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Where is Slave Boy outfit?


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What guys think of when you say "male slave outfit":



What girls think of:





I can't imagine putting any of my male companions in such a sexy outfit, but I am totally jealous of those lovely feet and hand pieces the slave sets have. Sandals and some sleek looking hand gear for my (male) Consular, sign me up! Sometimes I think my character could turn bright orange and it'd take me awhile to notice, I see so little of his skin (Miraluka mask + hood + male character). :eek:


And besides, I don't think it is fair that only females "get" to dress like slaves and show some skin. If I can put up with seeing female characters/companions running around in slave girl sets, then the guys playing this game should have no problem seeing male characters/companions in a male version. ;)

Edited by Gwena
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Well, I, for one, do NOT dress my female comps all skimpy-like. Ew! Why would I want to see that?!


By the same token, neither would I dress my male comps like that - half the fun's in the unwrapping, you know. ;)


I like to see a mix of outfits when I run around fleet from full armour suits to bikinis and slave outfits for the guys and girls.


I'd also like to see the option for at least some shorter skirts/dresses too than those right to the toes current light armour things.


What is so wrong with showing some skin? I'm a female gamer and I see nothing wrong with some sexy here and there. People need to loosen up a bit, me thinks.


And if some male body type 4 dude decides to wear a slave outfit, well I must admit, this really won't be enjoyable to see, but hey, each to their own :D

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I BADLY want this. I want to dress up Malavai Quinn in this and have him out all the time.


Plus, I always was upset that males can get NO social gear from Nar Shaddaa, nor any from the security key vendors.

It's not only unfair for anyone attracted to males, but also unfair to mail's themselves, we get shorted 3 social gear sets!

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Many of us DO want to see it :D


After the female-only holo dancer and multiple variations of the "slave-girl" costume, I want something nice to look at for a change :(


('til then, I walk around with my Corso Riggs with all his clothes off so I can see his body... teehee).



This is not the place.

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That's sick and disgusting.


What is? slave boys outfit?

Well, it's all subjective.

I find slave girls sick and disgusting. (Just my opinion) (Think about all the children playing this game.)

I find the fact that there's only slave girls in the game is very sexist.

Either not have slave girls or give us slave boys!

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You know, on a serious note there have been bits and pieces of the gear that have really annoyed me.


I don't understand why the female character models in this game can't wear gear the same way as the male models do. I mean why do they have to cut the sleeves and the torsos out of some of the gear?


Screams sexism to me. It also looks silly. IMO BioWare should fix that pronto. Or at least give women the option of whether they want to dress like their gear is made for a day at the beach in a David Bowie film clip or not.

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Girls play this game. Guys that like guys play this game. If you don't like the male slave outfit; don't use it on your characters, and don't be rude if some people are using it on theirs. We have to tolerate your various characters' chests hanging out all over the place. Edited by GJuliusCaesar
Didn't realize that was a naughty word...
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No idea as to the original source of this image, (perhaps the beta?), but the male slave outfit is quite obviously more than just a 'tee hee, maybe we should...'.





Just throwing this out there. :p


The guy who made this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=425762, made that image. There's a whole collection of it in the thread. If BW is struggling with coming up with something, they need to hire that guy.

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Is it even coming out anymore? You said you were working on it at the guild summit and that was months ago......


I'd hate to think Bioware got scared but the rampant hetero-centrism that seems to be doing the rounds these days. I just rolled a Chiss SW, he'd look very pretty in nothing at all.


And yes I heard about the Slave Boy Outfit from the Summit as well, but when 1.2 didn't have and then 1.3 I'm starting to give up hope.


To be honest, I'm starting to think Bioware doesn't care anymore. Which is sad, because I like this game :/

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