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No Group Finder Was A Huge Mistake


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Sitting in Fleet for 20-30 minutes to find a group sucks. This problem will only get worse as people reach max level because there won't be as many people playing the lower level content.


They don't have to implement WoW's system, but the current system isn't good.

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Sitting in Fleet for 20-30 minutes to find a group sucks. This problem will only get worse as people reach max level because there won't be as many people playing the lower level content.


They don't have to implement WoW's system, but the current system isn't good.


^ this is why a LFD tool will eventually hit TOR.

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The leveling does seem really short but I am pretty sure they are expecting people to actually play the storyline and quests. This isnt the powerlevel to 50 and run end game **** game its got a very in depth story that is what a lot of people are playing to enjoy. There are ways to lvl REALLY FAST I did the 2 starship dailies twice and ran hammer once and got from 18-19 in less than an hour... But there is no storyline there, nor is there a storyline if you PVP to lvl, but if you go from world to world in the way the game is meant to progress it takes a little bit longer, especially if you stick around and watch all the vids.


The flashpoints and PvP are part of the leveling process. I highly doubt that BioWare spent all this time designing flashpoint and warzone content just so you can ignore them and level up via normal questing only.


Currently the problem is that if you do anything besides normal quests, you level faster than the content, especially when you consider that the content is tied into your main story. Exp needs to be toned down by at least 25%.

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Encountered this a few hours ago.


Player 1 - "LF2M Hammer, need Heals!"


Player 2 - "Stop spamming LFM every 30 seconds dude!"


Player 1 - "LF2M Hammer, need Heals!"


Player 2 - "Can you please stop?"


Me - "This is what happens when you don't have LFD tools"


Player 2 "Go back to WoW!"




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I've grouped more than I ever have in any MMO I have ever played. I like the current process and hope they keep it the way it is....simple.


The thing is, the game is young and everyone is leveling up so you always find folks to play with. A year or two down the line, when most of the players are max level, finding groups without a good LFG tool will be an absolute nightmare.

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Encountered this a few hours ago.


Player 1 - "LF2M Hammer, need Heals!"


Player 2 - "Stop spamming LFM every 30 seconds dude!"


Player 1 - "LF2M Hammer, need Heals!"


Player 2 - "Can you please stop?"


Me - "This is what happens when you don't have LFD tools"


Player 2 "Go back to WoW!"





Going by player 2s comment "go back to wow" he just sounds like a ******, the best way to counter ******* is to ignore them so the conversation went:



Player 1 - "LF2M Hammer, need Heals!"


Player 1 - "LF2M Hammer, need Heals!"


Me - "This is what happens when you don't have LFD tools"


hmm, not much has changed heh

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You rushed to the top now you pay the price and complain because a feature from some other game which half the time is a complete random annoyance isn't in a brand new not even on the shelf yet game?


Personally I'll be just fine without WoW's crap dungeon finder system that all to often gives you some jerk anyway. The best is the all to elusive "tank" "Ooh can I play my DPS spec instead of Tanking even tho I signed up as a tank and took your tank spot" I mean really does this game need that?


As for the situation listed above...jerks are a dime a dozen just learn to ignore them I mean they're probably talking about chuck norris as you look for a group anyway.

Edited by Kindara
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Because since there aren't enough quests, I have to either grind at-level mobs, or do Instances to level up


UHHHHHH im level 33 and still on tat. Ive done some pvp and ONE FP ONE! You are obviously skipping quests, did you do all the bonus series? Space dailes? Comeon...... And i disagree the dungeon finder has always ended in people sitting in cities waiting for a queue to pop. And if its cross server it encourages ninjaing since there are little ramifications.

Edited by DSWSithlord
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There are three Empire Players on Belsavis, on Anchorhead US (A "FULL" Server with a lengthy queue). THREE


This means I cannot do Flashpoints that are my level, because there literally are not enough people. This is a major issue, because there are also not enough quests to level me properly, at 40 everything I see is at least 42 now, and part of an orange quest, that takes longer to trudge through than all the yellow quests from before.


I understand that somebody gave the false notion that LFD killed WoW's "community" (which was never great), and that standing in the Imperial Fleet for 2 hours at a time going "LF 1 Tank, 1 DPS for X then good to go" was going to build a strong "community"; but now that the game is actually Live, it's time to base ourselves once more in reality.


If there aren't enough quests, then you're forced to level by either Instances, or grinding. Since I can't do instances, as there are a grand total of 2 other people my level, I'll have to resort to grinding once these Orange quests run out and I'm left with nothing but Red quests who's mobs are 5 levels higher than me. Grinding is not fun, or a good method of leveling in 2011


Honestly, I'd even be willing to concede, and have the group finder Server-Only; at least then I could do the Flashpoint that's one below my optimal one, and get reasonable Experience; better than nothing.


The current statis is unacceptable; again, there are THREE PEOPLE on Belsavis, I can spam chat all day but that won't change the fact that there simply aren't enough people


People obviously don't remember the days before WoW and it's LFG feature where people actually had to talk to eachother in MMOs.

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There are three Empire Players on Belsavis, on Anchorhead US (A "FULL" Server with a lengthy queue). THREE


This means I cannot do Flashpoints that are my level, because there literally are not enough people. This is a major issue, because there are also not enough quests to level me properly, at 40 everything I see is at least 42 now, and part of an orange quest, that takes longer to trudge through than all the yellow quests from before.


I understand that somebody gave the false notion that LFD killed WoW's "community" (which was never great), and that standing in the Imperial Fleet for 2 hours at a time going "LF 1 Tank, 1 DPS for X then good to go" was going to build a strong "community"; but now that the game is actually Live, it's time to base ourselves once more in reality.


If there aren't enough quests, then you're forced to level by either Instances, or grinding. Since I can't do instances, as there are a grand total of 2 other people my level, I'll have to resort to grinding once these Orange quests run out and I'm left with nothing but Red quests who's mobs are 5 levels higher than me. Grinding is not fun, or a good method of leveling in 2011


Honestly, I'd even be willing to concede, and have the group finder Server-Only; at least then I could do the Flashpoint that's one below my optimal one, and get reasonable Experience; better than nothing.


The current statis is unacceptable; again, there are THREE PEOPLE on Belsavis, I can spam chat all day but that won't change the fact that there simply aren't enough people



and how would a LFD help you in this situation as there still would only be two people your lvl on your server. perhaps you sould whisper them and try to team up as they must be in the same situation as you are

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Fancy making a mmo to release in 2011 and leaving out all the features that have been developed over the last 10 years.


wel part of the issue is there is a LFG feature in game just people do not want to use it. Shock of shocks it actually does work and i have used it to fill groups

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I don't care about an LFG tool. What we need is a global LFG Chat Channel. So people can at least look for groups that way. The servers just went up, god forbid people actually TALK to each other to group up.


Stop expecting the game to do all the work for you. An LFG system is more suited to a game that's been out for years and has established social communities on their servers.




Oh, and stop rushing to level cap. There's a life outside of gaming....

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I don't care about an LFG tool. What we need is a global LFG Chat Channel. So people can at least look for groups that way. The servers just went up, god forbid people actually TALK to each other to group up.


Stop expecting the game to do all the work for you. An LFG system is more suited to a game that's been out for years and has established social communities on their servers.




Oh, and stop rushing to level cap. There's a life outside of gaming....


A LFG channel and a better flagging system is what I want ideally. An automated system is horrible for a new game and for end game in an established game. It should only should ever be implemented for leveling instances years down the road if at all.

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I don't care about an LFG tool. What we need is a global LFG Chat Channel. So people can at least look for groups that way. The servers just went up, god forbid people actually TALK to each other to group up.


Stop expecting the game to do all the work for you. An LFG system is more suited to a game that's been out for years and has established social communities on their servers.




Oh, and stop rushing to level cap. There's a life outside of gaming....


I completely agree with CyberData here. We do need a LFG Channel that is server wide it would make things easier to get groups together. The LFG should be always on unless a person turns it off.

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