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UPDATE 1.6 Defection & Redemption


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And we're not even going into production costs, all 16 player character voice actors would have to voice twice the content as now there'll be the original faction quests dialogue to voice, AND the defected faction dialogue. So that's doubling the time and cost of their voice work (not even taking into account that most of the player character voice actors also voice NPCs). Not to mention reactions FROM NPCs. "Not every day you see a Jedi on Dromund Kaas", and all that.


Your characters story pretty much ends at 50. Only minor dialog and NPC's reactions would be need to be added, this is not changing the entire game, just adding to it. It doesn't need to be complicated. That Jedi that falls from grace will no longer be a Jedi if seen on DK.


Writing costs will also increase as now you'll need to write two class stories for each class, the one with their original faction, and the one they could've defected to.


Your not doing this from level 1, it begins at 50 when your main story is over. The process won't be to a point easy and not everyone wants to be a traitor, so only minor changes will be needed.


So all in all, I am fiercely against it as it'd severely slow down the rate at which Bioware can push out new content as a whole lot of stuff will need to be done twice.


I don't disagree, but becoming a double agent, a traitor, and falling from grace, could be consider content if done right.


Not to mention from a gameplay perspective it is pointless as technically a Trooper plays the same as a Bounty Hunter anyway so what can a defected Trooper bring to the table that a BH can't? It'd also needlessly complicate PvP as now Troopers can suddenly be seen shooting at other Republic characters.

Have you never played same faction verse faction pvp in a SWTOR WZ, I do all the time. Plus with minor tweaks, the Trooper would look more like an Imperial Solider now. Nobody said this was going to be 100% perfect because nothing in life is. Its just an idea to add flavor, freedom of choice, and a bit of realism. I think it would be great to see an Imperial Smuggler or a fallen Jedi or Rebel Agent.


So yeah... no.


I would rather see other work done to the game, more fixes, pvp improvement, etc., before a major fluff patch like this. But my characters are given choices in game which would deem them a bit evil or good, depending on their faction. Its more of a moral choice, but Imagine if it went beyond that. Why allow a Jedi to have full DS if it means nothing? I guess all we can do is wait and see.

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Jedi Knight – If You Only Knew The Power Of The Dark Side


Jedi Consular – Fall From Grace


Trooper – Emperor’s Fist


Smuggler – Underworld


Sith Warrior – Return of the Jedi


Sith Inquisitor - The Light Side


Bounty Hunter – Hunting the Hunters


Imperial Agent – The Bothan Agenda

My suggested changes to your Story Arc names:



Jedi Knight – The Power Of The Dark Side


Trooper – The Defector


Sith Inquisitor - Redemption


Imperial Agent – The Bothan Spynet

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I would rather see other work done to the game, more fixes, pvp improvement, etc., before a major fluff patch like this. But my characters are given choices in game which would deem them a bit evil or good, depending on their faction. Its more of a moral choice, but Imagine if it went beyond that. Why allow a Jedi to have full DS if it means nothing? I guess all we can do is wait and see.


You seem to forget that eventually there are going to be expansion packs that add whole new chapters to our character stories. The voice actors signed long term contracts with Bioware, we will be getting more story content eventually and probably a lot of it. SO the writing and voicing costs must be factored into this whether you like it or not.

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I think this idea has potential.. But needs to be considered carefully..


I think the person that brought up the Trooper story has some valid points that can't be ignored.. The stories ending at 50 is irrelevent.. 50 is currently cap.. Our stories continue when our cap is increased.. So lets not attempt to fabricate reason for an idea that needs to be thought out a bit first..


Anakin is irrelevent and if your biggest reason is what happened in the movies then you have no reason.. This is a video game and the dynamics are different.. Just because it happened in the movies isn't reason we should do it here.. It doesn't work that way..


The balance of the game is very important and this idea give no consideration to balance.. It has the potential of making the PVP situation on a server even worse.. On the same token, assuming you can find the players that are selfless enough to do it, this idea can also balance factions as well.. The question, who is going to want to go republic to balance the servers??


I think at some point Bioware will probably offer faction changes much like WOW did but at a later time.. Assuming they can work out the story and companion issue..


I don't like the idea of republic companions being on the imperial side.. Main reason being, this will suddenly become the biggest reason for doing this.. People will jump at the oportunity of being different than everyone else.. Please go back to my thoughts on balance..


Story is paramount here.. It either needs to work with the story or it shouldn't be done.. Right now.. I don't think this should be done.. As I said.. It has potential.. But it needs to be given some more thought.. It isn't ready for prime time yet.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Valid points. But think of it this way, Anakin was a Jedi who fought against those that where deemed evil or wrong, and he turned to the Dark Side.

True but he was still fighting for the Republic. In his view it was the Jedi who had rebelled - he was still following the will of the Senate and the Grand Chancellor. Anakin didn't defect.


The Dark vs Light conflict is seperate to the Republic vs Empire conflict. They sometimes overlap but taking a side in one conflict does not imply anything in the other. Sometimes serving the Republic leads to the darkside (like taking medical supplies from soldiers who are dying on the front line and giving those drugs to refugees).


How would the machanics of this defection work? If I had not yet completed a quest line on a planet then where would it leave my character? How would it affect companion quests on planets that I can no longer get to? How does it deal with daily quests on the new side that reward me with class-based items for the wrong class? What happens with the codex entries that are faction specific? Does that mean my Jedi Knight can now go to DK and get datacrons that my codex can't list?


This game was advertised several years ago as "there won't be a single quest shared between Empire and Republic factions". he mechanics of that seem to suggest that defections just aren't technically feasible.


Unless of course, the defection causes you to lose all XP and codex entries and items and companions but keeps your Legacy XP. :-)

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  • 5 months later...
Most of all i would remove possibility to play pubs and imps at the same time (u can play only one faction at the time, pubs, imps, neutrals, during long period like 3 monts, before u can switch to other side) All this switchings beside sides is annoying imho.
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The question, who is going to want to go republic to balance the servers??


I very much would, A Sith Maruder fighting for the Republic, I'd totally do it for the fun value it as to myself, the faction balance would be an added bonus

Edited by Kento-Solo
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i was interested in this, until i read this:


It will be required that a character reaches lvl 50, has full Dark or Light side faction, must be unguilded, Legacy level 35 (unlock Defection & Redemption – 1,000,000 credits), and must complete a new class line quest that spans all the planets back to the roots of their beginnings.


Sorry, but 1,000,000 credits is too much, WAY too much.


Well, I actually suck at this game, but 1M credits is just 5 days of dailies for me, and thus far I have just done Black Hole and Domination outpost...

For the heroic missions, I just ask for help, a few times when I do the non heroic's. I say in general "LFG Heroic dailies" a few times, and get an invite.



I support next to everything OP says in the first post. This is a very good concept. I think it should be very hard to do, and if you want help you can only have help from other people doing this as well.


As for companions not wanting to change, put on a slave collar on some of them would be a good option.

The Troopers robot you switch out as part of the troopers quest to change sides, reverse engineering it maybe.

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I like the idea of being a Republic Agent/Imperial Trooper. Perhaps they could have the same skills as a scoundrel but a totally new story. Obviously that's quite an undertaking. Voice acting really has been a double-edged sword for this game.
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When I first heard of this game (even up until as far as beta) I'd heard rumours they already had faction-switching for max-light/dark players and it was something I was really excited about, even though I new it would require a lot of work from BioWare's end to make more dialogue. Sadly, once release came out, I realised it was just the fevered dreams of a madman. It's still something I'd like to see, but I'm worried BioWare too mechanically taxing (where do the limit to faction changes end. Once you've changed, is that it? Can you never go back? There'd have to be repercussions if you did. How would you deal with those? What if you changed your mind AGAIN?) Edited by Chicktopus
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Necro.. and a bad one at that. Somebody played way too many SoE games. This combines SWG and EQII at it's worst. At least EQII took longer than a few hours to change faction. The faction balancing issues would be horrendous, not to mention the sheer COST of this. It would be cheaper for them to insert branching story lines for 50+ class content dependent on DS/LS, then grant a title and some spiffy moddable armor that was "unique" to the title type.


Also, 1 million credits is something any level 50 can make in less than a week. The unguilded restriction is asinine as well... MMO!!!

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