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Remi the Grey


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Part 60. Unease




“They rebuilt the Dark Temple in space,” Kira murmured, a little awed at what she was seeing. Her ship was stealthed and out of scanning range but the massive station was visible from her ship window; the size was staggering. From what they had learned in Kaas City, the Emperor’s Hand did not want to use the Dark Temple anymore, there were confusing references to ghosts and a Lord Kalig.


T7 had been perfecting his command routines with his droid forces. Major Rusk’s MX-Squad was strong and packed the firepower of a full company of soldiers. They followed commands perfectly with one odd quirk; their vocal processors were only marginally connected. They all yelled a random battle cry when they executed a command.


“For the Republic!” The MX droids said in unison as T7 sent the command for them to aim their weapons. T7 beeped disapprovingly.


MX Units = Need Voice Restraining Bolt


Kira smiled a little, wishing that were the only problem. “It’s too late for that, but with all the shooting, the extra noise shouldn’t matter.”


T7 beeped disappointed acceptance. He tested commanding a single unit.


“Yes, Sir.” MX-01 said as he lowered his weapon.


Kira heard voices coming from the main room, she found Gilles speaking with Master Kavil on the holo-terminal. Gilles turned when he heard her footsteps, “Master Kira, they’re ready, let me get the others.”


“Our forces are in place, we are counting on you, Kira.” Master Kavil said. “Patching in Major Sakal, he’s commanding the company General Grayne sent us.”


“Sir, Major Sakal reporting, we are in position awaiting your command.” Major Sakal saluted when he appeared on the holo-terminal.


Gilles returned with Doc and T7.


“Doctor, you will stay on the ship and wait for contact from Kira, Gilles will rendezvous with Major Sakal to provide support.” Kira opened her mouth to object but Master Kavil held up his hand. “He’s ready Kira, and he’s a full Jedi Knight now. Part of being a master is letting go of your Padawan when they are ready.”


“I understand, Master.” Kira said, beginning to feel uneasy.


“Major, begin your attack.” Master Kavil commanded.


“Yes, sir.” Major Sakal saluted again and disappeared.


“You all have your instructions, good luck and may the force be with you.” Master Kavil ended his transmission.




“I never thought I would see Grey again.” Lord Scourge said.


Remi had gone back to get her bounty hunter gear from the hangar. She reasoned that if she had to fight without the force on Nathema, Grey’s armor and weapons would be useful. She had put her robes on over the armor, and the effect reminded him of someone from long ago. He did not want to think about it, it made him feel uneasy. They waited in Scourge’s ship. The hope was that even if they were discovered, a Sith Intelligence ship would be ignored by the Imperial Guard long enough for them to get to their true target.


A small smile crossed Remi’s lips, “It beats those dresses you made me wear.” She winked at him before disappearing into her helmet.


He scowled. He did not like the idea that he would accompany her on this fight, knowing he could not resist the Emperor’s control. Remi insisted, but would not tell him why and she was far too calm. She would need her emotions to give her strength but her Jedi habits were taking over. To make matters worse the more he fretted the more she made fun of him. It was altogether aggravating.


Remi watched Scourge through the cover of her helmet. She was not sure what would happen, her vision never showed anything beyond Scourge poised to strike her down. In both visions she knew she defeated the Emperor, that was enough for her, that and the knowledge that she did everything she could to save him.






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Part 61. The Best Laid Plans




Kira trotted down the corridor, T7 paced alongside her while his MX squad ran ahead clearing the way. Kira would take the lead if they ran into Sith or Imperial Guard but so far they only ran into regular troops. The MX squad made short work of them.


“Surrender!” The MX squad chorused as they took out another group. Kira was beginning to worry things were going too well. They reached the end and turned a corner, they could see the Voice’s chambers. As if on cue a tall hooded Sith appeared behind four Imperial Guardsman.


“Target Locked!” The MX squad began laying down fire on the Imperial Guardsmen. Kira leaped forward to take on the Sith. Imperial Guard are usually a match for any foe, including Jedi, but none could stand against an army and the MX squad’s firing power proved too much for them. When the Sith noticed his advance team was down he jumped to a wall panel and hit a switch. A blast door slammed shut between Kira and T7’s squad.


T7 sped to the blast door terminal and began slicing into the security system. He started manually overriding the blast doors. In parallel, he found the transponder codes for Remi, he also discovered the Imperial Guard had already begun preparing to transport the Emperors true form. He was trying to identify the docking bay they were heading to, when suddenly his system reported a restraining bolt being activated.


“Sorry T7,” Jedi Gilles said, he sounded genuinely apologetic. “Orders from Master Kavil, it will only prevent you from using your com, you won’t be able to send the transponder codes to the Sith Remi.”


Remi = Destroy Emperor


“A ship of Jedi is on the way to arrest them. Master Kavil only agreed to trust her because he didn’t know Remi was a Sith. They won’t defeat the Emperor but they will wake him up. That would ruin everything we’ve done here, we can’t let that happen. Now get that door open so we can go help Kira.”


T7 knew Kira was the priority so he continued overriding the blast door. He considered shooting Gilles for one picosecond; instead, he set his sub-processor to figure out how to get around the restraining bolt.


The blast-doors opened. Kira was locked saber to saber against the Sith, he was larger than her and physically stronger. Jedi Gilles ran forward and struck down the Sith from behind. Kira stared in shock at Gilles’ triumphant face.


“Gilles, are you crazy you can’t be in here. You know what’s going to happen.” T7 beeps at her trying to get her attention, “Not now T7.” She said grabbing Gilles arm. She tried to drag him away from the ritual chamber.


“Kira, it’ll be alright, I’m here to help you. Master Kavil said you would need me.”


“Gilles you have to run. That’s an order go now.” She turned her former pupil around and shoved him toward the corridor. He turned around to argue but the words died on his lips, instead he stared at something behind her.


A cold laugh rang throughout the chamber; Kira had hoped she would never hear that voice again. She turned to see the Emperor’s Voice rising from the altar. The Voice could look like anyone, male or female, human or alien, this time they chose a tall man, young and fit, he would have been handsome if his face did not wear the cold madness that the Emperor’s millennia of life had given him.


“Your time is over,” Gilles declared, he pointed his lightsaber at the Emperor, his hand shaking. “The Sith will never stand against the power of the light.”


“Foolish child,” the Voice intoned, “Do you not know who your master is? She is one of my children. She is Sith.” Kira had never told Gilles about her past. She meant to, but he always said Sith could never change.


“Master you were a Sith?”


“I can feel your anguish. Come, let me take it from you.” The Voice directed his power at Gilles. Gilles collapsed clutching his head.


“Gilles don’t let him into your mind, resist him.” Kira urged.


“Do not blame yourself child.” The Voice said as Gilles babbled apologies to Kira. “She could not resist me, and neither can you.”


“Wrong, I resisted you.” Kira snarled and threw herself at the Voice.


“Incoming!” T7 ordered his squad into formation. They fired controlled bursts at the Voice forcing him to use his power to shield. He was weaker than T7 remembered and the strategy of splitting his attention between the droids and Kira seemed to be working.


The Voice realized he was at a disadvantage and changed his focus. With a blast of pure Force, he knocked Kira backwards; while she recovered, he sent a lightning storm at one of the MX droids. He repeated the strategy eliminating another. The MX droids overloaded and fell over, their lights going out. The third time the Voice used that trick Kira was ready, she leaped in immediately after being knocked back she swung her double-sided lightsaber only to be parried, then she flipped it around to get past the Voice’s guard. She scored a direct hit, cutting through his robes. She could see exposed ribs and burnt flesh. Eerily the Voice did not react to the pain, instead he sent lightning at Gilles.


Kira leaped toward her former Padawan managing to get her saber in front of him. The blast knocked her down, she rolled to her feet calling out to Gilles, he moved.


He stood slowly his body uncoiling, and then he raised his head turning toward Kira. The gaze that met hers was empty and blank, holding no recognition. He drew his lightsaber and attacked. Kira backed off trying to keep both Gilles and the Voice within view. The Voice attacked with his saber, he was fast and she had to use both ends of her saber to parry the flurry of blows. Gilles rushed in on her left, Kira barely managed to dodge.


“T7,” Kira called remembering Remi’s advice. “Cover my left.”


“Stand clear,” the last two MX droids targeted Gilles. With the Voice in control of his mind, the young man was a much better fighter. He blocked incoming bolts deftly, deflecting them towards Kira, now she had to dodge blaster fire as well.


“Not working, T7!” Kira yelled flipping backwards to avoid another bolt.


T7 stopped his squad from firing, and sent one unit to grab Gilles instead.


“I’ve got you now Imperial Scum,” MX-03 announced, imprisoning Gilles with his metal limbs. Gilles struggled to free himself but the heavy war droid was immovable.


The Voice ran toward Kira, Force-enhanced speed making him a blur of black robes and red lightsaber. Kira rolled out of the way. The Voice’s charge took him past where Kira had stood, he ran his lightsaber through Gilles and MX-03 instead.


“No,” Kira whispered. She reached for the Force and blasted the Voice away from the dying Jedi; she renewed her assault, T7 assisted with his last droid. The Voice was growing weaker and he was wounded. He made a high overhand strike forcing her to parry, knowing her own weakness Kira guessed he would use lightning next. She spun, flipping her saber around. The sudden aggressive move surprised the Voice, he was not prepared when she ran her saber through his chest. The lightning he had been calling exploded in his hand. Their bodies flew backward the Voice landed on his altar, Kira hit the back wall of the chamber and slid down to the floor. She did not rise.


T7 rolled over to his companion. He scanned her; she was alive but badly injured. She would need the doctor. Without his com, T7 could not call the doctor or Remi. He spun with droid distress as he checked his subroutine; he could not get around a restraining bolt without physically removing it. He rolled to the last MX droid. Its hands were not dexterous enough to remove a bolt. T7 beeped and rolled a few meters away. He turned to the side exposing the bolt to the MX droid. He entered a command ordering the droid to shoot the bolt.


MX-05 = Better Be Accurate


T7 executed the command.


“HAVOC SQUAD!” MX-05 yelled and fired.


The blast hit T7 and sent him flying across the chamber. His lights went out, then blinked as his system reset.

T7 came back online; his restraining bolt was no longer active. He checked how long he had been down. His internal clock indicated he had been offline for 2 trillion picoseconds, he hoped he was not too late.


“Doc here.” The familiar voice answered the com.


T7 = Transmit coordinates // Kira = Injured // Kira = Needs Medic // Voice = Dead // Doc = Hurry


The droidese came out in a rush and T7 wondered if Doc would need him to repeat but the doctor had already disconnected.







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Part 62. Like You






“Go ahead T7.” Remi said to the com.


T7 = Transmit Transponder Codes


“Got it.”


T7 = Warn Remi //

Master Kavil = Sent Jedi to arrest Remi


“What?” Remi gasped just as the ship was hit by an EMP. Gilles had given Master Kavil the transmission frequency. The Jedi ship had been scanning for any Imperial Vessel that used it. Their engines cut out and the ships main power system went offline. The ship rocked as a boarding pod pierced the hull. Two Jedi walked out with their lightsabers drawn flanked by three troopers. Lord Scourge drew his lightsaber; Remi could feel the rage rolling off of him.


She held up her hand, turning to Lord Scourge though he could not see her face through her helm. “We surrender.”


The team loaded them into an escape pod. It was cramped and there was some jostling as the pod detached from their ship. Jostling meaning the troopers took the opportunity to hit both Scourge and Remi in the ribs with the butts of their rifles. The pair did not react.


“The Euclid’s coming to pick up this pod.” The Jedi explained referring to his ship, his air of superiority made it clear he thought Remi surrendered because she was afraid. “If they don’t hear from me first, they’ll just blow it up.”


“For a Jedi you sure have a nasty smile.” Remi replied. She was rewarded with another whack to the ribs.


The troopers had taken their lightsabers, and when they were picked up by the Defender class ship the Jedi left them alone with a squad of guards in the cargo bay. They knelt with their hands on their heads; Remi noted the Jedi must have been supremely arrogant not to restrain them. One of the guards ripped off Remi’s helm so he could slap her.


“We have no time for this,” Scourge said ignoring them. “Why did we surrender?”


Remi shrugged licking her bleeding lip. “They disabled our ship. Even if we killed them, we can’t pursue the Guard ship. It takes an hour to get the engines back up after an EMP.”


Scourge nodded, seeing the logic, he had expected as much. “What shall we do?”


Remi bowed her head a little, “Kill them all.” She said her eyes glowing red. She lunged toward the nearest guard. Scourge had been ready, he threw the rest of the guards off their feet with a blast of Force.


Remi ripped the gun out of the guard’s hands. She turned and shot down the guards Scourge had knocked down. As Grey, she would never be as fast as Nosc, the gunslinger, or as accurate as Ghost, the sniper agent, but with the Force behind her blaster aim she could put the two women to shame. She picked up Scourge’s lightsaber and tossed it to him. He caught it and ignited it in one smooth motion. He cut down a guard who ran into the room without pausing.


They extended their senses looking for the two Jedi. They were on the bridge with the pilot. Scourge leaped at them before they had a chance to draw their sabers. Remi turned to take down the squad of troopers that had regrouped behind them. The dozen or so troopers were no match for Remi and the Jedi were no match for Scourge. After she cut down the last trooper she turned in time to see Scourge about to strike down the pilot. The man had a lightsaber in his hands but he had turned it off, his hands held up in surrender. Remi threw her saber parrying Scourge’s blow, she called it back to her hand.


“That’s enough.” She said to Scourge, though she watched the pilot-Jedi to make sure he did not try anything. Scourge frowned but backed off. Remi ran to a console, she input T7’s codes into the scanner, looking for the Guard ship. They turned to the display, a single ship was detaching from the temple station, and the scanner indicated it matched the transponder codes.


“You,” the pilot said from the floor. He looked bewildered as he recognized Remi. “They told me we were after Sith, I didn’t know it was you.” He looked at Scourge finally recognizing him as well.


Remi glanced at the pilot, he was very young, barely eighteen, if that. His small triangular tattoos and olive skin marked him as Mirialan. She remembered several Mirialans boys from teaching on Tython, it made her feel impossibly old. Remi ignored him plotting an intercept course to the Guard ship. She frowned; they would be able to jump to hyperspace soon. She had to catch them before then. “We have to get on board the ship before they jump to hyperspace.” She said echoing her own thoughts.


“I can help you,” the pilot-Jedi said. “If you get into a boarding pod I can pull up next to the ship. I’ll launch it when we’re close.”


Remi looked down at him weighing her options. She nodded acceptance. He climbed slowly to his seat, his chest and arms marked with a dozen lightsaber burns.


“You’re hurt Jedi,” Remi said. “I’ll get a medkit.”


“No time, I’ll be alright,” he coughed a little, “The names Seth by the way.”


“We can’t trust him.” Scourge said.


“We have to.” Remi replied sounding tired. “Someone has to launch the pod. This ship isn’t equipped with the firepower we needed to disable their engines.”


Seth guided the Euclid to the Guard ship. The vessel began to fire on them but he dodged the beams expertly without losing any speed. His hands flew over the controls; his eyes looked at something far away not focusing on the display or the console. Remi could see why they let such a young Jedi be the pilot.


“You know,” he said his voice far away, as their ship gained on the Guard ship. “I remember your fighting demonstrations when I was a Padawan.” The display flipped over as he rolled the ship to avoid a flurry of bolts. “The masters disapproved, they never said anything but I could sense it.” Remi examined the young Jedi, she could sense he was badly hurt, but the Force flowed through him steady and strong. “They thought we wanted to be like him,” he smiled even as blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes met Remi’s. “But they were wrong; we wanted to be like you. Go now, hurry.”


They ran for the boarding pod in silence and sealed themselves in. After a few moments, they felt the pod launch and a moment later they crashed into something. The pod opened up and Scourge slid out executing a low cut when his feet touched the floor. He caught the Imperial Guardsman who had hidden just out of view by surprise. Remi leaped at his companion that ran past the pod entrance to aid his comrade.


The Imperial Guardsmen on board were the best men currently in the Emperor’s service, but they never expected the ship to be boarded and there were not many of them. They made it to the bridge and Scourge punched in the route to Nathema. Remi extended her senses looking for more Guard as they jumped to hyperspace. It would take several hours to reach the dead planet. They waited in silence. They could both feel Emperor’s presence, but there was stillness to it, as if he were waiting for something. The dead planet zipped into view. Remi plotted a course to the city. Her senses were still open, the stillness changed, it was surprised, then she felt the terrible source of power rising.


Remi eyed the controls; the planets strange atmosphere forced a slow controlled descent. She began activating security measures sealing all the corridors between the bridge and the Emperor. They heard the heavy bulkheads of the ship being ripped apart. As the sounds of destruction grew closer, they drew their lightsabers. The last bulkhead door ripped open and the Emperor walked through the wreckage.


Scourge paced a safe distance from Remi, “Did you have a plan for this?” he asked quietly.


Remi grimaced looking at their distance to the planet, “Kind of.” She replied hitting the nav control. She set the engines to full sending them racing toward the city spaceport. The ground rushed toward them, she sliced through the console with her saber, now no one could stop the ship’s descent.





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Part 63. Homecoming





The city was built over a gaping crater thousands of kilometers in diameter and one hundred kilometers deep. The whole structure was suspended by intricately placed pillars and suspensions, no electronics or floating devices were used to hold it above the crater. The city was once a marvel of architecture and pride, but it had died with the rest of the planet when every bit of energy, life, and Force was drained by the Emperor’s ritual over one thousand years ago.


The Imperial Guard ship crashed into the spaceport, the engines forced the ship to plow further into the city knocking over support pillars and decimating smaller structures. Their rapid descent took the Emperor by surprise. His expression did not show it but Remi could sense it, first blankness then cold hatred rising. It stuck to her mind as she felt the impact of the crash. The display and all the power systems went out and the three Sith were thrown around in the darkness.


We’ve stopped moving, Remi thought. Get up, Get up, GET UP. Her mind screamed at her, her heart raced knowing the danger she was in if the Emperor had recovered. She lurched to her feet grabbing her lightsaber, there was no Force here to draw from, only what she held in herself, she could already feel the planet trying to draw the power out of her. The light from her saber glowed a dull blue, she scanned around, sickly light poured in from the outside. The crash had ripped the ship apart.


A cold laugh came from across the shattered bridge, the Emperor stood, his body shrouded in tattered robes. His face peered out from beneath a hood, pale, sickly, and withered. It was the face of a man who had died a long time ago, except for his eyes. His eyes were black as the void; they held the chaos of unmaking, proof that there were things worse than death.


He looked to his side, Remi followed his gaze a feeling of dread building in her heart and throat, then she saw him. The shafts of light that pierced the broken ship fell on Lord Scourge lying in the twisted rubble, his body limp, his chest unmoving. She extended her senses, but there was no Force here.


Pain, anger, and loss ripped through her body. This was not supposed to happen, her mind screamed at the man who stood calmly and laughed. I did this to save him. She reached out her hand and focused her rage blasting the Emperor out of the ship. She climbed out after him, he rolled to his feet more nimble than his decrepit form would imply. She charged him, using her jetpack instead of the Force, he met her lightsaber with a blast of lightning. She recoiled, but turned and swung again.


Her movements were hampered by the planets strange emptiness, her armor felt twice as heavy. It felt as if she were fighting in water, everything she did felt slower, all of her senses were dulled. The Emperor was affected too, he was a source of great power and the planet wanted its share but he had far more in reserves than Remi and his next lash of lightning sent her flying. She landed on an oddly shaped platform. She looked around idly thinking this must have been an intersection of streets when the city was alive. She managed to get to her knees, her body too exhausted to stand. Her mind raced though she could not make her hands cooperate. She looked at the supports of the platform dropping her lightsaber. The Emperor walked toward her as if the planet had no effect, he had been toying with her.


“Did you think I feared this planet?” He asked, his hollow voice nothing more than a whisper in this place. “Fool, I saw futures in you, futures I could not allow, futures where you rose to power to defeat me. But this was not one of them.”


Remi thought of a dozen sarcastic comebacks, but she could not get her mouth to say them. She reached for her belt instead and pulled out a grenade. Activating it she tossed it in front of her then pushed it with her mind as hard as she could. It hit the support pillar behind the Emperor and exploded.


The explosion pushed him forward, the giant pillar fell pinning him. Remi reached for the Force from the only source of power available, the Emperor. It was sharp and chaotic, where the dark side she knew was a swirl of smoke, the Emperor held a maelstrom of fire. She ripped power away from him as he tried to claw his way out from under the pillar. He looked up at her his eyes seething with hate. He opened his mind to her, he forced her to witness the horrors it held. She screamed but no sound came out, tears poured down her cheeks, and the visions of every nightmare ever dreamed, every war ever fought, and every act of cruelty and depravity ever committed ripped through her mind. She held, only because she knew she must. She tore his power away letting it slice through her before sending it out to the dead planet. It eagerly absorbed the energy pulling it away faster than she could send it. Nature abhors a vacuum. She felt her own life draining away. Her mind stretched thin, as it had in a time that felt so long ago.





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Part 64. A New Bargain




Lord Scourge a hollow voice rang in his head. He felt the pain of his injuries. He had not been so badly injured in centuries, it was an agony, but he was alive. Come. The voice commanded. He drew his lightsaber and climbed out of the broken ship. He walked numbly not knowing where he was going but still knowing exactly where to go. He came to a platform, a circular intersection of streets, the Emperor was pinned under a pillar as Remi ripped his power away. She reached out toward the man with eyes like the void, Scourge could see the power running through her hands. He looked at the woman, she was always thin and frail looking, but now she was fading away, her skin translucent. The Emperor had more power than she could take. She was losing.


“Look at her, weak and mortal. Could you love her and watch her wither, grow old, and die before your eyes. I know how she sustains you. How will it feel knowing that when she dies you will never see her again for eternity?”


Scourge felt the pain, not of his wounds, but the return of the searing torment that had been the price of his immortality. Allowing himself to feel again had brought some of it back, but her presence made the pain bearable, losing her would bring unthinkable pain.


“What of her? Can she love you? Bear your children and watch you twist them into Sith? She hates what she has become; she hates you for making her so.”


“Strike her down, and return to my service,” the Emperor intoned. “She may stop me for a time but she cannot defeat me. I will rebuild her to serve you, you and she will live for ten millennia, you will rule the galaxy until it is time for me to take it. I offer you more than you would ever gain attempting to destroy me.” Scourge lifted his lightsaber but he fought back struggling to regain control of his limbs.


He looked at Remi and though she still ripped the power away from the Emperor, she turned her head to face him. She looked unsurprised to see him there, and though her face was etched with the agony of her task, a small smile crossed her lips.




Remi looked at the Emperor as the lives and deaths of billions screamed through her mind, she could no longer hear, or feel. Her vision faded to a narrow tunnel as the horrors screamed around it. She sensed the Emperor’s laugh; she turned her head to follow his soulless gaze. Lord Scourge stood above her his lightsaber drawn to strike her down.


He’s alive. It was the first coherent thought she had been able to put together in her eternity of torment, it was swiftly taken away, but the relief she felt countered the pain. She smiled, her vision fulfilled. I’ve done my part, my love. She thought at him as she felt herself slipping. Now it’s up to you.




She knew. Lord Scourge though furiously. If this was part of the vision she had seen, how could she have chosen this? She knows I betrayed Revan, how could she trust me? But when he betrayed Revan it was to ensure the Emperor was defeated once and for all, she would sacrifice herself for that. Ten millennia, with what? The Emperor could not build someone like Remi, he did not know self-sacrifice, joy, or love. He could only build a simulacrum with her face. Could she love him? Scourge knew she would give him whatever she had left, her love and her life, for as long as she could. The Emperor’s lies began to lose their grip; he studied the trapped Sith. Remi was not losing, those were thoughts the Emperor had put there.


“I can give her to you.” The Emperor lied and Scourge knew it was so; he set his will against the Emperor’s influence.


Scourge answered, his voice harsh, “You cannot give what is not yours.” **


The Emperor snarled redoubling his attack on Scourge’s mind, Scourge felt himself swinging his saber downward. With a wrenching effort, he shifted his stance; the change redirected the strike, narrowly missing Remi. Growing weaker with no power to call on, the Emperor’s grasp slipped again, Scourge spun seeing his chance and threw his saber at the second suspension. It burst and the platform, unable to stand on one pillar began to fall into the crater taking the Emperor with it.


Scourge grabbed Remi by the arm and dragged her off the platform. He watched as the broken disk fell away into darkness. With the loss of a major support and the damage from the crashed ship, the ancient city began to crumble.


Remi stirred from her trance; her head scanned the ruins but her eyes did not focus, they held a wild quality as if she still saw the horrors of the Emperor’s mind. Scourge gathered her into his arms watching the city fall. “He will end here, though we will go with him.” He said to no one in particular, he was almost glad to know he would not have to face an eternity without her.


Remi turned to face him and for a moment, there was no recognition. Then she shuddered, returning to herself. She looked around at the city as if to get her bearings. “Come on,” she said trying to get up.


Scourge looked at her oddly but she seemed determined, he helped her to her feet. “Where can we go?” he asked.


She gave him a look, full of dry humor. “Do I look like the Jedi council to you? I had a plan for this.”


She led him down the street away from the collapsing part of the city. It would soon fall into the crater, a domino effect in slow motion. She kept herself up by sheer willpower but eventually they arrived at a covered speeder lot that held a small ship. They boarded the vessel, Scourge found it oddly familiar. Remi dragged herself to the helm concentrating on hitting the right buttons one by one. Scourge took the seat next to her also exhausted, both from the fight and the absence of Force. She disarmed something on the control panel, then started up the engines and began their ascent.


He looked around beginning to recognize things, and then the realization dawned on him.


“You? You stole my ship from Hutta?” He asked staring at her in disbelief.


Remi giggled hysterically. Even she seemed to realize how crazed she sounded. She covered her mouth until she could calm down. Finally, she said clearing her throat as a giggle escaped, “I told you I did some research. I needed to download the nav so I could find this forsaken dump.”


Scourge tried to frown but he was too bewildered. “Download I can see, but did you need to steal it?”


She laughed again, still giddy but this time a little more controlled.


They reach orbit, the planet still looked brown and dead. Scourge felt the force returning, replenishing his strength, but Remi still had a transparent quality to her, her gaze was still haunted. The fight with the emperor had damaged her greatly. When the ship jumped to hyperspace, she turned to face him, her eyes were still a bit wild but she gave him a genuine smile.


“What can I say?” she said sounding a bit more like her old self. “At the time, I really hated you.”


He pulled her onto his lap, she looked ghostly and frail, and it was almost as if he held an empty suit of armor. He stared into her eyes as more of her sanity returned. The sparks of red had turned to flames, changing them from yellow to gold. He studied her face committing every detail of the love he saw there to memory. One day he would lose her, until then he would hold her in his arms as long as she would let him.


“Then, I am truly sorry.” He said softly. His heart skipped as the smile she gave him in response was untouched by the horrors she had witnessed. It was the first true smile she had given him since he had driven her to the dark side and as their lips met neither of them felt any pain.


The End






** Note Revan (book) spoiler





When Lord Scourge fights a member of the Dark Council in the book the Council member is actually weak and his power is failing. When Scourge comes in to deal the killing blow the guy starts groveling and offering things, and money, and power. When he offers power Scourge says “You can’t give what isn’t yours.” So I do know I ripped off that line, it is a great line.




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Kira stood with Doc, T7, and MX-05 at her side. The ceremony had been delayed while she had recovered at the medical center. During that time, she had several visitors.


Doc and Master Zyel visited. Zyel assured her that despite some protest from certain Council members Doc was considered a stable, honest, and good man who would be able to make an excellent partner for a Jedi. Doc looked so proud of himself she did not have the heart to make fun of the idea that he was stable or honest.


T7 showed up. He brought her Tionese food because he knew she liked it and Doc was too busy being grilled by the Council members about his definition of love and duty and other stupid questions. T7 also reported that he was getting the title of Honorary General, and that the MX-05 droid had shot the restraining bolt off but had destroyed the interface so no one could put a bolt there ever again.


Rusk came by with Dr. Atilan, they invited her to their wedding. The MX droids were going into regular production thanks to her ‘field performance test.’ Rusk told her they were going to save the lives of countless soldiers.

A Jedi named Seth came in briefly. He introduced himself and explained what happened to Remi, he said they made it to the Guard ship but he did not know where it went after that. He also told her that Master Kavil had ordered them to arrest the two Sith aboard an Imperial ship. Over a dozen troopers and two Jedi had been killed in the process.


When Master Kavil came to visit, Kira laid into him accusing him of disrupting their plans without telling anyone and sending Gilles in against the Voice when he knew the Emperor would take over Gilles mind. Kavil protested that he never told Gilles to go to the chamber; he only said that Kira would need his help. He acted very distressed at the idea that his words had gotten Gilles killed.


Several more people involved in the assault came by, so many that Kira lost track, but no Remi.


“Today we gather to celebrate a victory for the Republic.” Grand Master Satele Shan announced. Her holo-projection smiled as she looked at the assembled audience. “The brave heroes have once again saved our galaxy from destruction, Jedi Knight Kira Carsen, Dr. Archiban Kimball, T7-01, and MX-05. Kira,” Master Satele said fondly, “You embody everything a Jedi strives to become, overcoming adversity most of us will never have to face. From this day forward, you will no longer be a Jedi Knight you are a Jedi Master.”


“Thank you, Master.” Kira said smiling. “I will uphold the Jedi code.” Then she leaned forward so only the holo-terminal picked it up. “It’s about time.” Master Satele’s smile was genuine as Kira turned to face the audience.

She scanned the people below, soldiers, senators, and citizens. Then she noticed a sizeable gap in the crowd, at the center stood a small figure, wearing armor, and a helmet. Behind the figure stood the reason for the gap, a giant armored man wearing a hooded robe, his presence alone caused people to shuffle away giving them room. She extended her senses to the figure, but she felt no Force at all. The figure seemed to know she was watching; it held up a hand in a gesture that was half wave and half salute.


“With this victory, we have new hope for peace in the galaxy, may the Force be with us all.” Master Satele concluded. Kira turned to bow to the Grand Master of the Jedi Order as her projection winked out. When she looked back, the figure was gone.


Doc came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. She was happy he could do that whenever they pleased, within limits of course. “Did you see them?” He asked. He had spotted them too.


Kira nodded, leaning against him unable to speak for a moment.


Doc grinned, “So, I guess for now Remi won’t be dark side or light, she’ll just be...”


“Don’t say it, Doc.” Kira replied rolling her eyes.





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Thanks for reading and all the kind comments.


This and the Short Fic thread is the first time I've written anything that wasn't a technical manual in over a decade. It was so much fun that when I woke up yesterday and did not have anything to write it made me pretty sad. I was also drawing a blank for this week's writing prompt, though I did already post something. So this morning I woke up and I wanted to continue the story. I decided to keep posting to this thread because I don't want to clutter up the forums, though if anyone thinks I should make a new thread I welcome the input. I really don't know forum etiquette for this kind of thing.


As the line goes, "Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet."

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Part 2.1 More Wrath




Lord Ninka surveyed her guests calmly. It was more difficult to be calm these days. They all felt the death of the Emperor but the effects on her in particular were severe. As a gift, the Emperor had granted her something like immortality when he made her the Wrath, she did not age as far as she was able to tell, and she could survive the most grievous wounds, but such things always came with a price. The Emperor took away her ability to feel, see color, to taste. She moved through the world disconnected from mortals, and for a time she searched for a cure, a Sith is nothing without passion. Eventually she came to accept her new way of life, reveling in the feel of being indestructible while feeding on the pain and terror she invoked in her enemies. Unfortunately, when the Emperor fell to the Jedi everything she had lost came back, she nearly killed her Captain for his earlier betrayal. Now, she was back to normal, as normal as a Sith who served a dead Lord could be.


One would think without the Emperor’s presence the Hand would fall to chaos and infighting, but they seemed to be driven to find a new Emperor to serve. One whose power would be so absolute that there would be no question among other Sith and the Dark Council who they should serve. Lord Ninka agreed with their efforts, she had seen the contenders, all of them powerful, but none had any vision of what to do with an Empire once they commanded it. Despite their victories both overt and otherwise, they were all small-minded. They would conquer their Sith brethren, perhaps even the Republic, but they had no notion of how to bring the Empire to a new age. They would soon fall to another Sith, then the infighting would begin again, the Republic would rebuild like rot that could regrow from a single cell, and they would be back where they started.


The thought brought her back to the present. She was transporting a group of Sith who served the Emperor’s Hand. The Five, the men could have been brothers, tall pureblooded Sith, all strong in the Force. They refused to be named, claiming to have no identity other than service. They stood in a line at the holo-terminal waiting for contact from the Hand. They were to take part in a ritual to confirm a new Emperor. They did not know what it would entail only that all the Sith would know of his presence when it was complete.


“My Lord,” Captain Quinn said, interrupting her thoughts. “We have an incoming transmission from the Hand.”


“Put them through, Quinn.” She replied smiling at her Captain. He was still handsome despite being marred by a scar from his left brow to his lip. She had put it there. To remind him, herself, and to warn others that he was not perfect and they should be wary of trusting him.


The other members of the crew gathered in the overcrowded room, her original crew still with her, she had offered promotions and better placement but they all refused to leave unless ordered. The final member of her crew arrived; he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall well behind the others. Quinn frowned though not in his direction, the man was a law unto himself. He was another tall pureblooded Sith, and where the other five could have been brothers, this man could have been their father, though more likely he would be their grandfather many times removed. He was the original Wrath, the first and only to hold the title for three centuries, Lord Scourge. He had joined her crew at the Hand’s invitation and for a little over two years, the two Wraths traveled the galaxy removing anyone who harmed the interests of the Empire, Sith and Jedi alike.


Quinn had resisted the presence of a traitor to the Empire, an irony that was not lost on him. She would have dismissed his objections, but Lieutenant Pierce uncharacteristically agreed with Quinn. “The Captain’s right for once, my lord.” Pierce had said ignoring Quinn’s frown at the use of ‘for once.’ “The man helped to kill the Emperor twice now, who’s to say he won’t do it to the next one?” It was only after Lord Scourge came aboard, and after it became known that the previous Emperor meant to consume the galaxy that they accepted his presence, not that the Sith Lord cared whether they accepted him or not.


They had contacted him once before, Ninka had heard of his immortality and subsequent lack of emotions, she wanted to ask him about what had caused it. He described to her the ritual and the subsequent torment that accompanied immortality, followed by the numbness that his own mind created to protect him. It was plain that whatever the Emperor did three hundred years ago his current methods were far more sophisticated and she had gotten off easy. It helped her to accept her situation and she had thanked him. The meeting had not gone quite so well after that. It was another sore point for the Captain.


The familiar images of Servant One and Servant Two appeared on the holo-terminal.


“The Vessel has arrived.” Servant Two intoned.


“You have done well Wraths.” Servant One nodded his head to the two Sith, “The galaxy is free of many who would oppose our new Emperor. We have found our candidate, a child, but stronger in the Force than any we have seen. We will raise him to be true Sith, and he will lead our Empire to a new era.”


“A child,” Ninka said doubtfully, her protests had been that other Sith lacked vision. What vision could a child have? “How can a child take the Empire to a new Era?” The Five shifted their gaze to her reproachfully, they served the Hand without question.


“A child with visions, born of power and darkness.” Servant Two answered cryptically.


“The child will be raised with the concerns of the Empire in his heart.” Servant One added while acknowledging the truth of his fellow’s statement. “He will learn what it means to truly be Sith, but he will live outside the schemes and machinations of his subjects. Until he is ready, all anyone will know is they have an Emperor, the Hand and the Imperial Guard will take whatever measures necessary to ensure his rule, and the Dark Council will continue to oversee the day to day needs of the Empire. When he is ready, he will rule with a steady hand full of strength and wisdom.”


Lord Ninka worked to hide her doubt.




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Part 2.2 The Hand




Lord Scourge watched the meeting from behind the group. He did not like the way The Five stood, it was eerie how connected they seemed. At first, he had attributed it to training, but no amount of training could account for the way that the other four seemed to see what only one of them was looking at.


The Servants were explaining the child, a boy strong in the force they had recently acquired, they would not say from where but Scourge could guess. Lord Ninka was questioning their choice, Scourge let her do most of the speaking, he never cared for Servant One’s attitude nor could he tolerate Servant Two’s babble. The past two years she had made a competent partner, her crew was devoted and mostly serious about their task, a refreshing change from the Jedi’s crew. He thought about the Jedi’s former companions then swiftly banished the thought.


The Five moved, it looked like the listless shifting of bored soldiers, but it brought each of them slightly behind a member of the crew. All attention was focused on the Hand this was not good. Scourge needed the crew to pay attention to their surroundings.


“Your ship will deliver The Five for the ritual.” Servant One was saying.


“What does this ritual entail?” Scourge interrupted. He never spoke during these meetings, everyone turned to look at him in surprise. When they did so, the crew noticed their proximity to The Five, they were all trained fighters, they adjusted their positioning without thinking. The Five frowned.


“The Wrath disrupts.” Servant Two turned to Servant One.


“So I see,” Servant One acknowledged. “The ritual requires a cleansing of the old. There can be none who question the Emperor or the Hand.” He nodded. The Five drew their lightsabers, they all drew their weapons in response. “We have observed how well two Wraths have worked in the field. We created The Five to be your replacements. Die knowing that you have ushered the Empire into a new age.” The transmission went out.




The battle was fierce. Hampered by the close quarters Pierce, Vette, and Quinn were all down. Lord Scourge had already taken two and now the fight was fairly even. Broonmark and Jaesa fought one Sith while he and Lord Ninka fought the others. It seemed that separating The Five made them far weaker, something they only realized after Scourge had taken one of them out. Scourge cornered the Sith he was fighting running him through with his lightsaber. The Sith fell to his knees, but he did not die, he began muttering something under his breath. Lightning shot from his wound knocking Scourge back. Scourge got to his feet quickly, he turned to see the others were still fighting but the lightning was surging back and forth between the two dead members of The Five. They began to stir.


“You cannot defeat us.” Said the Sith with a rapidly closing hold in his chest. The Five, now fully restored regrouped to face the remaining defenders.


Scourge faced the group warily, trying to figure out how to split them up again. The Sith in the middle of the pack raised his weapon, the others followed suit. Perhaps that’s the true leader. Then the whole ship rocked as they were hit, another ship was firing on them.


While everyone was still disoriented, Scourge charged into the line of Sith taking them by surprise. He quickly cut down the one he supposed was the leader and turned to the next. The ship rocked again hit by another volley, the lights flickered as their shields and main power went offline. They continued the fight, neither side knew who was attacking the ship and neither side would have surrendered anyway.


A boarding pod pierced the hull. The two groups maneuvered to take on the new enemy while maintaining their attack on each other. They were all surprised when a dozen flash grenades rolled out of the pod followed by a half dozen gas canisters. The tactic seemed oddly familiar to Scourge before he passed out.






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Part 2.3 About a Boy




The airlock door opened and the newcomer walked onto the Wrath’s ship. The gas had done its job rendering everyone unconscious and paralyzed. There was a small risk that the combination would kill but with Sith you can never be too careful.


Lord Scourge began to stir. Someone had placed a filtration mask over his head and administered an antidote. He looked around, the poison still hung thick in the air. The Five were all trussed up face down, both wrists and ankles were bound with shackles designed to restrain Force users. The same was done to Lord Ninka and Jaesa. All of their lightsabers had been taken away and he did not see the others. The mask hampered his peripheral vision, the gas made it worse, so he could not see the person who prodded him to his feet with the tip of a rifle and shoved him towards the conference room. His hands were cuffed in front of him and not behind. First mistake he thought as he was pushed further into the room and the door shut behind him. He heard a buzzing sound; the gas that fogged the room evacuated and soon it was clear enough to see.


Seeing his chance, Scourge whirled to face his captor rushing forward. Most force-blind fighters would be no match for him even in his disadvantaged state. The figure calmly pointed a rifle at him. Scourge stopped.


His captor wore armor from head to toe. The narrow waist and wider hips marked the armored figure as a woman. She was short and slightly built, the armor was new and her helmet held several different features, cameras, filters, transmission equipment, but it was the emblem that caught his eye, the Jedi symbol broken and turned.


“Remi?” Scourge asked with disbelief. She motioned for him to sit he complied still in shock. He wanted to reach out his senses to confirm her presence but the shackles prevented it. He pulled off his mask to make sure his eyes were not fooling him.


“Why am I not surprised to find you here?” she asked almost to herself. Then she said, “A child was taken from Tython six days ago. Where did they take him?”


Scourge snorted with disgust, he should have known. “So, the Jedi sends their greatest champion to track down a single child.”


“I’ve downloaded the ships communications; they are preparing him for a ritual, where did they take him?” She repeated.


“He will lead the Sith into a new era, one where the Empire is no longer weak and divided.”


“Sith rituals never do anything good. Where did they take him?” He could feel her anger building. He knew it was dangerous to push her but he also knew if she lost her control she might be easier to manipulate. He had nothing to lose.


“What would he do on Tython? Become a Jedi, work for your Council, your Senators, and your pathetic citizens. Will he serve as an advisor all the while his power rots? Or worse he’ll be a soldier,” he said looking down at her with a sneer, “a mere weapon that they throw at their problems. He could never lead your people; they do not value competence and true strength. Go back to your Republic, let the boy reach his true potential as a Sith.”


“Dammit Scourge,” she shouted. Scourge steeled himself for the inevitable Force-attack but it never came. Instead, she ripped off her helmet as she stalked toward him. Grabbing the front of his armor and slamming him into the back of his chair, she climbed onto him kneeling painfully on one of the wounds in his thigh. She leaned over him lowering herself so she hissed directly into his eyes. “I know you have always served the Empire. I know you hate the Republic. I have always accepted that, accepted you. I even tried to help you clean up the filth to bring order to your beloved Sith. But the ritual will destroy this child, the Hand will twist him into what they want, he will not be free as a Sith should, he will be their pet. You know that.” She said the last shaking him for emphasis.


He looked at her face; he had not seen her in over two years. She had let her hair grow out, the red waves were dark almost black with sweat from her helmet but the locks curled charmingly around her face, her golden eyes were no longer touched by madness, she had a few lines around her mouth, probably laugh lines though she was not laughing now. Her controlled anger impressed him, he could not sense her through his bindings, but he knew she was stronger than she had been when he left her, perhaps stronger than she had ever been.


He answered that strength voicing his own doubt; she deserved that much, “Perhaps.”


Her eyes searched his face for something, but she failed to find it. Her anger disappeared replaced by bewildered anguish. “Then why Scourge?” she asked as tears slipped down her cheeks. “Why would you let them take our son?”





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Part 2.4 Madness




“I was a Jedi.” The red haired woman said, “Then I attacked the Emperor.” She frowned looking around trying to remember. “Then I became a Sith!” She said brightening, “Then a Jedi again. Then I attacked the Emperor.” She rubbed her head fluffing up her hair. “Then I became a bounty hunter? Then a Sith again, then I attacked the Emperor.” It was sunny outside, a tree outside the window moved with the breeze. A spot of sunlight danced on the bed, she tried to catch it. She looked up at the Imperial nurse who measured a dose of medication. The nurse smiled and nodded patiently.


“And then what dear?” she asked.


“I killed him!” She said holding her up her arms in victory. “I had a lover once.” She said with a lightning change of mood, “He was a Sith too. Then I lost him.” She frowned looking around again. “Or did I? I don’t remember that part.”


The nurse finished measuring and administered the medicine. The woman looked at her arm for a moment then smiled brightly and fell asleep.


“Was she really a Jedi?” The orderly asked as he helped the nurse secure the woman’s wrists and ankles to the bed. They checked the other patients then walked out into the hall.


“Of course not.” The nurse said reproachfully, removing the data pad from the door to update patient progress. “She’s been here several times, apparently she has a wealthy patron, probably a father or an uncle that doesn’t want her to be an embarrassment but won’t put her out of her misery. She stays for three or four days then disappears. Then after a few months, she’s readmitted. This is the longest she has ever been here, thirty-two days.” She frowned looking worried.


“How can she disappear if she’s restrained most of the time?”


“We don’t know,” she answered shrugging. She watched the orderly out of the corner of her eye; he stared back into the room looking at the sleeping woman in restraints. He was new and seemed decent enough but some orderlies became trouble as the endless madness jaded them. “Be careful with that one, she’s pretty and she seems sweet but don’t play games with her no matter what the other orderlies tell you.”


“I would never!” He protested looking offended.


“Of course,” she answered using the same tone she did with her patients. “It’s just that one orderly apparently had a breakdown of his own, he tried to kiss her or something like, we found him screaming.”


“What happened?” He asked curiously.


“She bit off his face.” She replied, and he was not sure if he was more disturbed by the idea or the nurse’s smile.




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Part 2.5 Sacrifice





Darkness fell over the Imperial Medical Hospital for the Mentally Ill, a small figure slipped out the third story window. The figure hopped nimbly to a tree then bounced back to the gutter attached to the building. It climbed to the rooftop and began running swiftly.


“Remi the Grey,” the woman with red hair sang softly, “Remi the Grey, how many people will you kill today?” Her bare feet made little noise as she ran jumping over the gaps between buildings. She stopped when she saw a tall man standing in her path. She walked toward the man slowly until she could see his face in the light of the twin moons.


“Where are you going?” Lord Scourge asked.


“Away.” She answered seriously. She looked around, her lips pursed in contemplation. “I forget where away is though.” She tilted her head to the side. “I remember you!” She said, “You’re alive!” She spun happily.

He nodded, “What else do you remember?”


“I fought? Then I lost you, then I did something, then I got sick.” She said sadly looking at her hands. Then she brightened running up to him, she held her arms out wide. “But I’m better now!”


Lord Scourge stared down at her silently. She looked back up at him hopefully, her arms still held out. She deflated, “I’m not better now.”


“No.” He answered.


She crouched in front of him holding her head in her hands as if she were trying to manipulate her brain back into place. “Will you stay?” She asked pitifully.


“Yes.” He said sitting beside her. He gathered her into his arms. She did not cry she just clutched his chest plate until she fell asleep.




This isn’t working. Scourge thought after he carried her back to her bed. This was the longest she had ever been away. After her battle with the Emperor her connection to the Force was shattered, instinctively she cut off her connection after he was defeated. Later when she tried to use the Force again she found herself reliving the horrors the Emperor had shown her. She returned to her bounty hunter persona Grey. It worked for a time, but whenever she became overwhelmed or badly injured she would open herself to the Force again. In the process, she caused massive destruction and threw herself into madness. The madness lasted while her subconscious worked to close her off from the Force. This time was different.


Scourge had urged her to stop fighting; it was too dangerous for her to take regular bounty hunter work much less the missions they ran. She had argued.


“Can’t you just run me through with your lightsaber then?” She replied looking frustrated. “Even when I gave up the Force I still intended to keep fighting, it’s what I do, it’s all I know.”


“You could teach.” Scourge suggested. She had stared at him for a long time. He knew she felt useless and broken though she never said anything. He also knew she was too destructive when she lapsed into the madness, it was the danger she posed to innocents that convinced her to agree. They were choosing a low population planet to establish a school when the Holonet reported a Sith Lord had taken over an outer rim planet.


Fewer than a million people lived on the planet. Not enough to warrant attention from the Dark Council or the Imperial military, but the Sith Lord was slowly sacrificing the inhabitants to steal their power. The echo of the Emperor was too much for them to ignore. They agreed on one last mission. When they arrived, the Sith Lord was more powerful than anyone they had encountered except the Emperor and Lord Scourge was critically wounded in the fight. Alone against a powerful Dark Lord, Remi called on the Force. Her powers, reinforced by the horrors the Emperor had shown her, shredded the Sith’s mind and body with a single scream. Then she healed Lord Scourge, it should not have been possible with that kind of dark energy but she saved him. She had been insane ever since.




“Kira, Holo,” Doc said poking his head into their bedroom. Kira jumped up to answer the terminal, she was expecting a call from Rusk. They all got together regularly after their successful attack on the Emperor’s voice. She turned on the Holo expecting to see her chagrian friend only to see Lord Scourge.


“Remi needs your help,” Scourge said without preamble. “These are the coordinates.” The transmission ended.

Kira stared at the empty projector. She had not seen Remi since her Master ceremony. As far as she knew Remi had gone back to her bounty hunter persona, Grey, and had left Republic space entirely.


“Was that who I think it was?” Doc asked.


Kira snapped out of her contemplations and ran to her room to put on her Jedi robes. “Come on,” she said, “Remi needs us.”




“How long has she been like that?” Doc asked. He was trying to be professional and dispassionate but all he could do was stare with growing horror at his friend.


They had arrived at the meeting location, an abandoned mining colony in neutral territory. They expected to find Remi ill, or needing rescue. Instead, they found her scampering around barefoot and singing to herself.


They watched at a safe distance, she picked up two rocks and a womp rat and tried to juggle them. The rat bit her. “Ow,” she said ripping its head off with her mind. “Oops,” She looked around to see if anyone saw.


“Thirty-six days now.” Scourge answered.


“I’m going to be sick,” Kira said, noticing that Remi now juggled two rocks and the rat head. “What happened to her?”


“After her battle with the Emperor, her mind was damaged. She is only sane when she cuts herself off from the Force. When she tries to use it, she becomes like this. Usually she recovers in a few days. This time is different.”


“What do you think makes this time different?” Doc asked finding his professionalism. If Remi needed him to be a doctor, that was what he would be.


“I am not certain, but she used the Force to heal me. She has never done that before.” Scourge said looking away from them and Remi.


“So she’s not useful to you anymore so you’re just getting rid of her?” Kira accused. “You realized she can’t use the Force so you may as well just send her back.”


Lord Scourge turned back to Kira, his face unreadable, his voice held no emotion. “I have heard the Jedi have the ability to heal what the Sith cannot. I believe she will never be whole if she merely blocks herself from the Force, her connection to it must be repaired. However, if you believe she is better off as she is then I will take her back.” Doc touched Kira’s arm, but she pulled away.


“Even if we can heal her, she’ll be a Jedi again.” Kira warned. “She’ll be a Jedi and you’ll never see her again.”


Scourge’s face slipped for a second, for a moment Doc could see the pain and rage in his expression, then it was gone. “I am aware.” Was all he said.


Kira nodded, her lips compressed. The group walked toward Remi. She looked up at their approach. “Are we going now?” she said looking at Scourge. She then turned to Kira. “You have red hair!” She said smiling. “I have red hair too.” She yanked out a patch of hair to show them. Kira tried not to cringe and plastered on a smile instead.


Lord Scourge knelt in front of Remi taking her hands in his. “You have to go with them. They are going to help you get better.”


“You’re coming too?” she asked.


“I cannot.”


She looked confused for a moment. Then, even in her madness, she realized what was happening. “But, I’m better.” She whispered panicking. “No, please, I’m better, I will be.” Scourge shushed her and kissed her cheek. She tried to capture his lips but he would not let her, kissing the top of her head instead. Doc came up silently and administered a sedative.


Scourge held her eyes as long as he could until the drug took effect. He carried her to Kira’s ship, placed her in the medical bay and exited without a word or a backward glance. They left him on the abandoned mining colony holding a lock of her hair.




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<3<3<3 Way to take that happy ending and twist it right up!! You're awesome! I mean it, Hooked right back into it!


:) I'm a bit worried about this story, my plans are not as solid as the previous part, I guess I'll just have to see how it goes.

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Part 2.6 Choice




The Twilek of Kalikori Village were thriving. Years ago their Matron dying, cut off from Republic aid, and under constant attack from the Flesh Raiders, it looked like their tiny colony would fail. Then a young Jedi and her Master saved them, and forged a bond between village and Jedi. With their help, the village began to recover, but progress was slow. The Flesh Raiders had their taste and the attacks never let up. Then the villagers began to notice the Flesh Raiders pulling back. Attacks on the village ceased, Flesh Raider sightings were almost non-existent, even wild animal attacks were down. Now they plowed new fields, they let their livestock graze, and young couples scouted places to build new homes expanding their borders. They never questioned the source of their good fortune.





When Kira and Doc returned to Tython it became apparent the Jedi Temple Medical Center could not hold her. They moved her to a facility far beyond Kalikori village. General Var Suthra provided military grade ‘instant buildings,’ folded structures that were strong enough to withstand heavy artillery and could be deployed anywhere. She destroyed the first two; now they tried to keep her sedated.


“Can she heal if we keep her sleeping all the time?” Kira asked.


“Doubtful,” Doc replied concentrating on a lab test, “and she’s building up a tolerance fast. I’m already giving her double the dose for someone her weight.”


“I wonder why Scourge didn’t just drop her into the middle of whatever warzone they wanted cleared. She’s better than an orbital strike right now.” Kira said staring at a monitor that displayed her former master. She was asleep, her eyelids fluttered rapidly. She was thinner than when she arrived, her use of the Force drained her physical resources faster than they could replace through a tube, and they shaved her head after she began ripping out her hair in clumps.


“He probably didn’t want her to die.” Doc said absently, he frowned though not at Kira.


“You really think he cares? The Emperor is dead, he doesn’t need her, and she’s no use to him like this. He just abandoned her, and it’s his fault. She’s like that because she healed him.” Kira continued in that manner for some time. Doc let her run out of things to say. He looked at his wife when she finished, she sighed rubbing her eyes. “I’m sorry. I just want Remi back, I promised I’d return her to the light, I just want to blame someone for all of this.”


“Well,” Doc began, “I don’t know how Scourge feels about anything. He is a pretty big jerk. But I’ll say this, I don’t think he’s the reason Remi’s sick.” He showed Kira a test result.


“Doc, this is gibberish.” Kira said looking at the list of chemicals and pictures of protein strains.


“Woman, don’t you know what a pregnancy test looks like?” He said pretending to be stern. He was kidding of course; the test he had run was far more complex than a simple pregnancy test.


“Remi’s pregnant?” She gasped looking back at the monitor. “How did we miss that before?”


“Mixed biology for one thing, it’s still very early for another.” Doc shrugged. “I think the hormones from pregnancy combined with the Sith’s natural attunement to the Force means Remi can’t control herself enough to shut off her connection. That’s my Force-blind assessment anyway. We’ll have to bring one of those Jedi healers in if you want a better opinion.”


“So what can we do? We can’t keep her sedated for nine months.” Kira asked feeling helpless. He was quiet and avoided her eyes. “We can’t do that.” Kira said, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her. “We both know Remi, she would die before she would choose that.”


“Remi can’t make the choice for herself, Scourge isn’t here, and she has no family.” Doc said softly, there was more than Remi at risk, in her state she was a danger to everyone.


“I’m her family,” Kira said firmly, “and I’ll let her burn all of Tython down before I would do that to her.”


“Ok,” Doc brightened now that the decision was out of his hands. “Now all Ole Doc has to do is come up with a brilliant solution. Lucky for you beautiful ladies that’s what Doc does best.” He just had no idea where to begin.




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Part 2.7 Purpose




Scourge managed to get back to his ship and plot a course to somewhere far away. When he was safely in Hyperspace he lay on the floor and let the pain take over. He felt like he was being eviscerated, he had expected to feel the pain again, but not so soon. He tried to bring back the memory of her face but he could only picture the haunted madness in her eyes, the madness he caused when she saved him. He wondered if he could starve to death on the floor of his own ship or would his curse and the dark side force him to survive withering to a shadow of himself.


This was how he spent the first days after his transformation centuries ago, but now he had no purpose or duty to help him endure. He lay there for days neither asleep nor truly awake. Tears, he thought idly, he did not realize he could still make tears. The ship exited Hyperspace, and the holo beeped. He wondered if he should ignore it. The Jedi would not contact him about Remi, he knew that, but hope was all he had. He got up, calling on the Force for the strength to get to his seat. Leaning back into the chair, he turned on the holo, the familiar face of Servant One appeared.


“Wrath,” he said, “it has been too long.”


Scourge never said much to the Emperor’s Hand, they gave him direction and he accepted their orders. He did not bother wondering how they had located his holo-frequency. The Hand had all of the Emperor’s resources at their disposal. He stared back at the Sith, he was not capable of much else.


“The Emperor is gone,” he continued unfazed by Scourge’s silence. “But the Empire still requires loyal servants. The power vacuum has caused even more chaos than when the Voice was destroyed. Return to service as Wrath, help us rebuild the Empire.”


“What of my crimes?” Scourge asked harshly, not allowing weakness to show.


“Your only actions were against the past Emperor, and you were the victor. There is no crime in showing strength.”


That was true enough though he doubted they would truly welcome or trust him. He would need to be careful, but when was it ever different among Sith? He considered the idea, a purpose, serving the Empire again, that was what he needed.


He nodded at the holo.


“Transmitting coordinates.” Servant One said looking pleased with himself. “You will work with the current Wrath, I understand you have already met.” The Sith smiled and ended the transmission.


Scourge would meet with the Wrath and her crew, but first he had a task. He walked slowly to the small workbench in the cargo bay. He sealed a lock of red hair in resin and slipped it into a slot on his chest plate. He stood straighter, the pain ebbing with the thought of his new purpose and the comfort that he could keep a small part of Remi close to his heart.





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Part 2.8 Return

A short thing a little before this



Remi sighed, she was walking past Kalikori village with Kira. She was no longer a babbling madwoman, nor was she a partially sane person who kept seeing things. At least she thought so, she poked Kira’s arm every few feet to make sure. Kira just smiled and continued walking.


“Do we have a destination in mind?” Remi asked. She was not annoyed with her friend exactly, she was very grateful that Kira and Doc came to save her. From what she understood Doc worked day and night for weeks to find a treatment that would allow her to be calm and lucid enough for the Jedi healers to work with. It had taken over a year for her to come back to herself.


“Are you still thinking of leaving?” Kira asked.


“I’m not thinking about it, I’m leaving.” Remi frowned. She no longer belonged here, everyone except Kira and Doc looked at her fearfully, the scary crazy Sith, when the looks were not fearful they were reproachful. It was getting on her nerves. She often wondered how Scourge had been able to put up with it.


“Notice anything about the area?”


Remi stopped and surveyed. If she could use the Force she would have extended her senses, trying to touch the life here, but she could not so she assessed as Grey would have.


“No forest noises,” Remi said turning in a circle. “No tracks or trails or signs of Flesh Raiders either. We’re far enough from the fields that we should have started seeing them by now.”


Kira nodded and continued walking. Remi wondered when her friend turned into a cryptic Jedi, or perhaps all Jedi appeared that way to non-Jedi. They crested a steep hill.


“What happened here?” Remi asked. Below them should have been a small valley, she remembered fighting Flesh Raiders here. They worshipped their idols and lived in caves set into the mountain. Now there was nothing but bedrock. All life, foliage, even topsoil was scoured down to the stone that underlay most of Tython. Remi looked for the caves; she only saw piles of rock, from either landslides or collapse.


“You did.” Kira answered, and continued walking. They followed a new path cut into the mountain, they reached another valley, again about a hectare of land scoured to bedrock. Remi crouched on the path looking down. “It would be easy for you to slip back into that state. You can’t guaranty you’ll never be injured or in danger again. Or what if someone else is hurt or in danger?” Kira eyed her friend knowing exactly who would send her back into madness if he were injured.


“Can’t they block me from the Force?” Remi whispered. She looked shaken, the color had drained from her face, the healers had warned Kira that it was too soon but Remi was resourceful and she would find her way off Tython no matter what they did to restrain her. Kira had to convince her to stay and to heal.


“That was the first thing we tried. You remember Master Rulin?” Remi nodded, he was the one who was supposed to block her from the Force when she first left. “He would have been killed when he tried, the only thing that saved him was you stopped babbling for a second, looked straight at him and screamed for him to run.”


Remi covered her face with her hands her body shook with frustration. Finally, she looked up at Kira, worn out, broken, pitiful. “What should I do?”


Kira knelt and hugged her friend and former master. “Heal yourself. Return to the light. Become a Jedi.”


Remi shuddered at the thought, but she offered her friend a small smile, “I remember a time when that didn’t sound so horrible.”




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Part 2.9 Jedi

Some femConsular romance spoilers and endgame consular spoilers.



Master Zyel was already a member of the Jedi Council though she was only a year older than Remi. Unlike Remi, she was a healer and diplomat. The Miraluka was a study in contrasts, she did not fight but her face was criss-crossed with the scars of a rough childhood. She was tall, thin, and elegant but chose to shave her head completely bald. Her voice was always low and even but never dull, it always hinted at laughter and good humor. She adhered strictly to the Jedi code but she fell in love with a soldier and convinced the Council to allow them to marry. They had never met before this, even as Padawan, but she seemed to feel obligated to help. While there were strenuous objections to putting her diplomatic missions on hold, no one could argue once she made Remi her Padawan.


“Why are you helping me?” Remi asked. “There are more important things out there.”


“If there were a bomb on Tython would you defuse it? Or would you go to a meeting on Coruscant?” Master Zyel loved to answer a question with another question. Somehow, she managed to do it without being annoying.


“I guess that’s an apt description.” Remi replied glumly. “I just don’t think I’m worth all the attention, maybe I should just be locked away.”


“Part of the problem is you cannot be contained.” Master Zyel reminded her. She tilted her head examining the woman beside her. Her hair had begun to grow back but it stuck out wild and untamed, her clothing was rough plain fabrics in dull colors, and she was gaunt as if she often forgot to eat. “Do you know yourself?”


“What do you mean?”


“What’s your favorite food?” Remi stared at her blankly. “Color? Music? Place?”


“I thought all that stuff shouldn’t matter to a Jedi.”


“A Jedi should conquer materialism,” she agreed. “But will enjoying a pastry send you to the dark side?”


“It would have to be a really good pastry.”


Master Zyel smiled. “Well then, your first task of healing will be to find things that you like, beginning with your favorite food.”


“That still sounds really selfish.” Remi said frowning a little.


“But you don’t know yourself,” Master Zyel responded growing serious, “A Jedi must know herself to know balance. You must know balance to reconnect with the Force. You already know how to sacrifice yourself, it is time that you learn what you are sacrificing.”




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Part 2.10 Peace





Remi had not expected her path to the light to begin with chocolate pastries, picnics, soft robes, wind chimes, and Corellian brandy. By learning to enjoy simple pleasures like spending time with her friends and eating good food, she learned new ways to clear her mind and achieve balance. She should have known that it was going to get much harder.


“What happens when you use the force?” Master Zyel asked.


Remi shrugged trying not to remember. “I see what the Emperor had in his mind.”


“And what was that?” she insisted. She had taken Remi to one of the places she had destroyed. She had joked that if anything went wrong the only people Remi would kill was herself and her master. Remi was not used to a Council member being the one making the bad jokes.


“It’s like the pain and fear of everyone who's ever lived and the blackest void; it had a smell and a feel like slime and acid.” She shook her head. It was like trying to describe a bad dream, she felt the terror she knew its shape, but describing it just made it sound ridiculous. Perhaps that was the point.


“You fear this slimy acid black void of everyone’s fear?” Zyel asked.


Remi frowned, if she were Scourge she would demand not to be mocked. The idea of saying that to her master made her giggle. Zyel smiled in return. “I don’t exactly fear it. I guess the fear is not really mine. But I don’t like feeling it and I can't make it stop once it starts.”


“I see, so you fear losing control.” Zyel nodded as if that was what she expected. “The more you fear losing control, the less you will have. Tell me what do you do now when you try to touch the Force?”


“I try not to touch the Force,” she reminded her master, “but when I did I guess it depended on what I was trying to do.”


“You begin wrong.” Zyel admonished. “Have you forgotten you cannot impose your will on the Force? To do so is the dark path.”


“I had forgotten.” Remi admitted, imposing her will felt faster than asking for strength, even though in retrospect it really was not.


“Today you will begin to let go of your need for control.” Master Zyel turned on her heel and began walking across the ground toward the forest. Remi had scared the Flesh raiders and all the wildlife far from Kalikori village and the Temple training grounds. They walked for an hour before they found a cave that had indications of life living inside.

Master Zyel pulled out a head veil and slipped it over Remi’s eyes. She handed Remi a training blade. “Use this to feel your way around,” she said. “Walk into the cave, count to one hundred, when you’re done, find a spot on the ground and meditate. Open your senses do not try to do anything, do not reach for the Force, just try to let go.”


“What's in the cave?” Remi asked wrinkling her nose. She could smell something that ate meat lived in there.


“Do you need to know? Would that give you control over your situation?” The master smiled slightly. She turned Remi in the proper direction and gently propelled her forward. Remi used her training blade to feel in front of her.


“What if I get attacked?” she whispered behind her.


“Do only what you must.” Zyel replied as she watched her Padawan travel further into the cave. She rounded a bend and disappeared from sight.


Remi tapped around counting. She wondered what the cave looked like to her Miraluka master. Would the rock itself be illuminated by the Force? She finished her count and settled on the rocky floor. She closed her eyes though the head veil and darkness negated the need to do so. She ran through an elementary meditation exercise trying to open her senses. She heard movement coming from deeper in the cave. Her heart sped up; she tried to calm her breathing but the creature prowled closer.


Master Zyel sat outside the cave waiting. She extended her senses so she would know what her Padawan was feeling. Disorientation at being blind, pain when she stubbed her toe, confusion about the lesson, discomfort at the cold stone floor, calm as she began to meditate, FEAR FEAR FEAR. Zyel hurried into the cave. She found Remi about a hundred paces in fending off a manka cat with her training blade. She cast her hand in a circle and focused; the manka rose off its feet and spun in the air slowly. Remi put the point of her blade down.


“The manka sensed your fear and it reacted to it.” She said examining the beast. Remi said nothing, she was fighting to calm down. Zyel continued talking in a low even voice, soothing both Padawan and the creature. “Tell me, why did you fight it?”


“It attacked me, you told me to do what I must.”


“Must you always fight? You could have run I was just outside.” She admonished. “Now look, we have invaded this creature’s home and injured him.” She approached the beast slowly and examined his wound. It was shallow but the manka would have trouble hunting and defending itself, she reached out her hand and a gentle glow touched the creature. In moments, only some missing fur indicated there had ever been a wound at all. She bowed to the beast setting it on the cave floor and led her Padawan out.


The lessons continued each day in a new place. Remi began to accept that there were things beyond her control. She also noticed that if she pretended that fighting was not an option, other options presented themselves. If anything, she was becoming a competitive runner.




Master Zyel waited outside the cave; it had been some time since Remi had gone in. She extended her senses and felt nothing but calm. She walked softly, there was little light here but her vision did not need it, the force illuminated everything.


Remi sat blindfolded and meditating. A manka cat sat at her side with its head on her lap, the cat was fast asleep. Remi sensed her master’s presence; she put a finger to her lips then stroked the manka’s head. Master Zyel backed out of the cave quietly; she smiled as she sat at the entrance to wait.




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Part 2.11 Knowledge




“You do not respect the council.” Master Zyel said when Remi joined her for breakfast. It was not an accusation but a statement of fact that she seemed to find amusing.


“I respect many of the Council members,” Remi said slowly, trying to be tactful, which Zyel also found amusing. “Some of the Council’s orders do not seem to be well planned.”


“You think we throw your lives away?”


“Sometimes it seems that way.” Remi answered swallowing a bite of breakfast with difficulty. Her memories of past missions left a bitter taste in her mouth.


“I see, how do you think the Council makes these decisions?”


“You sit around talking and arguing until it’s too late to make good plans.”


“How do you make a good plan?”


“Figure out your goal, do your research, assess what could go wrong, plan for success then for failure.”


“What if there is no information available?”


“I've never run into a situation where I couldn't find any information.” Remi frowned at the idea; she hoped no one on the Council actually thought that way.


“Yes, but to find information you have to go out and look for it.”


“Isn't that what we should do?”


“True, but that's what we send you to do, ‘information gathering’.” Master Zyel paused trying to remember some of Remi’s assignments. “We take what we know and send someone to find out more. The sad truth is, the less we know about a problem the more dangerous the fact-finding mission will be. This is why we send our best and trust to the Force.” She spared a moment of sympathy for her Padawan. As the best warrior, she had more than her fair share of dangerous missions with little information. It was no wonder she felt the Council was ill informed most of the time.


“I'm not convinced.” Remi said stubbornly. “If it’s reasonable to think it’s a trap you’re still throwing someone’s life away if you just send them straight in to spring it.”


Zyel nodded acknowledgement, “I'll grant you the Council members are not the kind of tacticians you are.” She raised an eyebrow, “But maybe if you did not put yourself at odds with them constantly they would be more willing to take your advice. They are just people, they also have their faults.”


“Hmm,” Remi narrowed her eyes. “I don’t respect them so they don’t listen to me so they make stupid plans so I don’t respect them?” She raised an eyebrow back at her master.


“Something like that.” Master Zyel wrinkled her nose at the over simplification.


“Why didn’t you just say everything was my fault?” Remi grinned at her master earning herself a soft cuff to the ear. She laughed, “So what kind of manka den am I walking into today?”


“The kind with even sharper teeth.” Now it was Zyel’s turn to grin. “You are coming with me to Coruscant where we will represent the Council to the Senate.”


Outwardly, Remi groaned but inside she was nervous. It would be her first trip away from Tython, she hoped she was truly well now and that her madness was not simply waiting until she was overwhelmed.




Remi was beginning to miss being crazy, she was certain the meeting would have made more sense. The Senate was called to order and each Senator spoke, one at a time, about whatever they wanted for six minutes. Some Senators wanted a bill for aid to their planet, others talked about the festivals currently being held, some ceded their time to someone else who would then talk for even longer. Then when the talking was done, they voted, on everything. They voted on holidays, trade taxes, hyperspace routes, war allocations, anything anyone brought up during speeches could be put to a vote. When the votes were tallied, none of the bills or laws received enough votes to pass. Remi watched and listened trying to grasp what was going on. She had known politicians never took the straight approach to anything, but she had no idea how disconnected and chaotic their system was.


Master Zyel was impressed by her Padawan. She knew Remi had not wanted to attend the meeting so she expected a degree of disinterest but instead Remi took notes. As they walked back to the spaceport, Remi read her datapad. Zyel waited for her to sort through her thoughts.


“How does anyone get anything done in there?” She looked up at her master. “The Council takes orders from those people, how do orders even get decided?”


“Do you think anything was accomplished in there?”


“Umm,” Remi scanned her notes with the voting results. “There were no majorities but I think they had enough votes to build a new well on Balmorra.”


“Correct, they have been trying to build that well for five years. They now have approval to move forward. Tomorrow, they will hold another meeting and someone else may get what they need.”


“I,” Remi looked completely lost. “I don’t know why you wanted me to see that.”


Zyel smiled the knowing mysterious secret Jedi Master smile. “I wanted you to see how hard it is for the Council to do its job.” She turned to her Padawan who could not manage to keep her mouth closed. “Because we will make mistakes, Jedi like you will be injured or lost, and we need you to be able to forgive us for it.” She continued walking but Remi had stopped. She stared at the retreating form of her master for a long time. She was almost at the ship before Remi caught up.


“It would help if you all apologized every once in a while.” Remi muttered under her breath, Zyel only laughed.




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