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Bring back the orange pixel!


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You miss the point. This Bioware you speak of...it *gave* us the OPoD. We have seen. And Bioware can bring it back.


Your lack of faith...disturbs me


no,your missing the point,that was as much of a glitch as my force lightning graphic refusing to turn off was a glitch,so no..bioware did not give you this....it was a consequence of early game code...im guessing fro mthe way it was described,probably a glitch with the graphical skin concerning either the UI or the very edges of the character model box


your lack of humanity is what disturbs me

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yes but there happens to be a flesh and blood human being behind that monitor,and giving religious trapping to a defect of such meaningless stature is what goes against humanity,



if we all had vane beleif in such things we might as well be worshipping dust mites and blades of grass


(attitude of mind,,im listening to "40 to 1" by "sabaton")

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...isn't it the defects that make us who we are?

The orange pixel taught us that.


for one thing...its not defects who make you who you are..its the different kinds of data stored in your neurons that make you who you are...the defects have nothing to do with it in the end


and second,your either being sarcastic about that last part,or your really so without beleif in yourself that you worship an orange pixel..both are disturbing but the latter is sickening

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And this shows us OPoD's last, greatest, and most bittersweet teaching of all.

OPoD showed us a reflection of ourselves. It showed us that in this world we are building, if we see something that we find aberrant or displeasing, we need no longer tolerate it. We may express our disgust in the existence of something seemingly defective to us and it will simply be cleansed away. OPoD gave us this example in the most powerful way. By being coded out.

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i think i get it somewhat now,your enjoying this arent you?the play between religious denyer and religious adherent



well do take note my bittersweet darling...the real gods of this star wars world can easily erase,vaporize,or just plain code out of existence anything which is not in there vision...so...it looks like the star wars gods i support are more powerfull than your orange pixel



(sorry,need more coffee to remember more of drama school..so i might be abit rusty")

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spare yourself the effort of hoping,in plain reality the orange pixel was a glitch,nothing more,and nothing less...it was coded out of existence and many other glitches have been since then...bioware isnt going to put a glitch back into the game thet serves no purpose...at best maybe youll be able to purchase orange pixel fan memoribilia in some sort of shop on this website sooner or later


on a side note..id like to have more things to buy which proclaim my devotion to the emperer,even though no one seems to know his name at the moment

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There are those that sought to prove their power by "removing" the OPod, certainly. And look what's happened. It's legacy--and its lessons--live on through those that observed its brief life in this world. And new generations ask, and learn, and they seek it's eventual return.


Oh, those "higher powers" might hide the OPoD from your screen and mine, but even they cannot ever shake it's memory from even their own minds, whatever their power might seem to be. Such is the afterimage of a single orange pixel.


(no need for apologies; it's fun to re-live the past from time to time, and to flex the old whimsy a bit)

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and also,correct me if im wrong,but shouldnt there be propaganda,posters and the like,encouraging loyalty to the emporer,on imperial planets and the like?i have yet to see anything like that



iv`e seen an npc labeled "imperial propaganda officer" yet no propaganda....kind of odd

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Ohhh, the propaganda for OPoD is everywhere. You might even see it in my signature, and in that of many, many forum members from the beta days.


We're just having a small marketing problem, as the image of OPoD is, by nature, a bit small...

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There are those that sought to prove their power by "removing" the OPod, certainly. And look what's happened. It's legacy--and its lessons--live on through those that observed its brief life in this world. And new generations ask, and learn, and they seek it's eventual return.


Oh, those "higher powers" might hide the OPoD from your screen and mine, but even they cannot ever shake it's memory from even their own minds, whatever their power might seem to be. Such is the afterimage of a single orange pixel.


(no need for apologies; it's fun to re-live the past from time to time, and to flex the old whimsy a bit)


it seems more like a passing fad,that will most likely be buryed into dust by its former devotees once something better or more interesting comes along


internet memes,useless when people find them boring

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it seems more like a passing fad,that will most likely be buryed into dust by its former devotees once something better or more interesting comes along


internet memes,useless when people find them boring


And on that day...OPoD shall return.


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the pac-man style glory of a dreadnaught blasting a republic ship to bits with orange pixels



republic soldiers dieing while all they can see is orange,hilariously appropriate no?


(on a side note,new internet meme decoded)

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