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Two problems i now have with Swtor


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Firstly is the server migration.


Transferred from my origin server to my new one and it is packed. On coruscant there are 130 people playing so you are going through sections of the map with nothing to kill because half a dozen or so people have trampled through there before you.


So my kill ratio is going way down, why have they done this ???


Can understand the need for fuller servers but as mainly a PvE person i do find it hard to play when i cannot kill enough npc'c to level up because there are too many people on the same level as me.


It was bad enough 20 or so people per level but 120 or so is insane!!!




And my second problem is the places where some of these damn datacrons are.


Impossible to get to unless you are superman or something. Spent an hour trying ot get the on in justicar territory and gave up after fall off them pipes for the hundreth time.


Some of use are not graced with perfect hand\eye coordination so please make these easier to get to.

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You had to realize there would be more people on the server you transferred to. You didn't have to transfer, ya know.


So what I am hearing is that you want a low pop server so you have the whole place to yourself, and you want them to make it easier for YOU to get datacrons.


Do you want them to chew your food for you too?

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Another 'How dare Bioware listen to the fans' thread then?


Bioware listened to people and made transfers.

They were optional. you must have realised that if you went into a more populated server that there would be more people...


And datacrons? Really? most of them aren't hard to get at all.

And the ones that rely on being good at platforming are brilliantly good.

Having to have a raid group to get +10 one is fantastic.


I mean, do you just want bw to give you everything? Next thing you'll be complaining it takes too long to level and demanding them to give you 50s from character creation...

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You can always create new characters back on your old server and only transfer after leveling them up, thus getting the best of both - solo leveling in uncrowded space and people available for grouping at end game. Ideally you left a dummy holder behind to keep you legacy info so you can benefit from that.


As far as datacrons - skip them (or at least most). They're really quite insignificant point effect wise and hardly worth all the frustration some of them cause.

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The only problem here is linear. If the worlds weren't such a cattle run... there would never be an issue.


It's been an issue on almost every mmo I have played. EQ, EQ2 COH, DCUO AOC. wOW....Dealing with limited quest resources and other players is a part of most mmos.....there may be sandboxe games where it I less of an issue. I find it absurd that you seem to infer that This issue occurring on TOR as a function of design when it is part of almost if not all mmo experiences.

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All I can say is that MY ICE IS TOO COLD! Also, if you are in the Justicar part and hate playing with ppl in an MMO, cut your losses (all 15 lvls of them) and go back to the OG server and be alone. But then good luck when you want to do a HM FP.
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I transfered to Canderous and yeah there are alot more people. However the mobs respawn fast enough to give everyone a shot. The problem is KILL STEALERS that just run by and do it to be jagholes. People think this is bad, Shaiya is much worse and it is F2P. The areas are too small and players almost having to wait in line for each other to kill quest mobs, its ridiculous.
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LOL i honestly stopped reading after I saw the OP asking why BW allowed transfers.... Dude honestly, you have to one day take responsibility and stop trying to place the blame on others. People have been crying for months about server population (yourself included) and now BW has listened to the constant crying of the community, you want to say they were wrong for doing so.



BW made a decision to allow (and I do say ALLOW) for us to transfer to servers identified. Now everyone has transferred and those servers are overflowing with people running around, you find a way to make it seem bad. Here is the trick bro, you start to invite people who are in your area that might be doing the same quest as you, and you get the kills as well. It’s called working in a group.


Is this really what our community has come to??

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God knows who was the first to figure that one out. I hate it, so buggy with the grapples.


Lol those things bugged bad for a run I had a few months ago..something that should have taken an hour max took 2 hours haha.


Now I only need that datacron for the rest of my characters ... :p

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Man...the first time I read the OP's post I thought he was joking. I thought it was a thank you post....


More players on the server is always better! Our server is so quiet now...You have no idea how lucky you are!


Some of the datacrons are quite fun to collect... I understand the falling and dying and doing it again can be very annoying. I get annoyed sometimes myself. I can't jump and aim very well. But in the end I still find it not that bad. (Aside from the bugs encountered during datacron collecting)



I have two problems with SWToR as well:mad:

First: It keeps me up late at night:mad:


Second: It makes me really tired for work the next day:(

Those are also my two problems at the moment :(

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I've been leveling on The Fatman without any problems. I can only conclude that you're doing it wrong.


I concur, thinking about it the datacrons are easy as hell in coru, only one thats a bit of a problem is the works and thats only cos its a pain to find the start of the path.

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I have two problems with SWToR as well:mad:


First: It keeps me up late at night:mad:


Second: It makes me really tired for work the next day:(


I keep experiencing these two bugs also. Why'd they have to go and make the game fun?! Are they planning on fixing this so I can start getting more sleep?

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I think the OP is exaggerating a bit.


I brought my Commando through Coruscant on Ebon Hawk 2 days ago with 179 people in the zone and had no problems at all completing all the quests. The creatures were respawning so fast I had to kill the same pack twice just to harvest gathering nodes.

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You had to realize there would be more people on the server you transferred to. You didn't have to transfer, ya know.


So what I am hearing is that you want a low pop server so you have the whole place to yourself, and you want them to make it easier for YOU to get datacrons.


Do you want them to chew your food for you too?


I know right,

I found it kinda hard to figure out how to get the datacron in a spaceport. Well some player was nice enough to show me the right way to drop down on the beam and walk across. Once I knew where it was, it wasn't hard to get too. Too many QQ players these days want it all handed to them and everything simplified because they don't want to have to use their brains to figure out the games anymore. People just want mindless bang bang combat with no strategy or content. Then we wonder why games in the last year have been turned to crap by the companies. Right now for MMOs SWTOR is the best I have found. AION was good till I realized I had to watch my back every 2 seconds just to play and keep from getting ganked. I love PVP, but not when it disrupts my reg gameplay.

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Firstly is the server migration.


Transferred from my origin server to my new one and it is packed. On coruscant there are 130 people playing so you are going through sections of the map with nothing to kill because half a dozen or so people have trampled through there before you.


So my kill ratio is going way down, why have they done this ???


Can understand the need for fuller servers but as mainly a PvE person i do find it hard to play when i cannot kill enough npc'c to level up because there are too many people on the same level as me.


It was bad enough 20 or so people per level but 120 or so is insane!!!




And my second problem is the places where some of these damn datacrons are.


Impossible to get to unless you are superman or something. Spent an hour trying ot get the on in justicar territory and gave up after fall off them pipes for the hundreth time.


Some of use are not graced with perfect hand\eye coordination so please make these easier to get to.


ROFLMAO! The last line cracked me. Seriously, it did. You want a lack of hand/eye coordination? Try playing half blind. I am literally half-blind. I have practically zero vision in my left eye. Definitely plays a factor when it comes to some ofthose datacrons. Like you I hate where some of them are and how you have to get to them. several of them have taken me over an houreach to get to. They suck so bad lol.

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