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No Group Finder Was A Huge Mistake


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Has been great having no random group finder. People actually have to speak to each other, a crazy concept i know.


Doesn't work when you're level 40+, and there are less than 4 people on the entire planet


I can talk to them all day, but it won't magically spawn a 4th person in General Chat for us

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There should be a cross-server LFG System regardless of the fact so many of you don't feel for this guy.


It's expected in every MMO.


Hell I'm on a server with tons of people my level and I cant find a group any other way than chat spam which most people including myself, ignore entirely.


Two days now trying to get in on the lvl 17 FP to no avail.


Um.... no. No it isn't. It's in what, one MMO? And look at how many people dislike it.


I really find it astonishing how people try to say "it is a standard in all MMOs". It's not.


Yes, SW:TOR could use a bit more fleshed out LFG system than what it has now, but not a full blown Dungeon Finder like people are asking for.

Edited by Mysteran
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Any MMO in this day and age should have a LFG tool. Standing around the most populated spot on the server spamming LFG is not fun.


cross server would be nice.


Why all the hate with the WoW dungeon finder. I have not played the game for along time, but when that was implemented I had a pretty good time with it. Got to experience some content that I probably would not have without it.


I'm sure there are other tools out there just as good if not better than what WoW had also.


Just my opinion. Some will agree, some won't. Hopefully in the end its something everyone can work with.

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There's a host of good features developed over the last 5 to 7 years that have for some reason been left out of SWTOR. I mean just basic stuff like being able to ping the map in a group. There's just no reason for it.


I agree with the OP that leaving out a dungeon finder does nothing but frustrate people who aren't in a guild or run with enough friends to consistently do instances together. The funny thing is that neither of these groups even need a dungeon finder. This WILL be implemented at some point, it's just a matter of time. All it's doing is making SWTOR more painful in the mean time.

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I don't really understand the hate for the dungeon finder tool from WoW. I don't see how standing in populated areas spamming is considered better. Generally speaking if I log on and want to do a group quest I generally don't care whatsoever who I'm grouped with. I just want to experience the dungeon and move on.
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First, play through all the questlines without skipping the story bits. Then if you've still significantly out-leveled everybody else, go back and roll an alt while everybody else catches up. There are 4 starting planets in this game (2 per side), that's alot of story to chew through.
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I don't really understand the hate for the dungeon finder tool from WoW. I don't see how standing in populated areas spamming is considered better. Generally speaking if I log on and want to do a group quest I generally don't care whatsoever who I'm grouped with. I just want to experience the dungeon and move on.




I think it would be convenient for when my friends aren't on.

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I don't really understand the hate for the dungeon finder tool from WoW. I don't see how standing in populated areas spamming is considered better. Generally speaking if I log on and want to do a group quest I generally don't care whatsoever who I'm grouped with. I just want to experience the dungeon and move on.


The problem ist the behaivour of people in groups formed by a automated tool. If you know a way of fixing this, then I dont mind a LFD tool. But wow has proven it, that the LFD ruined the community, people have become so unfriendly towards each other, its no fun anymore.

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That's a bunch of garbage. I've actually friended people in wow after running randoms. I think it can help form new communities quicker.


I have a huge group of people that are levelling around my speed that I talk with now because I throw together groups in general chat to take down world bosses. I never have a problem finding people for group quests or instances anymore. This sort of thing wouldn't have been possible with a group finder.


I can jump into general chat whenever I log on and at least a handful of people know me and are available to group now. Feels good man.

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There are three Empire Players on Belsavis, on Anchorhead US (A "FULL" Server with a lengthy queue). THREE


This means I cannot do Flashpoints that are my level, because there literally are not enough people. This is a major issue, because there are also not enough quests to level me properly, at 40 everything I see is at least 42 now, and part of an orange quest, that takes longer to trudge through than all the yellow quests from before.


So how would a group finder fix the fact that you were one of the first people to hit this level range? If hardly anyone else on your server has made it up to that level yet, then there's no "group" to find. You can flag yourself as lfg and you can look through the list of other people flagged as lfg as well. Most PUGs are formed in general or broadcast chats anyway.

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So how would a group finder fix the fact that you were one of the first people to hit this level range? If hardly anyone else on your server has made it up to that level yet, then there's no "group" to find. You can flag yourself as lfg and you can look through the list of other people flagged as lfg as well. Most PUGs are formed in general or broadcast chats anyway.







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Honestly I can do without the LFG tool, sure it helps with getting groups together fast and porting in the instance,it makes it more quick to do what you need.IT also makes me feel that it makes the game less social in talking to other players making new friendships.


That is the problem I had with WOW,the LFG tool was great,but the more I used it the more bored I had gotten with the dungeons.they seemed more of a chore or anything,and I would group with random people from different servers,some great,some horrible.The problem is I could not really make a good friendship with these people because we could not talk during a dungeon and most of the time they would only respond with "k", I like the way TOR is doing it,grouping with people from your server from the good ole days of wow.


LFG tool would be fine,but not right now.I would rather make new friends from all over than just playing a game with a matching system like...well COD....

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Someone explain to me how to find a group for the Flashpoints after Black Talon. I've headed back to fleet and picked up lots of Flashpoint quests--but the Fleet general chat is devoid of players. Took my 45 minutes to find three players last night--and had to run an under-level Flashpoint. Not my idea of fun. Just a waste of time.
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