvp so it makes them the most useless tanks for pve? Untill bw fixes the fact that shielding is useless in pvp the fotm is always going to prefer dps gear over tank gear...


I say the nerf that sin tanks in dps gear are recieving in 1.3 will bring them back in line with other classes. Along with the relic and adrenal nerfs...

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I love how every time someone comes crying to the forums that this class is OP.... That they are always experienced and play the class as well and im valor rank x with full this gear... This doesnt make you a good player just you spent alot of time on the class...


So the op wants sin tanking dps to be nerfed for pvp so it makes them the most useless tanks for pve? Untill bw fixes the fact that shielding is useless in pvp the fotm is always going to prefer dps gear over tank gear...


I say the nerf that sin tanks in dps gear are recieving in 1.3 will bring them back in line with other classes. Along with the relic and adrenal nerfs...


Sin tank damage needs to be brought in line with other tanks damage, regardless of what gear they're wearing, simple as that.

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Sin damage is not out of control, not by a long shot. Their survivability is a bit OP'd though.


Sin's have good burst, and great defensive cool downs. Couple this with great self healing, and that is what makes them the best 1vs1 class. Nerfing the healing by 50% is step in the right direction, and more might not be needed but I will wait until I fight one post patch to decide.


When I lose to Sin's its because they use their immunities on me, CC me, or vanish, all while their self healing brings them way back up so when they open on me again, they have a huge advantage.


TL: DR: Its not their damage its their self healing with cd's and cc's.

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They are the most overpowered class in the game and take zero skill. Why haven't they been nerfed yet? this isn't something new either, this has been going on for a long time. Something needs to be done.


Play one then say they are. and play against others in wh gear . I wish I could see your toon and the gear he wears! I'm sure you're decked out in top line pvp gear augmented out and so on.

Edited by Arzhanin
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Play one then say they are. and play against others in wh gear . I wish I could see your toon and the gear he wears! I'm sure you're decked out in top line pvp gear augmented out and so on.


To add on to this it was funny in( the game which name I shall not speak) people crying nerfs were usually rooted out because you could click on their portrait and see exactly how they were geared along with their pvp/pve feats we so need that here!

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I want some of what you're smoking. Tank assassins are one of the best if not the best 1v1 class.


lol are you serious?I play a balance sage on my main and I love to 1v1 dps geared tank sins,its just too easy to kill them.Their one big damage deal is force lightening on a 10 meter range?30 if they waste a recklessness on it,just run out of range,KB or stun.My self heals ussually hit for more then his aswell,just keep him dotted up and use FIB when its off CD.

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Tank in dps gear is OP?lol they are one of the easiest classes to 1v1.L2P I think


^ I usually have no trouble dropping them unless I am being focused. They arent overpowered you just have to know what your doing.

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I destroy the undergeared ones much faster,but a tank sin with only dps gear health is a piece of cake for my sage.Their dps is good but their survivability is so overated.

Better player will always win.

Edited by Arzhanin
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^ I usually have no trouble dropping them unless I am being focused. They arent overpowered you just have to know what your doing.


I'm talking about conquerors in full augmented war hero here, not some battlemaster using scrub. I can drop BM geared ones too but that's beside the point. Equal gear/skill they are too powerful and long overdue for a nerf. The nerf they're getting on tuesday isn't enough imo.

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I'm talking about conquerors in full augmented war hero here, not some battlemaster using scrub. I can drop BM geared ones too but that's beside the point. Equal gear/skill they are too powerful and long overdue for a nerf. The nerf they're getting on tuesday isn't enough imo.


We aren't talking about 'BM using scrubs',I beat them most of the Augmented Warheros on my server as some are just awful.I also lose to some Augmented Warheros on my server because they are better then me.Class is irrelevent.

Your problem is yourself but you are trying to blame it on something else.

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We aren't talking about 'BM using scrubs',I beat them most of the Augmented Warheros on my server as some are just awful.I also lose to some Augmented Warheros on my server because they are better then me.Class is irrelevent.

Your problem is yourself but you are trying to blame it on something else.


Oh come on. You said you were a sage? You're canon fodder for a good guardian regardless of gear, so don't try to act like you're a big shot. I despise the idea of hybrid specs in the first place and tanks shouldn't be allowed to wear DPS gear, there should be something blocking them from using it, such as a set bonus that would be completely worthless for them or something like that.

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Oh come on. You said you were a sage? You're canon fodder for a good guardian regardless of gear, so don't try to act like you're a big shot. I despise the idea of hybrid specs in the first place and tanks shouldn't be allowed to wear DPS gear, there should be something blocking them from using it, such as a set bonus that would be completely worthless for them or something like that.


Bad Sages are canon fodder for everybody.A good sage could make you run halfway accross the map without going under 80% health.Nothing funner then keeping a melee class at 10+ range.If I do ever get into trouble I have a 9 second Mez/stun,((Heal to full health))a 4 second stun,((Get around 8-10k worth of heals off))a root every few seconds,a snare every few seconds,force speed and a nice KB to round it off.All while my dots are ticking,healing me further.

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^ I usually have no trouble dropping them unless I am being focused. They arent overpowered you just have to know what your doing.


This This This


And this is what I have been saying from the very beginning, but as usual makes no difference. It's like I always say, if you don't want your class to get nerfed then don't win all the battles. Truer words could not be spoken. I've done more than plenty enough of 1 on 1s to know that it's the rotation that matters. The Shadow Tanks are not OP and never have been. I have to say that I am myself guilty of taking the time to learn my skills and spending months of tweaking and perfecting my rotation, and just like I knew would inevitably happen, the Shadow Tank has become the next nerf victim.


Well anyway, I've tested my Shadow Tank toon on the PTS, and well yeah, we got nerfed... sure. :p So the QQers got what they wanted right? So as far as I'm concerned the issue is now closed. But why do I get the feeling that even after 1.3 is released there are still gonna be lots of other classes complaining that we are still OP. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kailaurius
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This This This


And this is what I have been saying from the very beginning, but as usual makes no difference. It's like I always say, if you don't won't your class to get nerfed then don't win all the battles. Truer words could not be spoken. I've done more than plenty enough of 1 on 1s to know that it's the rotation that matters. The Shadow Tanks are not OP and never have been. I have to say that I am myself guilty of taking the time to learn my skills and spending months of tweaking and perfecting my rotation, and just like I knew would inevitably happen, the Shadow Tank has become the next nerf victim.


Well anyway, I've tested my Shadow Tank toon on the PTS, and well yeah, we got nerfed... sure. :p So the QQers got what they wanted right? So as far as I'm concerned the issue is now closed. But why do I get the feeling that even after 1.3 is released there are still gonna be lots of other classes complaining that we are still OP. :rolleyes:


You finally got your well deserved nerf with 1.3 but we'll have to actually play 1.3 for at least a week or two to see if it has any real effect.

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Bioware doesn't know how to balance tanks. If you give them too much survivability. They will single handedly win games because wz is objective based, but if you give them dmg they become dps.


I think tanking is fine right now in pvp. This is coming from a SS Vanguard.

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Bioware doesn't know how to balance tanks. If you give them too much survivability. They will single handedly win games because wz is objective based, but if you give them dmg they become dps.


I think tanking is fine right now in pvp. This is coming from a SS Vanguard.


vanguard tanks do tank damage, assassin tanks do DPS level damage(when they put on dps gear, which all of them do, yet they keep their survivability due to their talents). Therein lies the problem.

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Just so you remember we got our deserved nerf, so issue closed... right?


the nerf addressed the survivability issue, not the damage issue. I think the damage issue can be corrected by making the assassin dps set bonuses specific to deception and madness trees and completely worthless to a darkness sin(such as buffing voltaic slash or something like that). That would prevent any assassin/shadow from using dps gear.

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In this case, the person's credentials are relevant to the basis of his or her argument, and calling said credentials into question is fair game. .


Completely false, it is not relevant to the argument, and its an attack on the persons character, thus it is an ad hominem and thus means that he lost the argument. The only thing lower than an ad hominem is an outright insult, which he also stooped to.

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They should be acting like tanks not dps, thats my beef with them. If they're darkness specced they should be forced to wear tank sin gear. They're already getting a good nerf on tuesday but I think it needs to go further than that, and nerf their damage to put them in line with other tank specs.


Their defenses aren't inline with other tanks they are less. So to nerf their damage and survivability you destroy the class. BTW they still can't out DPS DPS

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the nerf addressed the survivability issue, not the damage issue. I think the damage issue can be corrected by making the assassin dps set bonuses specific to deception and madness trees and completely worthless to a darkness sin(such as buffing voltaic slash or something like that). That would prevent any assassin/shadow from using dps gear.


An assassin/shadow who is tank spec with dps gear is nothing but a dps class. They die just as fast and can barely put out sniper numbers.

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They die just as fast


No they don't, and while their damage numbers aren't quite as high as a fully optimized dps spec, they are almost as high yet they also have tank defenses and stuns(out of stealth knockdown, increased armor, increased shield chance(the only piece of tank gear they wear is the shield) and have a talent on a low CD that gives them around 15% extra shield chance).

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