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Part 42. Visions Grow on Trees




Kira stood before the Jedi Council, for once, she was speechless, “I don’t understand. What vision?”


“I have had a vision of you defeating the Emperor.” Master Kavil replied. “The information you brought back has helped me interpret it. In my vision, you board a vessel with an army behind you. You fight the Emperor’s Voice and destroy his ritual artifacts.”


“But we know that the Emperor still lives when the Voice is killed.” Kira argued.


“Yes, but his true form is weakened. Without his artifacts, he cannot transfer into a new voice. We will trap him in his own body.”


“What about Lord Scourge and Remi?”


“Former Jedi Remi has fulfilled his vision. I think it is best she be left to the life she has built for herself.”


“Master Kavil, I’m not certain that is wise. Remi, could help Kira,” Master Satele began, suddenly an explosion sounded from Master Satele’s holoprojection. She looked behind her, “I have to go,” she said turning back to the Council, “please consider carefully, we will need everything we have to fight the Emperor. May the Force be with us all.” Her projection went out.


“That will be all for now,” Master Kavil said, ignoring Master Satele’s request. “We must find you this army and locate the ship where the ritual will take place.”




“Master, what news of the Council?” Padawan Gilles ran up to Kira. He was fresh faced and full of earnest enthusiasm. So different from the Padawan that she had been, she wondered if that was why he was assigned to her. She often thought the Council was trying to teach her a lesson. Padawan Gilles’ interpretation of the Jedi Code was literal down to the belief that there was no death. He thought he was immortal and threw himself into danger heedless of consequences. He was fearless but she knew Remi would call him brainless.


There is no death, but there is horrible maiming. Remi once told her, she took that lesson to heart, and she hoped Gilles would not have to learn the hard way. She put on her ‘Master Face’ as she liked to call it and told Gilles about the Council’s vision.


“This is great news, we will defeat the Emperor.” He said waving his arms in imaginary battle. He was just over eighteen, thin, and about Doc’s height, but he had the unfinished look of someone who would grow to be a hulking brute someday.


“Have you been practicing?” Kira asked watching him; she had not managed to train all of his awkwardness away. It was difficult when your Padawan seemed to be an inch taller every week.


“I have, and Liam let me complete the Combat Leadership trials.” He said proudly.


“Did he? Well, Padawan, let’s see what you’ve got, perhaps soon you will be able to complete your trials.” She said heading to the practice grounds.





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Part 43. T7 to the Rescue




T7-01 archived the mission reports for the day. The droid indexed them by planet, Commanding Officer, and Jedi. He always looked for signs of Jedi Remi. T7 was on a mission with Rusk when she left, by the time they got back she was gone, the Sith was gone, and neither Jedi Kira nor the doctor knew where she went.




T7 = Request Conversation


“Of course T7.” Kira said, she was still injured from the fight on Tatooine. She sat up in her bed wincing a little.


T7 + Kira = Go to Jedi


“I don’t know where Remi went, T7. She didn’t say anything to me.” Kira said trying to hide the hurt she felt. She had been unconscious for more than a week only to wake up to find her friend and former master was gone. Now, nearly a month later she could still only move very carefully and slowly. Lightning sure did a lot of damage.


T7 + Kira = Search for Jedi


Kira sighed. “I’ll help you look when I’m better.” She said.


Kira = Feel better soon


Kira snorted. “Thanks, it’s great to feel cared for.”


“Who wouldn’t care for a beautiful woman like you?” Doc said from the doorway.


“What are you doing here?” Kira asked, “You’re not my doctor anymore.”


“I’ll always be your doctor.” He said looking into her eyes. His face was serious for a moment, and then it passed. “And I brought your favorites.” He held up two boxes containing Kira’s favorite foods. He must have had them brought in from off-world, Tython did not have such delicacies.


“Where did you get those,” Kira’s nose was assaulted with the delicious smells. Jedi Temple food was already bad enough; Jedi Temple Medical Center food could win a prize for tasteless mush.


“That’s my secret.” He set up two plates on the little hospital table. “And you still owe me a date.”


Jedi = No date // Tionese Food = Against Medical Center Regulations


“Scram,” Doc said. “Go look for Remi.”


Since that was the first good idea the doctor had ever suggested, T7 decided to follow his advice. Jedi Remi leaving was not logical, he knew there had to be a mistake, and it was up to him to find her. T7 entered Jedi Remi’s quarters. She never kept much in the way of mementos. He collected anything she had left behind, they could all be clues to where she had gone and he would keep them safe until she returned.


T7 used the Holonet to track her to Nar Shaddaa. A small room in the Nikto sector, this alarmed the droid. The Nikto sector was a bad area, the Council gave Jedi Remi more than enough credits to live in a safer place. T7 was certain she was in danger. The droid also noticed other parties were watching his searches. He recorded the logs and erased his presence.


The droid sliced into the shipping records and crossed the data with the secure Republic Network. Ship one astromech droid to Nar Shaddaa Promenade deliver to SIS.




Agent Kothe pored over Grey’s first report. She had completed her task with only a minor hiccup. She also saved an old friend of his, not that she knew it. She was thorough and even managed to find out some information he had not asked for. This just might work out after all. He thought.


A thin Twilek with a sniper rifle interrupted his reading “Sir?” She said from the doorway.


“Go ahead.”


“An astromech droid was just delivered from the Jedi on Tython.” She said sounding confused. “When he got out of the shipping container he demanded to know where Jedi Remi was.”


“Send him in Saber.” Kothe had known someone was searching for Remi this would be interesting. The astromech droid rolled in, it scanned the room and rolled to him.


T7-01 = Looking for Jedi Remi


“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” Kothe answered. The droid made a low disapproving beep.


Jedi Remi = Seen at Promenade bar //

Promenade bar = Hidden Room for SIS //

Searches for Jedi Remi = Monitored by SIS //

SIS = Professional Liars


Kothe laughed, only Remi could have a droid like that. “I don’t know where Remi is.” He said. “But, I know that right now she doesn’t want to be found. I think we should respect her wishes.”


The droid seemed to process the idea.


SIS = Not helpful


“Sorry friend. I wish I could do more.” Kothe answered. “I can get you on a shuttle back to Tython if you want, that way you don’t have to sneak into another container.”


SIS = Almost helpful


T7 decided he would keep looking but for now, this search was a dead end.




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Part 44. T7 Search Complete




When T7 returned to Tython the Masters decided he needed a restraining bolt so he would not run away again. It limited the droid to the Temple grounds but did not prohibit Holonet searches. Today when he ran his usual search, he found Remi’s accounts had been accessed. He sliced into the bank network. He scanned the security footage until he found a woman who looked like Jedi Remi accessing a credit terminal outside a restaurant on Nar Shaddaa. He spun with excitement, he found her.


Kira was sparring with Jedi Gilles. She was pleased with his progress since she returned from her mission. He had gone to the forge and created his lightsaber, she was taking note of his weaknesses with the new weapon, and trying to correct them. She noticed T7 was racing toward them and called a halt to their match.


The droid beeped and spun excitedly.


T7 = Found Jedi Remi


Kira knew T7 looked for Remi every day. Kira was troubled, the Council had not wanted to find her, but they also had not made any progress on deciphering the army she would need or where the Emperor’s ritual would take place.


“You still look for the failed Jedi?” Padawan Gilles asked.


Kira raised an eyebrow. “What did you call her?”


“I’m sorry master, I meant former Jedi.” Kira frowned, when she left Padawan Gilles behind Master Kavil took it upon himself to fill in as Gilles’ mentor. Kira had been grateful, she had felt guilty about leaving him, and for once, it seemed Kavil was doing something useful. Now she was not so sure.


Jedi Remi = Found on Nar Shaddaa //

T7 + Kira = Visit Jedi Remi


“She’s not a Jedi anymore, and we don’t need her.” Padawan Gilles told the droid.


“The Council said we should leave Remi to her new life, T7.” Kira confirmed reluctantly.


T7 + Kira = Visit a Friend?


The little droid spun and beeped almost reproachfully. Kira nodded slowly. “Yes, we can visit a friend.” She started walking to her rooms to grab her things. She would talk to Remi about Master Kavil’s vision; maybe she would have some information about where the ritual would take place.


“I don’t understand why so many people humor that droid.” Padawan Gilles said catching up with Kira. He spoke as if the droid could not hear him. “It’s not even alive, it’s just a droid.”


T7 = Defeat Emperor’s Voice //

Padawan Gilles = Not Defeat Mark III Droid


Kira made a choking sound before resuming her ‘Master Face.’ She turned to her Padawan with creditable serenity, “Gather your things, we’re going to Nar Shaddaa.”


“Yes, master.”





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Part 45. A Quiet Evening




“How many times do we need to eat in the same place before your friends will ambush you?” Scourge asked.

He and Remi visited the same restaurant at approximately the same time every three days. She assumed that if they were looking for her they would meet her there. She chose the place, not for the food, which was average, but because it was an SIS front.


“Oddly enough, I thought they’d have done it by now, maybe they don’t want me back.” She said shrugging a little. She speared a dumpling from the giant frying pan that sat in the middle of the table. The skewers were flexible metal rods almost as long as her arm. She enjoyed Tapani finger foods, it was more of a sport than a meal.


“Then they are more foolish then you or I could comprehend.” He frowned at the selection.


“Can you taste now?”


“A little more over time. It is not always a benefit.” He pushed away a dumpling he did not like. Remi speared one of the ones she knew he preferred and put it on his plate. “I can also smell things,” he said without acknowledging her help. “Another reason why the cesspits you call safehouses are unacceptable.”


“I didn’t know Sith were so whiny.”


He flicked a dumpling from the pan at her. She caught it perfectly, spearing it in mid-air. She popped it in her mouth. He watched her select another one without looking at the type. He found it strange that she ate anything without regard to flavor. The past several years she ate almost nothing but rations. She could also eat food spicy enough to remove several layers of skin. She claimed she lost her taste buds to a Mandalorian but that did not make any sense.


While they waited for Kira to show up they went over their data. They now had a good idea of where the ritual would be held and when. They knew the Emperor’s true form needed to be present at the ritual to transfer him into the Voice. That was why Scourge had sensed his true form at the Temple but Remi encountered his Voice instead. Thanks to Lord Ninka they knew why the previous voice had been killed. Now, they needed to start formulating an actual plan. Breaching the ritual site would take more than two people; they needed Kira and the Jedi Council’s help.


When they were not planning, they talked about the years they spent alone and the places they had traveled to gather intel. They dined together and observed some of the stranger parts of the planet-city; Nar Shaddaa’s forced neutrality was a great benefit. Lord Scourge began to see a life they might be able to have if they survived destroying the Emperor. He was beginning to think this would be another night they could spend alone, and that suited him.


“In the name of the Republic,” a voice rang out cracking slightly. “I command you to surrender!”





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Part 46. Spoiling Dinner




A young man stood in front of Lord Scourge and Remi's table. He was facing the Sith Lord with one hand on his lightsaber. He had not drawn it yet.


“You must be Padawan Gilles,” Remi said. “Kira told me about you, take a seat.” She jerked her head at the three empty chairs.


“I will not sit with a Sith, he is an enemy of the Republic.” He said drawing his lightsaber, his body tensed for a fight.


“Oh,” Remi said. “I apologize, you haven’t met. Padawan Gilles right? This is Lord Scourge, Lord Scourge Padawan Gilles. I'm Remi, by the way.”


“Charmed.” Lord Scourge said, his voice dripping sarcasm.


T7 silently rolled up to the group. He observed Gilles threatening his friends with a lightsaber. He shocked Gilles with his access probe, just behind the knee.


“Ow, stupid droid.” Gilles turned to T7 who beeped and spun. “I’ll adjust that restraining bolt so you can’t use that thing anymore.”


“Restraining bolt?” Remi repeated. She stood with her skewer in hand. She flicked her wrist outward slapping Gilles elbow with the long metal rod, his arm went numb and he dropped his saber. She knelt in front of her oldest friend and removed the bolt. “Hey T7, I missed you. How have you been?”


T7 spun happily. Remi returned to her seat picking up a new skewer.

T7 = Cannot save galaxy without Jedi Remi //

T7 + Restraining bolt = Filing reports


He made a noise that sounded suspiciously like snoring.


Remi laughed. “You need to find a way to circumvent a restraining bolt.” She suggested.


T7 = Will work on it


“Tapani finger food?” Kira asked walking in with Doc. They sat in two of the empty chairs leaving the third for her Padawan who still refused to sit.


“What took you so long, your Padawan was about to arrest us. You did tell him Nar Shaddaa is neutral right?”


Kira stared at Gilles. She pointed at the chair. He picked up his lightsaber then sat obediently.


The waiter brought a new batch of dumplings to add to the giant pan. He eyed the Gilles for a moment then left.


Gilles studied Lord Scourge and Remi. Master Kavil had told him why he thought she left the Order. Now here she was with the same Sith, confirming Master Kavil’s suspicions. “You’re in a romantic relationship aren’t you? With a Sith!” He accused.


Remi looked at Scourge then back at the Gilles. “He’s really not romantic at all.”


Lord Scourge contemplated the tip of his skewer for a moment. “It is not possible to romance a woman whose most seductive garb is clothing with three places to hide knives instead of four.”


“Wait, fewer knives is sexier?” she teased. “I thought you were Sith.”


“Did I miss the wedding?” Doc asked.


They snorted identically.


“You may keep your Sith,” Gilles said. “Master Kira is the Jedi in the vision who will destroy the Emperor.”


He had said the last part a bit loudly. Fortunately, the restaurant was empty. Still, in a place where Imperial and Republic citizens tread the same paths, that was an unwise thing to say. Remi narrowed her eyes at the Padawan; he looked confused at the group’s sudden silence. Kira covered her face with embarrassment.


Remi stood up slowly and said loudly to the air, “I need the room.”


The waiter appeared immediately. “Sorry friend, I respect the Jedi but this place is for agent use only. I can’t authorize that.” He said firmly, but he looked unhappy.


“She’s earned it. Ten times over.” A voice said from the doorway. The man flipped a switch the sign in the door turned to closed. Metal shutters dropped over the windows and the room was secured. “I should know.” He said nodding to the waiter-agent. The man was a giant, his body was riddled with cybernetics, and his voice was modulated to a low baritone by the same.


“Galen!” Remi exclaimed. She ran to the big man and threw herself at him. He caught her carefully, making sure his enhanced strength did not crush the tiny woman. “What are you doing here?”


“A friend sent me.”


The waiter-agent nodded, he called something back to the kitchen and the rest of the staff filed out. Galen said a few things to Remi that only she could hear. She nodded he pressed a datachip into her hand and left with the rest of the staff.


“Well,” Remi said when she returned to the table. “I guess it’s down to business then.”





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Part 47. Shared Vision




Kira detailed Master Kavil’s vision. She stared at her former master with anxiety. A part of her wanted Remi to tell her that the vision was false and she would not have to fight the Emperor’s Voice.


“Kill the Voice and destroy the ritual artifacts,” Remi nodded slowly. “That’s not a bad idea, we know he’s weaker immediately after the ritual and his forces would have to try to protect both him and his true form. You broke away from his control once, he’ll never take you again.”


“And my vision has you killing the true form not the Voice.” Lord Scourge said thoughtfully.


“No, your vision has already been fulfilled.” Gilles said stubbornly.


“We still need to take out the Emperor,” Remi said ignoring the Padawan. She hesitated for a long moment. “I’ve had a vision myself.” Remi stared at the tip of her skewer. “In the vision, I fight the Emperor, a man whose eyes are black as the void, in a city surrounded by nothing.”


“How could you have a vision?” Gilles said trying to control himself, “The council blocked you from the Force.”


“No, I cut myself off from the Force.” Remi corrected.


“So you just called it back again? That’s cheating!” He said.


Remi shot a questioning look at Kira who could only shake her head. “From what we know,” Remi continued, “after the ritual, the Imperial Guard moves the Emperor’s true form to a secret location in the Unknown Regions. We must intercept their vessel and destroy him.”


Kira nodded, this would be a permanent solution. “You have to come back with us to Tython, you can become a Jedi again.” Gilles and Scourge both frowned.


“No, I can’t.” Remi said.


“Why not?” Kira said with surprise.


“In the vision, I’m not a Jedi, I am Sith.”


Kira gaped at her former master. She searched her face for a hint that she was joking, Remi was completely serious for once and held her gaze intently. “You can’t mean that.” Kira whispered into the silence.


“It’s what I saw.”


Kira studied Remi more closely, she was not as adept at sensing truth as Master Satele, but she still knew Remi well. Her face displayed both sorrow and determination, but it also held something else, she was hiding something. “You said you made a mistake before,” Kira said very carefully, “I think I understand why you made that decision.” Her eyes flicked almost imperceptibly to Lord Scourge, but she knew Remi would catch it. “Are you sure this is the only way?”


“No, I’m not.” She replied. “But this is the choice that gives me the best chance.”


Kira had not missed the choice of saying “me” and not “us.” Remi was saying this choice was personal. She studied Lord Scourge for a moment. He was always hard to read but she got the sense that this was the first time he was hearing any of this. Whatever she was hiding, she did not want him to know either. The rest of the group had remained silent during their exchange. Kira nodded slowly accepting Remi’s choice; Gilles could not contain himself any longer.


“She cannot be allowed to choose the dark path.” Gilles exclaimed pounding his fist on the table for emphasis. Kira reached over and touched his arm, urging him to calm himself. He took a deep breath and stared at his hands.


“Not even to save the galaxy?” Lord Scourge asked.


“Master Kira will defeat the emperor,” he said steadily. “He will be trapped in his body, Kira will save the galaxy.”


“That is only a temporary solution. How long before the Emperor recovers? He has more power than anything you can imagine and he is patient.” Lord Scourge said his eyes boring holes in the Padawan. “He has waited a thousand years. He could wait a thousand more. If we can end him for good, we must do everything we can.”


“You just want her to fall, to become a Sith like you. I’m taking you both in to the Council.”


“That did not work well for you the first time you tried.” Scourge taunted flicking his skewer back and forth. Gilles struggled with his temper, fencing words with the Sith would be a losing battle for him.


“So, where are we going to get this army for you Kira?” Remi said ignoring the two men.


“Yeah, doesn’t the council realize the Emperor can just grab a soldier’s brain and make him shoot you in the back?” Doc asked. He had been silent most of this time but Remi was grateful for the way he could roll with any situation.


“I don’t know,” Kira replied. “It was in the vision so there must be a way. The Council’s working on it.” She smiled wryly, “You go in alone to beat him, but I need a whole army.” T7 beeped to correct her.


T7 + Jedi Remi = Defeat Emperor Voice //

T7 = Jedi Remi’s Army


Padawan Gilles frowned sourly but said nothing.


Remi looked at T7 thoughtfully a plan beginning to form, “You’re right, I think it’s time we called an old friend.”




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Part 48. Building an Army




“Major?” Marsilla said from the doorway. “I’ve got a secure holo coming in from an SIS safehouse on Nar Shaddaa.”


Major Rusk looked up from his latest reports. He moved to the next room where a familiar figure appeared. “Major Rusk, it’s been a long time.” Remi said. She was surrounded by Doc, Kira, Lord Scourge, T7 and a young man. She had kept track of her friends when she could. She knew about his promotions and transfer to Balmorra.


“Sir, it’s good to see you again.” It felt like he was receiving a call from his family. “To what do I owe the honor, sir?”


“Same old enemy, different day.” Remi said seriously.


“Is that so?” Rusk said. “I’m always ready to return to duty sir.”


“Not your fight, but I understand you could provide some support. How many combat droids can you get me and how fast?”


“Is this official, sir?” Rusk asked. The regular military required the majority of Balmorra’s production capacity. Without it, soldiers would be unsupported.


“It will be when the request comes in, but I want to know what you’ve got off the record.” She said. “I have a feeling regular combat droids aren’t going to cut it for this mission. We need a squad worth of droids that can do an army’s worth of damage. Got anything like that?”


Rusk grinned, “We’ve got a new prototype coming off the line. We based the design on one of the best war droids in military service. In fact, he’s here for another design check. Let me get him.”


Rusk walked away from the terminal, he returned shortly with a large droid and a woman. “Sir, let me introduce Dr. Marsilla Atilan, Chief Engineer and head of droid production, and this is M1-4X our most highly advanced war droid. He’s currently assigned to Havoc Squad.” He turned to his companions. “This is Master Remi, the Jedi I fought with against the Emperor.”


“Master Jedi!” M1-4X exclaimed, “It is an honor to meet the one who defeated the Emperor. I wish I could have been there fighting at your side for the glory of the Republic!”


“Nice to meet you.” Remi replied she smiled a little at T7’s disapproving beeps.


M1-4X = Not Take T7’s Job


“We’ve used M1-4X’s design. The new war droids are stronger and have more fire power than twenty men.” Dr. Atilan said proudly. “We have five prototypes that we’ve been testing, we can’t replicate 4X’s power core, but they’re still very impressive.”


“As they should be,” M1-4X confirmed, “The scientific innovations of the Republic are second to none.”


“How soon can they be ready for combat?” Remi asked.


“Well,” Dr. Atilan said reluctantly, “that’s going to be a problem. You see, they can fight when given commands, but we haven’t finished their AI yet. You would need someone to control them.”


“No good,” Doc said. “Can’t have a person in the mix, and Kira can’t fight and control the droids at the same time.”


“Oh, I don’t know.” Remi said turning to the astromech at her side, “How would you feel about being a field general?”


T7 + Promotion = Past due





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Part 49. Saying Goodbye




The plan was starting to take shape. Kira would take on the Emperor’s voice, T7 and the MX-Droids would be her army. Scourge and Remi would intercept the Guard’s ship and kill the Emperor’s true form.


“Well, that makes it sound so easy.” Doc said sitting back in his chair. “All we have to do is find this secret invisible space temple, invade it, and kill the Emperor twice.”


Remi stifled a laugh. “I think we’ve got the location,” she waved the datachip that Agent Galen had given her. “As to when it will happen, the station isn’t finished and the ritual takes weeks to prepare. We have a month, possibly more.”


Kira nodded, “What about your part.”


“Once you’ve defeated the Voice, I’ll need T7 to slice into their network and transmit the transponder codes of the Guard’s ship. I have a feeling we won’t find it otherwise. We’ll be hidden nearby in our ship.”


General T7 = Transmit Codes


Remi smiled, with the planning done no one seemed to have anything left to say. Her decision hung over the group but no one wanted to start talking about it again.


“We’d better get going,” Kira said reluctantly. “I’ll tell the Council about Rusk’s droids and the station. I’ll contact you if we learn anything more about the ritual’s timing.”


Padawn Gilles stood; he glared at Remi and Scourge then left without saying a word.


Kira watched her Padawan leave. She turned to Remi, “I hope you know what you’re doing, and I don’t know if this is the right choice, but I trust you.” She hugged her friend, “When we’re done with all of this I’ll see you return to the light. I promise.”


Remi returned the hug, glad for a chance to say goodbye. When she let go her eyes were bright with unshed tears, “Remember,” she said smiling tremulously, “you leave your left side too open when you fight multiple opponents. You also drop your guard when you recover from a parry which makes you vulnerable to non-saber attacks.” Kira smiled, the bad joke saved them both from crying.


Doc opened his arms and hugged Remi without a word, he only let go when he saw Scourge’s face.


T7 beeped


Jedi Remi = Dark Side?


Remi knelt before her friend. “I’m afraid so. I’m sorry, I know it changes things.”


T7 processed the idea.


Remi + T7 = Friends Always


T7 opened a compartment on his chassis; he brought out the lightsaber he found in her room after she left Tython. He kept it safe for her all these years. She took it, her hands trembling a little.


Remi = Jedi Always




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Part 48. Building an Army




“Major?” Marsilla said from the doorway. “I’ve got a secure holo coming in from an SIS safehouse on Nar Shaddaa.”

Major Rusk looked up from his latest reports. He moved to the next room where a familiar figure appeared. “Major Rusk, it’s been a long time.” Remi said. She was surrounded by Doc, Kira, Lord Scourge, T7 and a young man. She had kept track of her friends when she could. She knew about his promotions and transfer to Balmorra.


“Sir, it’s good to see you again.” It felt like he was receiving a call from his family. “To what do I owe the honor, sir?”


“Same old enemy, different day.” Remi said seriously.


“Is that so?” Rusk said. “I’m always ready to return to duty sir.”


“Not your fight, but I understand you could provide some support. How many combat droids can you get me and how fast?”


“Is this official, sir?” Rusk asked. The regular military required the majority of Balmorra’s production capacity. Without it, soldiers would be unsupported.


“It will be when the request comes in, but I want to know what you’ve got off the record.” She said. “I have a feeling regular combat droids aren’t going to cut it for this mission. We need a squad worth of droids that can do an army’s worth of damage. Got anything like that?”


Rusk grinned, “We’ve got a new prototype coming off the line. We based the design on one of the best war droids in military service. In fact, he’s here for another design check. Let me get him.”


Rusk walked away from the terminal, he returned shortly with a large droid and a woman. “Sir, let me introduce Dr. Marsilla Atilan, Chief Engineer and head of droid production, and this is M1-4X our most highly advanced war droid. He’s currently assigned to Havoc Squad.” He turned to his companions. “This is Master Remi, the Jedi I fought with against the Emperor.”


“Master Jedi!” M1-4X exclaimed, “It is an honor to meet the one who defeated the Emperor. I wish I could have been there fighting at your side for the glory of the Republic!”


“Nice to meet you.” Remi replied she smiled a little at T7’s disapproving beeps.


M1-4X = Not Take T7’s Job


“We’ve used M1-4X’s design. The new war droids are stronger and have more fire power than twenty men.” Dr. Atilan said proudly. “We have five prototypes that we’ve been testing, we can’t replicate 4X’s power core, but they’re still very impressive.”


“As they should be,” M1-4X confirmed, “The scientific innovations of the Republic are second to none.”


“How soon can they be ready for combat?” Remi asked.


“Well,” Dr. Atilan said reluctantly, “that’s going to be a problem. You see, they can fight when given commands, but we haven’t finished their AI yet. You would need someone to control them.”


“No good,” Doc said. “Can’t have a person in the mix, and Kira can’t fight and control the droids at the same time.”


“Oh, I don’t know.” Remi said turning to the astromech at her side, “How would you feel about being a field general?”


T7 + Promotion = Past due






I have no words for how hard this makes me squee. Agreed with previous comments, T7 rocks. Also, the awkward circumstance of Rusk's droid command...suddenly comes in handy!

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Part 50. Descent




They arrived at Scourge’s suite, Remi tried not to think of it as home but it had started to feel that way. He had been silent through most of the planning, except for a few cutting statements to shut Kira’s Padawan up, and he had not said a word on the way back.


“Why didn’t you tell me about your vision?” He stood by the window looking out at the city.


She considered what she should tell him. “I don’t have to become a Sith to defeat the Emperor.” She said finally sitting down. She studied his silhouette, a menacing black shadow against the neon lights.


Now he turned to faced her crossing his arms, “What do you mean?”


“I saw more than one version of defeating the Emperor. With one I use the light, and the other dark, I’m just picking the one I think is best.”


He seemed unsurprised. “When I fought the Emperor at Revan’s side I saw more than one future as well. It was impossible to tell which one would lead to victory except the one where I saw you. It is why I betrayed him.” He looked at her speculatively, “May I ask what makes the choice to be Sith the better choice?”


She smiled wanly. “Please don’t.” He frowned at that and was about to say more but she shook her head. “There’s more to it, in the vision, the city surrounded by nothing?” He nodded. “I think it’s on Nathema.”


“Madness.” Scourge responded. “You cannot go back there.”


“I think he’s afraid of it, that’s why he tried to erase it from all records. I did some research; I think I know the city where we need to take him.”


“How did you-“


“You took me there once.” She interrupted, reminding him of the last time they were there.


“You will have to fight him alone again.”


She shook her head. “You will be there.”


“I cannot,” he protested knowing that the Emperor could easily overtake his mind.


“You must.” She looked down at her hands, her expression haunted. He assumed it must have something to do with her vision.


He changed the subject. “What of you learning the dark side?”


She looked into his eyes, “I know I’ve used it before, but I wasn’t really myself. I think I need your help… master.”


He stared at her silently his expression unreadable.





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Part 51. The Sith Code




With time working against them, they left Nar Shaddaa the next day on a Phantom-class ship Scourge obtained from the new Sith Intelligence. How he managed to get the Sith to do anything for him while remaining an enemy of the Empire he would never explain to Remi.


“Do you know why Sith apprentices kill their masters?” Lord Scourge asked, breaking the long silence.


“Is that fear I sense?” Remi said trying to make a joke out of it.


He remained silent and serious. He waited for a real answer.


“Because they want the power their master has?” she guessed.


“A common misunderstanding, even among Sith.” He replied. “The Sith do not have relationships of equals. When two Sith are closely matched in strength they become the bitterest of rivals. Otherwise, unless the weaker can find an alternate way to eliminate his rival, the stronger leads, and the weaker follows, that is the way. When the balance of power changes there is a battle to maintain the status quo, often the loser dies. This happens for all Sith interaction not merely master and apprentice. With that specific relationship, not only is a balance of power more likely to change, but it is the master’s duty to make his pupil hate him. Anything less and the apprentice will be weak. Some masters prefer that, attempting to foster respect and loyalty. Those masters never rise very high among Sith because their base of power is weak. A master must bring his pupil’s spirit to breaking with a combination of fear and hatred. It is the only way to unleash his full potential. As a result, if the balance of power changes, the apprentice will kill the master not just for power but for revenge.” He waited for her to grasp what he was saying.


“You’re going to make me hate you?” She said slowly.




They were both silent for the rest of the trip.





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Part 52. Lies




They arrived on an Imperial occupied planet. The town was not terribly busy but there were more Imperial Officers and Sith than Remi had expected. They all gave Lord Scourge a wide berth, they may not know who he was, but what he was and the power he commanded was readily apparent. She was glad her cloak and hood hid her face and hair. Years as Grey still made her weary of being caught on holocam.


“Are you sure this is a safe place to do this?” Remi asked.


“I am sure it is not. That is part of the point.” They caught a speeder to the center of town. Apparently, the town had been built around a building that looked part temple and part school. It had a small dormitory with several single bedrooms for acolytes, a more luxurious wing with suites for masters, a dining hall, and a large sparring arena in the middle.


“What is this place?”


“Not all Sith are trained on Korriban.” Scourge replied. “Some are trained at outposts like these, though the ones with the greatest potential will be transferred. Having an apprentice trained on Korriban is a status symbol. When the wars started and the Sith population dwindled the need for these outpost schools diminished as Korriban had plenty of room. This school has no pupils at the moment, but several Sith still live here. They will be dangerous for you.”


He showed her to her room. It was small and spare holding a single narrow bed. She raised her eyebrow. She did not mind the room but she had grown accustomed to sharing his bed. “I thought Sith were supposed to embrace their passions.”


“They do,” he answered, “but that would be a release. You must not be allowed any release until you can channel your rage into power. Most acolytes are raw and angry. They do not know how to calm themselves and they see no reason to learn. However, when you feel strong emotions, you dissipate them without thinking about it. You need to learn to focus them instead.”


“What about you?”


“I will be fine,” he lied ignoring the tearing sensation that was building in his chest. “You are not irresistible, and I can find my release elsewhere.” He turned his back on the hurt he saw in her eyes. Her training had begun.





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Part 53. Passion




Crack. “No light only darkness.” Lord Scourge said. Remi was fighting bare hand versus whip, Scourge had her lightsaber, she had not earned it yet. So far, she had managed to dodge but not much else. She had learned as Grey to move nimbly without the Force, and it was even easier without armor, but without weapons or the power of the light all she could do was run.


She tried to focus her emotions, but she was not sure what that meant. For her focus meant a clear mind devoid of emotions. She considered Juyo Form’s method of focused aggression; it was the closest thing to using dark emotions that she could understand. She used it to enhance her attack she sped past the end of the whip landing a palm strike. Of course a moderately Force enhanced palm strike against a heavily armored foe over twice her size would not do much. Scourge simply absorbed the strike with a disgusted laugh and backhanded her with his gauntlet. The blow sent her reeling backward, only years of training kept her on her feet. He completed the maneuver by sending the whip to coil around her ankle and yanked her foot out from under her. She landed and rolled barely avoiding being whipped again. Crack.


“Pathetic, are you sure you are the same person who terrified the other acolytes.” Crack. “Perhaps you needed to be possessed to show true passion.” Crack. Remi limped slightly as they circled the arena. She was not allowed to heal herself with the light either. She tried to focus on the pain, she reached for the Force but all she felt was a soft gentle flow, no swirling darkness. She guessed that she should have been angry at Scourge for the unfair fight, but she knew he was trying to help. The idea struck her as funny and she giggled to herself. That was a mistake. Crack. The whip laid open her thigh, a large amount of blood began to trickle out of her leathers.


“Hmm, hope you didn’t nick an artery.” Remi said still giggling even though it hurt.


Scourge scowled. “You are not taking this seriously.” She limped to the medkit on the bench. She squeezed kolto onto the wound but it still bled. Scourge walked over and ripped the leg of her pants open to get at the gash. It had started to gush in time with her heartbeat. Remi felt herself becoming light headed. She tied a tourniquet around her thigh while he packed kolto into the wound. Eventually the bleeding stopped.


She giggled again; thinking he should rip the rest of her pants off but that was not allowed now. “Hey now, you’re not supposed to do that,” her lightheadedness making her even more giddy. “I’m supposed to be frustrated all the time, remember?”


Scourge looked up and grabbed her by the neck, not choking her but forcing her to stop laughing and to look into his eyes. “I do not know why you choose this path if you want to resist it so badly.” She felt no anger from him only a strange intensity. As if he wanted to do this even less than she did. “You may stay with your pathetic Jedi ways and we can leave this place if you wish.”


The thought made her blood run cold, but she could not tell him why. She shook her head as much as he would allow.


“Are you really so selfless you cannot feel anger?” His red eyes searched her face. “Do you not care about taste, smell, comfort, or company? Is that why when you had your freedom you lived in squalor, consorted with filth, ate tasteless foods, and perfected your callous nature?” His eyes narrowed. “You are numb to the pleasures of life, I know what that is like, but I know my reasons, what are yours?” Remi had wondered that herself and could not answer.


“You abandoned your friends and your life’s work to prove a point to your Council. Your decision was not rash, it was tactical.” He said thoughtfully. “I had thought that I was one of the reasons you left but perhaps I was wrong; you did not care for me after all.” Remi’s face flushed. “It would certainly explain your lack of enthusiasm as a lover.” He raised an eyebrow, “It is tempting to seek another woman, perhaps a true Sith, who knows how to feel pleasure and how to please a man.”


Remi broke his grasp from her neck and pushed him across arena in one focused burst. She limped toward him and kicked out her leg. The force carried the motion across the ground to connect with his side. He rolled to his feet and called whip to his hand. Crack. Remi caught the tip of the whip, it stung but the Force protected her hand from most of the damage. She spun wrapping the whip around her, the pain in her leg forgotten. He rushed forward, his large body a blur; she jumped over him wrapping the long end of the whip around his neck as she passed overhead. She landed behind him and kicked the back of his knee forcing him down. She pulled, tightening the loops around his neck. He rolled forward trying to break her strangle hold but she pressed her knee to his spine locking him in place. She held him there for a moment then backed away.


He got to his feet and faced her. “So, can you finally use the dark side of the Force?” He did not seem to care about the wounds on his neck, face, or ribs.


“No,” Remi said, “I cheated, but you deserved it.”


Instead of being angry, he seemed pleased. “It is a beginning.” He said and left the arena without tending to his wounds. Remi wondered what she was supposed to have learned.





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Part 54. Strength




Scourge entered Remi’s room holding a box. “We are going to dinner, you will wear this.” He stood in the doorway and waited.


Remi opened the box and peered in side. It contained a metal dress that covered less than what a Hutt dancer wore. She cringed and looked up at him. He did not move from the doorway. Blushing, she stripped out of her clothes and put on the thing he had brought her. She put her shoulders back trying not to feel humiliated, but she was certain all of her blood was in her face. She blew out a breath only to be rewarded with a Force-slap.


“Stop trying to calm yourself. If you are angry then be angry.” He said. “Now come.”


They walked to the dining hall connected to the training grounds. She had never been inside; she preferred to eat in her room. The hall was filled with Imperial officers and Sith. She felt like a mouse walking into a den of snakes.

They sat at a table in the middle of the room, slaves were a common sight here so not everyone looked at her, but more than a few men continued staring even after they sat down. Scourge ordered nothing but desserts for her. She frowned, that much sugar would probably make her sick. She picked at them, they tasted fine, but she still did not understand what was so special about pastries.


A pureblood sith approached their table, he was of medium height and build with black wavy hair, he had large fleshy face tendrils studded with jewelry, and he wore long purple robes. Remi sensed he was not very strong in the Force. He bowed to Lord Scourge.


“Just arrived, my lord?” He asked, and Lord Scourge nodded. “Jespar, at your service.” He looked at Remi. “You do pick your slaves well, my compliments.”


Lord Scourge shrugged dismissively, “She is older so she was cheap, and she is a bit too thin to be truly attractive.”


Jespar looked at the tray of sweets and laughed. “I see, trying to round out her dress. I approve. May I?” He asked Lord Scourge who waved consent. He ran a finger over Remi’s shoulder catching the shoulder strap of her dress he pulled it down exposing her briefly. “Very nice, good skin and still new enough to blush, if you tire of her I can take her off your hands.”


Lord Scourge nodded. Jespar bowed and returned to his table.


Remi sat very still, trying to focus her emotions. Her thoughts ran in circles. She was angry but not at Scourge, he was only doing what she asked him to, she was not even angry at that nasty Jespar, he was just a pathetic slug and not worth her time. She realized she was angry with herself. If she could just harness her emotions, whatever that meant, she could leave this awful place. Instead, she was stuck here wearing a humiliating costume being pawed at by a Force-weak sycophant with bad hair and no fashion sense. Her anger and frustration over her lack of ability coalesced. She could feel it swirling around her. Seizing the opportunity, she clenched her fist arresting Lord Scourge’s wrist. He looked up at her unable to move his hand.


“I would like to leave,” Remi said, squeezing hard enough to hear his knuckles crack.


He nodded. On the way out, they passed Jespar’s table. The slug sent a shock of lighting at her, just a small tap but it ran through the metal parts of her skimpy outfit, burning her everywhere it touched. She jumped, the men at his table laughed, Lord Scourge laughed with them.


As Scourge walked her back to her room, he spoke, “Your control, your reason, and all the things that were your strengths, they are your weaknesses now. I will not apologize.”


“I no longer expect you to.” She said, not bothering to keep the anger from her voice.





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Part 55. Power




After a few more days of unfair fights and humiliation, it became apparent that Lord Scourge needed a new tactic. He brought Remi to a large warehouse. It smelled of sweat, sawdust, and solvent. There was a wooden stage with stairs on either side. Two Sith, both as Force-weak as Jespar, entered through a side door. They grinned when they saw Remi, but they both bowed respectfully to Scourge. He produced a pair of shackles and secured Remi’s hands behind her back. They climbed a staircase to a small platform high above the warehouse floor. He made her kneel.


“These shackles were built to restrain Jedi.” He said quietly so that only she could hear. “They will prevent you from using the Force, and the guards will prevent you from leaving this place. Your task today is simply to observe. You will see traders of vile things, but not only that, you will see the others, the ones you would consider innocents, you will watch them and see their innocence for yourself.” With that, he walked back down the staircase leaving her alone with her guards.


Remi was confused. She had seen some of the slave trade as a Jedi and even more of it as Grey. She was not sure what she could learn here. Soon the warehouse began to fill, first the slavers with their ‘merchandise’ then the buyers. The buyers lined up with some minor jostling to get a better view of the stage then the auction began.


The first group was laborers, mostly men and some women, split about evenly between humans and aliens, most of the aliens were Twileks. Remi watched trying to see what Scourge wanted to show her, she considered the slaves to be innocents. Even if they were criminals, no one deserved to be sold.


She thought of the workers, she never thought of them as innocents exactly but she also did not hold them responsible for the trade. They were only a step above slaves themselves. She watched them intently, noting that they were bored and apathetic; they no longer saw their fellows as anything but property.


The second group was entertainers, male and female, though mostly female. The room had considerably more bidders now. Even a few Sith and Imperial Officers started to show up.


Now Remi focused on the bidders. She certainly held them responsible. She watched as some of the buyers touched and inspected the women and men as if they were cattle. Remi remembered Jespar, and felt a hint of anger. She decided to let it simmer.


The last group was the children. Now the room was filled with disgusting bidders and bystanders. Remi wondered why. Most of the bidders were not even buying children. Only some of the young girls and very few boys went to bidders, the rest were pushed into the pen of unsold slaves. She watched the milling crowd wondering what would happen next.


A slaver brought an unsold slave to the stage. A Sith walked up the stairs and handed the slaver a ticket. The slaver waved his hand and backed off. The Sith cast lightning at the slave, his command of the Force was weak but the slave arched his back in agony. Not strong enough to kill the slave with one blow, the Sith shocked the slave repeatedly until a smoldering lump was all that was left. The crowd cheered. Remi watched with growing horror.


These men were paying to slaughter unwanted slaves, the rest were there to watch.


Remi twisted her arms in her shackles. She wanted to scream, to run, to do something to make it stop. There are no innocents here. She thought. No one should stand for this. Even the slaves should fight back and die rather than accept their fate. Were they hoping to live to be sold another day while they watched the unlucky ones be tortured? When she had seen slave auctions on other planets she had not liked it but she respected the local laws and let them stand, she should have killed them all. There are no innocents here, including me. She thought angrily. How had she stood by as a Jedi and watched slaves carted around on Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa, Hutta, and a host of other planets. Hiding behind the pretense of respecting local laws, it was self-righteous and cowardly. She had the power to do something and chose not to. Now she was powerless.


She twisted her arms letting the shackles cut into her wrists. One of the guards saw her struggling, he backhanded her hard enough so that she fell on her side. Laughing, he turned back to the slaughter. She ground her cuts against the rough edges of her restraints, the blood helped her slip more of her hand through the cold metal cuffs; she yanked as hard as she could. She felt her thumb dislocate as she freed one of her hands, the other came through undamaged. She looked down in time to see a small boy being flayed by an officer with a whip. He screamed in agony, she sensed his pain and let it feed her rage.


She grabbed one of the guards from behind. She took his lightsaber activating it while it pressed against his back. The red beam sprouted from his chest. She whipped the saber outward and cut down the other one before he noticed his partner was dead.


Now free of her shackles and her guards, she reached for the Force it swirled violently, holding up her mangled hand she focused her rage, red tendrils of smoke wrapped around her thumb until she heard a popping sound, she flexed her hand experimentally. Turning back to the crowd, they cheered as the man with the whip paced back and forth his arms raised in victory. These people want to witness a slaughter, her mind whispered to the swirling Force, let us not disappoint them.


She leaped off the platform onto the stage; the impact shattered the wood sending the occupants flying. She scanned the room looking for the Sith; she assumed they would put up the greatest resistance, she was disappointed. They called pathetically weak Force lightning and fought with lousy lightsaber technique. It was no wonder no one used the training outpost anymore.


“Are all of you so weak?” She screamed slashing through slavers, auctioneers, workers, and buyers with her borrowed lightsaber. A soldier tried to flee; she leaped after him landing on the back of his neck with her knee. He was dead before he hit the ground. A group of soldiers tried to form a line to shoot at her. She flicked their blaster bolts at the others in the crowd. She picked people off one by one until the frightened mob attacked the soldiers to get them to stop shooting. She laughed at their panic drinking it in. She saw a movement in the air, a grenade falling toward her; she batted it into the crowd with a twist of her mind. Holding out a hand, she shielded herself with a cushion of force as the grenade exploded.


She frowned looking around; the grenade had eliminated most of the crowd. A few survivors had made it to the warehouse door, she followed them outside, one had begun calling in reinforcements. She saw soldiers pouring out of the town barracks. They ran toward her, and she smiled.





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Part 56. Victory (and Freedom)





Remi was covered in blood and dust. It caked into reddish mud. She walked to the refresher in the dormitory portion of the training outpost and turned on the shower. She stood under the spray still wearing her leathers. The water took away the mud and meat that clung to her. Soon she found herself standing in an ankle high pool of watery blood as the mud clogged the drain. She sighed and switched stalls stripping off her clothing to rinse off again.


She looked at herself in the mirror. I really am thin, I should eat something. It was dinnertime; she decided to join Lord Scourge for a meal.


She walked into the dining hall, this time everyone stared at her. Ignoring her audience, she spotted Lord Scourge and headed to his table. He stood when he saw her, his face an unreadable mixture of emotions. She was still dripping wet from the shower, and wore nothing at all. She grabbed the front plate of his chest armor and pulled him down to her, he resisted.


She coiled her anger around him like a giant serpent ready to squeeze the life out of its prey. “Kiss me or die.” She said. Her lips stretched into a smile that was not quite sane. Tiny flecks of red danced within her yellow eyes. He sensed her rage and passion, fiery and intense. He kissed her; the desire that he held back during her training nearly overwhelmed him. He slid one arm around her waist, pulling her against him, heedless of those who watched. Wrapping her arms around his neck; her kiss was hard and angry. He was surprised she did not draw blood. He let one hand roam slowly down her back and over her hip, it had a calming effect and she moaned softly against his lips. Finally, she pulled away, eyes still closed, breathing heavily.


When she opened her eyes, her sanity had returned but he could see an edge to her gaze, like when a wild creature is wounded, “How did you know?” she asked. The question encompassed the day and the rest of her training.


“You deny yourself pleasure, you push away your friends, you are ashamed of your beauty, you create suicidal plans, I realized the only person you hated was yourself.” She lowered her eyes considering his assessment but said nothing. He took off his cloak to cover her, caressing her with the soft fabric as he wrapped it around her. She shivered and bit her lip. He pulled her to him again. “Shall we retire?” he asked; his voice low and rough.


She leaned against him briefly but shook her head, “We should leave this planet.” He nodded indeed they were finished here.


She led him out of the dining hall. His cloak was draped around her shoulders but she wore it carelessly as if she did not care what it covered, Lord Scourge supposed she no longer did. As they passed Jespar’s table, the slug grinned maliciously eyeing her body where it peeked out of the cloak. He reached out to touch her, electricity forming at his fingertips. Without turning to look at him, she clenched her fist and snapped his neck. He slumped forward, his surprised expression never left his dying face.


The sight that greeted them as they exited the training outpost stopped Lord Scourge in his tracks. More than half of the buildings were on fire and only a few slaves wandered the streets. Nearly all of the Sith and Imperials lay dead or dying. He turned to Remi, his eyes questioning.


She shrugged and continued walking to the spaceport. “There were no innocents here.”





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I have no words for how hard this makes me squee. Agreed with previous comments, T7 rocks. Also, the awkward circumstance of Rusk's droid command...suddenly comes in handy!


ehehe, too convenient? I was going to use that Twi'lek from the world quest Iain Sarkus but I realized Rusk gets the short straw all the time and I wanted to give him a chance to be different.


Excellent! I'm typing through unshed tears.


Aww thanks.


Ps. the last 6 entries are kind of rough if you're a really sensitive person with a good imagination. just a warning, you can skip most of it just know that "this is how Remi learns to use the dark side" from here on it's less dark-ish. kind of. for me anyway.

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Ps. the last 6 entries are kind of rough if you're a really sensitive person with a good imagination. just a warning, you can skip most of it just know that "this is how Remi learns to use the dark side" from here on it's less dark-ish. kind of. for me anyway.


That was beyond intense!! I couldn't stop reading!

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Part 57. Speaking Up





Kira stood before the Jedi Council with Doc and Gilles at her side.


“Thank you for coming Kira,” Master Kavil began, “Master Satele will not be joining this session.”


“Is she alright, master?” Kira asked with concern. From what she knew, Master Satele’s current mission was very dangerous.


“I am sure she is fine, she just cannot be pulled away from her current assignment.”


Kira was worried about Master Satele, and she wished for her calming presence. The Grand Master maybe rather strict and unyielding but her instincts were always good, and she trusted Remi. Kira had always wondered how things would be different if Master Satele had been present when Lord Scourge was banished.


“After you returned from Nar Shaddaa we have been receiving updates from the SIS regarding the temple station’s progress. We know when the ritual will take place.” Master Kavil continued, calling Kira’s attention back to the meeting. “We have also received several calls from Major Rusk, offering his prototype droids to aid you in your assault. Well done.”


“Thank you, Master.”


“Unfortunately, I do not think you will need Major Rusk’s army. General Grayne has assigned an entire company of soldiers to our assault on the temple station. They will be your support in the fight against the Emperor’s voice.”


“Master, it is unwise to send an unprepared soldier against the Emperor,” Kira said trying not to sound alarmed. “You know that he can twist their mind and turn them against us.”


“Trust in the Force Kira,” Master Kavil answered serenely, “I have seen you defeat the Emperor. We need to ensure this by sending you in with the very best. But, let us discuss this with all the parties involved.” He switched on the holo and three figures appeared, Agent Galen, General Grayne, and Major Rusk. “General Grayne, I was just informing Kira about the support you will be granting us.”


“Yes, we have our top soldiers ready to assist you in breaching the temple station’s defenses and escorting you to the Emperor’s ritual chamber.” General Grayne said, then as an afterthought he continued, “Major Rusk is welcome to aid with his… what did you call it Rusk?”


“MX prototype squad, sir.” Rusk answered.


Kira was stunned. She could not believe the acting head of the Jedi Council could simply forget that the Emperor could twist the mind of even the most powerful Jedi and turn him against his allies. She waited for one of the other Council members to speak up but they were silent.


Ever since she told the Council of her past as a former Sith and Child of the Emperor she had kept quiet not wanting to draw attention to herself. She was afraid that if she spoke against the Council they would think it was because she was still Sith. She bit her lip, if Master Satele were here she would say something, so would Remi, so would Lord Scourge, but now it was up to her to speak up.


“I’m sorry General,” Kira said finding her voice. “Your men would be vulnerable to the Emperor’s mind control. We will need them to breach the ritual chamber but nothing living can face the Emperor with me. I’ll take Rusk’s MX prototype squad.”


“I know Rusk is a friend of yours, Master Jedi, but his squad is untested and we cannot risk sending you in with an unreliable team.”


“Sir,” Rusk said speaking up. “I was there when the strongest Jedi had their minds taken. Some of those Jedi turned against the Republic and were responsible for the deaths of thousands. We cannot give the emperor an army to use against Kira nor can we send a company of men to certain death. ”


“You would know best wouldn’t you, Major?” General Grayne said harshly. It was obvious the two men had a history.


“Yes, I would.” Rusk replied without flinching. The General’s scorn was nothing compared to the real pain from the families he had faced these past years. “You wouldn’t want what I have on my conscience, sir.”


The silence stretched. The General seemed to struggle against something; he shook his head as if he were clearing it. “Perhaps you are right. Very well, Rusk your droids will accompany Jedi Kira.”


“General,” Master Kavil began.


“No Master,” Kira said interrupting, “I will not enter the chamber with anyone but T7 and the MX Squad.”


“I see.” Master Kavil said with difficulty. “Very well Jedi Kira, I will trust to you and the Force. Agent Galen,” he said addressing the man who had not spoken until this point. “What news do you have on the ritual?” Agent Galen had been transformed by the enemy into a Cyborg using the Republic’s experimental Power Guard project. Remi had saved him and since then he ran the SIS’s most dangerous missions. Apparently, he was the one who found the temple station using Remi and Scourge’s intel. Now he monitored the temple to determine when they should make their assault.


“Master Jedi,” his voice an unnatural baritone, “We believe the ritual will be complete in six days.”


Rusk and General Grayne confirmed they would be ready with their forces and signed off. Master Kavil sat alone at the Council table as the holo-projections of the other Council members winked out one by one.


“Now, I wanted to talk about the Emperor’s true form. Are you sure former Jedi Remi is capable of defeating him?”


“I believe in her Master Kavil.” Kira was glad Master Kavil was not going to prevent her from working with Remi.


“Very well, there is one final thing,” Master Kavil said smiling. “We believe that Padawan Gilles has proven reliable and worthy, the Council has agreed to make him a full Jedi Knight.”


Kira was surprised. She glanced at her Padawan who practically swelled with pride. “Master Kavil, Gilles is a good Padawan and strong in the Force, but I don’t think he’s ready.” Gilles looked at her with shock, she tried to convey how she felt to him with her expression but he turned back to Master Kavil.


“He’s passed the trials, he has served faithfully, and” Master Kavil paused significantly, “he follows the Jedi code more strictly than most of the full Jedi I know.” The senior Council member stared at Kira, he looked at Doc for a moment, then at Padawan Gilles. “I believe he is worthy.”


“Thank you, Master Kavil! This is a great honor,” Gilles says happily, he turned to Kira, “I’m sorry you don’t feel I deserve this, Master Kira. I hope to prove myself to you one day.”


Master Kavil dismissed them and they all turned to leave. As they walked out of the chambers, Gilles eyed her speculatively. “You didn’t tell Master Kavil about Remi turning Sith, did you?”


She sighed, “It doesn’t matter, we need to destroy the true form, and I believe Remi is the only one who can do it.”


“What if they turn on us and warn the Imperial Guard?”


“If they wanted to do that they could warn the Empire of our whole plan.” Kira said exasperated.


“Master Kavil’s vision is clear you don’t need Remi.” Gilles said sullenly. Then for a lack of a real argument he added, “You have to trust in the Force.”


“Trust in the Force is not enough,” Kira said. “You have to have a good plan.”


“I bet that’s something Remi would say,” Gilles accused, “and now she’s a Sith.” Gilles spun on his heel and hurried away. Kira stared after him worried about the anger she sensed.




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Part 58. A Somewhat Decent Proposal





Kira inspected her ship. Rusk would deliver the MX squad then they would set out for the temple station. Gilles would report tomorrow. He claimed he needed to spend some time meditating. He had apologized for being angry. He admitted he was upset she said he was not ready to be a Jedi Knight. She understood his disappointment and was glad he had come to his senses.


She was heading to her quarters to meditate when Doc stopped her just outside the doorway.


“Kira,” Doc began, “there’s something you’ve been wanting me to ask you.”


“Wait, what?” Kira’s brow furrowed trying to parse the previous sentence.


“I know you worry that you’re going to tie me down, waste my best years following you around the galaxy. But I’m willing.”


“Are you ok?” she said putting her hand on his forehead.


He took her hand from his head and held it. “I haven’t looked at another woman in months.”


“We’ve been together for years Doc.” Kira said frowning at him.


“Yes, that’s what I meant, years.” He agreed.


She sighed; she did not have time for this. “Stop being weird.”


“Kira, will you marry me?”


She stamped her foot at the timing of one of his jokes. “Doc! I’m a Jedi I can’t get married. I’m going to be fighting the Emperor soon, I’m supposed to be calm and serene. You’re not helping!”


“Hey,” he held up his hands grinning at her, “I know you’re dying to know if I would ever propose. It’s one less thing to worry about. I’m just trying to help.”


“Can’t you take anything seriously? Just once.” She crossed her arms trying to show she was really starting to get upset. They played this game so often she knew they both had a hard time telling when the other was serious. That was just one of the problems with their relationship.


“Ok.” He lost his grin, “I’ll be serious. I talked to Zyel.”


“Wait,” Kira said confused at the apparent change of subject, “Bar’senthor Zyel of the Jedi Council?”


“You know, that’s a silly title, and I got a feeling she thought so too.”




“Ok, Ok! She’s married to that soldier we keep seeing around. I asked her how that happened and she explained how the whole thing worked.”


“And?” Kira said not seeing how it applied to them.


“And I saw what Kavil was insinuating at that meeting.” Doc said frowning. “You Jedi may not want to say it, but that guy is a great big jerk.” His jaw tightened, he seemed genuinely angry, something Kira had not seen very often. “I’m not going to let him say you’re anything other than the perfect Jedi when I’m around. I sure as stars am not going to be the reason he looks down on you.”


“This has got to be the angriest proposal I’ve ever heard.”


Doc smiled at their role switch, him being serious while she joked. He brought out a ring, a simple durasteel circle inset with gems. He handed it to her; she recognized the gems as Lorrdian Gemstones and Wind crystals. The same kind of crystals she used in her first lightsaber and her most recent one, she had not known he knew anything about lightsabers.


“I’ll do whatever it takes,” he said seriously, he had the same look he got when he set out to heal someone or find a cure for something. “We’ll never have to sneak around again.” Kira felt a lump form in her throat, she had not realized until now how lucky she was. To everyone else Doc was just out for fame and a good time, but he stood at her side through the worst nightmares the Empire could throw at them. She could not say that of anyone else.


Not wanting to cry she smiled coyly and put the ring on a different finger. “What if I kind of liked sneaking around?”


His expression changed to his usual goofy grin, “Well if that’s the case,” he picked her up and carried her into her quarters. He tossed her on the bed and pinned her playfully. “Ole Doc has a marriage droid in the medical bay that can marry us right now.” Kira giggled. He kissed her softly then whispered in her ear, “I love you.”


She smiled then hesitated. “Wait,” she said putting a hand on his chest, “you don’t really have a marriage droid in there do you?”


He laughed, but it sounded a little forced. “No, of course not. Just um, just don’t look in the supply closet for the next few days.”





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Part 59. A Tale of Two Sith(y)s





The Force swirled around her hand, Remi thought of the training outpost and the swirl intensified. She levitated a pillow from the couch she sat on. Fine control was so much harder with the dark side. The door to the suite opened and Remi force-threw the pillow as hard as she could. Lord Scourge batted it away without looking, she sighed.

He raised an eyebrow. She only threw things when she was frustrated.


“Why don’t I feel different?”


“How do you mean?” He had noticed many differences in her. When they got back from the training outpost, she had not let him leave their bedroom for three days. Then, there was the sadness he sensed when she thought he was not looking. He sensed uncertainty where there had once been confidence. She did not smile as easily and she did not laugh at all. However, he did not want to remind her of any of those things.


“I can use the dark side, at will now. But I don’t feel,” she searched for the word, “bad.” She said finally, “Shouldn’t I feel like going out and killing people?”


He considered it. “We can do that if you wish.”


“What?” she looked at him then snorted when she realized he was not serious. “No. I mean what do Sith do, exactly?”


“Whatever they want.” He said maddeningly, he found it amusing that after all these years she still harbored very silly Jedi interpretations of what made a Sith.


She sighed, they had this conversation before but she had been too raw emotionally to string together coherent sentences. “So a Sith could go around feeding the homeless and they would still be Sith?”


“Yes, though a true Sith would not see the point in that.”


“True Sith,” she repeated, “You’ve lost me again.”


“A true Sith seeks their ultimate potential. There is nothing to be gained by helping the unending hordes of pathetic creatures. Victory gains us freedom, but as we strive to new heights we find new barriers.” He paused considering, “Or we would if most Sith were not petty schemers and sycophants grasping for crumbs from their betters.”


“So I should be trying to reach my full potential.”


“Yes, in all things.”


“OK, I can see that, but technically I could save puppies and still be Sith?”


“I doubt it would generate strong enough emotions for you to harness the dark side.”


“You don’t know that, I really like puppies.”


He frowned at her but secretly he was pleased. When they first returned she had been very volatile, he had feared she was broken, but after a few days, she began to practice control, and now that she was asking questions, she sounded much more like her old self. It was true that her cheerfulness had been diminished, but cheer had no place in a Sith.


The holo-terminal beeped. Since only one person knew to contact them there, Remi answered immediately.


“Remi,” Kira said, “I don’t have long, we know the time. Are you, um, S…” she could not bring herself to say Sith, she tried again, “Are you ready?”


“I am. Tell me when.”


“Six days from now, I’m sending you the details.”


“I’ll be there. Good luck.” Remi said, not wanting to use the traditional Jedi phrase.


Kira said it for her, “May the force be with us.”


The transmission ended. Remi and Scourge exchanged a look. It was time.





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