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swtor food chain


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Vanguard beats Operative (easy)


Vanguard beats Sniper (real easy)


Vanguard beats Mercenary (easy)


Vanguard beats Sorcerer (lol easy)


Vanguard beats Assassin ( little tough)


Vanguard beats Juggernaut (easy)




Marauder beats Vanguard (priceless)

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If you are sneaky you can kill a PT as a Sorc . You need to let them get away from their healer then CC them. Then kite and unload.



You cant kite a Iron fist spec vanguard........he well just leap to you or pull you with hes harpoon

Edited by vwsupra
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Stupid generalized statement.

Vanguard tank > MM Sniper

Vanguard tank < Lethality Sniper

Vanguard Assault > Lethality Sniper

Vanguard Assault < Engineering Sniper


Do i need to continue?


ahhh how i wish i was on your server, so i could faceroll you and when im done type /say Do i need to continue? lolololoololololololloll

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Well some specs .. not sure which one.. is kitable. I'd have to look at their talent tree because I know certain PTs I can mostly solo and others where it's real hard to kite. I only posted because people keep saying Sorcs cant kill PTs but you can, albeit its hard but you can. I just find that people keep saying it so much and it's causing this false impression that there is no way to solo a PT as a Sorc which I find not true. In warzones at the least or against certain specs or maybe against poorly played PTs. Then again it may be simply because I'm full warzone and out gear people.
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Well some specs .. not sure which one.. is kitable. I'd have to look at their talent tree because I know certain PTs I can mostly solo and others where it's real hard to kite. I only posted because people keep saying Sorcs cant kill PTs but you can, albeit its hard but you can. I just find that people keep saying it so much and it's causing this false impression that there is no way to solo a PT as a Sorc which I find not true. In warzones at the least or against certain specs or maybe against poorly played PTs. Then again it may be simply because I'm full warzone and out gear people.



If you have better gear then the Vanguard/PT. Yes you can beat him


If you are more skilled at your class then the Vanguard/PT . Yes you can beat him


If the gear and skill is even for both classes. You will get owned by the Vanguard/PT

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SWTOR Food Chain (assuming equal gear):

  • Good Player owns Average Player
  • Average Player owns Bad Player
  • Good Player also owns Bad Player


SWTOR Post-WZ actions:

  • Good Player continues to PVP
  • Average Player continues to PVP
  • Bad player heads to forums to complain

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Vanguard beats Operative (easy)

Depends on too many factors, but a good healing op will kill any vanguard (may take longer than 2 minutes)

A good DPS op will beat any and every class in a duel. They are just great at 1v1.

Vanguard beats Sniper (real easy)

Depends on how the encounter starts. From 35 meters and in cover the sniper should be winning.

Vanguard beats Mercenary (easy)

So does everyone else. Merc is a weak 1v1 class.

Vanguard beats Sorcerer (lol easy)

A lightning sorc with root-on-punt and mez-on-bubble can troll the vanguard for a pretty long time. If played well this is a strong class that should not be underestimated by melee.

Vanguard beats Assassin ( little tough)

This is not a given. With its cooldowns up the assassin lasts a very long time, and can win with proper use of CC, vanish, and force speed.

Vanguard beats Juggernaut (easy)

CC-immune juggernauts are not as easily beaten as you think. Again with all cooldowns taken into account this fight can be close. Smash jugs can catch you off guard too.

Marauder beats Vanguard (priceless)

My experience tells me that these usually end with the winner being at ~5% life.

Edited by Hethroin
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Vanguard beats Operative (easy)


Vanguard beats Sniper (real easy)


Vanguard beats Mercenary (easy)


Vanguard beats Sorcerer (lol easy)


Vanguard beats Assassin ( little tough)


Vanguard beats Juggernaut (easy)




Marauder beats Vanguard (priceless)

an operative who actually knows how to play can kill PTs easily.

A sorc who knows how to kite has a good chance against PTs. I'd say it's one of the most even fights in game. I play sorc btw. The fact that you put lol easy for sorc proves you have no clue about what's actually going on in pvp.

Scratch that, I mean buff sorcs! and nerf every other class!

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SWTOR Food Chain (assuming equal gear):

  • Good Player owns Average Player
  • Average Player owns Bad Player
  • Good Player also owns Bad Player


SWTOR Post-WZ actions:

  • Good Player continues to PVP
  • Average Player continues to PVP
  • Bad player heads to forums to complain


^ this!

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Vanguard beats Operative (easy)


Vanguard beats Sniper (real easy)


Vanguard beats Mercenary (easy)


Vanguard beats Sorcerer (lol easy)


Vanguard beats Assassin ( little tough)


Vanguard beats Juggernaut (easy)




Marauder beats Vanguard (priceless)


Any TANK can kill anyone if they let the tank get on them. They are after all a TANK!

So you named other class that are not tanks and get killed by a tank. Did this fact just escape you?

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not all tanks are good in pvp (assassin tanks are)


tank is called tank because it can absorb damage.. but tank does not have a cannon like a traditional tank does


tanks can soak damage, but the more they excel in soaking damage, the more pathetic their own damage gets. It almost could get apologetic if the tank is very good in withstanding damage.

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A good DPS op will beat any and every class in a duel. They are just great at 1v1.


They wont beat a tank assassin in dps gear.

Against a pyrotech its a game of can the pyrotech destealth the op when the op vanishes to wait out energy sheild.

Against a marauder its a question of how the marauder times his numerous CDs.

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ahhh how i wish i was on your server, so i could faceroll you and when im done type /say Do i need to continue? lolololoololololololloll


He's actually right, you just dont play anyone on sniper worth a **** apparently. Because I have a sniper and I rofllol on vanguards all the time, even ones that run around bossing. All you have to do is know thier playstyle and keep them >10m range and they are lolsimple.

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SWTOR Food Chain (assuming equal gear):

  • Good Player owns Average Player
  • Average Player owns Bad Player
  • Good Player also owns Bad Player


SWTOR Post-WZ actions:

  • Good Player continues to PVP
  • Average Player continues to PVP
  • Bad player heads to forums to complain



Edited by TheronFett
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He's actually right, you just dont play anyone on sniper worth a **** apparently. Because I have a sniper and I rofllol on vanguards all the time, even ones that run around bossing. All you have to do is know thier playstyle and keep them >10m range and they are lolsimple.


Depends on the situation. If it's group PvP and I'm dpsing a sorc/sage and a tank vanguard gets on me I will cc them and continue to kill the sorc. First with knockback, followed by bang, followed by root and moving away. Thats a good 10-20 seconds worth of uptime.


If it's 1v1 snipers have an entire spec devoted to making tanks lolsimple :D

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an operative who actually knows how to play can kill PTs easily.

A sorc who knows how to kite has a good chance against PTs. I'd say it's one of the most even fights in game. I play sorc btw. The fact that you put lol easy for sorc proves you have no clue about what's actually going on in pvp.

Scratch that, I mean buff sorcs! and nerf every other class!


how are you goin to kite a pt/vanguard? you root punt him then spam lighting? yeah that will work...........lawl tell i leap to you(and btw my leap has a 2 sec interupt) then you do it again, ok then i just harpoon you back to me (now your out of all of your get out of jail free cards)? THEN i will spam HIB with2-3k damage and my stockstrike with around 3-4k damage (cool down is only 6 sec with that if spec right) while interupting you and applying my dot=dead sorc

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Any TANK can kill anyone if they let the tank get on them. They are after all a TANK!

So you named other class that are not tanks and get killed by a tank. Did this fact just escape you?


did you let the fact escape you that any class cannot stop a mar or pt from being on them so really what your saying is tanks can kill anything besides another tank......yeah thats good class balance right there

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did you let the fact escape you that any class cannot stop a mar or pt from being on them so really what your saying is tanks can kill anything besides another tank......yeah thats good class balance right there


You acrually figured out what hes saying? Its one step away from gibberish from where im standing.

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did you let the fact escape you that any class cannot stop a mar or pt from being on them so really what your saying is tanks can kill anything besides another tank......yeah thats good class balance right there


Please don't include Marauders into the same league as PT or Tanksins when it comes to being "unkitable".


Not saying it'ss easy but Marauders are one of the "easiest" classes to kite. The more you know!

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