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No Group Finder Was A Huge Mistake


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What do you expect.


I didn't whine that I couldn't do Gundrak when I was leveling to be the first 80 on my realm in WoW.


I didn't whine that I couldn't do Crucible of Carnage because there weren't enough people in the zone and on the quest when I leveled to be the realm first 85.


Why should you whine? What real logical reason do you have. I'll be waiting for a response, otherwise you're just full of self-entitlement to anything at any time or a troll.

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Ya standing around in front of heroic entrances spamming chat is really "communicating with other players" alright. :rolleyes:


This after already doing all the quests in the area while spamming the same lfg message. Then having to decide whether or not to head back to turn in quests , or just standing there waiting aaaaaand spamming aaaaand waiting aaaaaand go get a coffee, aaaand come back to discover you missed an invite and the group that was inviting is now full, aaaaand waiting, aaaand spamming, aaaand .......


I am having such great conversations with peo.. oh wait, with no one.

Edited by Umbral
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Everything is great now because there are plenty of people around that are our level. I myself am fully enjoying the social atmosphere that's going on right now and I wish it could always be that way.


The problem I see is down the road. Will there be enough lower level players around to run Flashpoints and Heroic areas 6 months or a year from now? Cross server LFDs don't really benefit end-game players because they're everywhere. They do however benefit the players who are starting new toons after the game has been out for a while. Anyone level up a toon in WoW recently? It's damn near impossible to find a local group for any instance before level 80.

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Everything is great now because there are plenty of people around that are our level. I myself am fully enjoying the social atmosphere that's going on right now and I wish it could always be that way.


The problem I see is down the road. Will there be enough lower level players around to run Flashpoints and Heroic areas 6 months or a year from now? Cross server LFDs don't really benefit end-game players because they're everywhere. They do however benefit the players who are starting new toons after the game has been out for a while. Anyone level up a toon in WoW recently? It's damn near impossible to find a local group for any instance before level 80.


This is true but keep in mind how bad the behaivour allready is in low lvl dungeons at wow.


People go afk, people insult, people pull randomly, gogogog attitude... All this wasnt there in vanilla.


From my point of view the low lvl content needs to be updated too regulary, also there should not be a respec, dualspec option. In this way you make sure people keep actually lvling new toons.

Thats also why vanilla still had many people around, but Cata or WOTLK doesnt.

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this is what you do...it's rather VERY easy


those of you who want a group. Go to your "social window" click on "who" tab click "looking for a group?" so it is enabled then in "set lfg comment" type what you need help with. It's that easy.


The whole problem with it is...people don't really use it. It's easy. I am spreading the word in game and more and more people are using it and coming back and telling me they have gotten groups more and more because people keep using it. Guys..tell all your friends in game and you do it yourself. Use those instructions in the paragraph above and the lfg feature is easy :)

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there should not be a respec, dualspec option. In this way you make sure people keep actually lvling new toons.


This is one thing I fully disagree with. Having no respecs in an MMO totally fails to think about those of us who have jobs and can't play all day every day, and it really frustrates us to have to start over when we hardly had the time to level one character. Respeccing saves tons of real life time and lets us improve our characters.

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this is what you do...it's rather VERY easy


those of you who want a group. Go to your "social window" click on "who" tab click "looking for a group?" so it is enabled then in "set lfg comment" type what you need help with. It's that easy.


The whole problem with it is...people don't really use it. It's easy. I am spreading the word in game and more and more people are using it and coming back and telling me they have gotten groups more and more because people keep using it. Guys..tell all your friends in game and you do it yourself. Use those instructions in the paragraph above and the lfg feature is easy :)





I haven't had any issue's finding a group to do flash points. Maybe it's because I know how to interact socially and ask others if they want to run what I am running. It never takes me long and I don't stop what I'm doing to get a group going.


Maybe some people should stop expecting to be magically placed in a group of random people that they treat as NPC's. I'm guessing I'm close on that one.

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I don't really understand the hate for the dungeon finder tool from WoW. I don't see how standing in populated areas spamming is considered better. Generally speaking if I log on and want to do a group quest I generally don't care whatsoever who I'm grouped with. I just want to experience the dungeon and move on.


Dungeon Finder destroyed one of the most engrossing and awesome features of MMOs: community. Worse than that, though, it trivialized end game and lead to rapid consumption of content.


It used to be, in WoW, you were dependant on building a social network in game, people who you treated well, added to your friends, and supported. When the LFG tool was released, there was virtually zero point to grouping with people you know. In fact, they give a buff for grouping with total strangers. If you weren't around d for that era, then it's hard to grasp how different it was.


Sure, it solved some problems. People could log on for an hour and actually run a dungeon anytime they wanted. The anonymity meant you could be terrible and still be carried. Also, the "instant port" meant travel time was nonexistent, so you could do your stuff, go to your dungeon, and continue about your business.


But this also meant dungeons had to be dramatically scaled down. And, in turn, became not only fast, but easy. Instead of relying on skill, coordination and communication, they became face-rolls to epics. Sure, this was a big benefit to the weekend warrior, who only played a couple hours a week, but it in turned created a horrible in game community, and also made it so that many players feel there isn't a lot of content (when really, there is). By the end of every patch since 3.1 (sans Ulduar, which got shelved way too early) the community pines over lack of content.

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There is one. Use it. ":rolleyes:"


They need to make it more obvious and user friendly, it needs to have it's own button, it's own window, right there with all the other main functions. Teaming should be treated like a main function in an MMO game, a window as important as your inventory or character sheet. Teaming needs to be encouraged and made as easy to arrange as possible, or everyone winds up soloing and it becomes nothing but a single player game with other people running around on yoru screen stealing kills and causing unnecessary internet lag lol

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Cross server LFG's do in fact kill server communities. It sucks for people stuck on low pop servers that have a difficult time finding a group, but that does not mean a cross server lfg needs to be implemented.


For those who say that it did not kill WoW's community, can you honestly tell me that for the years leading up to Wotlk the community was not better than when lfd was implemented? Lfd increased the anonymity factor of the game immensely making it so no one could be held accountable whatsoever for their actions. Guilds mates acted like tyrants in their pug groups if there was more than one guild member present. The fact is that it overall created a major cesspool in the general WoW player base.


I will not say that people weren't jerks before the system was implemented but it was a lot easier for people to be held accountable for their actions. However to say that it did not worsen the community in any shape or form it blatantly false.


Also if you think standing around in the space dock or w/e planet you're on doing an lfg in chat takes a long time. I can guarantee you that it will be no different if you're playing a dps and you are using a cross server lfg system. Looking back to WoW again as an example, dps players had queue times upwards to an hour before they got a group, and they had to hope and pray they didn't get stuck in a group with 3-4 guild members that felt like being royal jerks that day. Spew all the nonsense you want on its up to the players to make the community better in that situation. Fact is you and I both know that players that are not from the same server doing a random flashpoint together are typically not going to be nice.


Cross server lfg sounds fantastic on paper, but it does not take into consideration the concept of the human psyche when behind the keyboard and the type of anonymity the system encourages. The system is an quick and lazy fix to a general problem in MMO's and should not be implemented in any way shape or form in this game.


/end super rant.


Now with that being said, I wouldn't mind a same server lfg system since its impossible to know if there is a character on another planet looking for a group for the same thing that you are.

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They need to make it more obvious and user friendly, it needs to have it's own button, it's own window, right there with all the other main functions. Teaming should be treated like a main function in an MMO game, a window as important as your inventory or character sheet. Teaming needs to be encouraged and made as easy to arrange as possible, or everyone winds up soloing and it becomes nothing but a single player game with other people running around on yoru screen stealing kills and causing unnecessary internet lag lol



"It's own button" *looks at keyboard* - Check

"It's own window" *looks at game* - Check


Explained in tutorial? - Check


Honestly, there's nothing "hidden" about the feature at all. The problem is the ADHD-ness of the current generation. They don't ever read instructions and don't pay attention to things that are right in front of their face.

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Cross Server Dungeon Finder Didnt kill the Community on both the wow Realms I played, on... They were pretty much the same before and after that was introduced, all it was were people Typing "LFM Magisters terrace Need <insert what you want here>" or After Wrath Came out "LFM Daily Heroic, need tank", aside from that, The only difference from then and after the Dungeon Finder Came out was... Well less LFM and more actual Chatting and server community.


Before Dungeon Finder ninja's Still ninja'd Gear, idiots still got away with a lot of Crap, and the community was just the same as it was from what i experienced, only Difference is it isn't a pain in the Rear to find a group for a Dungeon if you don't have time to spend an half hour looking for a group.. if anything it should be added for the people who do want to get in and out of Flashpoints in a decent time frame, just because you don't want it doeskin mean others don't


P.S also people, Stop acting like it in at the start of wrath, if i remember correctly we got it in what... 3.3, When icecrown was Released.

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Dungeon Finder destroyed one of the most engrossing and awesome features of MMOs: community. Worse than that, though, it trivialized end game and lead to rapid consumption of content.


It used to be, in WoW, you were dependant on building a social network in game, people who you treated well, added to your friends, and supported. When the LFG tool was released, there was virtually zero point to grouping with people you know. In fact, they give a buff for grouping with total strangers. If you weren't around d for that era, then it's hard to grasp how different it was.


Sure, it solved some problems. People could log on for an hour and actually run a dungeon anytime they wanted. The anonymity meant you could be terrible and still be carried. Also, the "instant port" meant travel time was nonexistent, so you could do your stuff, go to your dungeon, and continue about your business.


But this also meant dungeons had to be dramatically scaled down. And, in turn, became not only fast, but easy. Instead of relying on skill, coordination and communication, they became face-rolls to epics. Sure, this was a big benefit to the weekend warrior, who only played a couple hours a week, but it in turned created a horrible in game community, and also made it so that many players feel there isn't a lot of content (when really, there is). By the end of every patch since 3.1 (sans Ulduar, which got shelved way too early) the community pines over lack of content.

People still build social networks in WoW, and other MMOs with dungeon finder tools. People still have those they treat well, add to their friends, and support. People are naturally social animals in general. If they want to socialize they will, but forcing people to be your friend should have been something your mother told you just wasn't possible a long long time ago. Maybe if people are finding it hard to make friends in mmos it's not the game's fault?
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No, I expect enough quests to level up; like in WoW


And here's where I'll defend BWA, for a change. According to Darth Hater's DB, this released with about 2,500 quests. Vanilla WoW released with about 2,500 quests, as well. Now... as with most OTHER aspects of this game, it was code released with a feature set even LESS than that of WoW's initial release, which is unforgivable. However, in terms of the amount of quests, they're out there. Of course... with WoW, they're really divided primarily in half... not in half, with a lot that are class-specific.

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Cross server LFG's do in fact kill server communities.


What server "communities" are you talking about? Are you talking about RP-specific servers, or just merely PVP or PVE servers, which are NOT about "community"? Your arguement is a red herring. LFG tools allow players to experience content that they PAY FOR. Anyone who wants to make it more difficult to experience content and elements of a game is merely on a selfish power trip to impose their will of how THEY want to play, on others. Wanting to experience a particular flashpoint or heroic quest, trying to put together a group, waiting for everyone to make it to the instance, can take upwards of 30 minutes or more on some worlds. In my professional opinion, that's NOT fun. Blizzard's cross-realm Dungeon Finder was a phenomenal addition, that allowed you to adventure and expand your friend base to more than one server. Ultimately, it will result in the elmination of multiple servers, though that's a few years down the road. Such solutions bring diverse communities together, they don't fracture what already exists. After all, your arguement is thoroughly false and devoid of any truth; nothing stops you from spamming your local chat channels and angering everyone with begging, the same way groups are put together right now. DF tools add another choice.


Choice is good, citizen.

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