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Can anything be done about these people?


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It's against Bioware's Terms of Service to prevent other players from interacting with world objects. People would do similarly to other trying to collect the Unusual Egg for the orobird pet. These players, once reported to customer service were warned not to do it again or risk action against their account.


Report them.


You cannot block any object in this game with a speeder of any size. The Speeders float off the ground and all object touch the ground and are interactable to the ground. Many items are also taller then speeders and can be clicked from above as well. These are not like WoW mammoths that could actually block items.


I don't get why this is so hard to grasp. I'm starting to think its haters gonna hate for no real reason.

Edited by MaximusRex
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In the old days of MMO devs had the balls to destroy player items if they used them for general doucheism, those days are gone because the community are a bunch of self entitled special snowflakes that would try and sue BW if they gave them a real punishment for being an e-tard.


Many a times i saw mounts in WoW perma die or vehicles in SWG get blown to hell by devs for this sort of nonsense.

Edited by TKMaster
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The fleet just isn't that big a place.


Ban speeders on the fleet outside of the docking bays.


I agree. The Fleet is too small to be having speeders inside it anyway. I mean even the malls in towns donot allow you to ride bikes in them. :p This is still a problem in WoW with the amount of large mounts they have now. Only solution is to bind a key setting to the npc you are trying to converse with.

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In the old days of MMO devs had the balls to destroy player items if they used them for general doucheism, those days are gone because the community are a bunch of self entitled special snowflakes that would try and sue BW if they gave them a real punishment for being an e-tard.


Many a times i saw mounts in WoW perma die or vehicles in SWG get blown to hell by devs for this sort of nonsense.


Lol! I been playing WoW for over 7 yrs and I have never seen that happen. Cool idea tho. Would teach the player to not do it. Kind of harsh tho...make it so once you talk to a npc for a quest, you auto dismount. But even then, I bet some would do it on purpose. :p

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Ban speeder III's from the fleet at least.. They are the ones that seem to cause the majority of the issues. Why you need to parade around the fleet in a land boat is beyond me.


They have to do something about the speeders because since the transfers, the average at the fleet is 100-200 at any one time, the speeders rezzing and derezzing cause lag spikes. I would prefer an outright ban on the main level. The lower level is where you can have your speeder races.. Docking ring I think its called.

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Lol! I been playing WoW for over 7 yrs and I have never seen that happen. Cool idea tho. Would teach the player to not do it. Kind of harsh tho...make it so once you talk to a npc for a quest, you auto dismount. But even then, I bet some would do it on purpose. :p


I miss the days of EQ when you would be teleported to a Jail cell until a GM had time to ask you why you were being such a jerk.


Folks were a lot better behaved back then.

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You cannot block any object in this game with a speeder of any size. The Speeders float off the ground and all object touch the ground and are interactable to the ground. Many items are also taller then speeders and can be clicked from above as well. These are not like WoW mammoths that could actually block items.


I don't get why this is so hard to grasp. I'm starting to think its haters gonna hate for no real reason.


Many vendors are behind counters and their lower bodies are not clickable unless you run around behind the counter -- I don't get why that is so hard to grasp. And it's just one of the QOL issues involving speeders on the fleet (as others have pointed out, the floating Manhood Compensators add considerable and unnecessary lag). I'm starting to think that this special pleading on behalf of griefers means that the people whose enjoyment in the game comes primarily from irritating other people are trying to protect their right to do so.

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In the old days of MMO devs had the balls to destroy player items if they used them for general doucheism, those days are gone because the community are a bunch of self entitled special snowflakes that would try and sue BW if they gave them a real punishment for being an e-tard.


Almost hurled my tuna sandwich reading that, absolutely priceless.


That is exactly what I would do.



Edited by Pirana
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Even though this may annoy a lot of people, I think it's the only plausible solution. Besides, the Fleet isn't exactly the biggest place in SWTOR.


So yeah, ban vehicles from the Fleet.


This would be a terrible idea. Banning vehicles from the fleet would upset the majority of people. It may not be the biggest place, but people do a lot of running back and forth on it.


Better off just have a 5-10 meter around the NPC's that act as though you're inside, and knock you off the speeder if you stay there.

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I'm talking about the people who like to sit in their large vehicles right on top of terminals in the fleet. Maybe these folks are so bored and lonely this is fun? Maybe it makes them feel better to know they are only slightly inconveniencing a lot of people trying to turn in dailys?


If that's fun to you how about going outside and sitting in the road? At least I can do something about that!!!


*floors the gas pedal* ...... BUMP BUMP!! ....... *not even looking the rearview mirror*


Anyone using these vehicles OP is doing it deliberately, Immature jerks at the end of the day, because lets face facts, none of them look good, they serve no purpose (the big speeders cant even hold 2 people) as all the small ones do the same job...!!


Incompetence on Biowares end to not realise that their are a minority of idiots playing MMOs that look for these little things to annoy other players.


Anyone ever see the Bridge over the river in AOC, on the PVP servers, Players would sit there on horses knocking low levels off as they ran past. Its moron mentality.

Edited by Nippon
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Sprint is plenty of speed for the fleet. I've said it since they put them out in beta, not only is it annoying to have loud large vehicles blocking NPC's and trolling RPers by sitting on the bar, its down right immersion breaking.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I generally try not to run through other players, and somewhere in the back of my head I'm telling myself "we each turned at the last second" if we do. Getting hit in the head and entirely RUN OVER by a GIANT SPEEDER isn't something one can just simply ignore. And again, there's no way any "real" environment like the fleet would allow them to be there.


So, it looks like we have THREE good reasons to ban speeders:

1) Blocking access (or at least making access more complicated) to mailboxes, NPCs, GTN termimals.

2) Creating more lag.

3) Immersion breaking.


I think that's enough. Give us a speed buff, no speeders on the fleet. The end.

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set up a zone around vital npc's etc. with a timer, anyone staying inside the area for more than 5 seconds gets demounted. That way people can drive by without it happening to them, buf if people try to grief others by camping on top of a vendor or something they become affected.
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Again, simply buffing run speed in fleet would give the same results, but remove the ability to grief with speeders.


This. Simplest solution and no impact on anyone other than huge speeder grieftards.


LOL @ all the people suggesting instead that Bioware waste time coding mechanics that prevent speeders from getting within x distance of vendors/coms or that a mechanic to "interact with next closest object" be implemented. Comedy gold.

Edited by boxfetish
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They should shrink those terribly over-sized vehicles somewhat. I never did like them nor would I of gotten one had I had the opportunity.



As for parking in spots like this, they do this in every MMO out. By now, there's no way they can say they didn't know what they were dong. You're either a complete moron or you're completely stupid or both to do this.

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Ehm... you do realize you can click on the terminals regardless of people's vehicles on them, right? Even if someone takes the time to position themselves so accurately as to be directly on top if it (those people need a new hobby btw), the speeder will never hide the terminals lower part, nearest to the ground. Panning the camera a bit easily reveals that part. Edited by Kiyosa
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Ehm... you do realize you can click on the terminals regardless of people's vehicles on them, right? Even if someone takes the time to position themselves so accurately as to be directly on top if it (those people need a new hobby btw), the speeder will never hide the terminals lower part, nearest to the ground. Panning the camera a bit easily reveals that part.


True. But it is still annoying as hell. Better yet when you are checking cargo and one of those big edsels pulls up and consumes you and everything else. You close your cargo and you are part of their chassis. Lol! It's funny but annoying. I think a solution would be simply to make it so they can't reach GTN or Cargo or anything else for that matter while they are sitting in those behemoth speeders.

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True. But it is still annoying as hell. Better yet when you are checking cargo and one of those big edsels pulls up and consumes you and everything else. You close your cargo and you are part of their chassis. Lol! It's funny but annoying. I think a solution would be simply to make it so they can't reach GTN or Cargo or anything else for that matter while they are sitting in those behemoth speeders.

Yes, I agree with you on the annoyance factor. To be quite honest, I never saw the need for speeders in the fleet. The place is compact enough to run through.

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^ This would be a huge step towards a better fleet haha.

Not really. These people may not even be interacting with the npc or terminal.

My suggestion is not to have terminals in the "corridors" and once you get in areas where the terminals and vendors are located you dismount.

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This morning I was doing some PVP gearing and for the life of me, couldn't figure out where the weapons vendor was. Looked all over that quadrant and couldn't find it.


It was because those two vendors were completely obscured by parked players. For myself, it was simply that I forgot, but I can imagine it being confusing for new players.


Were I king, I'd make a 30 second timer that then makes parked speeders susceptible to Force Wave, so we could periodically blow 'em over the railing. When they came back from AFK, they'd be in the moat.

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