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No Group Finder Was A Huge Mistake


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Since you seem to be an MMO tough guy, level 42 quests should be completely doable.


Also other, solo ways of catching up if you feel you need to -


1) PvP (as has been suggested)


2) Space Battles


Both are decent sources of XP. Furthermore, a Dungeon Finder would not help you. A CROSS SEVER Dungeon Finder might, but Bioware has stated that they would prefer not to do that, as it does create issues with community building and individual beahviour.


Moral of the story, suck it up. If you are good enough to level so fast, you should already know about these things.

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I don't agree with PL my way to the top, but standing around an instance spamming the LFG is pretty tedious. a group finder would help eliminate the extreme downtime I experience while waiting for a reply. And no I'm not a high level, but that less the degree of laziness this feels like.
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I sort of agree on the dungeon finder thing but only if it's server specific. I dislike having to go to the fleet and then stand around spamming "LFG" or "LFM" if I want to do an instance.


I should be able to queue up for an instance, set my parameters (DPS, heals, tank, etc.) and continue questing until a matchmaking system puts me in a group.


I want to run instances, I love being able to DPS and off-heal with my sorcerer but I hate downtime. I outleveled Hammer Station because I didn't want to stop playing and hang out at the fleet while looking for a group. The fast leveling doesn't help either.


It needs to be toned down, in my opinion. I'm almost level 26 heading into Nar Shaddaa because I mixed in PvP with questing and a few flashpoints here and there.

Edited by krookie
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I haven't found any problems finding groups, but this is ONLY because of a abnormal amount of people leveling with me. In a couple of months when people are leveling alts that is when problems will occur because then there wont be enough people. Which is one of the main reasons I support the dungeon findier in other MMO's.
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I don't agree with PL my way to the top, but standing around an instance spamming the LFG is pretty tedious. A group finder would help eliminate the extreme downtime I experience while waiting for a reply. Edited by McAvinue
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Well to be honest? I want a cross server LFG.






Everyone knows with low pop servers when you can only group with those on your server -- peeps dogpile Full and Heavy Servers....


If there were cross server queues, one seeks a low pop server so there is less contention for quest mobs and resources.


I contend the reasonwe are seeing queue issues is in part becasue of the players wanting to have enough people to get groups with. (i think another part is BW messing up)


Lets face it; shounting "LFG X" is so 20th century....

Edited by Racheakt
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Wow, seriously dude? The game isn't even a week old yet...Not to mention it hasn't even officially launched yet. Most people are NOWHERE NEAR your level. Why don't you roll an alt and wait awhile till people start catching up to that level and guilds start building up for that kind of content. Learn some patience, you sound like a damn 5 year old OP "now now now, I want it now!"
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Wow, seriously dude? The game isn't even a week old yet...Not to mention it hasn't even officially launched yet. Most people are NOWHERE NEAR your level. Why don't you roll an alt and wait awhile till people start catching up to that level and guilds start building up for that kind of content. Learn some patience, you sound like a damn 5 year old OP "now now now, I want it now!"


There are level 50s already; it's not my fault I'm good at the game, and didn't get stuck at level 15

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There are plenty of quests you just breezed through everythign too fast to get them all you missed sooooo much stuff dude... There are other worlds you can go to to quest as well. Do some ship missions, run the next best FP over and over until you're geared to do the "uber hard quests that i cant do cuz i have no life" Get over it bro, why get to end game **** before anyone else can enjoy it with you? You arent even enjoying the game by rushing through it.
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There are three Empire Players on Belsavis, on Anchorhead US (A "FULL" Server with a lengthy queue). THREE


This means I cannot do Flashpoints that are my level, because there literally are not enough people. This is a major issue, because there are also not enough quests to level me properly, at 40 everything I see is at least 42 now, and part of an orange quest, that takes longer to trudge through than all the yellow quests from before.


I understand that somebody gave the false notion that LFD killed WoW's "community" (which was never great), and that standing in the Imperial Fleet for 2 hours at a time going "LF 1 Tank, 1 DPS for X then good to go" was going to build a strong "community"; but now that the game is actually Live, it's time to base ourselves once more in reality.


If there aren't enough quests, then you're forced to level by either Instances, or grinding. Since I can't do instances, as there are a grand total of 2 other people my level, I'll have to resort to grinding once these Orange quests run out and I'm left with nothing but Red quests who's mobs are 5 levels higher than me. Grinding is not fun, or a good method of leveling in 2011


Honestly, I'd even be willing to concede, and have the group finder Server-Only; at least then I could do the Flashpoint that's one below my optimal one, and get reasonable Experience; better than nothing.


The current statis is unacceptable; again, there are THREE PEOPLE on Belsavis, I can spam chat all day but that won't change the fact that there simply aren't enough people


They are working on it.

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The fast leveling doesn't help either.


It needs to be toned down, in my opinion. I'm almost level 26 heading into Nar Shaddaa because I mixed in PvP with questing and a few flashpoints here and there.


The leveling does seem really short but I am pretty sure they are expecting people to actually play the storyline and quests. This isnt the powerlevel to 50 and run end game **** game its got a very in depth story that is what a lot of people are playing to enjoy. There are ways to lvl REALLY FAST I did the 2 starship dailies twice and ran hammer once and got from 18-19 in less than an hour... But there is no storyline there, nor is there a storyline if you PVP to lvl, but if you go from world to world in the way the game is meant to progress it takes a little bit longer, especially if you stick around and watch all the vids.

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Fancy making a mmo to release in 2011 and leaving out all the features that have been developed over the last 10 years.


You mean leaving out all the mistakes developed in MMOs over the last 10 years. They kept the good ideas and are leaving out the mistakes.

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There are level 50s already; it's not my fault I'm good at the game, and didn't get stuck at level 15


Well, to be fair, it's probably not accurate for you to claim to be good if you're stuck at 40, with difficulty progressing, and going on the forums to make complaints about your situation. It doesn't strike me as "pro"

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