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Track dmg taken, interrupts in PvP so tanks get love


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Tanks in Pvp hardly get the love compared to say dmg and healing classes I think we can have more votes sent our way if people were able to see how much dmg we took during the match Bc as Ppl pound away at us this does not count towards are protection stat also on my Guardian I am consistenly locking down healers throughout the entire match although there is no way of seeing how many interrupts I had at the end of the match .


if we were able to review these stats I think we would see more tanks and more votes going that way.


Tldr : tanks need a way to be recognized outside of the protection stat.

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I believe if you hover over a certain stat it tells you how much damage you took. I believe it was when you hovered over the death count, but I'm not too sure. I wouldn't mind that being added to the ones that are already shown though.


As for tanks getting recognition for other stats beyond the protection stat, dps really only has the damage stat, and healers the healing stat. Kills include assist so dps can't use that and healers can have just as high "kill" count xD

Edited by Daikeru
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Many people don't care, and the numbers can lie, anyway.


When I was part of a winning Alderaan team, myself and another player did little more than babysit a turret for the entire match.

We had minimal opportunity to put up any numbers, but we were a vital part of the winning team (when the Enemy sent people over, we dealt with them).

I decided at the end to vote for them, and I am pretty sure that my one vote came from them, but the numbers were terrible.


On the other hand, I put up the top damage and was top 3 in healing in another match but got no votes.


I figure that guildies will often vote for each other, no matter what.

Friends probably work in a similar fashion, often giving their votes to each other just because they are friends.


Bioware gives commendations based on numbers, so generate those numbers for those comms.

If someone else doesn't give you a vote it is ultimately a small amount of points compared to what you earned for the part that you played if you are able to generate the big numbers.


I will always try to give my vote to someone (once in a while the team will exit before I can get a good look at the numbers to pick my recipient, but I always try to give a vote to someone).


And since I rarely ever count 8 votes in a warzone, some people simply can't be bothered to wait around for a couple of moments to give players a vote (or a chance to vote for them).


And, for what it's worth, I do not care for some personality types and if a player reveals themself to be that sort of person, it is one less person that I will be needing to consider.

I do not care what sort of numbers you put up, if you spent half the fight whining, putting down other players, or demonstrating generally boorish behavior, I will not vote for you.

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